密 级分类号编 号成 绩本科生毕业设计 (论文)外文翻译原 文 标 题Analysis and development of car blocking technologyblocking technology blocking technology 译 文 标 题阻车技术的分析与发展作者所在系别机电工程学院作者所在专业车辆工程作者所在班级 B13141作 者 姓 名曾文勇作 者 学 号201322419指导教师姓名孟立新指导教师职称副教授完 成 时 间2017年3月北华航天工业学院教务处制译文标题阻车技术的发展原文标题Analysis and development of car blocking technology 作 者Aries Michael译 名亚力士迈克尔国 籍英国原文出处ScienceDirect现时警方在追捕逃逸车时设卡堵截常用的手段是设置路障、布置阻车钉,然而拦截效果并不是十分理想。随着科学技术的不断发展,汽车安全技术尤其是轮胎安全技术发展也比较迅速,市场应用逐步扩大。因此,研究新的阻车迫停技术对于提高处置突发事件的成功率具有重要的现实意义,对于提高抓捕嫌疑犯也具有不可小觑的作用。 1.现有阻车装备技术分析(1)八九式阻车钉八九式阻车钉是常使用的主要阻车器材。该阻车钉是一种利用针刺排气的方法拦截或阻止各种充气轮胎的机动车辆强行通过的制式器材。它可以在各种预定路面上,使大小货车、各种小汽车、摩托车等无法通行或中止行驶,是执行任务中封锁路口,缉拿罪犯、营救人质的较为实用器材。(2)便携式路障破胎器便携路障破胎器也是利用针刺排气法破坏轮胎实现阻车的。它与八九式阻车钉的不同主要在于联系带的不同,它的联系带是由若干相互交错的铝合金条组成。铝条由可动铰链连接,组成可伸缩的棱形。阻车钉的结构与八九式阻车钉基本相同。该破胎器的改进之处在于其收放较为方便。使用时将该破胎器放置并固定在路边,打开箱盖,直接拉出阻车钉,在预定路面上展开,并将其固定在路的另一边。收放按相反顺序进行。(3)遥控阻车钉遥控阻车钉一般由遥控器、阻车钉箱两部分组成,其种类多样,使用相对比较方便。实现了自动布设、撤收以及车钉的自动控制。其原理也是利用针刺排气法。以上介绍的阻车器(路障破胎器)在阻车技术原理上是一致的,即针刺排气法:在车辆通过阻车带时,阻车钉在车辆自身重力的作用下迅速刺入轮胎,轮胎内的高压气体通过放气槽向外排放。同时,随着车辆的运动惯性及橡胶轮胎本身所具有的弹性压力,将阻车钉从阻车带底座中拔出而随车胎带走,并继续发挥排气作用,直至排完为止,从而迫使车辆停止行驶。上述针对轮胎的方法有着固有缺陷,比如在使用中发现,被阻车辆仍能滑行 50m 左右才能停下,且容易引起翻车等事故,不利于执行任务。(4)阻车网缠轴阻车网,包括由特殊材料做成的拉绳编织而成的网体、固定于网体上的刺胎钉。拉绳的相交处构成节点,刺胎钉固定于至少一个节点处的网体上。按照这种布置方式可以将多个刺胎钉布置在同一个网体上,当机动车辆的轮胎与缠轴阻车网接触时,其刺胎钉刺破机动车辆轮胎的效率大大增加;缠轴阻车网还能顺着轮胎缠入机动车辆的轮轴上,导致机动车辆的轮子无法转动,迫使车辆停下来。和缠轴阻车网原理类似,X-net(X 网)是一种具有强烈粘性的阻拦网,将车辆的行驶系统缠绕,迫使车辆停止。该产品重量轻,使用方便,但缺点是不能重复使用,因此使用成本很高。(5)刚性拦截系统(刚性拦截路障)这些类型的刚性拦截系统大多以液压油缸驱动刚性拦截板升起进行拦截,控制方式有手动、遥控等。这种拦截方式能对非法入侵车辆实施有效拦截。国外已经有多家公司生这种产品其中美国 secureUSA.inc 等公司,以色列 Taamal Mizra 公司最为著名。尽管刚性拦截装置可以有效的对车辆实施拦截但是刚性拦截系统也有缺点,主要是:对车辆和乘员有可能产生致命性伤害,对生命财产安全没有保障;拦截系统基本上不可重复使用,使用成本较高;由于结构限制,不能实施双向拦截,逆向车辆可借助坡度强行通过;对布防地形要求很高,由于拦截装置是刚性的,在布防时要求安装地面非常平整,否则会造成拦截系统结构变形,影响正常工作。采用箱型地下安装方式时,施工的难度很大;布防宽度调整困难,采用刚性拦截装置,其拦截宽度几乎不可以调整,因此整个拦截系统很难标准化,增加了制造和部署成本。3. 新研究的阻车迫停技术最近几年出现的新阻车迫停技术主要有以下几种。(1)微波阻车美国陆军早在1997年提出用微波致残车辆电子系统的概念,并进行了试验,但是没有解决小型化轻型化的问题。随着技术进步,美国尤里卡航空技术公司研究出一种小型车载微波远距离汽车拦截系统。该系统主要由电源、振荡器和天线组成,重 100kg,微波频率在 350MHz 到 1350MHz 之间,拦截距离可达 50m。该系统以汽车发电机输出的直流电作为电源,峰值输出功率为 2GW,产生持续 50ns 的能量脉冲束,能量输出可达 100J,这些脉冲经发生器可放大至 640KV,然后用由一对耦合传输线和一些火花间隙开关构成的振荡器将放大的直流电转换成微波,最后由一个特别设计的天线将微波能量波束指向行驶的逃逸车辆,微波能量会扰乱或破坏逃逸车辆的电子系统,尤其是负责汽车点火控制、喷油器、燃油泵控制等重要引擎功能的电子控制单元(ECU),让其出现短路,从而使发动机不熄火。 由于近10多年生产的汽车发动机都由集成电路控制,所以这种无线遥控装置对大部分汽车都起作用。目前,美国警察正在考虑在所有警车上配备这种装置。该系统能全天候运行,完全不受天气情况的影响,也不会对人体产生任何副作用。尤里卡航空技术公司正致力于完善该拦截系统,使之更加小巧,以便安放在警车、海岸巡逻艇或直升机里。(2)化学剂阻车目前研发中的化学阻车剂主要是发动机熄火剂、超滑剂、超级腐蚀剂、超粘剂几种。发动机熄火剂。通过进气口进入发动机和汽油(柴油)发生反应,使之固化,减缓燃烧速度或者不燃烧,使机动车辆动力不足而停止。用熄火剂制成的武器主要是阻燃弹和爆燃弹。阻燃弹。阻燃弹体内装某种窒息性气体,或是某种能在空气中迅速膨胀成泡沫的化学物质。 射中目标后,或是产生使发动机“窒息”的气体,或是在发动机附近生成大量泡沫,使气缸活塞运动受阻,导致发动机“喘振”,致使发动机熄火,而对人员的生命并不构成危险,只是再不能执行战斗使命。爆燃弹。它是一种能使车辆发动机“心力衰竭”、不能做功的非致命性弹药。新研制、开发的爆燃弹的典型是乙炔弹。乙炔弹的弹体分为两部分一部分装水;另一部分装二碳化钙。弹体射向车辆后爆炸,水与二碳化钙迅速作用产生大量乙炔并与空气混合,组成爆炸性混合物。这样的混合物被车辆发动机吸入气缸后,在高压点火下形成大规模爆燃或爆轰,从而使发动机破坏、熄火,车辆抛锚。超级润滑剂。一些物质如聚四氟乙烯及其衍生物,喷洒在沥青、混凝土、草等路面上使得路面几乎没有摩擦系数,犹如在冰上一样。军事上,可通过飞机、导弹、炮弹、炸弹等载体施放到机场、铁路、公路上,使敌方的飞机、火车、汽车由于跑道、铁轨和路面太滑而无法起降、行驶,人员行动困难,从而有效地阻止敌方行动,为己方行动赢得时间,掌握战场主动权。可以借用这种原理,警方可以用来封锁公路、桥梁,使道路上的汽车无法行驶,达到阻车的目的。超级腐蚀剂。针对橡胶制品,腐蚀性比氢氟酸还要强,造成轮胎、鞋底变质,可以使汽车轮胎迅速报废,使车辆无法行驶。超粘剂主要借助其粘性制剂(或泡沫)的粘连、阻滞作用,达到限制车辆运动的目的。超粘性聚合剂可以由飞机和航空弹等施放,它像雾一样,能够堵塞飞机发动机、发电厂冷却系统、通讯装备和设施,也可用于对付人员,将人粘到所触摸的任何物品上。(3)干扰视线阻车驾驶员在驾驶车辆行驶时,清晰的视野是对路面及车外情况的了解的保证,驾驶员的视野很大程度上被挡风玻璃的大小所局限,在挡风玻璃被遮挡后,驾驶员的视野极度缩小,失去对路况的判断,也就无法再继续行驶。由此,利用一些化学物质具有粘性而又能迅速在玻璃上扩散的特性,将其发射到恐怖分子所驾汽车前面的挡风玻璃上,阻挡其行进视野,利用遮蔽视线来达到阻止车辆行驶目的。这种方法原理比较新颖,但是具体实施有一定的困难还需要克服。也可以考虑使用目前装备的非致命武器干扰驾驶员视线来实现阻车,比如利用激光眩目器可以使其眩晕,无法驾驶,具有较好的效果。 At present, the police are setting up road blocks and arranging car stops in pursuit of escape vehicles., however, the interception effect is not very satisfactory. With the development of science and technology, the development of automobile safety technology, especially tire safety technology is more rapid, the market application is gradually expanding. Therefore, the study of the new car stopping technology has important practical significance to improve the success rate of handling emergencies, and it has an important role to improve the capture of the suspect.1. technical analysis of existing car block equipment( 1 ) eight - type car stoppingThe eight - nine - type car arrester is the main vehicle which is often used. The car - stop nail is a kind of standard equipment to intercept or stop the motor vehicles of various pneumatic tyres by means of acupuncture and exhaust. It can be used in a variety of predetermined road, the size of goods vehicles, various cars, motorcycles, such as the lack of access or suspension, is the implementation of the task of blocking crossings, to capture criminals, rescue hostages more practical equipment.( 2 ) portable road block potaiqiThe portable barrier potaiqi is also the use of acupuncture exhaust method to destroy the tires to achieve the car. It is different from the eight - and - nine - type car arresterDifferent from the contact zone, its contact zone is made up of a number of interlocking aluminum strips. The aluminum bar is connected by a movable hinge and constitutes a telescopic shape. The structure of the car stop nail is basically the same as that of the eight. The improvement of the potaiqi is that it is convenient and convenient. When used, place the potaiqi and secure it on the side of the road, open the lid, pull directly out the car stop nail, spread on the predetermined road surface, and fix it on the other side of the road. Retraction shall be conducted in reverse order.( 3 ) remote controlled retarderThe remote control car car nail is generally composed of the remote control, the car car nail box two parts, its various types, relatively convenient to use. Automatic control of automatic layout, withdrawal and car nails is realized. Its principle is also the use of acupuncture exhaust method. The car arrester ( roadblock potaiqi ) introduced above is consistent in principle, that is, the acupuncture exhaust method: when the vehicle passes through the car stop, the car stops quickly into the tire under the action of gravity of the vehicle, and the high pressure gas inside the tire is discharged through the gas chute. At the same time, with the movement inertia of the vehicle and the elastic pressure of the rubber tire itself, the car arrester was pulled out from the base of the car arrester and took off with the tire, and continue to play the exhaust role until the end, so as to force the vehicle to stop driving. The above approach to the tire has inherent defects, such as in use, it is found that the vehicle can still taxi about 50 meters to stop, and easy to cause rollover accidents, adverse to the implementation of the task.( 4 ) car retarder networkThe hang about network, including the cord pull woven by special materials, is fixed to the ci on the net body. The intersection of a pull rope constitutes a node, and the ci nail is fixed to the network at least one node. According to this arrangement, the plurality of ci pins can be arranged on the same net body, when the tyre of the motor vehicle is in contact with the hang about network, the efficiency of the puncture nail punctured the motor vehicle tyre greatly increases; The hang about can also follow the wheel of the wheel to the axle of the motor vehicle, causing the wheel of the motor vehicle to not turn, forcing the vehicle to stop.Similar to the principle of hang about, x - net ( x - net ) is a strong viscous blocking network, winding the vehicle system, forcing the vehicle to stop. The product is light weight, easy to use, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be used repeatedly, so the use cost is very high. ( 5 ) rigid interception system ( rigid interception barriers ) these types of rigid interception systems are mostly driven by hydraulic rams to lift the rigid interceptor, and the control mode has manual, remote control and so on. This type of interception can effectively intercept illegal traffic vehicles. Companies such as secure Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Israel, Inc., are the most famous. Although the rigid interceptor can effectively intercept vehicles, but the rigid interception system has shortcomings, mainly:( 1 ) there is a possibility of lethal injury to the vehicle and crew, and there is no guarantee for the safety of life and property; the interception system is basically not reusable, and the use of high cost; because of the structural restriction, the two-way interception can not be carried out, the reverse vehicle can be passed through the slope; it is very high requirement for the defending terrain, because the intercepting device is rigid, the installation of the ground is very flat when the defense is deployed, otherwise it will cause the structural deformation of the intercepting system and affect the normal work. When using the box-type underground installation method, the construction is very difficult; the maintenance width adjustment difficulty, using rigid interception device, its interception width can hardly be adjusted, so the whole interception system is difficult to standardize, increase the cost of manufacturing and deployment.3. new research on the stopping technology of car stoppingIn recent years, the new car stopping technology mainly has the following several.( 1 ) the United States army of the United States army proposed the concept of microwave disabled vehicle electronic system in 1997, and carried out the test, but did not solve the problem of miniaturization. With the technological progress, the United States eureka aviationThe technology company studied a small car microwave remote vehicle interception system. The system is composed of power supply, oscillator and antenna, weighing 100 kg, microwave frequency is 350 MHz to 1350 MHz, stopThe cut-off distance can be up to 50 m. The system uses the DC as the output power of the automobile generator as the power supply, the peak output power is 2gw, and the energy output can reach 100j, the energy output can be up to 640, and these pulses can be amplified to 640 kv, and then converted to microwave by an oscillator composed of a pair of coupling transmission lines and some spark gap switches. finally, a specially designed antenna will point microwave energy beam to the fleeing vehicle, microwave energy will disturb or destroy the electronic system of escape vehicle, especially for the vehicle point fire controlThe electronic control unit ( ECU ) of the important engine function such as system, fuel injector, fuel pump control, let it short circuit, so that the engine will not shut off.Because the automobile engine produced in recent 10 years is controlled by integrated circuit, this kind of wireless remote control device plays an important role in most cars. Currently, the United States police are considering outfitting all police cars. The system operates around the clock, completely unaffected by the weather conditions and has no side effects on the human body. Eureka airlines is working to improve the interception system and make it more compact so that it can be placed in police cars, coastal patrol boats or helicopters.( 2 ) chemical retarderAt present, the chemical car arrester mainly is engine flameout agent, super, super corrosive, super agent several. Engine remove from heat agent. Enter the engine and gasoline ( diesel fuel ) through the air inlet to solidify, reduce the burning rate or not burn, and stop the power of the motor vehicle. The weapons made from remove from heat are mainly flame retardant and deflagration bombs. Flame retardant projectile. The flame retardant projectile contains some kind of choking gas, or a chemical that can rapidly expand into foam in the air. After hitting the target, either produce a gas that causes the engine to choke or generate a lot of foam near the engine, impede the cylinder piston movement, cause the engine surge , cause the engine to stall, and the life of the personnel is not dangerous, but can not be executed againCombat mission. Explosive projectile. It is a Fei ammunition that can cause the vehicle engine heart failure and cannot do work. The typical deflagration bomb developed and developed is the typical acetylene bomb. The elastic body of acetylene projectile is divided into two parts. Another part of the Assemble. The projectile explodes into the rear of the vehicle, and the water and calcium carbide react quickly to produce a large amount of acetylene and mix with the air to form an explosive mixture. After the mixture is sucked into the cylinder by the vehicle engine, a mass of deflagration or detonation is formed under high pressure to destroy and extinguish the engineFire, the vehicle broke down.Super lubricant. Some substances, such as PTFE and its derivatives, spray asphalt, concrete, grass and other roads to make the road surface almost without friction coefficient, as in the ice. Militarily, aircraft, missiles, artillery shells, bombs, and other vehicles can be cast to the airport, railway, highway, to make the enemy planes, trains, carsBecause the runway, the track and the road is too slippery to take off and move, people are difficult to act, so as to effectively prevent the enemy actions, to win time for their actions, to master the battlefield initiative. This principle can be used, the police can be used to blockade roads, bridges, so that cars on the road can not travel, to achieve the purpose of the car. Super corrosive. For rubber products, corrosion is stronger than hydrofluoric acid, resulting in tyre and sole deterioration, can make car tires quickly scrap, so that the vehicle can not run. The super agent mainly depends on the adhesion and blocking of its adhesive agent ( or foam ) to limit the purpose of the vehicle movement. The super aggregation can be cast by aircraft and aircraft bombs, and it can clog aircraft engines, power plant cooling systems, communications equipment and facilities, as well as fogUsed against personnel to stick to any item touched.( 3 ) jamming line of sight blockingWhen the driver is driving the vehicle, the clear vision is the assurance of the road and the outside conditions, the drivers vision is largely limited by the size of the windshield, after the windshield is obscured, the drivers vision is extremely narrowed, and the judgment of the road condition can no longer continue. Thus, some of the chemical substances have viscosity and can quickly diffuse the characteristics of the glass, send it to the terrorists to drive the front of the windshield of the windshield, block their road of vision, using shielding sight to achieve the purpose of blocking the vehicle. The principle of this method is novel, but some difficulties still need to be overcome. It can also consider the use of the current equipment of the non - lethal weapons to interfere with the drivers sight to achieve the car stop, such as the use of laser glare device can make it dizzy, unable to drive, has a better effect.9指 导 教 师 评 语 外文翻译成绩:指导教师签字: 年 月 日注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。2. 外文原文应以附件的方式置于译文之后。