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一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的构成形 式及基本用法1. 一般疑问句:一般疑问句一般是指以助动 词、情态动词、be动词或have(有) 开始,通常要求以yes,或no来回 答的疑问句,一般疑问句读时通常 用升调。Do you know Mr. Smith?Can you swim?2. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句由疑问代词或疑 问副词+ 一般疑问句”勾成,句子一 般用倒装语序,但如果主语是疑问 代词或由疑问代词修饰时,用陈述 句的语序。特殊疑问句不能用yes或no回答,读时用降调。例如:Who is on duty today?How long have you bee n in Beiji ng?What time do you get up every morning?What must I do now?3. 注意疑问词的选择1. 问谁”用who或whom。 如:Who is a doctor?Li Lei is a doctor.(对主语提问用who,对宾语提问用who, whom均可)2. 问谁的”用whose。如:Whose book is this?This is his book.3. 问地点”用where。学习必备欢迎下载如:Where is the ball ?The ball is under the bed4.如:问原因”用why。Why did nt he come?He did nt come because he wasill .5.如:问身体状况用how。How are you ?Im fine.6.如:问方式”用how。How did he do it ?He did it in that way.7.问程度”用“how +被修饰女口: How wide is the river ?The river is five metres wide.8. 问 多少”用how much或how many。女口:How much money do you have?I have a lot of money.How many times has he been to Shangha?He has been to Shanghai three times.9. 问多久”用how long或how soon。如:How long has he stayed here He has stayed here for ten days How soon will he be back?He will be back in two hours.(how long指动作或状态发生了多久;how soon指动作或状态还 有多久将会发生)10. 问 动作的发生频率”用how often。女口: How often do you watch TV every week?I watch TV twice every week.11. 问哪个”用which女口: Which do you like among these three?I like this one among these three12. 问什么”用whato如:Whats on the desk?There is a book on the desk13. 问职业”用whato如:Whats yourfather?学习必备欢迎下载My father is a teacher.14. 问颜色”用 what colour 。 女口: What colour is an orange?An orange is orange.15. 问星期几”用what day。 如: What day is today?Today is Friday.16. 问 几月几日”用what. .date。 如: Whats the date today?Today is July 1st.17. 问时间”用when或what time。女口: When do you go there?I go there in the morning.What time is it ?It is four oclock.(when既可对点时间提问,也可对 年、月、日等时间提问;what time 通常只对点时间提问)常用的特殊疑问句询问 内容疑问词或 句型例句回答职 业, 身份whatWhat is your father?He is a doctor.姓名 或关 系whoWhoisthat boy?He is Jack. He is my brother相貌 特征what like?What is she like?What does she look like?Sheisbeautiful.目的what for?What did they come here for?To attend a meeting.原因whyWhy did they comeBecause they havehere?a meeting to attend.天气how what like?Howisthe weather today?What is the weather like today?It s fine.颜色what color What color is her skirt?It re服装尺寸what sizeWhat size does heHe wars40.wear?几点钟what timeWhat time is it?It s 7:30.助几what dayWhat day is today?It sTuesday.几号, 日期what is thedate ?What is the date today?It s May年龄(多 大)how oldHow old is he?He is 38.持续 多长 时间(多 久)how longHow long have you bee n here?For five mon ths.长度(多 长)how longHow long isthebridge?It s 500 metres.距离(多 远)how farHow far is itfromhere to the zoo?It s 6 kilometres.频度(多 经 常)how oftenHow often doyoucome back?Onceaweek.时间 经过(多 快)how soonHow soor will she arrive?IInanweek.数量how manyHowThree.(多 少)(可数名 词)how much(不可数 名词)many jackets do you have?How much coffee do you want?Two cups.价格how muchHow much is it?How much doesitcost?Five dollars.高度 (多howtall(人,树)How tall is she?She s.73 metres.高)how high(山,建筑 物)How high isthetower?It s 450 metres.


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