(Go for it)七年级英语上Unit 2 Is this your pencilSection A课件人教新目标u2.2

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(Go for it)七年级英语上Unit 2 Is this your pencilSection A课件人教新目标u2.2_第1页
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(Go for it)七年级英语上Unit 2 Is this your pencilSection A课件人教新目标u2.2_第2页
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(Go for it)七年级英语上Unit 2 Is this your pencilSection A课件人教新目标u2.2_第3页
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Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Period 2 a pencil sharpener a dictionary a peneraser a ruler a book a pencil case a pencil a backpack an Whats this in English?Its a pen.How do you spell it?/ Spell it, please.P-E-N. A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an? A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an? Its her eraser.Is that your eraser?No, it isnt.Yes, it is. A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an? A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a backpack?Its his backpack.Is that her backpack?No, it isnt.Yes, it is.男他男他his ,女她女她her,your是你的是你的,my是我的是我的,名词前面常站岗,名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳。限定所属有功劳。Lets read the chant.看谁说的最好看谁说的最好! !T: EXCUSE ME. IS THIS YOUR ? S1: YES,IT IS. THANK YOU.T: Excuse me. Is this your ? S2: No, it isnt. Its his /her2a 2a Listen and check the things you hear.2b Listen and complete the conversation with words in the box. eraser pencil ruler pencil case bookTim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your ? Sonia: Yes, thank you. And that is my ?Tim: And Jane, is this your ?Jane: No, it isnt. Its her ruler.Tim: OK, and this is my . And this is your , Jane.pencileraserrulerbook pencil caseGROUPWORK A: Excuse me . Is this / that your ? B: Yes, it is . Thank you. Its my . No, it isnt. Its his / her . 补全对话补全对话 A: Excuse me, Mary. Is this your book? B: Yes, _ _. A: Mary, is this your pencil? B: No, it _. Its _ pencil. A: Whats this _ English? B: _ _ eraser. A: _ do you spell eraser? B: _.it itis isisnisnt this /herhis /herinin Its ItsananHowHowE-R-A-S-E-RE-R-A-S-E-R 四人一组把你们的学习用品混放在一起四人一组把你们的学习用品混放在一起, ,让他们找出让他们找出物品的主人物品的主人, ,并填上表格并填上表格, ,小组长作记录小组长作记录, ,看谁先找到。看谁先找到。 This is my pen.This is my pen.Is Is this /thatthis /that your your pen pen? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. It is his /her pen. It is his /her pen. Owners(物主)(物主) Li Na Objects(物品)(物品) red book blue pen Find the owner.找主人找主人lExcuse me. Whats this /that in English?l Its a /anl How do you spell pen /it?l P-E-N.l Is this /that your?l Yes, it is. Thank you. Its myl No, it isnt. Its his /herHOMEWORK: 1.抄写本第11-12页 2.完成作业本的第二单元1、2 练习 3 当堂练第二单元Section A的练习 4 背诵对话 5 编一个四人找物主对话.


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