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实用文档主语从句专项练习副标题题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单句语法填空本大题共17小题,共17.0分1. It does nt matter you help meor not. I will try all the ways to fin ishthe task.2. anno yed me last ni ght was the no ise of the firecrackers from then eighbourhood area till midni ght.3. It ? s known to all the gun powder was firstinven ted by the Chin ese.4. 单句语法填空1This is the first time wesee a film in the cinema togetheras a family.2 Wewere all inspirewhen we heard the news that the rescueteam found ano ther survivor.3 Self-driving isan areaChina and therestof theworld are on the same startingline.4 interested Zhang Pingyu most was the Iongitude line atGree nwich.5You need to make some adjustmentsthe article before it ispublished.5. the old bus statio n should be replaced with a moder n hotel isstill un der discussi on.6.Thefact that themainland of greatBrita inismade upof 3kin gdomsis stillunknown to manyItstillto manythemai nlandofgreatBritain ismade up of3kingdoms .7.we un dersta nd things has a lot to do with how we feel.8.It isthree days sincethey got lost.they re safe isstillunknown.9. surprised me most was that she didn? t even knowthediffere nee betwee n the two lies.10. Gen erally speak ing,we have see n seems more believable tha nwe have bee n told.11. Whoever/NO matter who breaks the law should be punished.12. It is doubtfulthe gover nment of that country can accept them asperma nent reside nts.13. Barbara Jones offers to her fans is hon esty and happ in ess.14. there is life on another planet is almost impossible.15.16.17.二、三、 anything is possible for those who hang on to hope they want to get now (be) help. 他想得到的是帮助. (Whoever, Who) gains the most points wins the competition. 单句改错(本大题共 10 小题,共 20.0 分)What China got the first place in the 2021 Olympic Gaines made the wholenation very excited. 改错 That I remembered most is moving a lot.单句改错Whois the last one to leave the classroom is required to turn off the lights.It remains to be seen if or not this idea can be put into practice.改错That he really means is that he doesn? t agree with us.改错 单句改错That students are going to have no evening classes this week is not clearnow.It worried the public was that Phelps should take drugs It is a pity what you didnt remember to give me the messag eWhat she becomes an artist may be his father s influence.Jenkins said,“ That I m doing is worthwhile.单项选择题(本大题共 17 小题,共 17.0 分)The world is not just divided into good people and Death Eaters. We ve all got both light and dark inside of us. matters is the part wechoose to act on.A. What Every year, _ Kite Festival.A. whatever Happiness is A. what Wisdom and courage are A. all that B. completes theB. whoever C. whomever D. _ you think, what you say and what you do where whatC. when what need to make it through all whatC. what allfirst two stages can then choosewhicheverB.are in harmony. thatD.cases of emergency.D. that all to continueB. Where C. That D. Which makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in thewith one-on-one piano lessons in the final stage.A. Whoever; whether B. Whatever; if C. Who; ifD. What; whetherIt depends on hard work more than luck you can make your dream cometrue.四、45.A. whetherB. thatC. whatD. howmade the teacher proud wasmore tha n half of her stude ntsD. That; because was the correct wayD. that; whathad bee n admitted to key uni versities.A. What; because B. What; thatC. That; whatIt was not untildark he found he thoughtto solve the problem.A. when; thatB. that; thatC. when; whatWas ithe said or someth inghe did that made her cry sosadly?A. that; whichB. what; thatC. that; whatD. what; whatis certa in isMike will not hurt others in any case.A.What; thatB. It; thatC. It; whyD. Which; thatbega n as a local festival has blossomed into an intern ati onal even t.A. ThatB. WhatC. WhichD. WhereIt is the ability to do the jobmatters notyou come from oryou are.A. which, where ,thatB. that, where, whatC. that, whe n whatD. which, which, whatis known to all is that the old photographer, forlifewas hard in the past, still has to work very hard.A. As; whoseB. As; whomC. It; whoseD. What; whomI was going to pay by cash whe n it sudde nly occurred to meI had leftmy purse at home.A. whetherB. whatC. thatD. whereshe said suggested that she had nt decidedto go or not.A. What; ifB. That; whetherC. What; whetherD. What; whicheverThere is no doubt, from my point ofview,mattersis not what happensto you, but what you remember and how you remember it.A. what thatB.that thatC.what ifD. that whatshockedtheworld was thatNorthKorea carriedout its nuclear bombtest aga in.A. WhichB.WhatC.ThatD. Why语法填空本大题共1小题,共15.0 分Bags of LoveLast year , I was assigned to work at an office near my mother s house ,so I stayed with her for a month. During that time , I helped out with thehousework and con tributed to the groceries.After less than a week, I started noticing that the groceries were running out pretty quickly - we were always suddenly out of something . (1y (wonder) how mymumcould consume them so quickly , I began observing her daily routine for two weeks. To my surprise , I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine. Eventually , I实用文档food to the refugee camp , in (3) she distributed it to childrenI asked around and found out that my mumwas very well known in the area . Thekids were very frien dly with her and eve n looked up to her as if she weretheir own mother . Then it hit me - shy would she mot want to tell me about what she (4) (do) ? Wasshe worried about how I would react or that I would stop (5)_ (buy) the groceries if I found out?Whenshe got home, I told her about mydiscovery . (6)she could react , I gave her a big hug and told her she didn t need to keep it a secret (7) me. Shetold me that some of the children lived with an older lady in a shelter while others slept on the streets . For years , my mumhas been helping out by giving them whatever food she could spare . I was so impressed by (8) selfless she was.五、 句型转换(本大题共1小题,共2.0分)46. As is known to all, the earth is round.(改为名词性从句)is that the earth is round.六、 句子译(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)47. 很明显,他靠卖报纸为生,负债累累.48. 他们如何能在大地震中幸存下来依然是个迷.(remain)49. 译真奇怪这位母亲竟然虐待自己的孩子.50. 译:你是否会成功取决于你努力的程度.51. (1)众所周知,均衡的饮食对我们的健康有益 (2) 王鹏决不允许永慧向人们说谎而不受惩罚.(won t have;get away wit )(3) 当你过马路时,越小心越好!(can t be too )(4) 你本不应该冒险在测试中作弊的,这是你的错.(should)(5) 他没有听从别人的建议,这也解释了他的失败.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)(6) 那个衣衫褴褛的人并不穷.相反,他是个著名演员,很富有.(7) 夜幕降临时,Henry发现自己被一股大风吹到了海上.幸运的是,正当他要放弃生命时,忽然有一艘船发现了他,并把他带到了伦敦.(fin d+宾语+宾补)答案和解析1. 【答案】whether【解析】你是否帮助我并不重要.我将尽一切努力完成这项任务.It does nt matter whether为固定句型.故填 whether.2. 【答案】What【解析】句意:昨晚使我恼火的事是从附近传来的爆竹声音一直持续到深夜.这 是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以要用what “事引导;由于空格在句首,所以第一个字母要大写,故填What.3. 【答案】that【解析】句意:大家都知道火药是中国人首先创造的.这是一个主语从句,it为形式主语,且从句意思完整,故应用that来引导,故填that.4. 【答案】l.have seen2.i nspired3. where4. What5. to【解析】1. 考查固定句型it is/was the first timethat 从句中的时态,前面是is后面用现在完成时态,前面是was后面用过去完成时态,由于主语是we, 故填 have seen.2. 根据本句表达的意思我们应该是被鼓舞了,主语和in spire之间是被动关系,故填过去分词形式,故填in spired .3. 通过分析句子成分后面为定语从句,先行词是an area,在从句中做地点状语,故填where o4. 通过分析句子成分可知本空引导一个主语从句,从句中少表示物的主语,用what引导,故填 whato5. 此题考查固定搭配,make ajustments to 对做调整,故填to.5. 【答案】whether【解析】句意:要不要修建一所现代旅店来取代这座旧巴士站仍在讨论中.分析句意 可知使用whether 是否,引导主语从句,whether在从句中不做成分. 故填 whether o6. 【答案】is ; unkown; that【解析】答案: is ; unknown; that解析:原句 that 引导的从句作主句主语 fact 的同位语 It 在同义句中作形 式主语,又根据据意可知第三个横线后面的完整句子即是句子真正的主语, 故同义句是由 that 引导的主语从句作句子真正的主语前面的主句根据句 意 它对于很多人而言仍然是未知的 可知应表达为: It is still unknownto many. 综上,此题答案为:is ; unknown; that .英国外乡由三个王国所组成的这一事实对于很多人而言还是未知的 此题考查句型转换,做此类题目时一定要根据原句及要求或者提示确定所需 要译的局部,并综合考虑句意、语法等各方面的准确性7. 【答案】 How【解析】句意:我们如何理解事物与我们的感受有很大关系.主语从句,缺状语,故 填 How.8. 【答案】 Whether【解析】句意:他们迷路三天了.他们是否平安尚不清楚. whether 引导主语从句作 主语,且在句首应大写.结合句意可知答案.故填Whether.9. 【答案】 What; where【解析】what 引导主语从句,并在主语从句中做主语;where 引导宾语从句,表示两者差异所在.故填 What; where.10. 【答案】 what ;what【解析】 句意:一般来说,我们看见的比我们被告诉的更令人信服. what wehave seen 是主语从句, what 在从句中作宾语; what we have been told 是宾语从句, what 在从句中作宾语.故填 what; what.11. 【答案】 Whoever【解析】句意:无论谁违法了,都应该受到惩罚.这是一个主语从句,引导词在从句 中作主语,表示“无论谁,故填 Whoever.12. 【答案】 whether【解析】doubt 和 doubtful 与名词性从句连用时,在肯定句中用 whether ,在否认句 中用 that .故填 whether .13. 【答案】 What【解析】分析句子成分,What引导的主语从句,is是整个句子即主句的谓语, Honesty and Happiness 是主句宾语 Barbara Jones offersto her fans为主语从句,Barbara Jones是从句的主语,offer是从句 这个句子中的谓语.句意:芭芭拉琼斯带给粉丝的是忠诚和快乐.故填What.14. 【答案】That【解析】句意:在别的星球上用生命几乎是不可能的.“there is life onan other pla net 是主语从句,从句句意完整,成分齐全,that引导主语从 句,无词义,从句中不作成分,仅起引导作用,置句首单词首字母大写.故 填 That o15. 【答案】that【解析】答案:that考查语法填空.it是形式主语,真正的主语是thatanything is possible for those who hang on to hope. It+ be+名词词组+that从句是主语从句中的一个句型,常用于这种句型的名词 词组有:a fact ,a good idea , a pity ,an hour, a shame no wonder, good news etc .例如:Its a pity that you missed the film .你没有看那部电影真是 太遗憾了.通常对于那些心存希望的人来说一切皆有可能.考查语法填空,准确地理解句子、译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填 单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.16. 【答案】What; is【解析】略17. 【答案】Whoever【解析】句意:谁得分最多,谁就赢得比赛.whoever引导主语从句时,表示“任何人都 “谁谁就都 “不管是谁那都,相当于anyone who+定语从句;who谁;who放入句中意思不通顺,应选 Whoever18. 【答案】 What China got the first place in the 2021 Olympic Gaines made thewhole n ati on very excited.That【解析】主语从句结构完整,故用连接词that,that不做成分,没有意义.故把What 改为That o19. 【答案】 That I remembered most is moving a lot.What实用文档【解析】此句是主语从句,that引导主语从句无意义,从句谓语动词 remembered缺 少宾语,应用 what引导主语从句.故 That What.20. 【答案】 Who is the last one to leave the classroom is required to turn of the lights.Whoever【解析】句意:无论谁最后一个离开教室都要关灯.whoever无论谁,此处是whoever引导主语从句,并且在从句中作主语.故Who改成Whoever21. 【答案】It remains to be seenif or not this idea canbe put into practice.whether【解析】it是形式主语,真正的主语是 whether引导的主语从句,if不能与or not 连用.故将if改为whether.22. 【答案】 That he really means is that he doesn?t agree with us.What【解析】what引导主语从句,并在从句中作 means的宾语,that引导名词性从句不 作成分,也没有实义.故 That改为What.23. 【答案】That students are going to have no evening classes this week is not clear now.Whether【解析】句意:学生本周是否不去上夜校现在还不清楚.表示是否需用 whether,此 处引导主语从句,不作句子成分,故That改为Whethero24. 【答案】It改为What【解析】答案:It改为What根据was that可知,句中含有主语从句和表语从句. 在主语从句worried the public 中缺少主语,所以用 what引导主语从句.让公众担忧的是Phelps竟然吸毒.考查名词性从句时,要注意分析句子成分,根据所缺成分选择适当的连接词.25. 【答案】what改成that【解析】答案:what改成that 考查改错本句是一个主语从句的句子,it是形式 主语,you did nt remember to give me the message 是真正的 主语,主语从句中不缺少主语和宾语,所以用 that来引导,what引导主语 从句在从句中做主语或者是宾语.真遗憾,你不记得给我留言了.改错考查涉及面广,但却有所侧重考查点测试频率最高的是动词,涉及动 词考查的有时态、语态、非谓语动词形式、情态动词和动词的用法等.此外, 还考查名词、介词、代词、冠词、形容词、副词、连词等,还涉及到句型结 构、行文逻辑、固定搭配等.26. 【答案】 What she becomes an artist may be his fathers in flue nee.That【解析】略27. 【答案】Jenkins said, “ That I ? m doing is worthwhile.What【解析】Jenkins说:“我现在正在做的事情是很值得的.本句应该用 what引导主 语从句,表示某人“所做的,故把 That改为What28. 【答案】A【解析】分析matters is the part we choose to act on.结构可知,matters 为主语从句,the part 为表语,we choose to act on 是定语从句,修饰the part.主语从句中matters为谓语动词,缺少主语, Which引导主语从句时充当定语, Where不能做主语,That引导主语从句不 做任何成分,没有意思.应选 What,意思是重要的是我们选择了哪一面.故 选Ao29. 【答案】B【解析】句意:每年,谁在风筝节上做出最美的风筝就能获奖.根据句式可知,考查 主语从句.句子缺少主语成分,再结合句子主语是人,确定whoever.该句式等于 Anyone who makes the most beautiful kite will win a , whomever在句子里不能充当主语;whatever是无论什么;whichever是无论 哪一个都不符合题意.应选Bo30. 【答案】C【解析】句意:幸福就是你所想的、所说的、所做的都是和谐的.从句whenwhat you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.统一做 be 动词 is的表语成分,what做think的宾语,应选Co31.【答案】C【解析】句意:智慧和勇气是所有人为了度过紧急情况所需要的品质.此处是系 动词后的表语从句,从句中缺少 need的宾语,所以应用what来引导;that 引导名词性从句无意义,不做句子成分; all 此处指代所有人,是从句的主 语,应放在谓语之前,应选 C.32. 【答案】 A【解析】 句意:无论谁完成了前两个阶段,然后可以选择是否继续在最后阶段进行一 对一的钢琴课程.第一空填入的是引导主语从句的连词,由句意知道,意为“无论谁,所以要用 whoever.第二空是choose后的宾语从句,由句意知 道,表示“是否,所以要用 whether to do sth.应选A.33. 【答案】 A【解析】 句意:是否你能实现你的梦想取决于你的努力工作而不是运气. it 为形式主 语,根据句意可知 whether 是否引导的从句是真正的主语,应选 A.34. 【答案】 B【解析】 句意:让老师自豪的是超过一半的学生都被重点大学录取.此题第一空中的 what引导主语从句,what在句中作主语.第二空that引导表语从句,that 在句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用.要注意what在名词性从句中作主语,宾语或者表语; that 在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用, 也没有任何的意思.应选 B.35. 【答案】 D【解析】 句意:直到天黑他才发现他想到的是解决问题的正确的方法. 第一空填 that , 这是强调句,It was notun til that ,第二空填 what,在found后面的 宾语从句中,he thought是插入语,宾语从句中缺少主语,用 what引导宾 语从句,应选 D.36. 【答案】 B【解析】句意:是他说了什么还是做了什么让她如此伤心地哭 ? “ he said 是名词性从句,从句中said缺少宾语,故用what作宾语;something是后面 定语从句的先行词,在后面定语从句中作宾语,定语从句中先行词是不定代 词时必须用关系代词 that .应选 B.37. 【答案】 A【解析】句意:可以肯定的是,迈克无论如何也不会伤害别人.此处是 what引导主 语从句并且在从句中作主语, that 引导表语从句,不作任何句子成分,而且 没有含义.应选 A.38. 【答案】 B【解析】 句意:从当地的节日开始,它已经开展成为一个国际性的活动.分析句子结 构可知此处是what引导的主语从句,在从句中中作主语,应选B.39. 【答案】 B【解析】句意:重要的是你的工作水平,而不是你来自哪里或是什么人.第一空是强 调句型,对主语the ability to do the job进行强调,所以用that ;第二空用where做宾语,表示哪里;第三空 what做表语,意思是“什么,故 选Bo40. 【答案】D【解析】句意:众所周知的是,过去生活艰苦的老摄影师仍然要努力工作.第一个空 格考查what引导的主语从句作主句谓语动词is的主语,第一个空格在主语 从句中作主语,所以用引导词 what引导;第二个空格引导非限制性定语从 句,由于 that 引导的是表语从句,the old photographer still has to work very hard 是主句,life was hard in the past 是定语从句,两个句子中间缺少关系词,先行词是the old photographer,如果用for whose, 那么从句中就缺少主语,由于for whose life是介词短语不能作主语,这里选for whom,life 是从句的主语.应选 D.41. 【答案】C【解析】句意:我正要用现金付款时,忽然想到我把钱包忘在家里了. it occurred to me that. 是固定句式“我忽然想起 ,其中it是形式主语,that 引导真正的主语从句.应选Co42. 【答案】C【解析】她的话说明她还没有决定去还是不去.第一空考察主语从句,从句缺少宾语,用what.第二空考查固定短语,whether.or. ,是 还是.应选C.43. 【答案】D【解析】句意:从我的观点来看,毫无疑问,重要的不是你发生了什么,而是你所记 得的和你如何记住的.此题考查两个点:1.同位语从句there is no doubtthat是一个固定的句型,that引导同位语从句.2.主语从句,主语从句中 少表示物的主语,故用 what.应选44. 【答案】B【解析】分析句子可知 shocked the world在句中作主语,是一个主语从句,在这个主语从句中shocked是谓语动词缺少主语,所以用what来引导; what shocked the world让世界都震惊的事情.名词性从句中,which是指在某个范围中的哪一个;that在名词性从句中不作成分;why在名词性从 句中作状语.应选Bo45. 【答案】【小题1】Won deri ng【小题2】what【小题3】which【小题 4】had done【小题 5】buying【小题 6】Before【小题 7】 from【小题 8】how【解析】【小题 1】文章讲述了一个感人的故事作者由于工作的原因,和母亲在一 起住了一个月期间,作者帮助干些家务和购置一些日常用品很快作者发 现了一件奇怪的事:家里的东西好似用的特别快为了找到原因,作者开始 留意母亲的行踪结果很意外,原来母亲每天都会带着满满一包听装食品去 难民营,把食物分发给那的孩子知道真相后,作者为母亲那无私的爱而感 动不已后面一句是 I began observing her daily routine for two weeks 中间 是逗号分隔的,没有连词,说明这是一个简单句,空格上要填非谓语动词修 饰,而且动词 wonder 与后面句子的主语 I 之间构成主动关系,要用现在分 词形式,作原因状语故填 Wondering【小题 2】前面的句子是 I decided to follow her ,中间有并列连词 and, 说明这是并列句;而空格后面是 happened truly amazed me 发生的事情让 我惊呆了 句子的谓语动词是 amazed前面是一个主语从句,并且从句缺少 主语,要用连接代词 what 指事情故填what.【小题 3】前面的句子是 She was taking the food to the refugee camp , 后面的句子是 she distributed it to children中间用逗号分隔,说明这是一个主从复合句,要用连接词.in which相当于where,引导定语从句修 饰前面的先行词 the refugee camp 故填 which 【小题 4】文章讲述的是一件过去的事,题干中说 why would she mot want to tell me她为什么不告诉我她做的事,可以知道母亲做的事发生在作 者发现以前,所以是过去的过去,要用过去完成时态故填 had done【小题 5】固定搭配 stop doing sth停止做某事【小题 6】题干中是 she could react , I gave her a big hug 两个简单句 不能用逗号分隔,说明前面要填连词 before 连接时间状语从句,表示“来 不及就“.句意:在母亲还没来得及反响,我就紧紧地抱住了她故填 Before .【小题7】固定搭配.keep from 隐瞒.题干中keep it a secret from me 的意思是对我保守秘密.故填from .【小题8】题干中she was是一个主谓结构,放在介词 by后,说明是作宾语 从句,要用连词;而selfless 无私的是一个形容词,要用how来修饰.故 填 how.46. 【答案】 What is known to all【解析】题干句意:众所周知,地球是圆的.What is known to all在句子中作主语,what引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语.根据句意,故填What is known toall.47. 【答案】It is obvious that he madeearned his living by selling newspapersand was in heavy debt .【解析】It is obvious that ,固定句型,很明显.这是主语从句,it是形式主语, 真正的主语是 that 从句.make/earn a living,谋生.in heavy debt ,负债累累.故答案是 It is obvious that he madeearned his living by selling n ewspapers and was in heavy debt .48. 【答案】 How they survived the earthquake remains a mystery.【解析】remain保持,依然,此处是系动词;how引导的是一个主语从句.根据语境, 主句需用一般现在时,而从句中陈述的是一个过去的事实,需用一般过去时.当单个从句作主语时,谓语动词需用单数,故答案为Howthey survived theearthquake rema ins a mystery.49. 【答案】Its strange that the mother should abuse her own child.【解析】此题考查句子译,it is strange that 真奇怪,固定句型,it形式主语,真正主语后边that从句,虐待用abuse,结合句意,故译为Its strange that the mother should abuse her own child.50. 【答案】 Whether you will succeed or not depends on how hard you work.【解析】此题考查句式: Whether.or n ot.是否,会不会,表判断.depe nd on取 决于,依靠,依赖,后面跟名词或名词性从句;你努力的程度“可译为 how hard you work,故译为 Whether you will succeed or not depends on how hard you work.51. 【答案】1.It is known to all that a balaneed diet is beneficialto our health.2. Wa ng Peng wont have Yon ghui get away with telli ng people lies3. You cant be too careful while cross ing the street.4. You should not have take n a cha nee cheati ng in the exam. Its your fault.5.He hadnt followed othersadvice, which account for his failure.6. The man in rags is not poor at all. On the contrary, he is a famous actor.He is wealthy.7. Towards nightfall, Henry found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.Luckily, he had almost given himself up for lost when he was spotted by a ship and was carried to London.【解析】1. 此处用一般现在时, It is known to all that 是固定句型,意思是众所 周知;be beneficial to对有益.故答案是 It is known to all thata balanced diet is beneficial to our health.2. 此句用一般将来时, wont have sb. do sth. 不让某人干某事,省略 to 的动词不定式做宾语补足语,所以用 get awaywith ,意思是不受惩罚; tell lies 撒谎.故答案是 WangPeng wont have Yonghui get away with telling people lies.3. ca nt be too.是固定句型,意思是越越,怎样也不过分.当主句和从句主语一致时,从句可以用省略形式, while crossing the street 当你过马路时.故答案是 You cant be too careful while crossing the street.4. should not have done 表示过去本不应该而实际上做了某事; take a chance doing sth. 冒险干某事; Its your fault. 这是你的错.故答案是 You should not have taken a chance cheating in the exam. Its yourfault.5. 和过去事实相反的虚拟语气,主句用过去完成时; which 引导非限制性定 语从句,指代前面句子的内容, account for 解释.故答案是 He hadnt followed others advice, which account for his rags 衣衫褴褛; not at all 根本不; Onthe contrary 相反; Heis wealthy 他很富有.故答案是 The manin rags is not poor at all. Onthe contrary, he is a famous actor. He is wealthy.7.find sb. done sth.发现某人被,himself和carry 是逻辑动宾关系,所以用过去分词做宾语补足语; carry out 完成,抬出去; Luckily 做状语, 修饰整个句子; give oneself up 放弃生命.故答案是 Towards nightfall, Henry found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. Luckily, he had almost given himself up for lost when he was spotted by a ship and was carried to London.第 15 页,共 14 页


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