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四年级译林版英语下学期填空题假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片选择单词,补全句子或对话。noodles, fan, storybooks, parents, doctor1Who are they?They are my_.2There are two_on my desk.3A_is on the table.4My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a_.5Id like some soup and_2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1In spring, I fly_(kite).2Lets go_(climb).3I often go_(skate) with my friend.4In summer, it is hot. We like_(eat) ice creams.5My father likes_(fish).6Mike_(have) some pens and two pencils.7Shall we make_(snowman) now?3. 将下列单词归类。fan strong computermaths bookfriendlylightnotebookquietblackboard tall1教室陈设:_2书本类:_3外貌性格:_4. 将下列单词归类。note big milk side Jonestime hope fine fit Cokewin Tom game hot racename lake doll dog nine1_2_3_4_5_5. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1This is your classroom,_classroom is over there.(we)2What are_?(that)They are grape cakes.3We have six_(subject) this term.4There_(be) some milk in the glass.5Its time for a P.E lesson. Lets_(go ) to the playground.6What can you_(see) in the picture? Some birds.7I_(not like) Math. What about you?8How many_(sandwich) do you have?Three.6. 写数字。1二十二 2三十五3四十八 4十五5五十三 6九十7九十七 8七十八9六十四 10八十一7. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。for good under in colour1I have a_friend. He is short and thin.2What_is it? - Its brown.3Try chopsticks_noodles.4The keys are_the door.5Put your book_your schoolbag.8. 写出下面动词的-ing形式。1listen 2make3run 4dance5row9. 选择画线单词的反义词,将其序号填在横线上A. short B. long C. big D. fat1My father istall. My brother is_.2The ant issmall. The elephant is_.3The elephant has ashorttail. The monkey has a_tail.4This cat isthin. That cat is_.10. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1I cant swim. He cant swim_(too).2I play basketball_(good).3How much_(be) the socks?4_(she) hair is long.5Id like three cups of_(coffee).11. 看一看,选一选,根据图片内容完成句子。1Welcome to my_( home; classroom).2Look! My_(bedroom; school)is big.3Can I have some_(water; milk)?4My uncle is a_(farmer; teacher).5I can use_(chopsticks and spoons; knives and forks).12. 选词填空。1Look at this_. I like_. (cat / cats)2Would you like a_?No, thank you. I dont like_. (lion / lions)3This is_nice elephant. (a / an)4I like pandas._cute and fat. (Its / Theyre)5Is this_toy dog?_are right. Its my toy dog. (you / your)6_you like dogs? No, I_.(do / dont)13. 补全句子。1Im from_(中国).2_(哪里)are you from?3_(长城)is very beautiful .4You can visit Disneyland in my_(国家).5I_(喜欢)taking photos.14. 读句子,选择相应的短语完成句子。A. have a try B. help C. How much D. grape juice E. a cup of1Would you like some_?Yes, please.2I cant play table tennis.Dont be sad. Please_3Come and have_tea.OK!4Can I_you?Yes, Id like an orange.5_is the book?Five yuan.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(Who) coat is this?2The pants are your_(father).3Whose shoes are_(this)?4Put away_(you) dress.5Is this_(your)?16. 按要求写词。glove(复数) arent(完整形式)lets(完整形式) this(复数)sweater(复数) Mike(名词所有格)hurt(第三人称单数形式) dress(复数)17. 选择合适的单词填入横线上。in baby glasses on knife1Turn_the light.2Would you like a_and fork?3Is this your_brother?4Whats_the classroom?5Wu Yifan is tall and thin. He has_.5 / 5


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