高考英语总复习 写作专项攻略四 衔接过渡课件 外研版

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书面表达的评分标准是把衔接与过渡作为重要标准来要求的。学生要学会恰当地使用这些表示逻辑关系的关联词语,使文章前后连贯、结构紧凑、过渡自然。一、使用过渡性词语1表递进关系的过渡词:besides,in addition,moreover,furthermore,whats more,whats worse,on the one hand.,on the other hand.等。例我不喜欢那件衣服,而且它太贵了。(1)I dont like the dress;besides,its too expensive.(2)I dont like the dress;moreover,its too expensive. 2表转折对比的过渡词: but,however,yet,instead,on the other hand,on the contrary,despite,in spite of,whereas,nevertheless等。 例他原以为自己理解了那道题,但是他错了。 (1)He thought he understood the problem,but he was mistaken. (2)He thought he understood the problem,however,he was mistaken. 3表目的过渡词: for this reason/purpose,so that,in order to/that等。 例为了让学生听清,老师提高了声音。 (1)The teacher raised his voice so that students could hear him clearly. (2)In order to make himself heared clearly,the teacher raised his voice. 4表示因果关系的过渡性词语: because,as,since,for,thanks to,thus,therefore,as a result of,one reason is that.,another reason is that .等。 例由于天在下雨,你最好乘出租车。 (1)As its raining,youd better take a taxi. (2)Its raining so youd better take a taxi. 5表示列举事实的过渡性词语: for example/instance,such as,take.for example,that is to say,as follows,in other words等。 例许多伟人从贫困中崛起,例如林肯和爱迪生。 (1)Many great men have risen from povertyLincoln and Edison,for example. (2)Many great men have risen from poverty,for example,Lincoln and Edison. 6表特定的顺序关系的过渡词: first,firstly,second,secondly,third,thirdly,above all,first of all,then,next,finally,in the end,at last,eventually等。 例努力学习,最终你会成功的。 (1)Work hard,and you will succeed in the end. (2)Work hard,and you will succeed in time. 7表示并列的过渡性词语: and,or,also,too,as well as,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,either.or.,not.but.等。 例他不但给我建议,还给我钱。 (1)He gave me money as well as advice. (2)He gave me not only advice but also money. 8表示条件的过渡性词语: if,unless,as/so long as,on condition that等。 例只要有生命,就有希望。 (1)As long as there is life,there is hope. (2)Where there is life,there is hope. 9表示让步关系的过渡性词语: as,though,even if/though,who(what,when,where)ever/no matter who(what,when,where)等。 例不管谁违法都要受到惩罚。 (1)No matter who breaks the law,he will be punished. (2)Whoever breaks the law will be punished. 10表总结的过渡词: in a word,in general,in short,to sum up,finally,in conclusion,in summary,generally speaking,all in all等。 例一般而言,语言是用来交际的。 (1)In general,language is for communication. (2)Generally speaking,language is for communication.二、使用过渡性句子段与段之间除了借助于一些篇章层次上的连接性词语,如however,on the other hand,on the contrary,similarly,therefore,in conclusion,in short等,还经常需要使用一些表示过渡的句子来确保其连贯性。常见的过渡性句子类型有:1设问引出下文为了引出下文所要表达的内容,作者有时采用设问的方式引出下文。 2总体陈述不同观点 有时作者在前一个段落列举各种现象或者引出某个要供大家讨论的话题之后,接下来就要从整体上论述人们对此持有的不同看法,然后再具体论述各种观点,如Different people have different opinions towards it.等。 3举实例佐证 有时为了增强某个观点或者现象的说服力,我们可以使用实例加以佐证。可以使用“take.for example”来引出下文。.根据句意,用适当的连接性词语填空1Jane was dressed in blue Mary was dressed in red.2She will be late, ,she is caught in a traffic jam.3He took the first bus. ,he got on time.4 the cat the dog has been fed,because the hostess is ill.5They can go they promise to be back before 11 oclock.根据汉语提示完成句子1英语是一门有用的语言。一方面,它是联合国官方语言;另一方面,它在商业,科学及技术领域广泛使用。English is a useful language. ,it is an official language in the UN. ,it is widely used in business,science and technology.whilewhats worseAs a resultNeithernoras long as/so long asFor one thingFor another(thing) 2一般而言,为了保持身体健康,我们应该饮食多样化,除主食外,通常还包括适量的鱼、肉、蔬菜和水果。 ,to keep fit,we should have various healthy diets,which include proper amounts of fish,meat,vegetables,fruit main food. 3首先,我需要你的姓名和住址。其次,你生日在什么时候? ,I need your name and address. ,whens your birthday? 4一方面60%的学生反对公园收门票,另一方面,40%的学生认为应该收门票。 ,60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees; ,40% think that fees should be charged.Generally speakingas well as/besides/in addition toTo begin withThenOn the one handon the other hand5然而,在城市生活的费用通常是很高的。你必须找到一份报酬丰厚的工作。否则,你将负担不起你所需要的东西。 ,living in the city is often very expensive.You must find a wellpaid job, ,you will not afford the things you need.阅读下列短文,选择适当的过渡词或短语填空,并根据行文补上第三段首句As a new way of shopping,online shopping is becoming more and more popular in our daily life.Howeverotherwise , o n l i n e s h o p p i n g h a s m a n y advantages.First,online shopping makes it easier for us to buy things.Instead of searching a crowded store,we just need to watch the computer screen and choose the things we like. ,it is much faster for us to do shopping.We dont have to spend a lot of time going to shops.Third,we can see a lot of goods shown on the computer screen at the same time. The pictures of goods shown on the computer screen are not always what they are. ,we can be cheated easily. ,we cannot see the things in detail. , the disadvantages of online shopping,I think it is an advanced way to do shopping.So we should develop it.On(the)one handSecond On the other hand,online shopping is not so perfect./On the other hand,online shopping also has many disadvantages.As a resultWhats worseIn a worddespite


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