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办公楼工程 施工组织设计NEW OFFICE BUILDING PROJECT Organizational Arrangement For Construction目 录Contents一、编制说明Explanation to the Compilation2二、工程概况 Project Profile6三、施工准备 Preparations for the Commencement9四、项目组织管理机构The Project Administration Organization14五、土建部分主要施工方法The Main Construction Method for the Civil Work21六、装饰装修工程主要施工方法The Main Construction Method for Finishing Work47七、安装部分主要施工方法Main working plan for installation53八、季节性施工措施Working plan for seasonality65九、质量保证措施Quality guarantee measurement69十、工期保证措施The steps for time limitation guarantee74十一、安全生产措施Security Production Measurement78十二、现场文明施工措施Field civilization working measures84十四、工程资料的整理及归档project material settling and filing84十五、工程回访维修制度Project revisit repair system84十六、施工总平面布置图The layout of the jobsite84十七、形象进度计划表Schedule Chart84 附图:施工现场平面布置图附表:总的施工进度计划表一、编制说明Explanation to the Compilation1。1综合说明Comprehensive Explanations首先,我们诚恳地表示:我们将全心全意为业主服务,服从业主、监理的管理,和设计单位、各分包单位一起共同完成本项目的建设任务。我们通过认真学习和研究招标文件及有关图纸资料,并踏勘施工现场,在分析了各种外部环境和内部条件,以及工程施工的特点以后,我们有充分的信心保证高质量、如期、全面完成本工程招标文件规定的工程范围的任务。First of all, we would honestly express: we will serve the Client wholeheartedly and obey the administration by the Client and the Supervisor, execute the project with the design unit and the various sub-contractors。 Having seriously studied the tender documents and all the relevant drawings and data, physically visited the project site, fully analyzed the factors of the surrounding environments and our internal conditions and the characteristics of the project, we are fully confident to guarantee the timely completion of all the work with high qualities stated in the tender documents。一旦我们中标,我们一定会全力以赴,做好施工前期准备工作,并做好各项施工方案的审定工作。我们一定发挥我公司的管理优势、技术优势、队伍优势、材料设备等资源优势,科学组织施工,配置足够的管理力量、技术力量和劳动力,强化计划管理、质量管理,在规定的合同工期内高质高速完成本工程,具体措施如下:We will go all out to make preconstruction preparations and the examinations of all the schemes for the project execution if we win the bid。 We are sure to exert our advantages in administrations, technologies, workforces, materials and equipments, organize the execution scientifically; deploy ourselves with adequate administrative personnel, engineers and technicians, and labor forces; stress the administration in the wellplanned execution and the quality control so as to timely complete the project with high qualities set by the contract. The detailed measures are as follows:1.1。1把本项目列为我公司的重点项目,委派具有丰富现场管理经验和施工实践经验的项目经理担任项目部经理,配备施工经验丰富、技术素质高的管理人员组成项目管理班子,进驻现场施工;We will view the project as the major one of our company and accredit a project manager with full site management and construction experiences as the Project Manager; deploy the Site Project Management with a strong team of engineers and administrative staff who are with rich construction experiences and good at project management。1.1.2施工中采用四新技术,以科技进步保证项目目标的实现;Four new techniques will be applied to guarantee the successful completion of the Project;1.1.3为保证工程质量、节省粉刷材料的人工费用,本工程拟采用新型模板体系:结构施工采用木胶合板模板体系(清水模板);We plan to apply the new mould system in order to guarantee the work quality and save the labor cost for the plastering work; we will apply the plywood-mould system for the structure work with fair face.1.1.4钢筋一般情况下水平方向纵向受力钢筋的接头主要采用闪光对焊连接,部分采用冷绑扎搭接;Reinforcement steel bar are generally connected by welding for those subject to horizontal extension, and other than these, by seam binding。1。1.5地面及屋面工程采用美国MBW公司生产的F364B内燃汽油磨光机原浆压光机施工工艺,即节省了大量的人工和材料费用,又提高了楼地面的质量,提前了工期;Flooring and roofing work will be executed with the technique of the press-smooth-surface by F364B grinders (generated with petrol engine) manufactured by MBW Co. Ltd in USA so as to save the labor and material cost, to improve the quality of the floor surface and to shorten the completion time. 1。1.6强化质量管理,严格按照建设部颁发的有关文明施工标准以及上海市建委关于施工现场标准化管理的具体规定组织好现场文明施工,确保达标,实现文明工地;Strengthen the quality control and strictly carry out the civilizedconstruction standards promulgated by the Ministry of Construction and the detailed stipulations regarding standardized site management issued by Shanghai Bureau to organize the site civilized production。1。1。7工程施工采用信息化管理:施工过程中,按阶段采集施工信息,对施工操作过程进行摄像记录。项目施工的全过程采用计算机管理工程的工期、质量、技术、资源、文件档案。加强工程进度管理,提前规划,并在施工过程中采用先进的进度管理软件(Win Project)实行实时跟踪,及时调整作业计划,实现总体控制,确保在215个日历天完成所有施工任务;Information administration will be applied during the project execution: in the course of the project execution, all the information will be collected in different stages and video film for the same will be shot. Computer program management will be applied in the whole process for the work period, quality, techniques, resources and files。 Project progress management is to be strengthened with everything planned in advance and follow-up is to be made simultaneously。 The advanced software (Win Project) for progress management is to be used for the whole execution. Timely adjustments will be made in order to control the whole project execution so as to guarantee the completion of the project in 215 calendar days.1.1。8加强总承包管理措施,主动热情地组织好、配合好、协调好业主指定的其他分包单位施工,使本工程成为高品质的产品;Measures for the main Contractor management will be strengthened. We will do a good and active job in organizing, cooperating, coordinating the work made by the sub-contractors who are appointed by the Client so as to make the Project as a project of superior quality。1.1.9以一流的服务、一流的干劲、一流的质量、一流的速度、一流的文明向业主献礼,为工程早日建成投入使用,早日发挥其社会效益和经济效益做出我们应有的贡献;We will offer our best service, best quality, best civilization with top drive and speed and make our contribution for the earlier completion and operation of the project so as to make it a good project of social and economic effects.1。2编制原则The Principles of the Compilation考虑到目前是招标投标阶段,本施工组织设计只是根据招标文件中对技术标的有关要求进行编制的,着重于施工方案、技术措施、施工管理措施、施工形象进度计划、现场平面布置、机械设备及人员组织机构配置、施工中的重点难点技术措施的编制。本施工组织设计只是针对本工程施工图纸和招标文件所规定的内容而编制的规划性的文件。待工程中标后,我公司再根据本工程的施工特点、图纸设计要求编制一份完整的详细的施工组织设计。The present proposal, with a view to the bidding stage, is made and based on the technical specifications stated in the tender documents。 It is concentrated in the execution plan, technical and management measures, progress scheme, site layout, machines and equipments, labor forces, site management organization and measures to be taken for the main and difficult work execution. It is only a proposal made to comply with the project drawings and the details stated in the bidding documents。 This company will compile one complete and detailed execution schedule based on the Project characteristics and design demands1。3编制依据Gist for the Compilation1.3.1克鲁勃润滑产品(上海)有限公司新建办公楼工程施工图(含土建、安装工程)及投标须知;Project Drawings for Kluber Lubrication Industries(Shanghai) Co。,LTD New Building Project (including the civil work, installation work) and bidding instruction。二、工程概况 Project Profile本工程位于上海市青浦工业园区,西近胜利路,与王子包装(上海)有限公司一墙之隔,东接园区绿苑内的苗圃,南为建设中的拓青路,北临北青公路,建筑面积约3117 m2,由克鲁勃润滑产品(上海)有限公司投资兴建,由化学工业第二设计院宁波工程有限公司设计,本次拟建工程为行政办公楼.总工期为215天。This project lies in Qingpu Industrial Zone of Shanghai City, near Shengli Road in the west, next to Prince Package(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd, and being connected to nursery of landscape in the east, in the south is the Tuoqing Road in development, in the north nest to Beiqing Road, and the floor area is about 3117 m2.It is invested by Kluber Lubrication Industries(Shanghai) Co。,Ltd, designed by NO。2 Chemistry Industry Designing Institute Ningbo Construction Co., Ltd。 This planning project will be the Admin Building, and the total construction time will be 215 days。2。1、办公楼工程 Office Building2。1。1办公楼的平面尺寸为:64.6m13.2m;钢筋混凝土框架结构,檐口高度为13。4m,室内外高差为0。45 m。The plan size of the building is 64。6m13.2m ,and the constructure form is steel concrete frame. Cornice height: 13。4m. The indoor and outdoor difference is 0.45M。2。1.2基础工程:C40钢筋砼桩承台、C30基础梁。砖基础采用MU10蒸压灰砂砖,M7.5水泥砂浆砌筑。The foundation work: C40 reinforcement concrete pilecaps, C30 foundation beam。 The MU10 steam pressure sandlime bricks is applied for the brick foundation laid with M7.5 mortar。 2.1。3主体工程: C40钢筋砼框架柱,C30梁、板;框架填充墙采用强度等级为MU10砼小型空心砌块,凡砌体内墙190厚,外墙240厚,标高-0.060 以上用M5混合砂浆砌筑,标高0。060以下用MU10蒸压灰砂砖,M7。5水泥砂浆砌筑,并用1:2防水砂浆抹20厚。墙身水平防潮层用1:2水泥砂浆(掺5水泥重量的防水剂),铺厚20,设于标高0。060处。The superstructure: C40 reinforcement concrete frame columns, and C30 beam and floor. Concrete small cavity blocks with strength grade of MU10 are to be adopted for the frame filler wall. Thickness of the interior masonry wall shall be 190mm, M5 mixed mortar shall be used for the brickwork with elevations higher than -0。060, MU10 autoclaved lime-sand bricks and M7.5 cement mortar bricks shall be used for brickwork with elevations lower than -0。060。 Besides, waterproof mortar with blending propotion of 1:2 shall be plastered with thickness of 20mm。1:2 cement mortar (blended with water-proofing additives equivalent to 5% of the cement weight) shall be plastered to the elevation of 0.060 with thickness of 20mm for the wall body horizontal dampproof coating。2.1.4屋面工程:现浇板上做1:10水泥珍珠岩找坡最薄处30mm、空铺APP聚酯胎改性沥青防水卷材4mm厚、挤塑泡沫板140mm 厚、20厚1:2。5水泥砂浆找平、PVC防水卷材1.5厚、保湿毯/保护层、蓄排水盘、土工布保护垫、120厚轻质人工合成土、植被。Roof work: on the castinsitus slab, the sequential layer as follows: 1:10 cement perlite sloping leveling minimum THK.30mm; Spread the APP bitumen waterproof book of the APP。4mm; Squeeze the mold foam the plank, 140mm; 1:2。5 cement mortar leveling THK. 20mm; Waterproof book of PVC, 1.5mm; Moisture retention / protection mat; Drainage board; Soil work the cloth protect the mat; Light-weight the artificial synthesize soil。 120mm; Vegetation。2.1。5装饰装修工程:外墙装饰,1:2。5水泥砂浆20厚抹平,干挂30厚毛面花岗岩;内装修,天棚吊顶龙骨表面热镀锌层,可以徒手拆卸龙骨,便于天花板上方空调、线路等机电设备维修。内墙隔墙:采用钢龙骨双层石膏板隔墙,龙骨采用75系列热镀锌板,厚度为1.0MM、1。5MM。Finishing and Decoration Work: Outer wall decoration, the wall is smoothed by 1:2.5 cement mortar with thickness in 20mm, and 30 thicked dullfinish granite; Inside decoration: Hot galvanized coating is painted on the surface of the keel of the supended ceiling, the keel can be dismantled by hand for the maintenance of the airconditioners and electromechanical equipments of power lines; Lightweight partition wall: Adopt steel keel bi-layer fire proofing gypsum plate partition wall。 The keel adpots hot galvanized zinc plate of Series 75 with thickness of 1.0mm and 1。5mm.2。1。6楼地面装饰工程:(1)办公室及会议室:铺3mm厚地毯;(2)大厅、茶水间、储藏间:打腊火烧板黑色花岗岩60060020;(3)餐厅、走廊:3。5mm橡胶地板;(4)实验室及其办公室和IT办公室:5mm厚橡胶地板;(5)机房:自流平环氧胶泥面层;(6)洗碗间、备餐间、卫生间等:防滑地砖15015010水泥胶粘贴5mm厚。Flooring Work:(1)Meeting room office: carpet thickness is 3mm; (2)Hall, tea room, storage room: waxing fire plate black granite 600600*20 cement adhersive 5 thick; (3)Canteen, corridor: 3.5mm thick rubber floor; (4)Testing rooms and office, IT offices: 5mm thick rubber floor; (5)Main computer room: 1mm of gravity flow epoxy daub layer; (6)Sanitary room, cleaning room, tea house: antislipping floor 5mm.2。1。7门窗工程:铝合金外窗采用中空镀膜低辐射玻璃,窗框采用断桥铝合金节能窗框,钢门料框应热镀锌防腐处理,铝合金窗表面阳极氧化附合表膜,厚度大于等于7m。Doors and windows work: External all alloy window adopts hollow glass with coating film an low radiation, and the frame adopts the bridge-cutting energy saving. Steel frame should get hot galvanizing and anti corrosion treatment and the alloy window is treated with anodizated compoundd film, thickness 7。5m。2。2门卫配电房工程Substation & Gate house2。2.1门卫配电房的建筑面积为:316。38平方米, 一层框架结构; The building area for Substation & Gate house is 316。38m2, and the structure form is one floor reinforcement concrete frame。2.2。2门卫配电房基础采用独立柱基础,承台及基础梁为C25钢筋混凝土;The foundation is independent column base, the pilecap and foundation beam is C25 concrete.三、施工准备 Preparations for the Commencement3。1现场准备 Site Preparation3。1。1按施工现场平面布置图搭建生产和生活临时设施,做好现场临时施工道路、施工用水电的布置、现场污水、雨水排放明沟,现场安全防护设施搭建等工作。Set up the temporary facilities for site production and life as per the site layout. Prepare well the temporary access, water and power, sewage disposal, rain water discharge and the safety protection facilities and etc。 for the commencement。3.1。2布置好现场的工程概况牌、安全生产标志牌、劳动纪律牌等“二图六牌”.Set up at the site the two charts and six boards: the project plate, safe production marks, work disciplines board and etc。3。1.3组织施工人员进场,并做好各项教育工作。Organize the work force, move into the site and do well educational work and others。3。2施工技术准备Preparations for execution techniques施工技术准备的主要内容,可以归纳为以下四个方面:一是组织图纸会审;二是编制开工前的各项方案、措施;三是进行工程定位,开展施工测量;四是完成技术、检验机制的建立。其具体内容是:The main thing in this regard are the following four parts: study and examine the drawings; work out the schedules for the commencement; start the project location and surveying work; establish the mechanism of the technique identification and quality inspection. The details are:3。2。1及时组织技术人员,预算员认真熟悉施工图纸,参与图纸会审和技术交底; Timely organize the technicians and quantity surveyors to get familiar with all the drawings. They shall participate in the drawings studying and examining, and explain all the technical details。3。2。2编制施工图预算和月旬作业计划,提供材料的需要量计划; Work out the project budget and the schedules for monthly and 10-days site work, and also the materials supply plan。3.2.3商请建设单位组织移交、规划红线、座标、标高等;Consult with the Client to hand over the site, plot lines, bench marks and levels, etc。3。2。4组织专业技术人员进行模板和钢筋的翻样工作; Organize the professional technicians to work out shop drawings for all the moulding board and steel work.3。2。5做好各种进场材料的质量检验及砼配合比的试配等准备工作。Do a good job in checking all those materials to be brought into the site and concrete mix preparations。3。2。6根据工程施工需要,结合外围电网的情况和市政供水管网的情况,进行施工用电用水设计。Work out the consumption schedule for the water and power needed for the project as per the requirements of the project execution and the status of electricity grid and city water supply.3。3主要机械设备、周转材料及劳动力资源配备Preparations of Major mechanical equipments, cycling materials and work forces根据本工程的施工规模及结构形式,为了顺利快速地完成本工程,交付给业主早日投产使用,拟投入的机械设备及劳动力详下表。As per the project scale and structural formation and in order to smoothly complete the execution so as to hand over to the client for the early operation, it is proposed to allocate of the following equipments and labor forces as the form listed below:主要施工机械和材料一览表Major Machines and Materials for the Project序号S。No名称Descriptions型号Model数量Qty单位Unit用电量/台(KW) Power Consumption 进场安排Date to bring in1挖掘机Excavator4辆Unit2。8按实际开工日期陆续进场 Enter the site as per the requirementson site2砼搅拌机Concrete MixerJZC3502台Unit5。53砂浆拌和机Mortar MixerUJ2002台Unit2。24塔吊Tower CraneQTZ60T。M1台Unit5钢筋切筋机Cutting M/CGJ5402台Unit76钢筋弯曲机Bending M/C2台Unit2。87电焊机Welding M/CBX300-22台Unit23.48平刨机planerMB1062台Unit7。59圆盘锯 Disc SawMJ1062台Unit5。510插入式振捣器VibratorsHZ6X5010台Unit1。511平板振动器Plate CompactorPZ-5016台Unit0。512镝灯Dysprosium lamp2盏Unit13水准仪LevelS31台Unit14经纬仪TheodoliteJ21台Unit15高压水泵High Pressure Pump30m扬程2台Unit73.4劳动力资源配备 Labor Forces劳动力安排一览表Labor Forces List序号S。No.工种名称Trade数量Number单位unit备注Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks1瓦技工Mason80人person按实际开工日期陆续进场 Enter the site as per the requirementson site2木工Carpenter100人person3钢筋工Rebar man60人person4架子工Scaffolder20人person5机电工Electrician10人person6塔吊司机Crane Operator2人person7壮工Unskilled Labor50人person8后勤保卫Guard4人person四、项目组织管理机构The Project Administration Organization4.1项目管理组织机构的组建(具体人员名单附后) The set-up of the Project Administration Organization (The detailed name list as attached)为了提高工程质量,加速施工进度及加强施工现场的管理,并能科学地安排施工进度,组织和保证各类物资及时供应,做好各种协调工作,我公司高度重视本工程,委派具有丰富现场管理经验的负责人组建成项目经理部,项目经理部建立岗位责任制,明确分工职责,落实施工责任,各岗位各行其职。In order to improve the project quality, speed up the project progress, strengthen the site management, scientifically arrange the site production, organize and guarantee timely supple of the various materials and do a good job in coordination work, this company extremely stresses the Project and accredits the company staff with rich site management and construction experiences to set up the Project Management; establishes the post-responsibility system in the project management so as to enable every one to do his job well.4.1.1主要管理人员的工作职责The Responsibilities of the main administration staff4.1.1。1、项目经理The Project Manager: 项目经理是公司法人在项目上的授权代理人,是本项目的质量第一责任人,代表公司履行与业主合同及分包合同相关的责任,负责材料供应商的报价审核;负责项目的成本管理工作;负责组织编制和办理工程款结算,经济索赔等工作;领导项目安全生产与质量管理工作,是质量,安全的第一责任人;负责项目各类经济合同的审核签字。The Project Manager is the representative of the company at the project site authorized by the companys juridical person.The PM is the first responsible person of the project quality。 On behalf of the company, he shoulders the responsibilities relating to the main contract and all the other sub-contracts. He is responsible to check and examine the quotations offered by the materials suppliers, to manage the cost administration of the project, to work out the project budget and settle the project payments, to complain for the compensations and he is the leader of the safe production and quality control for the project。 So he is the first responsible person for the project quality and safety。 He is also responsible to examine and sign all the economic contracts of the project.4。1。1.2、项目副经理The Deputy Project Manager: 现场副经理是施工生产的指挥者,对各分项,分部的施工质量负直接领导责任;组织认真贯彻执行项目的各类生产计划,施工方案,并定期进行检查;负责协调各专业工程在施工生产中工序交叉及相配工作,领导组织工程各阶段的验收工作,具体领导与落实工程质量管理工作;负责安排和指导施工现场的安全文明施工管理工作;对施工工期负责直接领导责任,负责确定工期计划,编制月度计划,监督实施项目进度的执行和完成情况,负责审定,考核分包单位月周计划.The Deputy PM is the leader at site for production。 He is directly responsible for different work execution and their qualities。 He organizes the activities to carry out the production program, execution schemes and periodical inspections。 He is responsible to make coordination in the site production among different trades。 He is the organizer and leader for the checking work at different construction stages, materialize the quality control work, arrange and guide the site production in a safe and civilized way. He is directly responsible for the work completion period。 He has to work out the production schedules, monthly progress programs and follow up the fulfillment of the same. He has also to check and examine all the sub-contractors monthly and weekly work program.4。1。1。3、工程师(技术员) The Engineers (technicians):编写施工组织设计,施工技术方案及技术措施,监督技术方案的执行情况,对工程质量负有第一技术责任;组织施工方案和重要部位施工的技术交底;负责施工技术保证资料的汇总及管理;负责材料的选型,报批与控制。参加工程主体结构验收及竣工验收工作;参加工程质量事故的调查与处理;贯彻执行技术法规规程规范和涉及工程质量方面的有关规定;负责组织图纸会审及各专业问题技术自理审定设计洽商和变更工作;领导作好各项施工技术总结工作。They are responsible to work out the site execution schemes, technique schemes and technical measures to be taken。 They follow up the fulfillment of the same。 They are firstly and technically responsible for the project quality because they work out the execution schemes, explain all the technical details regarding the important items of the project, collect all the technical information and data, select the materials to be used, submit for the approval, participate in the checks of the project main structures and the project completion inspection and hand-over. They are involved in the investigating and dealing with various accidents. They are responsible to implement the technical specifications and all the stipulations relation to the project qualities; to organize the examining of the drawings, to identify various professional problems and designing consultations and variations, and play a leading role in summingup various technical execution work.4.1.1。4、施工员The General Foremen in Charge:负责项目施工生产的管理、协调与质量管理工作;执行项目施工组织设计及施工方案,并及时反馈管理信息;负责根据项目月底计划分解成周作业计划,控制分包单位的施工进度安排;负责对分包商进行技术及安全交底,审核分包商班组的交底;负责各项目施工管理中一般技术总是的处理,并将结果反馈技术管理部;协助安全部门对现场人员定期进行安全教育,并随时对现场的安全设施及防护进行检查,负责现场文明施工的管理;协助物资部对进场材料的构配件的检查,验收及保护;负责安全整理的复查工作,现场的安全工作的评定工作,并作好记录;负责现场试验站工作。They are responsible to daily administer the site production, to make coordination for quali


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