lv广告营销与旅行的意义(LV advertising marketing and the significance of travel)

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lv广告营销与旅行的意义(LV advertising marketing and the significance of travel)_第1页
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lv广告营销与旅行的意义(LV advertising marketing and the significance of travel)_第2页
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lv广告营销与旅行的意义(LV advertising marketing and the significance of travel)_第3页
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lv广告营销与旅行的意义(LV advertising marketing and the significance of travel)The first chapter, LV brand history1.1 overviewLv is Louis Vuitton, the abbreviation of VUITTON LOUIS?. LV, the first generation of the founders, was a technician who packed travel luggage for the royal nobility in nineteenth Century. He made the suitcase very well and graduallySpread across Europe from Paris, becoming the most exquisite symbol of travel goods. The exported leather goods, scarves, pens, watches and even clothing are based on Louis Vuitton for one hundred and fifty years, advocating exquisite, quality and comfortable travel philosophy, as the starting point of the design. LV all kinds of travel bags, bags, back bags, wallet with various documents, passport holders and other styles, about a month will introduce new products, new styles. Whether it is fashionable ladies or mature men, even is a lively young man, can be found in line with their own leather goods in LV. Breakdown of the LV can be refined for different needs, tailored, whether can put two bottles of vintage wines wine bags, folding tables and chairs, are again showing a LV travel philosophy real symbol.In addition, Louis Weedon is the brand which many young people, the star likes and yearns for.The second chapter, LV core value series advertising2.1 core values - TravelSince last year, LV has added a whole new range of core value ads to its original fashion advertising. These ads are not for selling any new products, but about brand names and ideas, that is, travel. Antoine Arnault stresses: we want everyone to get back to LOUIS VUITTON.Last year the first boarded the core value series of advertising is the legendary French actress Catherine? Deneuve, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and tennis star Agassi and his wife.At an old railway station, Catherine Deneuve sat quietly in her LV suitcase. Wait for the arrival of the train, reminiscent of that, Catherine? Deneuve will take the train traveling far from home, a good interpretation of the core value of LV travel, and she sat quietly in the suitcase on the LV, reflects the face will go out to travel, to own a kind of emotion property, and advertising words: sometimes, home is just a feeling of making a.And in Agassis ad, Mr. and Mrs. Agassi lie in bed in the hotel. Antoine Arnault said, although Agassi is a tennis star, but we also want to show is the love between him and his wife, both of them arrived at the hotel, just to lay down their luggage they embrace together, this is love. Love is the most beautiful journey in life, and the sweet journey has just begun.The most striking thing is nothing more than Gorbachevs advertisement. He was sitting in the car with the Berlin wall outside the window. This picture has some political overtones and a deep atmosphere. Because travel is not always for relaxation and enjoyment, it can be a serious matter. In the journey of life, it is not always full of sunshine and laughter. This advertisement is not talking about politics, but through Gorbachevs life as well as to cause people to ponder. There are a variety of purposes of travel, life is an unpredictable, bittersweet journey.In the core series of the latest advertisement, there is the rolling stones guitarist Keith? Richards holding the guitar sitting in a hotel room bed, with a cup of coffee and an open book on the LV side of the suitcase. The room was dimly lit because the lamp was covered with black scarves with skull designs. There is a small skull ornament on the bedside table. There is such a word: the advertisement cannot say some travel. New York. At 3 pm. C tune, Bruce. This is not the scene of the rolling stones MV, but the latest LV movie. Rolling stone guitarist and creative man Richard, the vicissitudes of temperament, and the main idea of this advertising coincide, because it is to convey the brand core value of LV: travel.A person holding the guitar sitting in the hotel bed, which he alone is a personal journey, a cup of coffee on the table and opened the book, and the dim light in the room, and the table of the skull pattern and bedside skull ornaments, make people feel a kind of unspeakable loneliness sense, as the ad said above, some cannot say journey.We have long used to associate LV with Haute Couture, luxury bags, and stars, so it often ignores its historical origins. 154 years ago, LOUIS VUITTON, who was born in the French carpenters house, opened the first leather store in Paris. The main product was a flat lid. This kind of box made of Trianongrey canvas soon became the first choice for Pariss aristocratic society to travel.154 years later today, LV, who has long been associated with luxury and fashion, still sees travel as the core value of the brand. Richard, who is not a fashion man, has no neat looks.然而正如lv 传讯总监antoine arnault 所言: 他是一个世界偶像, 他启迪数百万歌迷 - - 这就是我们尊敬他的原因. 只要你拥有足够的阅历和金钱, 就可以像他一样带着lv 旅行箱, 开始一段单身旅行和自我探索之路.更重要的是, 这只价值不菲的传奇旅行箱不仅象征你的财富和地位, 陪伴你走过千山万水, 还见证着你的生命之旅.在lv 看来, 精神和情感上的旅行造就了每一个人.lv 核心价值系列广告均由著名女摄影师annie leibovitz 操刀, 她擅长拍摄人像, 曾经为众多20世纪名人拍过照片.拍摄凯瑟琳? 德纳芙和戈尔巴乔夫她分别只花了40分钟和45分钟.在拍摄现场她很少说话, 胸有成竹地迅速捕捉到最震撼人心的瞬间.当基斯? 理查德兹 在annie leibovitz 的电脑屏幕上看到自己的首张商业广告照片时, 忍不住感叹: 看起来真像一张伦勃朗的画.以前, 人们通常以沙漠、山水等自然景色作为拍摄题材.但是随着时代的变迁, 旅行的定义也在不断进化.如今, 只要坐上飞机, 就能方便地抵达世界上大部分地方, 罕见的美景已不再是旅行最吸引人的地方.于是, lv 把 人 作为旅行的主体. 每个人旅行的原因、态度都有所不同.为了表现品牌核心价值, 我们把人与旅行的关系作为重点, antoine arnault 说, 其实这一系列广告对于亚洲市场尤为重要.因为在欧洲国家, 不少家庭都有一两只我们的旅行箱.但是我们进入亚洲才20多年, 年轻人都把我们当作时装品牌, 却不了解我们的历史.第3章lv进入中国的广告策略3.1lv首尝电视广告投放何为旅行? 旅行不是一次出行, 也不只是一次假期, 旅行是一次过程, 一次发现, 一次自我发现的过程, 真正的旅行让我们直面自我, 旅行不仅让我们看到世界, 更让我们看到自己在其中的位置, 究竟, 是我们创造了旅行, 还是旅行造就了我们? 生命本身就是一场旅行 生命将引领你去向何方?意味深长的广告词让一只镶嵌lv (louis vuitton) logo的旅行包承载了作为旅行用品之外的更高内涵.近期, lv开始进军电视界投放了长达90秒的电视广告片在中国, 被无数lv粉丝和非粉丝喜爱并收藏在他们的主页上.据称, 这是已拥有150年历史的lv首个电视广告.我活了这么二十几年都暂时与lv的包包没有什么缘分, 希望以后可以吧. 一位网友在自己的博客上憧憬着.lv是很乐意看到这样的回应的, 因为他们的目的已经达到了: 广泛告知受众, 让lv与 奢侈品 、 追求 等元素打包传达给他们, 而又让他们各得其所.消费得起的拎着它到处走; 而消费不起真货的人则通过这个闪耀的logo产生直接的头脑反射 - - 它是一种奢侈品.3.2广告策略作为这样一个在奢侈品中占有相当分量的国际品牌, 首次尝试电视广告的投放方式, 并且是在中国, 说明了一个问题, 那就是中国的市场潜力巨大, lv已经做好了全面进军, 而这个首次在中国投放的电视广告它的成功是靠怎么样的策略呢.3.2.1先看高度后看广度近几年, 越来越多的奢侈品开始进军电视广告领域, 然而奢侈品与普通消费品的宣传策略不尽相同.套用一句资深广告人的话, 奢侈品广告投放, 先看高度、后看广度.即首先选择与品牌品质相契合的节目内容, 其次选择黄金时段高收视的节目.2008年3月15日起, lv选择上海文广新闻传媒集团 (smg) 旗下5个电视频道, 发布其时长为90秒的形象广告.此次在smg的投播, 是lv广告首度在中国内地电视屏幕上亮相.此后, 该广告片相继登陆北京电视台财经频道, 中央电视台经济频道等内地电视媒体, 而对于华南区的投放, 则侧重于本地有线电视截获的香港tvb明珠台等广告时段进行投放.据称, 这部广告片将以十三种不同语言, 在全球经严格筛选的影院、有线电视和卫星频道播出, 内地电视媒体投放也不例外.从地理上看,Beijing, Shanghai and other front-line cities become the focus of the launch, and from the television media, the majority of selected television media for professional strong, or high-end audience viewing more intensive period of time.LV has always attached great importance to the Chinese market. Once I think of doing business with 1 billion 300 million people, Im so excited that I cant sleep, said the LVMH operator. Indeed, China and a narrow strip of water Japan, is already LV brand sales in key areas, the population of Japan Shuyiyiduo, reported that 76% of the women have at least one LV. China has more than ten times as many people as japan.However, as far as the domestic consumption power is concerned, the concept of 1 billion 300 million needs a big discount for luxury brands. This is not difficult to understand, why the advertising in Southern China District delivery density is almost two times the total in North China and East china.The launch of the Southern China area is carried out by the Hongkong TVB cable television channel broadcast in mainland pearl, pearl in the District of Southern China is precisely the core target audience groups LV group, its effective delivery ratio even more than Beijing, Shanghai local specialty channels or professional programs.With the existence of the pearl platform, the local media in Southern China has almost no share of the cup, and also reflects the mainland TV media production, LV advertising target audience attraction is not very strong. The launch of the CCTV economic channel is undoubtedly from the breadth, with high coverage of CCTV to achieve widespread notification purposes.3.2.2 the contradictory balance between mystery and popularityLV as a luxury consumer goods, in addition to throwing skills, in the promotion strategy is also different from other brands. To some extent, the promotion of luxury goods has been in a mystery and universal contradictions, not only to achieve a certain degree of brand popularity, but also maintain a luxury rare and less characteristics in order to maintain its value position in order to maintain high prices. At this point, LV in brand promotion and channels to achieve the perfect balance between the two.In peoples consistent thinking, luxury brands have a narrow audience, and their advertising media tend to be high-end fashion magazines, while the traditional TV media are more for the public. How perfect are the two? And Chivas is different, LV this time put on the TV media, is the focus of the channel on the core customers focus. LV put on TV ads in Shanghai, choosing five channels of SMG news integration, first finance, lifestyle, documentary and foreign language channels. However, from the name of the channel, the characteristics of its distribution and specialization are obvious.Rui Wang, chief consultant at LV brand strategy, said that after frequent, non-stop, high-end magazine advertising, LV is moving into TV media that is not good at it, and maybe TV will soon become another promotion card in china.However, it is not difficult to find that advertising is only part of the marketing operation in LV TV, advertising is behind the intent of the LV fast in the domestic main city layout, improve the goods turnover, suppress the backward brand and stifle local brand strategy. As you can imagine, in China, with the help of the Olympic Games and globalization, LVs international luxury brands are using their international psychological needs to realize their international territory.Since its landing in China in 1992, LV has opened its first exclusive store in China at the Xpu Ha Palace Hotel in Beijing, LV. So far, LV has been developing in China for 15 years and has only opened 11 stores in 6 cities in China. This expansion is not very fast. But thats exactly what LV expected. Because all luxury brands, once popularized, will no longer be attractive. For more than ten years, LV has no special promotion action in China. The form of propaganda is mainly based on activities, and it is an important stronghold in a few cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and Hangzhou.3.2.3 conveys a feeling associated with the brandThe LV television advertising content is designed to convey a feeling, with a full 90 seconds of length, but did not do too many products or brand itself reflects.This 90 second commercial film has no star face and no famous place. Every kind of scenery and different faces constantly flashed on screen, the audience into a dreamy realm, the picture is very beautiful. At the same time, the subtitles on the screen will also make the audience journey from the opening question Introduction of the ultimate question where will life lead you?The film effectively demonstrates the core values of LV, which does not mention any product because it is intended to convey a spirit that expresses travel and changes life in a highly expressive way.This type of advertising is not you understand what it was saying, you do not have to remember that it demonstrated the specific things, experts, a luxury for the public, may need to efforts to get things.So the purpose of advertising is to connect the feelings you convey in the film to the brand itself.


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