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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大学实用英语综合教程2答案【篇一:全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2最全的课后练习答案】lass=txt课后练习答案 unit1ways of learning part ii reading task comprehension content question pair work 1. they were studying arts education in chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in nanjing. 2. their 18-month-old son benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the jinling hotel. 3. they would come over to watch benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in china: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the jinling hotel. 6. he emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively byoneself. 7. he means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between china and the usa. 8. the manner in which the chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided. 9. one example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day. 10. americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity. 11. this is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking. 12. the author makes the suggestion that we should strikea better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills. text organization working on your own 1. 1) the text begins with an anecdote. 2) his thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in china and the west. 3) he winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question. 2. chinese 1) show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand 2) give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time americans 1) teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems 2) put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later language sense enhancement (1) summarizing(2) value originality and independence (3) contrast between (4) in terms of (5) harbor (6) fearful (7) comparable (8) promote creativity (9) emerge (10) picked up language focus vocabulary i 1. 1) insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) in retrospect 5) initial 6) phenomena 7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting10) not; in the least 11) promote 12) emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3) as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5) by a little-known sixteen-century italian poet have found their way into some english magazines. 3. 1) be picked up; cant accomplish; am exaggerating 2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3) assist; on the other hand; are valid; a superior ii 1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4) continuous【篇二:21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2-课文译文-练习题答案】ass=txt误 会 佚名 他头发蓬乱,衣着肮脏,口袋里只有35美分。在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他登上一辆公 共汽车并径直走向了洗手间。他想如果他躲在洗手间里,便可以不付钱就乘车去纽约。但是 坐在公共汽车后面的一位乘客看见了他。她拍了拍她前面那位乘客的肩膀说:“洗手间里有 个流浪汉。告诉公共汽车司机。”那位乘客轻轻地拍了一下坐在他前面的人,说道:“告诉公 共汽车司机,洗手间里有个流浪汉。 这口信通过一个又一个的乘客传到了公共汽车的前边。但在这一过程的某个环节,口信变了。 当它传到公共汽车司机那儿时,已经不是“洗手间里有个流浪汉”,而是“洗手间里有颗炸 弹”。司机马上在公路边停下车来并用无线电通知了警察。当警察到达时,他们让乘客下车 并且远离汽车。然后他们关闭了那条公路。那很快就造成了15英里长的交通堵塞。警察在 警犬的帮助下,在公共汽车上搜查了两个小时。当然,他们没有发现什么炸弹。 两个发音相似的英语单词给一个想从洛杉矶飞往加利福尼亚州奥克兰的人也造成了麻烦。他 的问题始于洛杉矶机场。他以为听到广播中宣布了他的航班,所以他走向登机门,出示了机 票并登上了飞机。起飞20分钟后,这人开始担心起来。奥克兰在洛杉矶的北边,但是飞机 似乎正在向西飞,而当他向窗外望去时,他所能看到的全是大海。“这架飞机是去奥克兰吗?” 他问航班服务员。航班服务员倒抽了一口冷气,“不,”她说。“我们去奥克兰新西兰的 奥克兰。” 因为有这么多英文单词发音相似,讲英语者之间的误会并不罕见。并非所有的误会都会导致 公路关闭或乘客飞错大陆。大多数误会远没有这么严重。每天讲英语的人会相互问这样的问 二语言的人来说,特别容易让人混淆。 一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗?” “没有?”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。她在办公室工作。老板 为什么问她盘子的事呢?一整天她都对老板的怪问题感到纳闷,但又不好意思开口问他。到 了5点,当她准备回家时,她的老板说“:明天请准时上班。你今天早晨迟到了15分钟” “对 不起,”她说。“我的车发动不起来,而且?” 突然她停止了讲话并开始微笑起来。她这 时才明白老板并没有问她“你拿到盘子了吗?”他问的是“你是不是起来晚了?” auckland 和oakland。“一个盘子”和“起晚”。当发音相似的单词引起误会时,也许最好的 处理方式就是一笑了之并从错误中吸取教训。当然,有时候很难笑得出来。那个没到oakland 却去了auckland的人是不会想笑的。但即使是那场误会,最终的结局也还不错。那家航空 公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费用,还支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用。 “ 哦,还好,”那人后来说,“我一直就想要看看新西兰的。” 以下是课后练习答案 5 1. passengers2. immediately3. similar4. wonder 5. continent 6. traffic 7. misunderstandings 8. embarrassed 9. flights 10. common 11. serious 12. searched 6 1. got on2. head for 3. tapped on the shoulder 4. pull over5. resulted in 6. feel like 7. by the time 8. turn out all right 9. in the end10. instead of 7 1. by the time i got home, i was too tired to do anything active. 2. the two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other. 3. what in the world does mm stand for? the abbreviations that people use on the bbs are too confusing for me to understand. 4. because of tv, most people have become too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema. 5. anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice. 8 1. until i have really learnt the basics of the language. 2. until the end of the book 3. until they have finished their speeches 4. until my teacher explained them in class with several examples 5. until i saw sam ward leave the building 6. until he got on a city bus 9 1. because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped. 2. twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for hangzhou instead of their hometown, suzhoul. 3. similar-sounding english words often result in misunderstandings among english-speaking people. 4. the driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end. 5. mr. lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of english as a second language. 6. mary felt like learning english and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was toodifficult for her to learn in a short period of time. 10 1. giving us heat and light 2. ranging in age from 4 to 16 3. being invited to speak here 4. your encouraging words 5. sitting between mary and tom 6. leaving todays work for tomorrow 7. playing in the playground 8. taking a break 9. leaving me alone 10. taking mechanical things apart 英语之奥秘 凯利?亨西克 英语有何奥秘之处?让我们来瞧瞧。 为什么我们有这么多发音相同,但是拼写不同、意义也不同的词? 如:way(路) weigh (称?的重量), hear(听见) here (这里), stair(梯级) stare(凝视), do(做) dew(露水), red(红的) read(读过), ate(吃过) eight(八)。 为什么我们有拼写相同但发音不同、意义也不同的词?看看这些词中你能读对几个? 1. 比利将把自己的礼物赠送给汤姆。 2. 我反对把那样东西留在这里。 3. 我估计这一估计数会太高。 4. 那只鸽子很快地从空中俯冲而下。 5. 法官今天将宣判那名囚犯有罪。 6. 既然你靠得那么近,那就请你关上门吧。 在第一次尝试中你读对了多少?让我们来看看拼写相同、读音相同但意义不同的词。 1. 我走过那块跳板登上船。 2. 我试图用我的球拍把那只蝙蝠赶走。 3. 我因为天气寒冷而感冒了。 4. 这一只虫子真的开始烦扰我了。 5. 一些城镇实际上跟边界接界。 明白了吗?下面这个又怎么样呢?“ough”至少有七种发音方法: dough(生面团), cough (咳嗽), hiccough (打嗝儿), plough (犁), through (通过), rough (不平滑的), thorough (彻底的)。【篇三:新风尚大学实用英语第二册课后练习答案集合】 to the exercises section a passage a ii. reading comprehension based on what you have learned from the text, decide whether the following statements are true (t), false (f) in the text. 1) t 2) t 3) f children could not be trusted to learn naturally without a great deal of direction and criticism. 4) t 5) f yet absolute respect is required when there is absolute authority, so we didnt question more than once and obediently complied with their rules. 6) f 7) t 8) f the author set them out for readers so readers might consider what kind of rules they learned from the family in which they grew up and what kinds of rules theyre teaching their children. iii. vocabulary and structure 1. select words from what are given and fill in the blanks with their proper forms。 (1) discussions (2) perspective (3) original (4) expected(5) existing (6) to admit(7) unwilling (8) prevented (9) effective(10) be understood 2. choose the right word and complete the sentence with its proper form。 1)(1) rare 人类活动在某种程度上可能破坏了野生动物的生存环境,尤其是珍稀动物。 (2) scarce 由于夏季的一场大洪水导致去年蔬菜短缺。 (3) rare 他是一个对自己严格要求的人,因此不守时对他来说是很少见的。 (4) scarce 对水源的保护是有必要的,因为对于世界上很多国家来说水是稀有能源。 2)(1) strict严格意义上说,霜冻仅指摄氏温度在零度或零度以下。 (2) severe这是一所为学习困难儿童而建的学校。 (3) strict 我的父母在我很小的时候对我很严厉。 (4) severe政府正面临严厉的指责。 3)(1) confirms 显然他的声明进一步证实了我们所知的事情。 (2) confirm 请以书面形式确认您的抵达日期 (3) decided 他发觉修理电脑花费太高,因此他买了一台新的。 (4) to decide 我等他们决定已经等了一整天了。 iv. practical grammar 1. fill in the following sentences with the proper form of the words given, and then check your answers with your partner. 1) illegal2) impossible3) unsuccessful4) irresponsible 5) inappropriate 6) impolite 7) irreligious8) dishonest9) imperfect10) discontented2study the model sentence first and then complete the following sentences by translating into english the chinese given in brackets。 1) starting to work for an international company她完成学业后就开始在一家国际公司工作。 2) having lived there for such a long time在那里住了好长时间,他就不想搬到其他城镇了。 3) trying to rescue the child from the house他冲进火场试图把房子里的孩子救出来 4) just not having much in common with him我并不是反对他只不过是与他没有更多相同之处 5) not having ridden a horse for several years好几年没有骑马了,我发觉很难安坐在马鞍上了。 v. translate the following sentences into english, using the expressions in brackets. 1. he is quite rich in terms of knowledge he has with himself. 2. laws must be complied with no matter what is done, which is the basis of a civilized society. 3. the hardship he experienced in his childhood had a great effect on his success. 4. the spokesperson refused to make an official comment on the affair. 5. the form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 6. how important peace is to a country that has gone through so many wars. section b reading skills find out the meanings of the words in italics by taking context clues and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) general information without details 2) lacking in energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything 3) something false in order to deceive 4) hidden or secret 5) something mysterious passage b . reading comprehension 1. try to figure out the meanings of the words in italics in the following sentences in the text and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) a substitute who seldom plays 2) not clearly 3) a way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties 4) extremely excited 5) extreme in a way that is unpleasant 2. understand the passage. write down your answers and then discuss them with your partner. 1) loved football and decided to hang in there 2) always puts his heart and soul to every practice and provided the other memebers with the needed spirit and energy 3) his father died in the morning 4) his dad could see him play and the young man wanted to show him he could do it ii. vocabulary and structure 1. using each of the following words or phrases in the box in the sentence given below. change the form where necessary. 1) hoisted 2)were thrilled 3) slipped4) persist5) are surviving 6 )eager 7) absolutely8) triumph 2. translate the given parts into english to complete the sentences. some of the expressions you need have already been suggested. 1) was fairly eager to be successful她雄心勃勃工作着并迫切渴望成功。 2) if he persists in asking awkward questions 如果他固执地问那些让人尴尬的问题,那么就把他打发到老板那 儿。 3) he was thoroughly astonished他听说自己儿子吸毒感到十分震惊。 4) you are more persistent than i would have ever imagined面对困难你比我想象中的还要坚强。 5) people all break loose from confinement当革命的新趋势即将到来时,人们全都挣脱了束缚。 section c passage c i. reading comprehension try to complete the sentences in the fewest possible words based on what you have learned from the text. 1) some wisdom and value 2) path, work and everyday life 3) costs and misfortunes 4) work for his son 5) negatives into positives 6) stepping stone to success 7) enjoying the journey of life 8) wonderful human being ii. test zone 1. there are 20 blanks in the following passage. for each blank there are four choices marked a), b), c), d). you should choose the one that best fits into the passage. 1)c) 2)b) 3)d) 4)a) 5)c) 6)b) 7)a) 8)a) 9)b) 10)a) 11)a) 12)b) 13)a) 14)c) 15)d) 16)a) 17)b) 18)a) 19)c)20)b) 2. each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked a, b, c and d. identify the mistaken one and correct it. 1) d take over改为be taken over2) d done改为do3) a satisfying改为satisfied 4) c causing 改为is caused 5) c unfamiliarly 改为unfamiliar 6) c became改为has become section d writing and translation writingbuilding an argument i. use your own words to complete each sentence, which builds an argument. some of the words and expressions you may use have been suggested to you. 1. many of us consume far less than we need to stay healthy 2. male handbags are long overdue in this country 3. its ambiguity and constant change 4. far healthier, safer and better educated than they were in 1900 5. to close down or privatize these state-owned banks 6. the reality can be different7. protect the environment from pollution 8. her mother used to sing it 9. the necessity of punishment in a just social order 10. outdoor activities translation -主谓结构 iii. translation more exercises 1. translate the following into english 1. the two languages are not similar to each other in many ways. 2. she often teaches these children to sing english songs. 3. could you hand me a cup of coffee, please? 4. we can build only one house with these materials. 5. the united states has more advantages over the other countries in investing in these areas. 6. i often hear some university presidents say, “i treat the students as if they were my own children.” 2. proverbs sayings a. every failure one meets with adds to ones experience. b. many irons in the fire, part must cool. unit 2 culture and education keys to the exercises section a passage a ii. reading comprehension 1. based on what you have learned from the text, decide whether the following statements are true (t), false (f) in the text. 1) t 2) f unless you have some training though, these last two reasons might not be a good reason to homeschool. 3) t 4) f studies show that homeschooled kids often have better social adjustment than kids who go to school 5) t 6) t 7) f is homeschooling appropriate to everyone? no. 8) f so take into account all of the factors before you make a decision whether you should homeschool your child or not to make sure that you make a sensible choice. iii. vocabulary and structure 1. select words from what are given and fill in the blanks with their proper forms. (1) dreamed(2) desire (3) has added(4) intelligent (5) challenged (6) devised (7) choosing (8) topics(9) advantage (10) outweigh 2. choose the right word and complete the sentence with its proper form. 1) (1) opposed 大多数当地居民反对关闭他们的医院。 (2) opposed 我反对这项决议,因为它不切实际。 (3) object 如果我们现在开会,有人反对吗?(4) objected to 他反对被当作外人来对待。 2) (1) percentage 生完孩子回到工作岗位的妇女占多大百分比? (2) percent 我百分之百同意你的看法。 (3) percent 贫困家庭大约把80%到90%的收入花在食品上。 (4) percentage 我们只有一少部分外文书。 3) (1) factor 经济被认为是决定大选结果的主要因素。 (2) elements 把组成完美晚餐聚会的部分列成单。 (3) factor 委员会的支持是该项目取得成功的一个重要因素。 (4) elements 这部电影具有恐怖片所有的要素。 iv. practical grammar 1. fill in the following sentences with the proper form of the words given, and then check your answers with your partner. 1) mistrust 2) interacts3) misplaced4) interchange 5) being misspent 6) interrelate 7)misunderstood8) misapplied9) interconnected 10) interlink 2. study the model sentence first and then complete the following sentences by translating into english the chinese given in brackets. 1) as it was getting late 因为天色已晚,我决定在旅店订个房间。 2) angry as he was 尽管他很生气,但是他还是禁不住笑了。 3) as is often the case with children 像孩子的常见病一样,艾米在医生到来的时候完全好了。 4) as i was coming into the apartment building 当我走进公寓大楼时,他看到了我并把我拦了下来。 5) as i was just saying 正如我刚刚说过的那样,我认为需要进一步考虑这项提议。 v. translate the following sentences into english, using the expressions in brackets. 1. nothing can hold them back from success. 2. their research has thrown some new light on the mystery of life. 3. i decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. 4. she took advantage of childrens absence to clean their rooms. 5. with the growth of the world population, we are faced with the increase in the demand for food. 6. people seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. section b reading skills find out the meanings of the expressions in italics and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) in speech but not in writing 2) to forcefully make known what you think should happen: 3) you should not judge something or someone by appearances 4) to avoid getting into trouble 5) to be grateful for the good things in your life passage b i. reading comprehension 1. try to figure out the meanings of the expressions in italics in the following sentences and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) to turn around and run away, usually because you are frightened 2) you are completely certain专心-专注-专业


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