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三年级译林版英语下学期填空题课堂知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。and an mouth name old1Hello, my_is Chen Jie.2I have_eraser.3Close your_.4Id like some bread_eggs.5How_are you?2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Is this_(you) English book?2Dont_(eat) my cake.3Dont talk. I want_(sleep).4_(come) in, please.3. 看图片,写单词。1b_ll 2ch_ir3c_p 4 d_sk4. 根据图片和句意,在四线格写出正确的单词。1 2It has atail. It has atail.It hasears. It hasears.3 4It has abody. It has ahead.It has anose. It has atail.5. 根据图片用介词in, on或 under填空。1.The bag is _ the desk. 2.The pencil box is _ the desk.3.The dog is _ the chair. 4.The pencil is _ the pencil box.5.The books are _ the bag.6. 选词填空,补全句子。1Sit_(up, down ).2Lets make_(a, an) puppet.3This is my_(arm, arms).4Id_(to like, like)some fish.5How are_(your, you)?7. 读一读,选出正确的一项,补全句子。1(He / She)_is my sister.2Look at that_(man / woman). (He / She)_is my grandma.3The elephant is too_(big / many).4How many_(apple / apples) do you have?5I like_(banana / apples).8. 根据上下文意思选择适当的选项,将序号写横线上。A. Eat B. What C. drink D. Where E. Sit F. Look at1_about an ice cream?Yes, please.2Dont_the milk.Sorry.3Dont_on the desk.I am sorry.4_my red T-shirt. How nice.5_is the rubber? Is it in the book?6_a cake, please.Thank you.9. 选词填空。A. has B. have C. havent D. hasntE. by F. to G. Has1. I go to school_bike.2. Ms Smart_got a new dress.3. I_got a new football. I like it.4._Amy got a kite?No, she_.5. I_got a bike. I go to school by bus.6. She walks_school.10. 选择合适的选项填空,填序号。(每个选项仅限用一次)A. This B. evening C. He D. Goodbye E. She1Good_, Sam.Good evening .2_, Bobby.Goodbye.3_is my father.4_is my sister.5_is my family.11. 选词填空。1I_a cat.(am is)2Are you_Dog? (Mr mr)3Nice_meet you.(too to)4_name is Qiqi. (My I)5_, Im Mr Duck. (Not No)12. 根据句子提示,完成句子。1She was short then. She wasnt_then.2There is a_(池塘)and a_(喷泉)at Century Park.3The man is very p_, he has no food to eat, no water to drink.4How many rulers are there?_.13. 按要求填空。1empty(反义词) 2dry(反义词)3basket(中文) 4that(中文)5fast(中文) 6fast(反义词)14. 从括号中选出适当的词填空。1-Please listen_(to/ in) Mr Green. -Yes.2Come_(to/ in), please.3-_(Dont / No) open the door. -OK.4-_(Look/ Look at) my new rubber. -Its nice.5-Good morning, Miss Li. -Good_(morning/ afternoon).15. 用am/is/are填空。1Hello! I_Kitty. 2_you a boy?3My ears_small. 4These_my books.5My hair_long. 6_she your mother?7_he Joe? 8This_my pencil.9They_my books. 10It_a kite.16. 写出下列单词的对应词。1sister 2mother 3grandma4this 5man17. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。Look body play fine Lets1How are you? Im_.2_at my nose.3_go to school.4Shake your_.5Lets_.4 / 4


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