江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Grammar课件2 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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Task One: ReviewingPassive voice in the simple present and past tensesWhat is done by people in Switzerland to protect the environment?Litter is separated into different groups.Some of the clothes are sent to factories for recycling.tenseactive voicepassive voicesimple present simple pastdo/doesis/am/are+donedidwas/were+donePassive voice in the simple present and past tensesTask One: Reviewing simple future tensePeople in Switzerland started to use energy from the sun, wind, and water.WHY DO THEY USE THESE NEW TYPES OF ENERGY?Because these new types of energy cost very little and will never run out.Simple future tenseSo they are going to use more of these new types of energy.We use simple future tense when the action hasnt taken place yet.Task Two:Passive voice in the simple future tenseSwitzerlands government has many laws to protect the environment.What will happen if you cut down a tree in Switzerland?We will be punished if we cut down a tree in Switzerland.What will happen if you drop a litter in a public place in Switzerland?We will be fined if we drop a litter in a public place.New energy is used to reduce pollution.Less pollution will be produced in Switzerland.People will be punished if they dont follow the laws.Less pollution will be produced by using new energy in Switzerland. Passive Voice in the simple future tense Passive Voice in the simple future tenseWe use the passive voice in the simple future tense when the action has not taken place yet.1.MY MUM WILL GIVE ME A NEW WATCH.I will be given a new watch by my mum.I am going to be given a new watch by my mum.2.The guide will show you around Suzhou. You will be shown around Suzhou by the guide. You are going to be shown around Suzhou by the guide.Please try your best to change the active voice into passive voice.3.THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE THE BOY TO HOSPITAL.He is going to be taken to hospital by them.4.We are going to plant more trees. More trees are going to be planted by us. Please try your best to change the active voice into passive voice.He will be taken to hospital by them. More trees will be planted by us. subject will be/ be going to bep.p.I will be /am going to be supported.You /We /They will be /are going to beHe /She/Itwill be /is going to bePASSIVE VOICE IN SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE注意注意: : 主语是第一人称时主语是第一人称时, , 被动语态的一般将来被动语态的一般将来时也可以用时也可以用“shall be + shall be + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词”来表来表达。达。 What will be done to protect our environment?Environment Week will be held.TASK THREE: PRACTICETALKING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT WEEKTHE STUDENTS ARE TALKING ABOUT ENVIRONMENT WEEK. HELP THEM MAKE SENTENCES USING PASSIVE VOICEactivities / in Environment Week / a lot of / organize / are going to A lot of activities are going to be organized in Environment Week.design / posters / will / by SandyPosters will be designed by Sandy.to all the people / send / leaflets / in the town / will Leaflets will be sent to all the people in the town.are going to / hold /some of the activities / in the town squareSome of the activities are going to be held in the town square. A lot of activities organized Environment WeekPosters be designed by SandyLeaflets be sent to all the people in the town.Some of the activities be held in the town square.LISA IS TELLING HER COUSIN HARRY ABOUT A SHOW THAT WILL BE HELD IN THIS ENVIRONMENT WEEK ON THE PHONE. HELP LISA ANSWER HARRYS QUESTIONS USING THE PASSIVE VOICE.Lisa: Hi, Harry. Theres going to be an environment show here.Harry: Really? When is the show going to be held?Task Four: Different sentence patterns of passive voice in simple future tenseLisa:(1)_ (this Friday evening)Harry: Will the show be held at your school?Lisa: No, (2)_ _. (at the town hall)Harry: Who will be invited to the show?The show is going to be held this Friday evening.The show will be held at thetown hallLisa:(3)_ _ (some famous people in our town)Harry: What will be displayed at the show?Lisa:(4)_ (videos about the past and present of Sunshine Town)Some famous people in our town will be invited to the show. Videos about the past and present of Sunshine Town will be displayed at the show.Harry: What will be discussed at the show?Lisa:(5)_ (ways about how to protect the environment) Ways about how to protect the environment will be discussed at the show.tenseActive voicePassive voiceSimple presentSimple pastSimple futuredo/doesis/am/are+donedidwill/be going to dowas/were+donewill be donebe going to be doneTask Five: Passive voice in three different tenses:POLLUTIONPollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today. In many places, rubbish (1)_ (throw) into lakes and rivers, so many of them (2)_ (pollute). is thrownare polluted Kitty is writing an article about pollution. Help her complete the article using the passive voice.In some cities, the air (3)_ (fill) with pollution. This makes people ill, and more people (4)_ (hurt) in the future if it is not cleaned up.As well as people, animals (5)_ (harm) by pollution. Land and water pollution kills many animals every year. If we do not act to improve the environment, is filledwill be hurtare harmedmore living things (6)_ (kill) by pollution.However, there is some good news. A show (7)_ (hold) at the town hall this Friday evening. All of us will have a chance to think about the world around us. On that day, we (8)_ (show) how to protect the environment.If we work together, we can make the world a better place.will be killedwill be heldwill be shownTask Six: Writing PracticeWrite a proposal for YOG.Write a proposal for YOG including at least five sentences with passive voice.TASK SEVEN: MORE EXERCISES IN OUR EXERCISE BOOKS.Lets try! Homework 1. Review passive voice in simple future tense and do more exercises.2. Preview Integrated skills.


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