江苏省南京市长城中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省南京市长城中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省南京市长城中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省南京市长城中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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To learn to use question words + to-infinitivesTo learn to use must and have to handhand inand so onreviewreturnon timerenewvi. 交;递,给交;递,给上交,递交上交,递交等等等等n. 评论评论vt. 归还归还准时准时vt. 续借;更新;重新开始续借;更新;重新开始Words and phrases reviewLook at the following sentences.1. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. (七年级上册七年级上册 U4)2. Im thinking about what to wear. (七年级上册七年级上册 U8) 3. Eddie, I think we have to go up again. (七年级下册七年级下册 U4)4. We dont have to feed her much. (七年级下册七年级下册 U8)5. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? (P48) 6. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge. (P48) 7. I did not know what to say either. (P51)8. “I must run away from them,” I thought, but I did not know how to get away. (P51)Gulliver didnt know what to say.Gulliver didnt know how to get away.Use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb. Using question words + to-infinitives1. Millie has decided .(读什么)2. Daniel didnt say .(与谁聊天)3. Simon forgot .(何时与朋友见面)4. Sandy is wondering .(去哪里寻求帮助)5. Amy doesnt know .(如何写报告)what to readwho to talk towhen to meet friendswhere to ask for helphow to write the reportAll question words can be used with a to-infinitive, except why.She will explain why to recommend this book.She will explain why she recommends this book.e.g. Millie has decided what to read. Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book.Simon forgot when to meet his friends. Kitty cannot decide which to choose first.Sandy is wondering where to ask for help.Amy does not know how to write the report.Lets pay attention to who takes action.疑问词疑问词+to do 构成简单句,这个构成简单句,这个简简单句的主语单句的主语(subject)与与主句的主语主句的主语一一致致I wonder when the meeting will end.He doesnt know what he can do next.Tom showed us how the police caught the thief.Nobody can tell where the plane has gone.He is interested in how he can look after a pet.He didnt know where he could find other people. where to find other peopleHe didnt know how he could break the ropes. how to break the ropesHe wondered who he could ask for help. who to ask for helpAt last, he found out what he could do with the tiny men. what to do with the tiny menAnd he decided when he should leave Lilliput. when to leave LilliputI only care about what to eat. I want to introduce foodie guider .Foodie guider is a useful book. Its all about what to eat. There is also a map at the end of the book. It tells you where to find nice food . It also shows you which bus to take. V V+ + 宾语宾语+ + 疑问词疑问词+ + to do to do V + 宾语宾语+ 疑问词疑问词+ to doadvise, ask, decide, discuss find out, forget, know, learn remember, say, show, teach think, understand, wonderFoodie guider is a useful book. Its all about what to eat. There is also a map at the end of the book. It tells you where to find nice food . It also shows you which bus to take. V+疑问词疑问词+n+ to dowhatwhichwhosehow many/how muchEg:我们还没决定住哪个房间。我们还没决定住哪个房间。We havent decided which room to live in.他们在讨论暑假去几个地方游玩。他们在讨论暑假去几个地方游玩。They are discussing how many places to visit in the summer holiday.PS: Im not sure how much money to take. The book doesnt mention(提及提及) it. I think the more, the better.adjadj+ + 疑问词疑问词+ + to doto do在在“疑问词疑问词 + 动词不定式动词不定式”结构前,结构前,有时也可以是如有时也可以是如sure, clear等的形容词。等的形容词。Eg:1.我不确定怎样照顾电子狗。我不确定怎样照顾电子狗。 2. 你清楚下一步该做什么吗?你清楚下一步该做什么吗? Im not sure how to look after an e-dog.Are you clear what to do next?LETS WORK OUT THE RULES1.动词动词+疑问词疑问词+to do2.动词动词+宾语宾语+疑问词疑问词+to do3.动词动词+疑问词疑问词+名词名词+ to do4.形容词形容词+ 疑问词疑问词+ to do Amy: Mr Wu has recommended so many interesting books. Have you decided_ first, Daniel?Daniel: Yes. I want to read Black Beauty first. But I dont know _the book first.Amy: You can try our school library or Sunshine Library. Oh, did you know Peter is reading Around the World in Eighty Days? He wants to find out _ around the world in such a short time. which to readwhere to findtravelhow tohowwhatwhenwhere whichwhoask for find hand in readtravel write aboutDaniel: Wow, thats amazing! By the way, can you tell me _our book report?Amy: Before next Friday. Im still not sure _ in the report.Daniel: You can write anything about your bookwhat the book is about, what you think of it and so on. You should read some reviews about the book before writing.Amy: Thank you. Anyway, I know _Help with writing. Mr Wu is always there to help. whowhat whenask for hand in write aboutwhen to hand inwhat towrite aboutwho to ask for 他想知道明天在哪会见他的朋友。 昨天她问我们何时上交工作。 我们正在商量去参观哪个地方。 我不确定明天怎么去上学。 她不能决定买哪条裙子。 SummaryHe wonders where to meet his friends tomorrow.She asked us when to hand in the work yesterday.We are discussing which place to visit.Im not sure how to go to school tomorrow.She cant decide which skirt to buy.Gulliver was tied to the ground. So he must run away.Study is very important. So we must study hard.We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary.Gulliver was tied to the ground. He has to lie on the ground.Grandma is ill. She has to see the doctor.We use have to when the situation makes something necessary.must与与have to是两个常用的情态动词,是两个常用的情态动词,两词后面都接动词原形。在使用时,应注两词后面都接动词原形。在使用时,应注意两词间的差别。意两词间的差别。must 表示主语表示主语“有义务有义务”的的“必须必须”做做某事,强调说话人的主观看法,主要用于某事,强调说话人的主观看法,主要用于肯定句和疑问句;肯定句和疑问句;must 还可以表示肯定还可以表示肯定推测,意思是推测,意思是“一定一定”。have to 强调的是客观需要,意思是强调的是客观需要,意思是“不不得不得不”。have to 有人称和数的变化。有人称和数的变化。I must work hard at my lessons. 我必须努力学习功课。我必须努力学习功课。(主观意愿)主观意愿)I have to look after mother at home. For she is ill. 我得在家照看妈妈,因为她病了。我得在家照看妈妈,因为她病了。(客观客观需要)需要)It is getting dark. He has to go home now.天快黑了。他现在得回家了。天快黑了。他现在得回家了。(客观需要)客观需要)must的否定形式是的否定形式是must not,其缩写为,其缩写为mustnt,表示禁止,意思是,表示禁止,意思是“不能,不能,不许不许”。have to的否定形式是的否定形式是do not have to,其,其缩写为缩写为dont have to。 You mustnt make any noise in class.上课时你们不许吵闹。上课时你们不许吵闹。You dont have to water the flowers. For it is going to rain.你们不必浇花了,因为要下雨了。你们不必浇花了,因为要下雨了。Complete the following sentences with must, mustnt, Complete the following sentences with must, mustnt, have to, dont have to.have to, dont have to.1.You keep quiet in the library.2.You keep the books clean and tidy.3.You draw or write in the books.4.You eat or drink in the library.5.You return the books on time, if you want to keep them longer, you renew them.6.You bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library car.mustmustmustntmustnthave tohave todont have to不定式可以和疑问代词不定式可以和疑问代词who, what, which及疑问副词及疑问副词when, how, where等连用,构等连用,构成不定式短语,在句子中作主语、宾语、成不定式短语,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等。表语等。must表示主观的义务和必要,意思是表示主观的义务和必要,意思是“必必须,得,要须,得,要”,否定形式是,否定形式是must not,表示禁止,不能,不许。表示禁止,不能,不许。have to表示一种客观的需要,意思是表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不不得不得不”,否定形式是,否定形式是do not have to。1. Im going on a field trip but I havent decided _. (2007河南河南) A. what to do B. to do what C. where to go D. to go where2. Excuse me. Would you please tell me _ buy a digital camera? (2007安徽安徽) A. what to B. where to C. what I can D. where can I I. 单项选择。单项选择。3. This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me _, Wang Lin? Sure. (2008陕西陕西) A. what to work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it 4. We need a new leader for our Helping Hands Club, but I dont know _. Why not Mary? She is always willing to help others. (2011江苏南通江苏南通) A. what to choose B. how to choose C. when to choose D. who to choose5. The math problem is so hard. I really dont know _. (2012甘肃鸡西甘肃鸡西) A. how to do it B. how to do C. what to do it6. Excuse me. Could you tell me _ get to the nearest post office? Sorry, I am new here. (2013山东威海山东威海) A. how can I B. how I could C. how to D. what I can 7. Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car? Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you. (2013山东青岛山东青岛) A. how to stop B. where to park C. where to stop D. when to park8. _ I swim here? Im sorry. Children _ swim alone here. (2012广东广东) A. Must; cant B. May; must C. Can; mustnt D. Cant; can 9. Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green? Yes, Im afraid we _. Thats the traffic rule. (2013河南河南) A. can B. may C. have to D. need10. Students in our school _ know shouting is not allowed in the library. (2013山东莱芜山东莱芜) A. can B. may C. must D. need1. When I go into the clothes shop, I always cant decide _ one to buy.2. My grandfather doesnt know _ to use a computer.3. - Will you please show me _ to drive a car? - Yes, of course. Now let me tell you _ to do first.4. I will tell Lucy _ and _ to meet.whichhowhowwhatwhenwhereII. 选用选用how, which, what, when, where填空。填空。 Andy doesnt know _.what to wearIII. 看图完成句子。看图完成句子。Millie cant decide _.which book to buyThey dont know _ to the station.how to goI dont know how _ from a library.to borrow books IV. 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1. Have you decided _ _ (怎样度假怎样度假)?2. I dont know _ (在会上说什么在会上说什么).3. Can you tell me _ (在哪里能买到这本书在哪里能买到这本书)? your holidayhow to spendwhat to say at the meetingwhere to buy this book4. Drivers _ (必须系必须系 安全带安全带) while their cars are running on the road.5. _ (必须必须) I finish my homework now? No, _ (你没必要你没必要). Your work is over today. Mustyou dont have tomust wear seat belts


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