高中英语 Unit 2 CloningLanguage points课件 新人教版选修8

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Language points课时是对课时是对Reading课时的课时的补充。帮助学生巩固课文重点词汇、短语和补充。帮助学生巩固课文重点词汇、短语和句型的用法,进一步扎实基础知识。教师可句型的用法,进一步扎实基础知识。教师可根据学生预习情况选择性讲解。根据学生预习情况选择性讲解。 (词汇的释义和用法,建议引导学生自行(词汇的释义和用法,建议引导学生自行查找字典等相关资料来学习,以培养其自主查找字典等相关资料来学习,以培养其自主学习能力。)学习能力。) 词汇词汇讲解,建议采用归纳法,先尽可能多讲解,建议采用归纳法,先尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或让学生从已学课文的呈现一些相关例句,或让学生从已学课文中查找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到中查找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出词汇的意思和用法。的语言现象中总结出词汇的意思和用法。Words: undertake, breakthrough, altogether, object, obtain, attain, forbid, accumulate Expressions:pay off, cast down, object to, in favour of Patterns:Then 位于句首,倒装位于句首,倒装it is valuable for To learn some useful words, expressions and patterns in the passage.Objective 1. undertake The scientist undertakes the experiment. 科学家从事这项实验。科学家从事这项实验。 I can undertake the responsibility for the changes. 我愿意承担这些变革的责任。我愿意承担这些变革的责任。vt. 着手;从事;承担着手;从事;承担Translate the following sentences. (1) 谁将承担这项工作的责任谁将承担这项工作的责任?Who will undertake responsibility for this work? Students are required to undertake simple experiments.(2) 要求学生从事简单的实验。要求学生从事简单的实验。2. pay offIt took them three years to pay off the debt.Her design won the first prize in the competition. Years of patience and hard work had paid off. 偿清偿清(债务债务);得到好结果;得到好结果Ling Feng won the first prize in the National English Competition and Im glad that her efforts at last _.A. worked out B. got backC. paid off D. turned outChoose the best answer.Translate the following sentences. (1) With the help of his father, he _ (偿清了所有债务偿清了所有债务). (2) Believe me, all your efforts will _ (取得好结果取得好结果) some day.(3) 约翰学习一直很刻苦,因此取得了好成约翰学习一直很刻苦,因此取得了好成 绩。绩。pay off paid off all the debtsJohn studied hard all the time, and it paid off.3. breakthroughScientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer.A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved.n. 突破突破They have achieved a big _ in the treatment of cancer, which brings hope to cancer patients.A. advantage B. reputation C. breakthrough D. assumptionChoose the best answer.Ever since I saw the diary excerpts Ive been cast down. 自从看到日记摘录,我就一直非常沮丧。自从看到日记摘录,我就一直非常沮丧。4. cast沮丧,不愉快沮丧,不愉快vt. 扔;投;掷扔;投;掷cast a stone 扔石头扔石头The angler cast his line (into the water).钓鱼的人把鱼线抛入水中。钓鱼的人把鱼线抛入水中。cast downTranslate the following sentences. (1) Dont let yourself be cast down by a small failure in the experiment; try again. He was cast down by the sad news.(2) 这悲伤的消息使他情绪低落。这悲伤的消息使他情绪低落。别为了实验中的小小失败而沮丧;别为了实验中的小小失败而沮丧;再试下去。再试下去。No one objected to the plan.I really object to being charged for parking. Mother objected that Jimmy was too young to take up the job.Our object is to get at the truth.What are those strange objects?v. 反对;反对;n. 目标;物体目标;物体objectionn. 不赞成;反对;异不赞成;反对;异议议My main objection to the plan is that it costs too much.5. object拓展拓展object to doing sth. 反对做某事反对做某事 object that 以以为理由反对为理由反对raise/ have/ make an objection to (doing) sth. 对对表示反对表示反对I have no objection to your plan. They made an objection to the meeting date. I can hardly stand his rude manners. I object _ like a child.A. to be treated B. being treatedC. to being treated D. to treatChoose the best answer.Fill in the blanks. (1) What _ (物体物体) can you see in the picture?(2) Some members of our group _ (反对反对) my plan, which made me disappointed.(3) They _ (反对反对) the plan was risky.objectsobjected toobjected that6. obtainto obtain permissionFirst editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.vt. 获得;赢得获得;赢得Translate the following sentences. (1) 很难获得可靠的证据。很难获得可靠的证据。You can also obtain knowledge through practice.(2) 你还可以从实践经验中获得知识。你还可以从实践经验中获得知识。It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.7. accumulateAs people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion (比例比例) of their incomes.The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses.Weve accumulated so much rubbish over the years.vt. & vi. 积累;聚积积累;聚积Clinical (临床的临床的) evidence began to _, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals. (2011湖北湖北) A. operateB. strengthen C. approve D. accumulate Choose the best answer.课文难句精析课文难句精析1. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就非常复克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就非常复杂了。杂了。while作并列连词用,意思为作并列连词用,意思为“然而然而”,表示前后意义上的对比或转折。如:表示前后意义上的对比或转折。如:Some people waste food while others dont have enough. You like sports, while I prefer music. while的其他用法:的其他用法: while 用作从属连词,意思为用作从属连词,意思为“当当时候时候”,引导时间状语从句。如:,引导时间状语从句。如:While the old man was out, a thief entered the house. Strike while the iron is hot. while 用作从属连词,意思为用作从属连词,意思为“虽然;虽然;尽尽管管”,引导让步状语从句。如:,引导让步状语从句。如:While I like the color of the mobile phone, I dont like its shape. Translate the following sentences. (1) 他出去散步了,而我却呆在家里。他出去散步了,而我却呆在家里。I like singing while she likes dancing.(2) 我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home.(3) 虽然我们尽了最大努力,但还是输了虽然我们尽了最大努力,但还是输了 比赛。比赛。While we tried our best, we lost the game.2. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。此句用的是全部倒装结构,副词此句用的是全部倒装结构,副词then 位于句首。正常的语序为位于句首。正常的语序为The disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill came then.常见的使用全部倒装结构的情况:常见的使用全部倒装结构的情况: 在在there be / lie / stand / live 等结构等结构中。如:中。如:There goes the car. 表示地点、方向、时间的副词表示地点、方向、时间的副词(如如here, there, in, out, up, down, away, now, then等等) 位于句首,且谓语常用不及物动词位于句首,且谓语常用不及物动词(如如go, come, leave, move, run, rush, jump等等)时。时。如:如:Down jumped the man from the tree.注意:如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语注意:如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语的语序不变。如:的语序不变。如:Away they went. 表示方位的介词短语置于句首时,句子表示方位的介词短语置于句首时,句子需全部倒装。如:需全部倒装。如:In front of the house sat an old man. Outside the entrance stood two police officers with guns.Translate the following sentences. (1) 这群人一个一个地离去。这群人一个一个地离去。Here comes our teacher.(2) 我们的老师来了。我们的老师来了。Away went the crowd one by one.(3) 在我们面前有很多困难。在我们面前有很多困难。Before us lay a lot of difficulties.Tips for teacherLet the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. 布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就离开。唱支歌,然后就离开。不及物动词不及物动词 vi. He stayed with a friend while he was in Paris. 他在巴黎时住在一位朋友家里。他在巴黎时住在一位朋友家里。停留停留; 留下留下; 暂住暂住I hope the weather will stay fine. 我希望天气能持续放晴。我希望天气能持续放晴。继续继续, 保持保持Stay right here.站住站住; 停下停下; 止住止住就在这里停下。就在这里停下。He made few friends during his stay in the village. 及物动词及物动词 vt. The government took no step to stay the rise in prices. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。阻止阻止; 抑制抑制She managed to stay her anger.她努力克制了怒气。她努力克制了怒气。平息平息, 暂时解除暂时解除名词名词 n.他在这个村子逗留的期间他在这个村子逗留的期间, 没有交上几个没有交上几个朋友。朋友。停留停留, 逗留逗留活学活用活学活用从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到stay在在不同的语境中会产生丰富的含义,不仅不同的语境中会产生丰富的含义,不仅仅表示仅表示“停留停留”。大家还知道哪些。大家还知道哪些stay含含义呢?请选择几个进行造句或对话练习。义呢?请选择几个进行造句或对话练习。Individual activity注注: : 另附另附 word word 文档。文档。点击此处链接点击此处链接I. Complete the following sentences with proper words.1. I saw a little boy c_ a stone into the river just now.2. The issue is not quite _ (简单的简单的) as it seems.3. Do you think anyone would o_ if I smoke here?4. The man always manages to o_ what he wants.aststraightforwardbjectbtain5. Tell me the _ (确切的确切的) time when the next train will arrive.6. The man failed to see the _ (商业的商业的) value of his discovery.7. The scientist has made a major b_ in this research.8. The manager should u_full responsibility for the project.9. By investing wisely he has already a_ a fortune.exactcommercialreakthroughndertakeccumulatedII. Complete the following sentences without changing their meanings.1. That I didnt pass the driving test made me frustrated. My not passing the driving test made me _ _.2. When I was young, my parents didnt allow me to go out alone at night. When I was young, my parents _ me _ going out alone at night.cast down forbade from 3. To my surprise, he didnt agree to my plan. To my surprise, he _ _ my plan. 4. In our class there are five students in all from America. In our class there are _ five students from America.5. Why I am not for it can be easily answered. Why I am not _ _ _ it can be easily answered.in favour of objected toaltogether 1. The fact that _ _ (多莉看来是在正常地成长着多莉看来是在正常地成长着) was very encouraging. Then came the disturbing news that _ _ (多莉病重多莉病重). 2. _ (科学家们脑海里产生的问题科学家们脑海里产生的问题) were: “Would this be a major difficulty for all cloned animals?”Dolly seemed to developnormallyDolly had become seriously illThe questions that concerned all scientistsIII. Translate the following sentences. 3. _(他反对她的计划他反对她的计划) because it was too expensive.4. _ (现在禁止克隆人类现在禁止克隆人类) because it might cause some moral problems.5. Further information _ _ (可从我们的总部得到可从我们的总部得到). 6. We must accept _ _ (我们有可能错了我们有可能错了).He objected to her planthe possibility that wemight be wrongThe human cloning is now forbiddencan be obtained fromour head office7. _ (研究研究 是很有价值的是很有价值的) the historical culture of Korea and overseas communications in the Song Dynasty. 8. For bidders, _ (通常是一项很难完成的任务通常是一项很难完成的任务) to offer a low price to win the bid and still earn a profit. 9. The book _ (有极有极 大的影响大的影响) readers. 10. Theater tickets are often _ _ (很难获得很难获得). It is valuable for research onit is always a difficult taskhas a great impact ondifficult toobtain


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