【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流致我们终将逝去的青春经典台词 中英翻译.精品文档.致我们终将逝去的青春经典台词 中英对照如下:靠,冤家路窄!Damn it! Just my luck to make an enemy right off!百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠。To travel with someone is good fortune. To sleep on the same bed as someone is great fortune.(此句的翻译版本有很多,在这里再列举一种:It takes three hundreds years of good prayers to cross a river in a boat with someone; It takes three thousands years of good prayers to share a pillow with someone.)我一直暗恋一个男生,可他都没正眼看过我。Ive had a crush on a boy for ages.but he doesnt even notice me.我没有什么远大的理想,不求最好,只求安逸。I dont have big dreams, not really. Im not hankering for the good life, I just want to be comfortable.我最大的理想就是青春不朽。My biggest dream is to stay young forever.水不在深,有龙则灵。The presence of a dragon makes any river sacred. (Or: A lake neednt be deep; It has supernatural power so long as there is a dragon in it. )我的课都敢翘,也不打听打听我是谁。Any student who dares to skip my classes.clearly doesnt know my reputation.爱情真的就像一杯咖啡,有苦,有甜,却又芳香四溢。Love really is like a cup of coffee. Bitter.sweet.fragrant.我就知道你这种人,做什么都是朝三暮四,注定一事无成。I knew you were the kind of person who changes mind every three seconds, thats why you never get anywhere.你就像粪坑里的石头一样,你让我怎么成。How could anyone get anywhere with someone as difficult as you?我的人生是一栋只能建造一次的楼房。我必须让它精确无比,不能有一厘米的差池。My life is like a building which can be put up only once. I always need to be precise. Cant afford a single centimeters error.一道有趣的英文题目与解法有一个英文老师出了一道这样的难题,题目是这样子的: _ is better than the god. _ is worse than the evil. if you eat _,you will die. (三个空格必须是同一个字) 没有人答的出来 结果。 有一个数学老师用数学的方法解出来了 - 答案在下面 。 。 - 设上帝之善是 恶魔之恶是 令所求为x 则x x x属於空集合 x=nothing answer : nothing is better than the god.(没有什么比上帝更好。) nothing is worse than the evil. (也没有什么比恶魔更坏。) if you eat nothing, you will die(如果你什么也没有吃,那么你就会死!)