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会计学1第一页,共59页。Do you have a mobile phone? What brand?第1页/共60页第二页,共59页。Who is the inventor of the telephone?Bell and the telephone第2页/共60页第三页,共59页。1. Who is Mr. Parker going to speak to? A. The secretary. B. Dr Hull. C. Dr Johnson.2. Why cant Mr. Edna Jones speak to Mrs. Oliver Bell? A. Because she is out. B. Because she is talking with a customer. C. Because she is at a conference. 3. What time are they going to have dinner? A. 7:20 B. 7:30 C.7:40 A.You will hear five short conversations twice. For each question, choose the best from the choices marked A, B or C.第3页/共60页第四页,共59页。4. What does Mr. George Kent call the Rose Hotel for? A. To book a single room. B. To book a double room. C. To book a large room.5. What did the secretary ask Mr. Cary to do? A. To call back again. B. To leave a message. C. To come to see Mr. Lee.第4页/共60页第五页,共59页。 B. You will hear a conversation. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question. 1. Why is Mr. Watson calling to the booking office of New York Airport? A. He is going to book a plane ticket. B. He is asking something about the flight. C. He is going to meet a friend at the airport.2. Where is Mr. Watson going? A. To New York. B. To Beijing, China. C. To Shanghai, China.第5页/共60页第六页,共59页。ListeningListening3. When is he planning to leave? A. Next Sunday morning. B. Next Monday evening. C. Next Monday morning.4. What does the clerk of the booking office presume that he would do? A. He would take a first class seat. B. He would take a second class seat. C. He would take a business class seat.5. When is there a direct flight to Beijing? A. On Sunday. B. On Monday morning. C. On Monday afternoon.第6页/共60页第七页,共59页。1. _2. _ 3. _4. _5. _ You are wanted on the telephone.You must have dialed the wrong number.The telephone is ringing. Would you answer it, please?I dialed the right number, but no one answered my call.Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?第7页/共60页第八页,共59页。 When I answered the telephone this morning, I knew right away the lady had the wrong _. But it took her a long time to find out. She said her name was Mrs. Mills and asked if I was Dr Coopers secretary. I told her that she had a wrong number, but she didnt _ to me. She told me she wanted to cancel (取消(qxio) her two oclock appointment (约会,约定) because her husband was _ and she had to take care of him. I told her I was very sorry to hear that, but she still had the wrong number. Then she wanted to know if I could _ an appointment for next week. I told her I couldnt arrange it: I wasnt Dr Coopers secretary. Finally she heard what I said. She asked me why I didnt tell her that she had the wrong number. But before I could answer her, she _up.numberlistensickmakehung第8页/共60页第九页,共59页。 At first I was a little upset (搅乱(jiolun),打乱) about it, but later I thought it was really _ . I wanted to call up my sister and tell her about it. I _ I dialed the wrong number and I happened to get Mrs. Mills. You can imagine how surprised I was. I tried to _ that I had made a mistake, but she wouldnt listen. She just asked how I got her number. She said she couldnt _why I was bothering (打搅) her. I tried to explain again, but she talked so much that I couldnt interrupt (打断) her to say that I was sorry. I finally hung up the _.funnyguessexplainunderstandreceiver第9页/共60页第十页,共59页。第10页/共60页第十一页,共59页。第11页/共60页第十二页,共59页。第12页/共60页第十三页,共59页。 ReadingReading第13页/共60页第十四页,共59页。TextThe New Generation of Telephones The new generation telephone is called super phone or Personal Communication Network (PCN). Your super phone goes wherever you go, in your pocket. You can use it in the street, a boat, or a taxi; you can call from anywhere on the earth to anywhere else. Calls travel at the speed of light, via satellites using ultraviolet, high-frequency wave bands and each communication is automatically billed to your account. 第14页/共60页第十五页,共59页。This new phone is the size and shape of a billfold. You unfold it to use it, making it long enough to reach from your ear to your mouth. There is a miniaturized touch pad, on which to enter the number you are calling. There is also a tiny liquid crystal screen on which you can read weather, news or financial reports. These news items are constantly updated by the company that sells the service. Letter keys on the touch pad also allow you to use this electronic marvel as a computer or word processor. You can plug it into your large home or office computer in order to transfer any data that you feed in during a business trip.Text第15页/共60页第十六页,共59页。 The PCN also stores any useful information of your own that you might need as you travel, such as the names, addresses and phone numbers of several hundred people, important meetings, flight details, and so on. When you need information you simply call it up on the screen. You can even use your PCN to activate electronically controlled equipment at home. For example, you could switch your oven on or off, start the sprinkler system in your garden during a dry spell, get your video recorder to record a show on television, turn off the central heating, and so on. All of this is from thousands of miles away, perhaps from the back of a camel in the desert. In spite of the complex technology, they will be cheap because of the large sales that will be made.Text第16页/共60页第十七页,共59页。Text新一代电话新一代电话 新一代的电话将被叫做新一代的电话将被叫做“超级电话超级电话”或者或者“个人通讯网络个人通讯网络”。你的超级电话将在你的口。你的超级电话将在你的口袋中伴你漫游四方。你可以在大街上、飞机上袋中伴你漫游四方。你可以在大街上、飞机上、轮船上或是出租车上自由使用。你可以在全、轮船上或是出租车上自由使用。你可以在全球的任何一个地方接通电话。通话速度会达到球的任何一个地方接通电话。通话速度会达到光的速度,它通过光的速度,它通过(tnggu)卫星,使用超级紫卫星,使用超级紫外线和高频波段。每一次通讯会被自动地记入外线和高频波段。每一次通讯会被自动地记入你的账号。你的账号。第17页/共60页第十八页,共59页。Text 这种新式电话的大小和形状如同一个钱包。使用时将这种新式电话的大小和形状如同一个钱包。使用时将它打开,使其长度足够达到从耳朵到嘴巴的距离。它有一它打开,使其长度足够达到从耳朵到嘴巴的距离。它有一个袖珍个袖珍(xizhn)触摸板,你在上面可以输入你要打的电话触摸板,你在上面可以输入你要打的电话号码。号码。 电话上还有一个液晶显示屏用来显示天气、新闻或金电话上还有一个液晶显示屏用来显示天气、新闻或金融报道。这些新闻的内容会由提供此项服务的公司不断地融报道。这些新闻的内容会由提供此项服务的公司不断地更新。触摸板上的字母键可以使这个奇妙的电子产品作为更新。触摸板上的字母键可以使这个奇妙的电子产品作为计算机或者文字处理器来使用。你可以将它与你家中或办计算机或者文字处理器来使用。你可以将它与你家中或办公室的大型电脑相连,传输你在出差途中采录的数据。公室的大型电脑相连,传输你在出差途中采录的数据。第18页/共60页第十九页,共59页。Text 个人通讯网络还可以储存个人通讯网络还可以储存(chcn)你在旅行时需要的一些重要个你在旅行时需要的一些重要个人信息,如上百人的姓名、地址、电话号码以及重要会议、航班时间人信息,如上百人的姓名、地址、电话号码以及重要会议、航班时间表等。当你需要这些信息时,你只需简单地把它们调到屏幕上。你甚表等。当你需要这些信息时,你只需简单地把它们调到屏幕上。你甚至可以使用你的个人通讯网络开动家中的电子控制的装置。比如,你至可以使用你的个人通讯网络开动家中的电子控制的装置。比如,你可以开关炉子、在天气干燥的时候启动你家花园里的喷淋装置、控制可以开关炉子、在天气干燥的时候启动你家花园里的喷淋装置、控制录像机录制电视台的节目、关闭中央供暖系统等。所有这一切的操作录像机录制电视台的节目、关闭中央供暖系统等。所有这一切的操作都可以在千里之外的地方进行,或许就是从沙漠中的骆驼背上进行的都可以在千里之外的地方进行,或许就是从沙漠中的骆驼背上进行的。这种个人通讯网络的雏形已经进入试验阶段。虽然它的技术复杂,。这种个人通讯网络的雏形已经进入试验阶段。虽然它的技术复杂,但会因它的巨大销售量而售价很低。但会因它的巨大销售量而售价很低。第19页/共60页第二十页,共59页。Notes1. Personal Communication Network 个人个人(grn)通讯网络通讯网络第20页/共60页第二十一页,共59页。Notes2. high-frequency wave bands 高频高频(o pn)波段波段第21页/共60页第二十二页,共59页。3. There is a miniaturised touch pad, on which to enter the number you are calling. 它有一个袖珍模板,在上面可以输入(shr)你要打的电话号码。句中的on which to enter the number you are calling 是把介词(jic)提前which + 不定式短语结构,在此对a miniaturised touch pad 作进一步补充说明。Notes第22页/共60页第二十三页,共59页。Notes4. There is also a tiny liquid crystal screen on which you can read weather, news or financial reports. 电话(dinhu)上也有一个液晶显示屏用来显示天气、新闻或者 财经报道。句中的on which you can . reports 是把介词(jic)提前的定语从句,用来修饰a tiny crystal screen。第23页/共60页第二十四页,共59页。Notes5. You can even use your PCN to activate electronically controlled equipment at home. 你甚至(shnzh)可以使用你的个人通讯网络遥控家用电器。第24页/共60页第二十五页,共59页。via prep.1) going through or stop at a place on the way to another placee.g. He went to London via Siberia. We flew to Sydney via Hong Kong.2) using a particular machine, system, or person to send or receive somethinge.g. He sent me a letter via one of my friends. I receive all my work via email. I sent a message to Kitty via her sister.be the size and the shape ofof the same size and shape ase.g. The notebook computer is very small. It is the size and the shape of a notebook. The super phone is very convenient for people to carry, because it is the size and the shape of a billfold.第25页/共60页第二十六页,共59页。finance1) n. U a supply of moneye.g. The company agreed to provide finance for the purchase of the property. Finance can be arranged for first-time house buyers. Weve had some difficulties raising finance for the project.2) v. to obtain or supply money for a business or other activitye.g. The oil deal was financed by 12 international banks. The company agreed to finance a day nursery for children of its employees. The local authority has refused to finance the plan.financial adj.of money and financee.g. This company is in financial difficulties. I need to consult a financial adviser before buying any shares.第26页/共60页第二十七页,共59页。constantly adv.(not gradable) all the time; repeatedlye.g. Fashion is constantly changing. Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. She has the television on constantly.constant adj(usually before noun) happening all the time or repeatedlye.g. Babies need constant attention. This entrance is in constant use. Weve kept a fairly constant speed all the way.constancy n.U the quality of staying the same and not changee.g. He admired her courage and constancy. The constancy of your love for Emma amazes me.第27页/共60页第二十八页,共59页。update1) v. to make something more modern by adding new partse.g. Its time we updated our software. They need to update their image. An updated version of the software will be available within two months.2) v. to add the most recent information to somethinge.g. The files need updating. I called the office to update them on the days development. Well update you on this news story throughout the day.3) n. the act of updating or something that is updatede.g. Ill need regular updates on your progress. When was the last update performed on the mail list?第28页/共60页第二十九页,共59页。marvel1) n. a wonderful and surprising person or thinge.g. I dont know how he did ithes a bloody marvel. An electronic computer is a marvel of modern engineering. She is a marvel of beauty. Internet has done marvels.2) v. to feel great surprise or admiration for something, especially someones behaviore.g. Im just marveling at your skill/courage. I marveled at my mothers ability to remain calm in a crisis. I marveled that anyone could be so stupid.marvelous adj.extremely good, wonderfule.g. What a marvelous idea! How was your holiday? Marvelous! This is a marvelous opportunity for me.第29页/共60页第三十页,共59页。transfer vt.to (cause to) move from one place, job, vehicle, etc. to anothere.g. Please help me to transfer these files to the new cabinet. He was transferred from the London branch to the Edinburgh branch. Id like to transfer $500 into my current account. I transferred at Singapore for a flight to Brisbane. This disease is transferred from mother to baby.spell n.a short period of time which something laste.g. After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching. Each of them did a ten-day spell of duty in the office during the summer vacation. He had a spell after class.第30页/共60页第三十一页,共59页。activate v.to make something such as a device or chemical process start workinge.g. The burglar alarm is activated by movement. The alarm is activated by the lightest pressure. You can activate the system by buttons or voice recognition.active adj.taking part; busye.g. Although hes nearly 80, he is still very active. She takes an active part in school life. They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease.第31页/共60页第三十二页,共59页。plug intoto connect one piece of electrical equipment to anothere.g. The local system is plugged into the national telephone network. This computer plugs into a data bank. The TV was plugged into stereo system.feed into introduce or put in steadilye.g. If you feed the data in, you get the analysis a few minutes later. He fed the tape in.第32页/共60页第三十三页,共59页。call up1) to make a telephone call toe.g. He called me up from London. Someone called up from downtown and asked to see you at five.2) to bring to mind or recollectione.g. Your letter calls up many delightful memories of my visits at your house. Many memories of old times were called up by conversation we had together that night.in spite ofalthough something is there; taking no notice ofe.g. She cant see very well in spite of her glasses. The boy went out in spite of his fathers orders.第33页/共60页第三十四页,共59页。Structure and Grammar“a preposition + -ing form”Look at the following sentences:e.g. They protected themselves with simple weapons, and by lightening fires at night and, above all, by keeping together. Before long, they discovered easier ways of traveling. Later they traveled . but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. I have no idea of being one of them.第34页/共60页第三十五页,共59页。Structure and Grammar“a preposition + -ing form”In each of the sentences above, the -ing form is used after all prepositions to form a prepositional phrase, which can be used both as an adverbial and an attributive.e.g. After getting up in the morning, he went out for a walk. (time) Shes been quite different since coming back from America. (time) Jim was praised for having broken a record. (reason) With all his boasting, Henry achieved very little. (concession) They went to the front by riding in a truck. (manner) He went there with the object of winning her favor. (purpose)第35页/共60页第三十六页,共59页。1. You can use your superphone to call your friends from anywhere on the earth and in the space. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.2. When you dial the number, your call will be through in a few minutes. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.ExercisesI.According to the text, are the following statements Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose “Doesnt say”. For each sentence, mark one letter A, B or C.第36页/共60页第三十七页,共59页。Exercises3. The news items of weather of financial reports can be updated very often. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.4. You can connect your PCN to your home or office computer in order to transfer any data that you feed in during your trip. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.5. By using your PCN you can do everything from thousands of miles away. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.第37页/共60页第三十八页,共59页。ExercisesII. Choose the best from the box to complete each of the sentences.1. Calls travel via satellites using ultraviolet, high-frequency wave bands, so they travel _.2. If you want to know the weather for the next day, you can read it on your PCN, because there is _.3. During your business trip, if you get some very useful data and want to transfer them, you can _.4. When you need information, you can call it up on the screen, because the PCN also _.5. When you are away from home, if you want to make your video recorder record the news on television, you can use your PCN _ .BHFAD第38页/共60页第三十九页,共59页。A. stores any useful information you needB. as fast as lightC. to use PCN as a computer or word processorD. to control your video recorderE. because of the large sales that will be madeF. plug your PCN into your home or office computerG. from the back of a camel in the desertH. a tiny liquid crystal 120 screen on your PCNExercises第39页/共60页第四十页,共59页。ExercisesIII. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1. The computer is developing rapidly. Now it is _ a note book.2. The electric locomotive runs faster than the diesel locomotive (内燃车). It runs _170 kilometers per hour.3. After returning from his business trip, he is now busy writing his _.4. The automatic telephone (自动电话) _go out on your holidays, because it can answer your call when you are out.5. The computer can _any information you want.the size and the shape ofat the speed offinancial reportsallows you toat the speed of financial reports call up information use . As transfer allow . toin spite of the size and the shape of letter keytransfer第40页/共60页第四十一页,共59页。Exercises6. Last evening, Mr. David _ Mr. Park to discuss their trip next week.7. The tiny liquid crystal screen can be _ the computer screen.8. The PCN also stores any useful _of your own that you might need as you travel.9. If you want to write articles by computer, you must press the _to type them into the computer.10. _ the fact that he was poor and had no friends, he rose to a high position in the government.called upused asinformationletter keysat the speed of financial reports call up information use . As transfer allow . toin spite of the size and the shape of letter keyIn spite of 第41页/共60页第四十二页,共59页。ExercisesIV. Match each word in Column A with a similar meaning in Column B.AB1. satellitea. continuously; frequently2. marvelb. to cause to move from one place to another3. automatically c. to cause to be active; bring into use4. miniaturized. a heavenly body moving around a larger planet5. financiale. short or fairly short perioddfigh第42页/共60页第四十三页,共59页。ExercisesIV. Match each word in Column A with a similar meaning in Column B.AB6. constantlyf. a wonderful and surprising person or thing7. processorg. to produce in a smaller version; to make small8. transferh. connected with money9. activatei. by a machine without people doing anything10. spellj. machine that processes thingsabjce第43页/共60页第四十四页,共59页。ExercisesV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in the brackets.1. Tom was in (constantly) _ pain at that time.2. These concerts are (financial) _ by the Arts Council.3. The company is in the (processor) _of moving to new offices.4. Students should always be (activate) _ in class.5. This is a (marvel) _ opportunity for me. 6. He has a lot of difficulties (communication) _ with foreigners.7. Where is the (enter) _ to the park?8. She (unfold) _ the letter and put it into an envelope.9. I (information) _ her mother of her safe arrival.10. Every office should be (equipment) _with a computer.constantfinancedprocessactivemarvelouscommunicatingentranceinformedfoldedequipped第44页/共60页第四十五页,共59页。ExercisesV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The new generation telephone is called Personal Communication Network.2.The new telephone is the size and shape of a billfold.3. There is also a very tiny crystal screen on which you can read weather, news or financial report.新一代电话被称为个人通讯新一代电话被称为个人通讯(tngxn)网络。网络。这种新式电话的大小和形状这种新式电话的大小和形状(xngzhun)如同一个钱包。如同一个钱包。电话上还有一个液晶显示屏用来电话上还有一个液晶显示屏用来(yn li)显示天气、新闻或显示天气、新闻或新闻报道。新闻报道。第45页/共60页第四十六页,共59页。Exercises4. When you need information, you simply call it up on the screen.5. Do you know how to use mobile phone without being rude to the people around you? When eating at a restaurant with friends, dont place your mobile phone on the table. This conveys the message that your phone calls are more important than those people around you.当你需要这些当你需要这些(zhxi)信息时,你只需简单地把它们调到屏幕上。信息时,你只需简单地把它们调到屏幕上。你知道如何使用手机而不冒犯别人吗?在餐馆和朋友你知道如何使用手机而不冒犯别人吗?在餐馆和朋友(png you)一起吃饭时,不要把手机放在桌子上。这样会让你的朋友一起吃饭时,不要把手机放在桌子上。这样会让你的朋友(png you)觉得你把来电看的比你周围的人还重要。觉得你把来电看的比你周围的人还重要。第46页/共60页第四十七页,共59页。1. Useful sentence patterns1) Asking for someone Could I speak to John Martin, please? Could you put me through to John Martin, please? Is Mr. Wang available in the office?2) Explaining Im afraid Mr. Martin isnt in at the moment. Im sorry; hes in a meeting at the moment. Mr. Coopers extension is engaged.3) Putting someone on hold Just a moment, please. Hold the line, please. Would you mind holding?4) Taking a message Would you like to leave a message? Ill tell Mr. Jones that you called. Ill ask him/her to call you as soon as possible.第47页/共60页第四十八页,共59页。2. Making a telephone callA. Pair workWork in pairs: You are John Peterson. Telephone Student B (Pinkerton) toarrange a meeting to discuss your visit to Australia. You want to meet nextweek. Below is your diary for next week. SpeakingSpeakingMondayThursdaya.m.Meeting with Sales Manager 10:0012:00Lunch with Porkera.m.Lunch with familyp.m.Write a report p.m.Board meeting 14:3017:00TuesdayFridaya.m.a.m.Leave for Australia 11:00p.m.Visit Parkers company 14:0016:00p.m.WednesdaySat./Suna.m.Meet some customers 10:00a.m.p.m. Visit some clerks 15:0017:00p.m.第48页/共60页第四十九页,共59页。B. Cla


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