热点06 应用文(新高考)(解析版)-2022年高考英语【热点 重点 难点】专练(全国通用)

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热点06应用文(新高考)命题趋势四1年1考1情年份卷别命题形式写作体裁 写作内容词数要求分值难度2021全国甲卷提纲建议信为中国传统文化节100左右25中全国乙卷提纲班会征求意见建议信学习建议100左右25中新高考全国卷提纲为报刊投稿庆祝创刊十周年80左右15难2020课标全国卷I读后续写提纲记叙文亲情150左右记叙文人物介绍100左右2525中易课标全国卷n提纲记叙文介绍一次活动 100左右25易20192018课标全国卷in课标全国卷I课标全国卷II课标全国卷in课标全国卷I课标全国卷n课标全国卷in提纲提纲提纲提纲提纲提纲提纲应用文写邮件请外教帮忙指导英文短剧100左右应用文写信中请做中国画展志愿者100左右应用文写邮件告知队友比赛信息100左右应用文写邮件邀请英国朋友参加音乐节100左右应用文写邮件向新西兰朋友介绍到中国做客习俗100左右 应用文为校宣传栏写一则观看英文短片的通知100左右 应用文写信告知英国朋友252525252525难中中易中难学生体育运动情况100左右 25 中满分技巧“保住基本分,才能得高分”,本句话对于书面表达的应用文写作同样适用。无论是从写作 体裁角度,还是从写作内容角度来说,写作首先要确保完成规定的写作任务,写得像模像样, 抓牢基本保底分;然后在“完成”的基础上,再润色完善,写得潇潇洒洒,“洋”气十足,得高分 甚至创满分。本专题正是基于这一思路展开编写设计。不但通过“写作语料库”的积累让写作“有 话可说”,而且通过“亮点技法的点拨”让写作“有话会说”。九类应用文写作主题的范式建构与语料积累针对高考常考的9大写作主题进行分类点拨训练,旨在让考生掌握写作范式,积累写作 素材,背诵高考范文,力争应用文创满分。一人物或活动描写类热点解读2020全国卷I改编你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题,写 一篇短文参赛,内容包括:1 .人物简介;2 .尊敬和爱戴的原因。注意:1.词数80左右;3 .短文题目和首句已为你写好。The person I respectThere are many respectable people around us.满分技巧满分作文第一步:“三定”审题“三段”谋篇(一)“三定”审题1 .定体裁:本文为人物描写。2 .定人称:本文以第三人称为主。3 .定时态:主要使用一般现在时。(二)“三段”谋篇第一段(开篇点题):点名谁是你最爱戴的人及外貌描写;第二段(2个要点,缺一不可):人物简介;尊敬和爱戴的原因;第三段(巧妙收尾):再次表达对他/她的尊敬之情。满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1 .我最尊敬的人是我的物理老师。(l)The person(定语从句)(主语从句)2 .是她的友善和责任感让我钦佩她。(强调句型)3 .她不仅教我们如何获得知识,也教我们如何成为一个好人。She teaches us (not only.but also.)4 .她为我们学生树立了一个好榜样,值得我尊敬。.(分词作状语)满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡完美成篇知识梳理)一、人物描写类(一)谨记写作范式引入话题(介绍人物的基本情况,如外貌、年龄等) 人物锚写具体介绍(包括人物的性格、事迹等)I总结全文(对所介绍的人物进行整体评价)(二)充盈写作语料库1. Among the famous historical figures, I find Confucius impressive.在著名的历史人物中,我觉得孔夫子令人印象深刻。2. It goes without saying that Confucius has a great effect on the values of later generations. 毋庸置疑,孔子对后世的价值观有很大的影响。3. 2020全国卷 I Old as Zhong Nanshan is, he fought bravely against COVID-19, making great contributions in the field of medicine.尽管钟南山年事已高,但他勇敢抗击新冠肺炎,在医 学领域做出了巨大贡献。4. Whenever people around get into trouble, she is willing to help them, which makes her respected by all our neighbours.每当周围的人遇到麻烦,她乐意帮助他们,这使她受到所有邻 居的尊敬。5. She has been highly respected for her wisdom as well as courage by the Chinese people.她凭借她的智慧和勇气受到中国人民的高度尊敬。限时检测(注意卷面书写哟)2021.曲师大附中高三检测在你成长的过程中,总有一个人对你的思想和行为产生过重 大的影响。请你写一篇短文介绍这个人并向校英文报投稿,内容包括:1 .人物简介;2 .对你的影响;注意:1.词数80左右;3 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。二、活动描写(一)谨记写作范式叙事短文也属于记叙文的写作范畴,文章多以事件为中心,以时间和空间为线索,按事件 的发生、发展、结局展开故事。具体写作结构为:r点名故事发生的时间、地点、目的叙事短文介绍故事发展的详情.个人感受(二)充盈写作语料库活动介绍1. 12021四川成都一诊In order to show artistic achievements of students and develop our school culture, our school successfully held a student art exhibition in our school hall yesterday.为了 展示学生们的艺术成就,发扬学校文化,我校昨天在学校礼堂成功举办了一场学生艺术展。2. 2021四川成都一诊First, the schoolmaster gave a speech, and then more than pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, and paper-cut were on show.首先,校长发表了讲话,然后展出 了 许多绘画、摄影、雕塑和剪纸。3. 12021 泰安二模Our school organised a campus chorus contest on Wednesday afternoon, the theme of which is Love Our Motherland1.我们学校在周三下午组织了一场校园合唱比赛,主题 是“爱我们的祖国”。描写感受1. 2021陕西省模拟一By doing interesting experiments myself, I had lots of fun as well as gaining knowledge.通过亲自做有趣的实验,我既玩的开心也获得了知识。2. Through the activity, Im aware that Im able to shoulder the responsibility and be stronger and more determined.通过这次活动,我意识到自己能够承担起责任,变得更加坚强和坚定。3. There is no denying that the activity is definitely meaningful to us students.不可否认,这个活动对我们学生来说绝对是有意义的。限时检测(注意卷面书写哟)2021山东日照二模假定你是李华,上周末你班组织去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home) 参加志愿服务活动。请你用英语写一篇短文,内容如下:1 .活动时间;2 .活动内容;3 .你的感受。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;4 .可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。人物或活动描写类热点解读满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1. (1)1 respect most is my physics teacher.(2)Who I respect most is my physics teacher.2. Ifs her friendliness and the sense of responsibility that make me admire her.3. not only how to gain knowledge but also how to be a good person.4. Having set a great example to us students, she fully deserves my respect.满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡 完美成篇The person I respectThere are many respectable people around us. And the person I respect most is my physics teacher. She is so patient with each student that we all like her.Its her friendliness and the sense of responsibility that make me admire her. When I failed the exam last month and was in low spirits, she patted me gently on the shoulder and gave me great encouragement. She teaches us not only how to gain knowledge but also how to be a good person.Having set a great example to us students, she fully deserves my respect.参考范文:The Person Who Influences Me MostMany people has a great influence on me, but I think no one can compare with my mother.Working as a civil servant, she works faithfully and devotedly. At the same time, she never puts her family aside. It is my mother who teaches me to be kind , optimistic and persistent. When I come across someone in need, Im willing to give a helping hand. When I encounter difficulties, I alwaysconstantly seek for approaches to solving them.She is not only my mother but also my life mentor. Indeed, she is just the person affecting me greatly.-stte限时检测参考范文:Our class went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work last weekend.Upon arrival, we started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. After that, we shared our fruits with the elderly people and chatted with them. The elderly people thanked us for our kindness, saying they had such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.1 felt very happy as I brought joy to the elderly people and enriched my campus life as well.二演讲稿、新闻报道2021浙江6月卷昨天你参观了学校举办的学生国画作品展。请给校英文报写一篇宣传 稿,内容包括:1 .展览时间、地点;2 .观展感受;3 .推荐观展。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。)满分技巧满分作文第一步:“五定”审题“三段”谋篇定体裁定人称定时态定要点、定结构宣传稿第一人称一般现在时、一般过去时段 谋 篇第一段点明写信目的第二段介绍画展情况及观展感受第三段推荐观展及表达祝愿满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1 .昨天我和朋友参观了我们学校举办的学生国画展览。(l)Yesterday my friends and I . It was held by our school.(2)高级句式: Yesterday my friends and I visited the students Chinese painting exhibition held by our school.(利用分词作定语升级)2 .据我所知,这次展览将在学校美术馆持续一个月。in the school art gallery.3 .最让我高兴的是,他们的艺术天赋是极其惊人的。(主语从句)their artistic talent is extremely shocking.4 .我强烈呼吁我们学校的所有学生,他们应该利用他们的业余时间仔细品尝这些美妙的 作品。(1)1 strongly to taste these wonderful works carefully.(2)(高频短语)1 strongly.5 .我坚信每个人都会得到意想不到的快乐。(1)1 believe every one is sure to receive an unexpected joy.(2)(同 位语从句)满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡完美成篇知识梳理一、演讲稿演讲稿包括发言稿、致辞、宣传稿、竞选稿等,该文体通常要有吸引力,明确发言的对象。 演讲稿在语言使用上一定要准确简明、通俗易懂、层次清楚、条理分明。具体写作结构为:(一)谨记写作范式,称呼语:最常用的是ladies and gentlemen,也可根据情况选用my dear friends, hello, everyone 等演讲稿 具体内容:开门见山,提出主题,对主题要进行清楚、客观内容的论述,最后简明 扼要地总结发言1结尾:最常用的结尾是Thank you for your listening.(二)充盈写作语料库点名目的1. 2021 浙江卷 1 月Pm Li Hua. Tm honored to be here to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of our school.我是李华。我很荣幸能在这里代表我们学校向你们表示热烈的欢迎。2. 2021天津 3 月卷满分作文As a Chinese who is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city一Beijing.作为一个对旅游特别感兴趣的中国人,我想向 你介绍我最喜欢的城市北京。3. 2021全国卷 I 满分作文Online learning has become an important way to learn recently. However, online learning has both advantages and disadvantages.网络学习已经成为一种重要的学 习方式。然而,在线学习有优点也有缺点。介绍基本情况1. 2021 ,天津 3 月卷满分作文Firstly, Beijing is the capital of China. Besides, Beijing is not only the political center but also the economic center of our country. More importantly 9 it is the famous tourist spots of Beijing that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.首先,北京是中国的首都。此外,北京不仅是我国的政治中心,也是我国的经济中心。更 重要的是,北京的著名旅游景点每年都吸引着大量来自世界各地的游客。2. 2021全国卷 I 满分作文Its advantages are obvious. It allows us to learn at any time wherever we are. Besides, we can absorb all kinds of resources to learn more efficiently.它的优点是 显而易见的。它让我们可以随时随地学习。此外,我们可以吸收各种资源来更有效地学习。3. 2021 全 国卷 I :黄分作文Howe ver, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Staring at the screen is harmful to our eyes. Worse still, we dont have many opportunities to interact with our teachers and classmates.然而,它的缺点也不容忽视。盯着屏幕对我们的眼睛有害。更糟糕的是,我们没有很多 机会与老师和同学互动。4. 2021 鹰潭市一模It is known to all that good living habits are important to our physical and mental health.众所周知,良好的生活习惯对我们的身体和心理健康很重要。总结感想和祝愿1. 2021 河北邯郸高三第二次模拟In conclusion, to realize a dream is not that easy, so we must study hard to fulfill our dreams.总之,实现梦想不是那么容易的,所以我们必须努力学习来 实现我们的梦想。2. 2021南通市 5 月考前练习The earth is our common home. Let*s take action to build a better one for all of us!地球是我们共同的家园。让我们采取行动,为我们所有人建立一个更好的世界!3. 2021鹰潭市一模Thank you for your listening (to my speech).感谢大家倾听我的演 讲。限时检测L 一 (注意卷面书写哟)2021江苏省南通市考前练习假定你是李华。6月5日是世界环境日(World Environment Day),你校将开展一次以“Building a better home”为题的演讲比赛。请你用英语写一篇演讲稿, 内容包括:1 .世界环境日的宗旨;2 .你的做法;3 .你的呼吁。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;4 .请按如下格式作答。二、新闻报道(一)谨记写作范式新闻报道,就是对新近发生的事实的报道。新闻是对客观事实进行报道而形成的信息,反 映在新闻信息中的内容必须具有真实性和可传达性,即用事实说话。具体写作结构为:标题:新闻的题目新闻报道导语:揭示出新闻的核心内容主体:对导语内容进一步展开和阐释1结语:对全文内容作概括性总结(二)充盈写作语料库1 . 2021 芜湖市教学质量检测To relieve students* pressure from heavy study and inspire them to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a hiking activity on May Day.为了减轻学生繁重的学习压力,鼓励他们多做户外运动,我们学校在五一组织了一次徒步 旅行活动。2 . 2021厦门外国语学校第五次适应性考试To encourage students to take an interest in space exploration, this years theme of our annual school Science Festival was “Space”.为了鼓励学生对太空探索的兴趣,今年我们一年一度的学校科学节的主题是“太空3 .2021 厦门外国语学校第五次适应性考试On Monday afternoon, we attended a lecture about whether life can exist on other planets.星期一下午,我们参加了 一场关于是否有生命存在于 其他星球的讲座。4 . 2021厦门外国语学校第五次适应性考试In Thursdays Science Workshop, students tried different experiments with great interest.在周四的科学研讨会,学生们非常有兴趣地尝试了不同的实验。5 .2021厦门外国语学校第五次适应性考试0n Friday afternoon, every class decorated their classroom and designed activities according to the theme of space.周五下午,每个班级都根据太空的主题布置教室,设计活动。6 .2021厦门外国语学校第五次适应性考试The festival attracted much interest from students and everyone is looking forward to next years Science Festival这个节日吸引 了很多学生 的兴趣,每个人都期待着明年的科学节。7 .2020新高考全国卷 I 满分作文In order to enrich our campus life, our school organized a 5km cross-country running race last Sunday.为了丰富我们的校园生活,我校于上周日组织了一场5公里越野跑比赛。8 . 2021 荷泽一模It was through this activity that we fully realized that the awareness of respecting the old should be raised.正是通过这次活动,我们充分认识到应该提高尊老意识。限时检测(注意卷面书写哟)2021江苏省常熟中学三模假如你是李华,上星期四你班举行了一个关于感恩父母的主题 班会。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括。1 .班会目的;2 .班会过程;3 .班会反响。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;4 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。A Theme Class Meeting二演讲稿、新闻报道满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1. (l)visited the students* Chinese painting exhibition2. As far as I know this exhibition will last for a month3. What pleases me most is that4. (l)call on all the students in our school to make use of their spare time(2)appeal to all the students in our school to make use of their spare time to taste these wonderful works carefully5. (2)1 hold the firm belief that every one is bound to receive an unexpected joy.满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡完美成篇Yesterday my friends and I visited the students* Chinese painting exhibition held by our school.As far as I know, this exhibition will last for a month in the school art gallery. What pleases me most was that their artistic talent was extremely shocking. Therefore, I strongly appeal to all the students to make use of their spare time to taste these wonderful works carefully.I highly recommend that you should spare some time to visit the students* Chinese painting exhibition . I hold the firm belief that every one is bound to receive an unexpected joy.参考范文:Dear teachers and fellow students,World Environment Day is marked on June 5 every year, which aims to encourage awareness and action for the protection of the environment.To answer its call, I go to school by bike or on foot instead of taking the bus. At home I turn off the tap while brushing my teeth. Besides, 1 often donate the used textbooks to the students of lower grades. 1 believe all these steps taken can help lower my impact on the environment.The earth is our common home. Let*s take action to build a better one for all of us!Thats all. Thank you!Jir 一限时检测参考范文:A Theme Class MeetingTo enhance the students* awareness of gratitude, Class 5 Senior 3 held a theme class meeting on being grateful to our parents last Thursday.The class meeting, composed of three parts, began with a touching video about a girl tending her sick mother. After that, we talked about the topic freely in groups. Finally, some students shared their personal feelings and experiences in front of the class, which impressed us deeply.Through the class meeting, not only do we better understand our parents hardships in raising us, but also were determined to repay them with practical actions.三通知&告知热点解读2021.沈阳市质量监测三假设你是国际学校学生会主席李华,你校决定本周五在教学楼举 行一次紧急疏散演练(emergency evacuation drill),请用英语写一则书面通知,内容包括:1 .演练目的;2 .具体安排;3 .注意事项。注意:1 .写作词数应为80左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3 .请按如下格式作答。NOTICEStudent Union满分技巧)满分作文第一步:“五定”审题“三段”谋篇定体裁定人称定时态定要点、定结构通知第三人 称、第二 人称一般现在 时、一般将 来时三段 谋篇第一段点明演练目的第二段介绍具体安排及注意事 项第三段表达希望满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1 .为了更好地做好面对危险的准备,学生会打算在本周五下午3点在我们的教学楼组织 一次紧急疏散演习。(不定式作目的状语), the Student Union intend to organize an emergency evacuation drill at 3 p. m. this Friday in our teaching building.2 .我们将为参与者安排许多实践活动。We will for the participants.3 .你不仅可以了解火灾和其他紧急情况下的疏散路线,还可以接受急救培训。(l)You can learn about the evacuation routes in case of fire. You can also get trained in first aid.2 2).(用 not only.but also 合并,升级为 倒装句型)4 .积极的态度,清晰的头脑和生存技能将拯救你的生命,我们保证你不会感到失望。Positive attitude, clear mind and survival skills will save your life and5 .不要错过这个机会,一定要准时参加我们的演习。满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡完美成篇,dSi- 一知识梳理-,一、通知通知是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某件事情等情况时使用的 一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。具体写作结构为:(一)谨记写作范式明确通知形式:口头通知/书面通知通知1通知内容:时间、地点、人物、事由、注意事项等 I结束语(二)充盈写作语料库吸引阅卷人开头句1. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.女士们先生们,请大家注意一下?我要宣布一件事。2. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you.请注意。我有重要的事要告诉你。吸引阅卷人篇中句1. 2021 四川内江市三模We regret to inform you that we have to put off the sports meeting to be held this Friday for foreign students.我们很遗憾地通知你,我们不得不推迟本周五举行的外 国学生运动会。2. As arranged, the film is to be shown in the school hall from 2: 00 to 3: 00 this Friday afternoon.根据安排,这部电影将于本周五下午2点到3点在学校大厅上映。吸引阅卷人结尾句1. Please attend it on time and dont be late.请按时参加,不要迟到。2. Hopefully, you can send your advice or opinions to us by the school QQ or WeChat at your earliest convenience.希望您可以在方便的时候通过学校QQ或微信发送您的建议或意见给我们。3. 2021 烟台高三模拟Everyone is welcome to take part in it.欢迎所有人参加。限时检测(注意卷面书写哟)2021.青岛市高三自主检测假定你是李华,你校将在端午节期间组织一次去敬老院的志愿 者活动。请用英语给你校外国留学生写一个通知,内容包括:1 .活动时间、地点;2 .活动内容。注意:1.词数80左右;3 .请按如下格式作答。二、告告知分为两类:1 .告知某人有某事将要发生;2 .回复某人关于某事的询问。(一)谨记写作范式说明写信目的,告知某人某事告知信相关事宜I期盼回复(二)充盈写作语料库吸引阅卷人开头句1. 2021广东佛山质检Im writing to inform you of the schools class schedule adjustment during the coming Labor Day holiday.在即将到来的五一假期,我写信通知您学校的课表调整。2. Here is a piece of good news! /I have a piece of good news to tell you!这里有一条好消息!/我有一条好消息要告诉你!吸引阅卷人篇中句1. 2021 ,广东佛山质检Please remember to read the attached file and make sure you know about the new class arrangement in advance.请记得阅读附件,并确保您提前知道新的上课安排。2. 2021呼和浩特市第一次调研Whats more, inspired by the activity, students will be motivated to express their love for the country as well as determination to study hard and make contributions to the motherland.更重要的是,在活动的启发下,学生们将表达对国家的热爱,以及努力学习、为祖国做出 贡献的决心。吸引阅卷人结尾句1. If you want to know anything else, please dont hesitate to contact me.如果你还想知道 什么,请不要犹豫与我联系。2. Hopefully, our efforts will pay off in the end.希望我们的努力最终会有回报。限时检测(注意卷面书写哟)2021.华师附中综合测试假定你是校足球队队长李华。你校将与到访的国际学校足球队进 行一场友谊赛(a friendly game),请写封邮件告知对方球队队长Jim相关的安排。内容包括:1 .表示欢迎;2 .相关安排(时间、地点,赛后安排等);3 .表达期待。注意:1.词数80左右;4 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Jim,Yours sincerely,Li Hua三通知&告知热点解读满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1. In order to get better prepared in face of clanger2. arrange a variety of practical activities3. (2)Not only can you learn about the evacuation routes in case of fire and other emergencies, but also you can get trained in first aid4. we promise you will not feel disappointed5. Dont miss the chance and be sure to be punctual for our drill满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡 完美成篇NOTICEIn order to get better prepared in face of danger, the Student Union intends to organize an emergency evacuation drill at 3 p. m. this Friday in our teaching building.We will arrange many practical activities for the participants. Not only can you learn about the evacuation routes in case of fire and other emergencies, but also you can get trained in first aid. Positive attitude, clear mind and survival skills will save your life and we promise you will not feel disappointed. Please join us.Don*t miss the chance and be sure to be punctual for our drill.Student Union限时检测参考范文:NoticeI am writing to tell you that there will be a volunteer activity held by our school from 8.am to 3.pm during the Dragon-Boat Festival. Happiness Nursing Home which is next to our school is our destination.After arriving there, we will clean the windows and sweep the floor for them. Then some of us will perform activities for them, such as singing songs and dancing. Some of us will read newspaper for them. From this meaningful activity, we will know that we should treat our own grandparents more kindly.Anyone who is interested in it will be welcomed.限时检测参考氾文:Dear Jim,As captain of our school football team, Im delighted to learn youre coming to play a friendly game against us. Id like to inform you of some relevant information.The match will be held on June 10 at our school stadium, followed up with a party, where we can interact with each other and improve our understanding of each other. I believe the day will be a cross-cultural feast, where our players can enjoy the game to the fullest and develop sportsmanship.Looking forward to our competition and cooperation. For any further information, please dont hesitate to contact me.Yours sincerely四 请求帮助&表达祝贺热点解读2020.全国卷HI改编假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。给外教MissEvans写封邮件,请她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括:1 .剧情简介;2 .指导内容;3 .商定时间、地点。注意:1.词数80左右;4 .结束语已为你写好。Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 满分技巧满分作文第一步:“三定”审题“三段”谋篇(一)“三定”审题1 .定体裁:本文为求助信。2 .定人称:本文以第一人称为主。3 .定时态:主要使用一般现在时。(二)“三段”谋篇第一段(开篇点题):点名写信目的;第二段(3个要点,缺一不可):剧情简介;指导内容;商定时间和地点;第三段(巧妙收尾):表达期待。满分作文第二步:斟酌词句设计亮点1 .我写信是想请您指导一部根据我们的一篇课文改编的短剧(高频 词汇+定语从句+被动语态)2 .这篇课文讲述了一个名叫黛西的女孩的故事,她和一些野生动物交谈,并下定决心帮 助保护环境。(非谓 语动词作定语+定语从句)3 .如果您方便的话,我们可以在本周日早上8点在我们学校的艺术大厅见面吗?(l)Couldwemeetinourschoolarthallat8 :(X)amthisSunday?(高频词汇)(2)Couldwemeetinourschoolarthallat8 :(X)amthisSunday? (if条件状语从句)4 .我们真诚地希望你能帮我们这个忙,帮助我们提高演技。We sincerely hope you can.(词汇不重, 彰显水准)满分作文第三步:巧妙过渡完美成篇知识梳理一、请求帮助求助信是针对自己目前遇到的困难写信请求对方给予帮助的信件类型,因此整篇文章应用 一般现在时。(一)谨记写作范式r开门见山表明求助意图(针对陌生对象需自我介绍) 求助信J求助事由期盼回复并表示感谢(二)充盈写作语料库吸引阅卷人开头句1. The reason why I am writing to you is that I quarreled with my friend Lucy and I need your help now.我给你写信的原因是我和我的朋友露西吵架了,我现在需要你的帮助。2. 2021-1 月新高考八省联考An English Poetry Reading Contest will be held next weekend in our school. I am eager to have a try, so Pm writing to turn to you for help.下周末我们学校将举行一场英语诗歌朗诵比赛。我渴望尝试一下,所以我写信向你寻求帮 助。吸引阅卷人篇中句1. 2021 1 月新高考八省联考To start with, would you please be so kind to give me some recommendations on which poem to choose?首先,你能给我推荐一首诗吗?2. 2021 1 月新高考八省联考Besides, what I need are the skills of recitation, including pronunciation and intonation, which will perfect my per


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