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上海中考英语核心词汇梳理及语法分类练习1A1. able adj. 有能力的;能干的【短语】 be able to 能,会用 able 的适当形式填空1)I am sure Ben has the _ to finish the work by himself.ability2)He was so excited that he was _ to say a word.unable3)Excellent English _ him to get the offer easily.enables2. about prep. 关于;对于:【辨析】 about 与 on: about 指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事, 其谈论的内容也较为普通;而on 那么指比拟有系统地或理论性较强地论述某事,其论述的内容较正式或较为严肃。1) It is said that about _ students will take part in the English Contest this coming Friday.A. five hundredB. five hundredsC. hundreds ofD. five hundred of2) abouton The class teacher was talking with my mother _ my behavior in the classroom.about They are discussing _ the date of holding the opening ceremony.on3. above prep. 在 上面: The lamp hangs above the bed. 灯挂在床的上方。【辨析】 above 与 over:两者都可表示 “高于 , over 主要表示垂直方向的正上方,而above 那么不一定表示正上方 (即可以是正上方也可以不是正上方)。1)There is a bridge _ the river.over2)I saw the planes flying _ the hills.above4. abroad adv. 到国外,在国外:I want to study abroad in the future.将来我想在国外学习。His friends are going abroad on holiday.他的朋友准备出国休假。【辨析】 abroad 与 aboard : abroad 意为到国外;aboard 意为登机、登船1) 他和朋友准备出国休假。 _He is going abroad on holiday with his friends.2) 我们在船上过了两个月。 _We spent two months aboard.5. acrossprep. 穿过,横穿:Be careful across the road. 过马路要小心。【注意】 across 是介词 ,不是动词,与之意义相近的动词形式是cross,注意不要混淆。Be careful when you come _ the street, because the traffic is very busy at the moment. If you are underfive, you should _ the street with an adult.A. across, acrossB. across, crossC. cross, crossD. cross, across6. active adj. 积极的:用 active 的适当形式填空1) Harry is dreaming of being an _ like Tom Cruise.actor02)He always takes an active part in the class _.( 保持原意不变 )activitiesHe _ always _ in the class _.Is, active, activities3)The government ought to take _ to strengthen the economic growth.Action7. afford v. 有足够的 (钱,时间 )做某事:Today many families can afford a car.如今很多家庭买得起车。I cannot afford the time to go to the market today.今天我抽不出时间去市场了。【用法】 通常与can, be able to 等连用;后接动词时要用不定式,不用动名词 。他家境比拟贫寒,以至于负担不起他的大学费用。_His family was so poor that he couldn t afford the college expenses.8. afraid adj. 害怕的: Most people are afraid of snake. 大多数人都怕蛇。【短语】 be afraid of 害怕: He is afraid of nothing. 他什么都不怕。【用法】 是表语形容词,一般不能放在名词前作定语。9. after prep. & conj. 在 之后;在 后面After he finished his homework, he went out to play basketball. (同义句转换 )_ _ his homework, he went out to play basketball.After finishing10. agree v. 同意,赞成:I agree with you on that point.在那一点上我同意你的观点。【说明】 后接动词要用不定式,不用动名词 。汤姆的言行不一致。_Tom s words don t agree with his actions.他不同意采用我的建议。_He didn t agree to take my advice.11. alive adj. 活着的:The fish is still alive.鱼还是活的。He is alone, but lucky to be alive.他孤单一人,但所幸还活着。【辨析】 alive, living和 live :三者均可表示“活着的 ,alive 主要作表语,可用于人或动物。如:Hemust be still alive.他一定还活着。living可用作表语或定语,可用于人或物。Live 做形容词应该用于 live show “现场直播。If there is no sun, there will be no _ things on the earth, that means nothing can be _.A. alive, livingB. living, aliveC. living, liveD. alive, live12. allow v. 允许,准许Are we allowed to sit down.? 能允许我们坐下吗?【短语】allow sb to do sth 允许 某人做某事 :1)People are not allowed _ in the cinema , but they will allow _in the rest room.A to smoke, smokeB smoking , to smokeC to smoke , smokingD smoking ,smoke2)We mustn t smoke in the office同.(义句转换 )1We _ _ to smoke in the office.Aren t allowedWe _ _ smoking in the office.Aren t allowed13. alone adv. 单独,单独地 ; adj.单独的,单独的:I want to talk with you alone.我想和你单独谈谈。I was alone in the house.房子里只有我一个人。Though he lives _, he never feels _.A. lonely, aloneB. lonely, lonelyC. alone, lonelyD. alone, alone14. amaze v. 使 大为惊讶,使惊愕【短语】 be amazed at / by 对 感到惊讶I was amazed at / by her calmness. 我对她的镇定感到吃惊。他居然还活着使她感到惊异。_She was amazed that he was still alive.他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。_He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.15. angry adj. 发怒的,生气的:He was so angry with his brother.他很生弟弟的气。【短语】be angry with sb 对某人发脾气be angry at / about sth 对某事生气:1) 父母最好不要经常对孩子发脾气。_Parents had better not often be angry with children.2) 他总是为一些事生气。 _He is always getting angry about something.3) He looked _ when he saw his naughty son, so he shouted at him _. Angry, angrilyTo his great _, only 15% students passed the examination. (angry)anger16. another adj.&pron. 另一个 (的 );又一个 (的 ):1)The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _ four percent.A. any otherB. the otherC. anotherD. other2)There is something wrong with our old TV set. So we decide to buy _ one.A. the otherB. the othersC. othersD. another3)-What d oes “ refrigerator mean?-It s _ way of saying fridge. We call it fried for short.A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the others17. any adj.什么;一些;任何的可与 body, one, thing 搭配构成不定代词【用法】 常用于 否认句 ,疑问句 和条件句中。1)The mountain is too high for _ to get to the top of it in an hour.A. everyoneB. no oneC. someoneD. anyone2)Are you going to make _ for the food festival?A. anything specialB. special anythingC. something specialD. special something23)Don t tell _. It s a secret between you and me.A. someone elseB. someoneC. anyone elseD. anyone4)I want _ to read, _ will do.A. something, anythingB. anything, anythingC. something, somethingD. anything, something18. appear v. 出现,露面用 appear 的适当形式填空1)The thief ran away and _ in the darkness.disappeared19. arrive v. 到达,抵达某地【辨析】 arrive, get 和 reach:三者均可表示 “到达 ,区别如下: arrive和 get 均不可直接接宾语,但可接 here, there, home 之类的表地点的副词作状语。 reach 可直接跟地点名词 作宾语 (不能用 介词 )。1)Has the train from Tibet _? I am looking forward to meeting my old friends.A. arrivedB. reachedC. got toD. arrived in2)What s thedparture and _ time of the next train? (arrive)arrival20. as conj. 按照,如同;因为,由于1)作为一名好教师,他很关心自己的学生。_As a good teacher, he cares about his students very much.2) 我没有去看那部电影,因为我认为它不够吸引人。_I didn t watch the film, as I thought it wasn t attractive.3) 虽然雨下得很大,但我还是像平常一样去上学。_It is raining heavily but I go to school as usual.4) Jean works hard but she doesn t work _ Mary.A. as harder thanB. as hard thanC. as harder asD. as hard as5) Ten years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs.A. as twice large asB. twice as large asC. twice as much asD. as twice much as21. asleep, sleeping, sleepy1)As soon as he went to bed, he fell _.asleep2)It s necessary for you to take ag whenba you want to go for a picnic.sleeping3)I felt so _ that I couldnake my eyest mopen any more.sleepy22. at prep. 在口头说出以下的短语at all (用于 否认句 )一点也不at least 至少,起码at midnight在半夜at night 在晚上,在夜里at school 在学校at sea 在大海上at the age of 在 岁时at the beginning of开场; 起初3at the end of 在 结尾,到 尽头at the moment 此刻at the same time 同时23. attack v. 攻击,袭击attract v. 吸引Three men attacked him and stole his money. 三个人袭击了他,抢走了他的钱。The film star attracts many fans. 这位电影明星吸引了大群的影迷。1)The 2021 World Expo _ a large number of visitors all over the world.attracted2)The film is so _ that I can t help seeing it againattractiveandagain.3)The soldiers _ quietly the Japanese and achieve the success of this battle.attackedB1. bad (worse, worst) adj. 坏的,严重的1)It looks like the weather is changing for _, shall we stick to our plan?A. the worseB. worseC. the worstD. worst2)The air is polluted and our health is getting _ _ and _.A. seriously, bad, worseB. serious, badly, worseC. seriously, worse, worseD. serious, worse, worse3)Rose caught a _ cold and has been _ ill for days.A. bad, badB. bad, badlyC. badly, badD. badly, badly2. beat (beat, beaten) v. 打败;敲打Finally, the Tiger Team _ the Bear Team.A. hitB. wonC. beatD. defeated3. beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的We are all amazed at the _ of nature. (beautiful)beauty4. becauseconj. 因为We didn tgoout for a walk because it was raining. ( 同义句转换 )We didn t go out for a walk _ _ _ _ _.because of the heavy rain5. before prep. 在 之前1) 在父亲回来之前我已经做完了作业。_I had finished my homework before my father came back.6. beside prep. 在 旁边除了besidesprep.Our school is beside the river. 我们学校在江边。Come and sit beside me. 过来,坐在我身边。1)We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunday.A. exceptB. besideC. except forD. besides2)The movie was good _ the ending.A. besideB. exceptC. except forD. besides3)I visited the temple at the top of the hill. There were three more visitors _ me.4A. besideB. except forC. exceptD. besides7. best adj. 最好的【短语】 do one s best尽力: You must do your best.你必须全力以赴。best-seller n. 畅销货 ( 书): The best-seller at the bookshop is Harley English.书店里的畅销书是哈利英语。1)All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai. Wewillbere evensure Shanghaitomorrow.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best2)In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the farther we go, _.A. our holiday will be betterB. our holiday will be the betterC. the better our holiday will beD. the better will our holiday be8. blind adj. 瞎的,盲的1)The _ should be respected in our society.blind9. both adj. 两者1)There are a lot of tall buildings on _ sides of Huangpu River.A. eitherB. bothC. neitherD. every2)_ Jack _ Mary have seen the movie, so they don t want to see it any more.A. Neither, norB. Either, orC. Not only, but alsoD. Both, and10. bring (brought, brought)v. 带来,拿来(辨析 bring , take, fetch)1)It s raining heavily outside. Remember to _ the raincoat to him when you go there.A. bringB. takeC. carryD. fetch2)I forgot to take my exercise book and had to go and _ it.A. carryB. fetchC. takeD. bring3)- I m sorry I left my exercise book at home.-Don t _ it to school tomorrow, please.A. forget to takeB. left to bringC. forget to bringD. left to take11. busy adj. 忙的,繁忙的【短语】 be busy doing 忙着做 :1)她整天都忙于学习但一点效果也没有。_She is busy studying all day long but it is not useful for her.2)She is busy _ (do) _ (busy) with foreigner, for she wants to be a _ (busy).doing,business, businesswoman12. but conj. 而是;但是:【短语】 not onlybut also不仅 而且 : He can speak not only English but also French.他不但会讲英语还会讲法语。Not only my parents but also I _ interested in the Talent Show, so we almost watch the program everyweek.A. areB. isC. amD. be513. buy (bought, bought) v. 买: He bought a birthday gift for his mother. 他为妈妈买了份生日礼物。【语法大练兵】初中英语分类练习 名词局部一 . 写出以下名词的复数形式:1. exercise _2. brush _3. box _4. baby _5. class _6. German _7. tomato _8. Chinese _9. American _10. life _11. tooth _12. knife _13. sheep _14. half _15. child _二 . 选择填空:1.Mum, I m quite thirsty. Please give me _.A. two orangeB. two bottle of orangesC. two bottles of orangeD. two bottles of oranges2.They don t have to do _ today.A. much homeworkB. many homeworksC. many homeworkD. much homeworks3.June 1 is _.A. children s dayB. children s DayC. Children s DayD. Children s day4. _ room is next to their parents .A. Kate s and JoanB. Kates s and JoanC. Kate and JoansD. Kate and Joan5.Miss Green is a friend of _.A. Mary s mother sB. Mary s motherC. Mary mother sD. mother s of Mary6.Tom is _. He will come to see me.A. my a friendB. a friendC. mine friendD. a friend of mine7.He bought _.A. two pairs of shoesB. two pair of shoesC. two pairs of shoeD. two pair of shoe8.Beijing is one of the biggest _ in the world.A. citysB. cityC. cityesD. cities9.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _ to his office.A. 20 minutes walksB. 20 minute s walk C. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk10. Here are _ for you, Sue.A. potatosB. some potatoesC. three tomatosD. some tomato11. I met some _ in the park and talked with them the other day.A. JanpanesesB. AmericanC. ChinesesD. English12. They took a lot of _ in the children s park.A. photoB. photoesC. photosD. the photo13. There are more _ in this hospital than in that one.A. woman doctorsB. women doctorC. women s doctorD. women doctors14. Two _ and five _ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.A. German, EnglishB. Germans, EnglishesC. Germans, Englishmen D. Germen, Englishmen15. Don t hurry! We still have _ time left.A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few616.These mountains will be covered with tree in _ .A. a few yearmes tiB. a few years timeC. a few year s timesD. a few years times17.This is an interesting _.A. newsB. informationC. workD. job18.It s _ walk from my home to our school.A. two minutesB. two minutes C. two minutesD. two- minutes19.- Where is Tom? - He s left a _ saying that he has something important to do.A. excuseB. messageC. exerciseD. news20.We went to Dr. Browns yesterday. He gave us_.A. some adviceB. advicesC. an adviceD. some advices21.What _! Lets go swimming.A. a fine weatherB. fine dayC. a fine dayD. bad weather22.You have made _.You should be more careful.A. a lot of mistakeB. a great deal of mistakesC. a large number of mistakesD. few mistakes23.One of his fingers was wounded. What about _.A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. the others24.There s an English book in _ of his hands, and he also has a dictionary in hishand.A. one, otherB. one, anotherC. one, the otherD. another, second初中英语分类练习 数词局部Choose the best answer1.A _ boy can sing the English song very well.A. ten-year oldB. ten years oldC. ten-year-oldD. fifth years old2.The street is _ wide.A. two metersB. two-meterC. two metersD. a two meter3.Which number is wrong? _.A. NinetyB. NinteenC. NinthD. Nineteenth4.The old professor still works hard though he is _.A. in his sixtyB. in his sixtiesC. in sixtiesD. in the sixty5.Our school is not very big. There are only _ students.A. nine hundreds ofB. nine hundredC. nine hundredsD. nine hundred of6.-How many new words are there in _ lesson?-There are only _.A. five; fifthB. fifth; fiveC. the fifth; the fiveD. the fifth; five7._, Coca-Cola began to enter China s market.A. In 1970 sB. In 1970sC. In the 1970sD. In the 1970s8.There was no bus in that small town. We had a _.A. ten miles walkB. ten-mile walkC. ten mile s walkD. tenth mile walk9.It took me _ to get there.A. two hours and a halfB. two hours and halfC. two hour and a halfD. two hour and half10. There are _ stars in the sky.A. million ofB. millions ofC. the millionD. a million of7初中英语分类练习 冠词局部Choose the best answer1._ live in Room 208.A. The GreenB. GreenC. The GreensD. Greens2.She can play _ piano, but she can t play _ football.A. the, theB. the, /C. /, theD. a, a3.There is _ “ s in the word“ six and“s is the first letter of the word.A. a, theB. a, anC. an, theD. a, a4.My uncle told me he was going to visit _.A. the United StateB. The United StatesC. United StatesD. United State5._ fine weather we have today! Let s go swimming.A. What aB. HowC. WhatD. How a6.I saw _ old man walking across the street and _ old man looked worried.A. an, anB. the, theC. an, theD. the, an7._ time we had at the party!A. What wonderfulB. What a wonderfulC. How wonderfulD. How a wonderful8.Little Tom looked at the big shark _.A. in the surpriseB. in surprisedC. in surpriseD. at a surprise9.Take the medicine three times _ day.A. aB. theC. anD. /10. Lucy takes _ walk after supper every day.A. theB. aC. /D. an11. There is _ 800-metre-long bridge over the river.A. aB. anC. theD. /12. The old man was ill in _ hospital.A. theB. /C. aD. anReading ComprehensionPassage 1Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, bloodand life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate使发生联系 red with a strongfeeling like a 1 . Red is used for signs of d_2_, such as STOPsigns and fire engines. Orange is thebright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a livelycolor. They associate orange withhappiness. Yellow is the color of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in s_3_. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people talk a_4_ two groups of colors:


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