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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业编者的话亲爱的同学们:你们好。欢迎使用小学英语。在小学英语五年级下册里,你们将继续与Miss Li和她的学生Mike、Wang Bing、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Su Hai、Su Yang、Nancy等小朋友一起快乐地学习。你们还将读到发生在Sam和Bobby身上的更多的趣事。在这学期里,你们将与这些小朋友一起谈论如何上学,一起介绍如何帮助父母做家务,一起谈论中国的传统节日。你们还将读到经典童话故事。你们将读到Sam教Bobby识别毒蘑菇,Sam帮助Bobby了解不同瓢虫的特性等内容。你们将学会用英语问路和指路、看病等。你们将学会一些有关交通工具、公共场所、传统节日、家务、食物和疾病等方面的单词 。你们将了解dr、tr、sh、ch、ing、qu、th 等字母组合在单词中的读音。们还将了解一些有关文学作品、餐具、节日等方面的中外文化知识。同学们,让我们继续在这精彩的英语世界里徜 徉吧!2013年5月Su YangCharactersSu HaiMiss LiMrs BrownLiu TaoWang BingMr GreenYang LingNancyMr BrownMikeTimHelenSamBobbyContentsUnit 1Cinderella 6Unit 2How do you come to school? 16Unit 3Asking the way 26Unit 4Seeing the doctor 36Project 1Around our city 46Unit 5Helping our parents 48Unit 6In the kitchen 58Unit 7Chinese festivals 68Unit 8Birthdays 78Project 2My important days 88Learning tips 90Word lists 92Unit1CinderellaStory time1There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.: Cinderella, come and help me!: Cinderella, where are my gloves?2A fairy comes.: Why are you so sad, dear?: Because I cant go to the party. : Why?: Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.: Let me help you.put ontake off6Unit 13Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.: Come back before 12 oclock.4Cinderella has a good time at the party. : Sorry, I have to go now.: Hey, your shoe!5The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on.: It fits!7Read and matchb Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock.1324Ask and answerWheres the party?Who cant go to the party? Why?Who helps Cinderella?When does Cinderella have to come back?Whose shoe do the girls try on?8Unit 1Grammar timeareso sadWhyyou?cantgo to the partyI cant go to the partyBecause .I dont have any nice clothes or shoescant = cannotdont = do notcometcomesputtryputststriesDo you remember these question words?where9Put on this English Fun timeplay. See page 90.Say and act12Youre sad, dear. Why?Because Why cant I go to the party?Why cant you go to the party?Because Because 34I have to go now.Oh, my foot hurts!Why?Why?Because Because 10Unit 1Sound timeAndrew is having a drink.drIts cold and blue.Andrea is drawing a dressFor her friend Sue.drawdressdrinkdriverCulture timeI like reading fairy tales.I like reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha.11Cartoon timeBobby and Sam are in the forest.1Do you have any snacks,Sam? Im very hungry.No, I dont.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.Hurry up, Bobby. Its late.2Look! There aresome mushrooms.We can eat them.12Unit 1Bobby picks a big red mushroom.Would you like one?3No, Bobby! Wecant eat them.Bobby does not understand.4Why? They look so nice.Because these mushroomsare bad for us!Oh, what a pity!13Checkout timeLook and write12Why is Yang Ling not at school Why is Liu Tao so happy?today?Because _.Because _. 34Why does Nancy take off her coat? Why does Mike put on his jacket?Because _. Because _. 14Unit 1Think and writeThere is a _ at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any _ clothes or shoes. The fairy _ Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful _ and _. She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a _ time at the party. The prince _ her very much. Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a _ behind.The prince visits every _. Many girls _ on the shoe, but it does not _. Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.Ticking timeI can understand “Cinderella”.I can use “why” and “because” to ask and answer questions.I know the sound of “dr”.15Unit2Howschool?do you come toStory time1Yang Ling: Do you like your new home, Su Hai?Su Hai: Yes! Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.Yang Ling: Where do you live now?Su Hai: I live on Moon Street, near City Library. Yang Ling: How do you come to school? Su Hai: Su Yang and I come to school by bus. a bikea busa planea ship16Unit 22Mike: Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you come to school?Yang Ling: I live near school. I come to school on foot. Where do you live?Mike: I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school by metro. What about you, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver.Can you talk about their features? See page 90.a taxia trainmetro17Match and sayHow do they come to school?1234abcdYang Ling comes to school Read and circle1Su Hai and Su Yang live near/far from school. They come to school by bus.23Mike lives in Sunshine Town/near City Library. He comes to school by metro.4Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/on Park Street. He comes to school by taxi.18Unit 2Grammar timeyou dotheyWherelive?heshedoesIonMoon StreetschoolWeTheylivenearin.HeSheSunshine Townlivesfar from schoolyou theydoHowcome to school ?heshedoesI by busby taxiby carby metroon footWeTheyHe Shecome to schoolcomes to school.19Fun timeDo a surveyNamelives near/far from comes to school near school by busJoeSun Street1Where do you live?I live in/on I live near/far from How do you come to school?I come to school 2Joe lives on Sun Street. He lives near school. He comes to school by bus.20Unit 2Sound timeTrafc, trafc, on the street,trBeep beep, beep beep!Trains, trains, through the trees,Choo choo, choo choo!traintraveltreetrousersSong timeThe wheels on the bus241=F5 . 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 1 The wheels on the bus go round and round, 2 2 2 7 6 5 5 1 1 1 1 3 .round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go 5 3 1 2 5 5 1 0 :.round and round, all through the town.21Cartoon timeBobby has a new bike. He likes riding it in the park.This bike is cool! I can fly now!1Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.2Dad, can I go toschool by bike?No, you cant.Why?Because youre too young.22Unit 2Bobby is not happy.3How does Samgo to school?He goes to school by bike.4 Bobbys dad does not think so.Really?Yes, but he always sits in the basket.23Checkout timeLook and say12Su Hai and Su Yang live near City Library. They always go there My aunt lives in Beijing. We sometimes visit her Mr Green lives near the park. He can get there .My uncle works on a big ship. He goes to many cities 3424Unit 2Think and writeWhere do you live? How do you go to school? How do your parents go to work? What about your friend?I live _.It is near _.I go to school _.My father goes to work _.My mother goes to work _.My friend _ lives _.It is near _.He/She goes to school _.His/Her father _.His/Her mother _.Ticking timeI can talk about public transport. I can talk about where I live.I know the sound of “tr”.25Unit3Asking the wayStory time1 Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hais new home. Yang Ling: How do I get to your home, Su Hai? Su Hai: You can take the metro. You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. Then, walk to Moon Street. Theres a bookshop on the street. My home is next to it. Yang Ling: All right. a cinemaa hospitala shopa zoo26Unit 32 Yang Ling comes out from City Library Station. She is on Sun Street. She cannot nd the bookshop. She asks a policeman for help.Yang Ling: Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street?Policeman: Go along this street. Turn right at the trafc lights. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop on your right.Yang Ling: Thank you.get onget offturn rightturn left27Read and matchb Yang Ling walks along Sun Street.e Yang Ling asks a policeman for help.13524Look and sayHow does Yang Ling get to Su Hais home?M Park StationYang Lings homeMCity Library StationBookshopSu Hais homeFirst, Yang Ling gets on the metro at Park Station. Next, Then, shes on Sun Street. She walks along 28Unit 3Grammar timecinemabookshopHow do I get to the hospital?zoolibraryThese expressions are Go along this streetleft .very useful. See page 90.Turn at the traffic lights .righton the metroPark StationGet at.offthe busCity Library StationYou can see the bookshop on your right.29Fun timeAsk and answerHow do I get to the supermarket?Go along Street. Turn at the trafc lights. Then, Its on your 30Unit 3Sound timeSharon is in the shoe shop.shShe likes shiny shoes.But there are so many,She doesnt know which to choose!sheepshipshoeshopCulture timeIn the UK, we ask “Wheres the toilet?”In the US, we ask “Wheres the restroom?”31Cartoon timeBobby and Tina want to see a new film. They want to goto City Cinema.1How do we get to City Cinema?We can go by bus.They wait for the bus at the bus stop. A bus comes.2We cant get on the bus, Tina!The bus is full!OK. Lets go to the cinema by taxi.32Unit 3They get in a taxi.3There are too manycars in the street, Tina!OK. Lets take the metro.They get to the cinema by metro, but the film is over.4Were too late, Bobby!33Checkout timePoint and sayHow do you get to these places from your school? libraryNSWEyour schoolExcuse me, how do I get to ?Walk along Then, turn at The is on your 34Unit 3Draw and writeWhere do you live? How do you get to your school?NSI live on _ Street.WEIt is near _.I come to school _.First, I _.Then, I _._my homemy schoolTicking timeI can name some places in the city.I can ask and give the way.I know the sound of “sh”.35Unit4Seeing the doctorStory time1Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor.Doctor: Whats wrong with you?Su Hai: I have a headache. I feel cold.Doctor: Let me check. You have a fever. Su Hai: What should I do, Doctor?Doctor: You should have a rest at home. You should take some medicine and drink some warm water. Su Hai: Thank you, Doctor.brush ones teethdrink watereat sweets36Unit 42 Mike has a toothache. He goes to see the dentist.Dentist: Whats wrong with you?Mike: I have a toothache. I cant eat anything!Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?Mike: Yes, I do.Dentist: You shouldnt eat too many sweets. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Mike: OK. Thanks.Can you make more phrases? See page 90.take medicinehave a rest37Ask and answerWhats wrong with Su Hai?What should she do?Whats wrong with Mike?Why does he have a toothache?What should he do?Think and write1I have a _ and a _.I should _ at home.I should _ and _ too.2I have a _.I cannot _.I should not _.I should _ in the morning and before bedtime.38Unit 4Grammar timeyouhimWhats wrong with?herthemIfeverhavehasTheyHeSheheadachecolda.toothacheIheshetheyWhat shoulddo ?Youhave a restHeshouldShetake some medicinedrink warm water.TheyYoushouldnt eat too many sweets .shouldnt = should nottoothteeth39Fun timeDo a role-playWhats wrong with you?I have What should I do, Doctor?You should You shouldnt 40Unit 4Sound timeCharlie is sitting on a bench,chEating chicken for his lunch.He likes Chinese food very much.Hes going to China in March!chairchickenlunchmuchteachCulture timeYou have a fever. Your temperature is 102F.102?Its 39C.41Cartoon timeBobby helps in the hospital. Monkey, Rabbit andElephant come to see him.1Whats wrong with you?My arm hurts.My ear hurts.My nose hurts.Bobby is very happy to help them.OK. How do you feel now?2I cant write now!I cant hear well now!I cant eat or drink now!You should have a rest today.42Unit 4Then, Giraffe comes to the hospital.Can you help me, Bobby?3Sure. Whats wrong with you?Giraffe points at his long neck.4My neck hurts.Oh no!43Checkout timeThink and writeWhat should they do? What shouldnt they do?12He feels hot. He should_ his jacket.She feels cold. She should _ her coat. She likes eating sweets. She sometimes has a toothache. She should _ in the morning and before bedtime. She should not eat _.345She has a headache. She feels tired. She should not _. She should _.They are in the library. They should not _. They should not _ or _ either.44Unit 4Listen and choose123What is wrong with Tim?a bbHow does he feel?a What should he do?a bTicking timeI can talk about illnesses.I can use “should” and “should not” to give advice.I know the sound of “ch”.45Project 1 Around our cityA Work in groups.Draw a map of your city on page 99.Markyour homes and school on the map.S1: Where do you live? S2: I live in Town/on Street.S1: Wheres our school?S3: Its on Street.B Mark these places on the map.post ofcecinemasupermarketS1: Wheres the museum?S2: Its on Street.S1: Wheres the hospital?S3: Its on Street.46C How do you get to school? Show and tell your class.I live in Town/on Street.I come to school First, I Next, I Then, I D How do you get to the places in B? Show and tell yourclass.I take to go to the I get on and get off Then, I 47Unit5Helping our parentsStory time1 It is Saturday morning. My father is cleaning the car. I am helping him. My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Helen is in the living room. She is sweeping the oor. Where is Tim? What is he doing now? Tim is in his bedroom. He is sleeping. Ben the dog is sleeping too.clean the carclean the tablemake the bed48Unit 52 In the afternoon, my cousin Jim comes. What are we doing now? My mother is busy. She is cooking dinner. Helen and I are helping her. Helen is washing the dishes. I am cleaning the table.3 What are Tim and Jim doing? They are eating fruit in the living room. Were watching TV too!Woof!sweep the floor wash clotheswash the dishes49Match and sayAre Mike and Helen helping their parents? What are they doing?12abcdMike is helping his parents.Hes in the morning.Think and writeWhat are they doing in the morning and in the afternoon?In the morningIn the afternooncleaning the car50Unit 5Grammar timeyouaretheyWhat doing?hesheisIamaresweeping the floorwatching TVeating fruitsleepingWeTheyHeShe.iswashing the dishesPay attention to these words. See page 91.dodoingcleaningcookingeatinghelpingwashingwatchingcleancookeathelpwashwatch51Fun timeAsk and answerS1: Whats he/she doing?/What are they doing?S2: Hes/shes Theyre 52Unit 5Sound timeIn the morning, I like to singingAnd watch the owers growing.In the evening, I like to sitAnd listen to the wind blowing.bringmorningsingspringSong timePolly, put the kettle on21= D 4.5 6 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 7 5 5 .Pol- ly, put the ket- tle on. Pol- ly, put the ket- tle on.5 6 5 4 3 1 1 3 6 7 1 0 .Pol- ly, put the ket- tle on. Well all have tea.3 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 6 2 1 7 5 5 .Su- sie, take it off a- gain. Su- sie, take it off a- gain.3 1 4 2 3 1 1 3 6 7 7 1 0 : .Su- sie, take it off a- gain. Theyve all gone a- way.53Cartoon timeBobby grows grapes in his garden.1My grapes are big and sweet.2 There are some pests on the grapes.What are you doing here?Were eating your grapes.Theyre so sweet!54Unit 5Then, some ladybirds come.We can help you!3Thank you!4 The pests go away, but the ladybirds do not.What are you doing?Were eating your grapes.Theyre so sweet!(To be continued)55Checkout timeLook and writeWhat are the children doing?12Liu Tao is _. Su Hai is _.34Nancy is _. Yang Ling is _.56Wang Bing is _. Mike is _.56Unit 5Listen, number and sayHelen is in Shes Ticking timeI can name some housework.I can use “am/is/are doing”.I know the sound of “ing”.57Unit6In the kitchenStory time1 It is six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao comes home from a football game. His parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.Liu Tao: That smells nice, Mum. Are you cooking meat?Mrs Liu: No, Im not. Im washing some vegetables. I want to cook some tomato soup.Mr Liu: Im cooking meat with potatoes, Taotao.Liu Tao: Great! I cant wait, Dad!bread meat potatoes58Unit 62 Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge.Liu Tao: Mum, is there any apple juice in the fridge? Mrs Liu: No, but theres some orange juice.Liu Tao: OK, thank you.3Dinner is ready. Liu Tao is eating the meat.Mr Liu: Hows the meat, Taotao?Liu Tao: Its yummy, Dad. I love it! Youre a great cook!Mrs Liu:


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