湖南省高考英语总复习 M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light(2)课件 牛津版译林版

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湖南省高考英语总复习 M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第1页
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湖南省高考英语总复习 M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第2页
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湖南省高考英语总复习 M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第3页
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Unit3Unit3The world of The world of colourscolours and and lightlightModule8重重 点点 单单 词词7 、 distribute vt. 传播,散布,发行distribute sth. among sb. 在中分配distribute sth. to sb. 把分给某人These books were_distributed_among_schools in the area. 这批书是在本地区的学校中分配的。The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passersby. 示威者向行人分发传单。重重 点点 单单 词词distribution n. 分配,分布,分发distributive adj. 分配的,分布的,分发的distributor n. 分配者,分布者,分发者重重 点点 单单 词词 distribute 指将某物分成一定的部分或数量,通常各份的数量不一定相等,然后分给某些人或地方。 divide 指把整体分成若干部分。重重 点点 单单 词词The books in the library were distributed according to subjects. 图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。The mother distributed candies among children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。The teacher divided_the_class and took one section to the library and left the other to write an article. 老师把该班分开,把一组人领去图书馆,留下其余的人写作文。重重 点点 单单 词词I think we should _ the cost equally among us. What do you think?A. divide B. distributeC. separate D. expand A divide分开(把整体分成若干份),常与into连用;distribute分布,分配;separate 把与分开,常与from连用;expand扩大,扩展。重重 点点 单单 词词8 、 appetite n.爱好;欲望;食欲;胃口Exercise gave us a_good_appetite. 运动使我们胃口大增。【注意】appetite 表示“食欲;爱好;欣赏”的时候,相当于taste。She shows a good_appetite_/taste_in_music. 她对音乐的鉴赏力很高。 当appetite表示“欲望;渴望”时,相当于desire。I have_no_appetite_/desire_to discuss the matter further. 我不想再谈此事。重重 点点 单单 词词have an appetite for sth. 爱好to sb.s appetite 合某人的口味(心意)lose ones appetite 食欲不振have a good / poor appetite 胃口好/ 不好spoil/ ruin /take away ones appetite 影响食欲He has an appetite for traveling. 他非常喜欢旅游。重重 点点 单单 词词9 、abandon vt. 完全放弃;离弃;抛弃 n. 放任,狂热The sailors abandoned the burning ship. 航员们放弃了那艘着火的船。The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon. 那些女孩子跳上跳下尽情地挥舞着手臂。重重 点点 单单 词词 abandoned adj. 堕落的,放纵的;被遗弃的 abandonment n. 放弃 abandoner n. 放弃者;【律】遗弃者 abandon oneself to 沉湎于;纵情于重重 点点 单单 词词以下动词或短语的一般含义是“丢弃”,区别如下: abandon的含义是失去控制,或丧失了占有的能力,或“放弃”某物而不准备再要了。强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物。重重 点点 单单 词词 desert的含义是“过去占有过”或“过去是伙伴”。狭义地讲,这个词指“抛弃自己的义务”,强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”。 forsake通常表示与某人或某物脱离联系,指“遗弃某人以前所爱的人或物”,强调“断绝情感上的依恋”。 quit 强调“突然或不愿意地弃去”,常指“停止”。 give up强调指“没有希望或因外界压力而放弃”。重重 点点 单单 词词The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy. 那个士兵叛国助敌。She quitted her job. 她放弃了自己的工作。She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her. 她恳求丈夫不要抛弃她。We had given_the_dog_up at last. 最后我们当那只狗已经走失了,而不再存有希望。She abandoned her child. 她遗弃了她的孩子。重重 点点 单单 词词His sister _ her husband and three children and went to live in Holland.A. gave up B. quittedC. stopped D. abandoned D 句意:他姐姐抛弃她丈夫和3个孩子去荷兰定居。abandon表示“完全、永远地抛弃”。重重 点点 短短 语语1、cut up 切碎;使受苦His mother has to cut_up_all_the_food for him.他的妈妈不得不为他将所有的食物切碎。Jean was_really_cut_up when her husband left her.在丈夫抛弃她之后,简痛苦极了。重重 点点 短短 语语cut in 插嘴,插队cut into 侵犯cut off 切断,使隔绝cut out 裁剪出;截短;停止cut down 砍倒;缩短cut back 截短cut away 砍掉重重 点点 短短 语语The secretary _ to tell Mr Brown that he was wanted on the phone.A. cut in B. cut offC. cut out D. cut away A cut in 插嘴,打断;超车抢道,切入(加载,连接,时差),这里表示“插嘴,打断”;cut off 切断,阻碍;使分离,使隔绝; cut away 切掉,跑开;cut out 删去,切掉;戒除,停止。重重 点点 短短 语语2、make sth. out of sth. 用某材料做成某物 be made (out) of / make sth. out of 由制成 make sth. out of与 make sth. of的意思相同。make sth. out of 常用于口语。The box is made out of cedarwood. 这盒子是用杉木做的。They make_bottles_out_of_glass. 他们用玻璃做瓶子。重重 点点 短短 语语make sth. out 开具,填写(表格或文件)make out that 从句/wh主张,声张/分清make off 迅速逃离,匆忙离开make up for sth. 弥补make ends meet 使收支平衡make excuses 制造借口make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人make fun of 嘲弄;拿开玩笑重重 点点 短短 语语 This years good harvest will _ last years bad one.A. make into B. make up forC. make it D. make out for B make up for 弥补。重重 点点 短短 语语 He made himself _ be a millionaire.A. out to B. up forC. to D. out for A make sb. out to be sth. 把某人说成疑疑 难难 句句 型型 1、This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it. 这幅画如此珍贵,如果博物馆想卖了它,都难为它估价。 此句中含有句型:subject (主语)+ be +so + adj. / adv. +that。so + adj. / adv. +that从句结构,表示“如此以至于”。sothat,suchthat结构都可引导结果状语从句。疑疑 难难 句句 型型There were so_many_people ( such a lot of people) in the room that we could not get in. 房间里这么多人以至于我们进不去。He bought so cheap a recorder that he saved some money. 他买了一部如此便宜的录音机,以致节省了一些钱。疑疑 难难 句句 型型相关句型有:(1)so adj. / adv. that so adj. a/an 单数可数名词 such a/an adj. 单数可数名词 such adj. 复数可数名词/不可数名词/ 单数名词 that疑疑 难难 句句 型型He is so good a student that we all like him.He is such_a_good_student that we all like him. 他是一个如此好的学生,以至于我们都很喜欢他。It was such_bad_weather that we had to stay at home. 天气如此不好以至于我们不得不待在家里。疑疑 难难 句句 型型(2)如果复数名词前有many, few,不可数名词前有much, little 等表示数量的形容词时,应用so 而不用such。I have so many falls that I am black and blue all over. 我摔了很多次,以至于全身青一块紫一块的。I have so_little_money that I cant afford that MP4. 我只有那么一点点钱,以至于我买不起那款MP4。疑疑 难难 句句 型型(3) 但当little 表示“小”时,用such。They are such_little_children that they can not dress themselves. 他们是如此小的孩子,以至于他们还不能自己穿衣服。疑疑 难难 句句 型型(4)在sothat / suchthat 的句型中,如果把so /such 提前,则主谓要倒装。So_difficult_did_I_find_it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for help. 我发现解决这道难题是如此困难以至于我决定去找汤姆帮忙。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like. A. such B. very C. so D. too C 句意:我很久没有见到Ann了,以至于我都不记得她的长相了。此句是“如此以至于”句型。由此决定A或C,再由于that 前 long 是形容词的缘故而选C。疑疑 难难 句句 型型他是如此饿,以至于吃完了桌上的所有食物。He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.疑疑 难难 句句 型型 2、Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had forgotten our map in the room. 第二天早晨我们刚离开宿舍,就想起把地图忘在房间里了。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 此句含有句型:hardly when“一就”,由hardly 位于句首,用倒装语序。正常语序是 We had hardly left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had forgotten our map in the room。hardlywhen这种句式主句常用过去完成时,when 引导的从句常用一般过去时。hardly 置于句首时,主句用倒装语序。该句式中hardly 可以改成scarcely.疑疑 难难 句句 型型I had hardly / scarcely closed my eyes when the telephone rang. 我刚合上眼,电话铃就响了。Hardly/ Scarcely had_he_arrived when he had to leave again. 他刚一到达,又不得不离开。疑疑 难难 句句 型型(1)no soonerthan用法与之相似。No_sooner_had_he_finished his homework than the light went out. 他一做完作业, 灯就熄了。(2)以never, seldom, little, barely, not until, nowhere, by no means 等否定词放在句首时,句子一般采用倒装形式。疑疑 难难 句句 型型Little do I know about French. 对于法语我知之甚少。Nowhere in the world can you find such a beautiful place. 你在世界上任何地方都找不到如此漂亮的地方。疑疑 难难 句句 型型Little _ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.A. he realized B. he didnt realizeC. didnt he realize D. did he realize C little是具有否定意义的词,位于句首时句子用部分倒装。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 3、Had you come with us, I think you would have enjoyed Europe too. 如果你们和我们一起来了,我觉得你们也会在欧洲玩得很开心的。 本句是一个省略了连词if,含有虚拟语气的倒装句,该句的完整语序是:If you had come with us, I think you would have enjoyed Europe too.疑疑 难难 句句 型型 在虚拟语气的条件句中,若含有助动词should,had 或连系动词were时,可以把连词 if 省略,且把should,had 或were倒装到主语的前面.Had he_come_last_night,_he would have met his sister at home. 昨晚要是他回来了,他就会在家见到他妹妹了。Should he_visit_me_tomorrow,_I would buy him a bicycle. 他若是明天来我就买一辆自行车给他。疑疑 难难 句句 型型Were_he_you,_I think he would lend his computer to me. 若他是你,我认为他就会把他的计算机借给我了。【注意】在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略连词的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式。如我们可说Were I not to do, 而不能说 Werent I to do。Were I_not_to_come tomorrow, I would send you an email to let you know. 如果明天我不来,我就发邮件告诉你。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 _ tomorrow, we would have to put off the sports meet.A. Were it rain B. Should it rainC. Would it rain D. Will it rain B 句意:如果明天下雨,我们将不得不推迟运动会。与将来事实相反的非真实条件句,省略if,把should提到了句首。


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