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PEP 英语四年级下册新型题突破卷一、改变单词中的一个字母, 使它变成一个动物名称。(18 分)1. how 2. fat3. big4. pear5. coat6. pen 二、读句子 , 猜单词。为下列句子选择适当的词语。(20 分 )A. playgroundB. libraryC. carrotD. breakfastE. gloves()1. There are many books and people can read books there.()2. People usually wear them in winter to keep warm for the hands.()3. We have it in the morning. Usually we have milk and bread.()4. Students can jump, run or play football there.()5. Its a kind of vegetable. Rabbits like it.三、画出藏在字母盒子里的单词eadcxfdip, 并把它们放到句中。 (20 分)eignosdhksphrmmhti1 / 5ssweaterrrdasnueatbfbszsphsnhdtyziswmjerwrxvkklwqtxope1. The shoes are very(昂贵的 ).2. Its cold outside. Put on your(毛衣 ).3. I like that yellow(连衣裙 ).4. There are many(绵羊 ) on the farm.5. Ill take this(衬衫 ).四、读一读 , 判断答语是否合理。合理写“T”不,合理写 “F”并,改正。 (20 分)()1. A: How do you like this hat?B: Its 80 dollars._()2. A: Whose gloves are these?B: Its Amy._()3. A: What time is it in Beijing?B: Its rainy._()4. A: Where is it?B: Its the library.2 / 5_()5. A: Can I go outside?B: No, you dont._五、阅读短文 , 完成下列任务。 (22 分 )Dear Wu Yifan,Its warm in New York. I wear my white sweater and my brown pants. Its sunny today. I go to the farm with my father. The farm is not very big. There are five sheep, four cows, two pigs on the farm.How about you ?Yours,Mike任务一 : 根据短文选择正确答案。(6 分)()1. Whats the weather like in New York?A.B.C.()2. Mike wears_.A.B.C.任务二 : 阅读短文 , 在文中提到的农场动物下面的方框中填入其数量。(12 分)3 / 5任务三 : 仿照文中画线的句子 , 写写你今天的穿着和天气。(4 分 )_4 / 5答案一、 1. cow 2. cat 3. pig 4. bear 5. goat 6. hen 二、 1. B 点拨 : 有很多书而且可以看书的地方是图书馆。2. E 点拨 : 人们在冬天穿戴的 ,为手保暖的是手套。3. D 点拨 : 我们早晨喝的和吃的 ,通常以牛奶和面包作为食物的是早餐。4. A 点拨 : 学生可以进行跳、跑或者踢足球等运动的地方是操场。5. C 点拨 : 兔子喜欢吃的一种蔬菜是胡萝卜。三、 1. expensive2. sweater3. dress4. sheep5. shirt四、 1. FIts pretty. 点拨 : How do you like. . . ? 是询问 “ 怎么样 ? ”。2. F They are Amys.3. F Its 时间 . 点拨 : 题目问的是时间而不是天气。4. FIts in the library. 点拨 : 在图书馆用介词 in。5. FNo, you cant.五、任务一 : 1. A2. A任务二: 5只羊,2头猪,4头牛任务三 :(答案不唯一 )I wear my white T- shirt and my black shorts. Its hot and sunny today.5 / 5


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