How to Improve Oral English

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How to Improve Oral English This thesis attempts to work out some ways to improve our oral English. In order to solve the problem, we should find out the importance of oral English, the reason why they have many problems in oral English, and then the way to improve their Oral English. The following aspects are involved. On one hand, this thesis analyzes the importance of oral English, including the importance of oral English for the teaching and quality of the students and the international world. On another hand, this thesis analyzes the reason why they are poor at oral English. First, there are factors of the students themselves, including motivation, interest and learning method etc. Second, teachers factors are important to students, including their knowledge of English and teaching capacity . Whats most important is that this thesis finds out the way to help the students with oral English. First of all, students themselves should foster the motivation and interest of Oral English. Second, they should master right method to practice Oral English. Third, Teachers should enrich their knowledge of English in overall aspects, including English skills, to learn love every student and get enough psychology knowledge. At last, they should improve teaching method. To improve oral English ability is an important aim of studying English.1 In different ways, oral English teaching goes through the whole English teaching. English teaching is linked together with knowledge in class and outside class, which highlights the students main body role in class and enhances English teachers guiding role. And students are active to speak English and study English, which is the aim of oral English teaching. It is evident that the improvement of Oral English is good for the development of students reading and writing abilities. The improvement of Oral English can formed and strengthened their ability of thinking in English. And their ability of analyzing questions and coming up with opinions will enhance, too. Whats important, the students role will change. They are never those passive listeners but active participants in class. Their main body role will be heightened and respected, which makes them study positively and helps to develop their ability of studying. At the same time their pioneering spirit will be enhanced and their ability of creating will be trained. That is the core of quality education. There can be no doubt now that English is one of worlds most widely used languages though there are thousands of languages in the world. Whats most important is to speak it. People use a language in three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language. English is spoken as a native language by nearly 300 million people. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in a great many countries. It is one of the few “working” languages of the United Nations and is more frequently used than the others. It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most plans traveling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the words radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the worlds mail are in English. At international sports meets, and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is the language most commonly used and most widely understood.English has in fact become the language of international cooperation in science and technology. The most advanced results in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scientist who speaks English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesnt.The reason why students are poor at Oral English. One of the reasons that the students are poor at Oral English is they lack motivation of speaking English. Motivation plays an important function in study. Usually, we divide motivation into two groups, that is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.2 On one hand, the reason that some of the students speaking English is they like it or they are interested in western culture. These are intrinsic motivation. On another hand, some of the students practice Oral English because extrinsic factors, such as a good job, getting a lot of money or abroad. These are extrinsic motivation. If a student who doesnt yearn for any knowledge, I dont think he will work hard and keep learning for a long time. Another reason is that the students lack interest of Oral English.In order to improve Oral English, students have to bear so many phonetic symbols, words and phrases in mind and have to learn idiom and sentence pattern by heart. So they must spend a lot of time in remembering, which makes Oral English difficult. As time goes by, they lost interest and self-confident to practice it. The third reason is that the students dont have proper learning method. Most of them havent good habit of listening and reading English. Their aim of learning English is to get good mark in the examination. So they spend much time on grammars and reading comprehension. They dont have learning plan for the Oral English. Most of students have no fixed time for Oral English. The most important thing is that they dont comply with the “forgetting curve” which shows that most forgetting takes place immediately after learning. An hour after studying something new, more than 50 percent has been forgotten. After one month, 80 percent has been forgotten and so on. Some of English teachers dont have overall knowledge of English. As we all know, teachers are the key factor for the students. High-quality team of English teachers is the basic to improve the quality of English education. Strengthen the building of the team of English teachers is to improve the quality of English teaching. However, there some of teachers are not in English major. Teachers themselves cant master Oral English, how they can teach their students? Their pronunciation is not standard, when they read the text will mislead the student, especially, when the teacher is a primary English teacher, he or she may lead the students to make a great mistake lifelong. Besides, some teachers lack of western culture, which results in them cant guide the student to practice Oral English. Some of English teachers dont have proper teaching method. They just read the words and phrases, and then let the students bear them in mind. On another hand, they spend a lot of time to explain the sentence pattern, grammar and the text. There are not pictures and games to help them to teach. This teaching method makes English boring and the students lost the interest. How students will be interested in Oral English? And it is impossible that they spend time and energy to practice Oral English. Whats most important is that the aim of most teachers is the high score. They just take the examination as their first task and dont pay any attention to Oral English.In order to improve oral English, both students themselves and teachers should do something, for they are the most important factors to improve the students oral English. Measures that should be taken by the students themselves to improve their Oral English. First, students must know the importance of Oral English. In the aspect of international world, there can be no doubt now that English is one of worlds most widely used languages though there are thousands of languages in the world. It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. English has in fact become the language of international cooperation in science and technology. In the aspect of hunting a job, when students leave school and find a job, they will find Oral English is an advantage. As the development of international trade, there are so many Small and Medium-sized Enterprises begin to be engaged in export. So more talented people who can speak English in a fluent way are needed, so that they can do business with foreigners. As a result, good oral English will be an advantage for a person and the person who can speak good English will have more opportunity to get a better job. Second, students should actively participate in classroom activities. Activities and games can induction interests and hobbies. In order to help students to practice English, teachers always prepare some activities or games. But there is a bad phenomenon that most of the students are not willing to take part in the activities or games. The reason is that they are shy and are afraid of making mistakes. So they should treat the activities and games seriously and right. Work on one problem sound at a time. Read slowly concentrating on the pronunciation of particular words. Record yourself, keep the tape and record yourself later, have you improved? Dont be shy - ask a friend to listen to the tape too. Dont worry about sounding like a native, it is more important to speak clearly and pleasantly than it is to sound like the Queen of England. The most important thing to think about is can people understand you? If you have a problem being understood then find someone who speaks English clearly and try to copy the way they speak. Pay particular attention to speed and diction. Dont get too hung up on trying to sound like a native speaker. Would you start learning the piano in an attempt to sound like Mozart? Probably not. Accents dont matter, as long as people can understand you, but pronunciation is important. Talk in English with others. The best way to improve the oral English skill is to talk in English with others.5 This will enhance students English language skills. When a student can talk easily with another person in English, then he knows that he is well conversant in the language. Watch English films. Another better way to learn the language is to see a lot of English movies. When the student sees the characters speaking in front of him then he tends to learn the language better. The characters speak with different moods and therefore people who listen intently can learn the language better. Be patient and make unremitting efforts. Learning any language can be frustrating, but frustration wont help you, so let it go. It is said that constant dripping wears away stone. I think students should make a plan to practice Oral English. Such as read and listen English at set hours each day.Measures that should be taken by teachers to improve students oral English. Teachers should enrich their knowledge of English in overall aspects.7 Rich expertise and professional knowledge would ensure you obtain good results when you teach the students, and rich professional knowledge is the basic conditions for one teacher. As an English teacher, it is necessary he or she must be solid in all aspects of the basic skills, including vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking and writing. Teachers themselves are very good at these skills, and then they can teach others how to do a better job. In order to improve themselves, teachers should do as follows: First, Reading. In general the content of reading textbooks is limited. Reading is not for the purpose of memorization, but focus on the correct pronunciation and the continuous tone. Through reading we can master words and their usage and understand the English language, context, and enhance a sense of the phrase. One only spends about half an hour every day in reading and has enough perseverance, and then he would be succeeded. Second one is listening. To buy English series tape, and insist on listening to a certain period of time every day, how long to listen they can control by themselves. Third one is speaking. Speaking can enhance oral English and the ability of memory, so that the knowledge learned clearly reflected in the mind, and is not easily forgotten. Fourth, Writing. To write a daily diary in English is helpful, but many people can not do this, so I propose to write an article at least once a week, which enhance the sense of English language and writing skills are extremely helpful. Fifth, Teachers should do a lot of exercise. Through a great deal of exercise, they can enhance the practical experience. Then they can improve themselves in all aspects, such as grammars, phrases, pronunciation and so on. Teachers should improve teaching method. Pay attention to emotional teaching and classroom interaction. Speaking activities are probably the most demanding for students and teachers in terms of the affective factors involved. Trying to produce language in front of other students can generate high levels of anxiety. Students may feel that they are presenting themselves at a much lower level of cognitive ability than they really possess; they may have a natural anxiety about being incomprehensible; they may have cultural inhibitions about loosing face, or they may simply be shy personalities who do not speak very much in their first language. It is therefore a major responsibility for the teacher to create a reassuring classroom environment in which students are prepared to take risks and experiment with the language. Students oral English is intimately bound up with emotional teaching. Teachers positive words, affirmative looks, or even their careless smiles will all give students great encouragement and incentive, which may make students speak English in class with confidence. Whats more, students can express themselves freely with no doubt. To those who have difficulties to speak English in class, English teachers should forgive their mistakes, too. And teachers should show more love to them, speak to them more skillfully and give them more encouragement.Teachers roles are also multiple. They are mainly directors, judges, leading actors. They can also be advisors, audiences and supporting actors. Teachers play a variety of roles in different types of classes, different scenes or at different levels. They sometimes speak freely and frankly and lead the students skillfully by orderly method; they sometimes give the students incisive comments and devote all their attention to guide the students; they sometimes listen to the students silently. The final aim is to let the students play the part of the main role and be active to practice speaking and communicate in English. Then the students become the main body of learning naturally. At the same time, teachers should also let the students understand: what they have learnt from listening to lessons is passive and taking notes is nothing but theories and they havent done any practice yet; if they want to improve their oral English, they ought to take an active part in all activities in class every day from the beginning of studying of English; and they ought to help each other and learn from each other. Then the interaction between teachers and students can be really put into effect and makes a perfect classroom environment. It is confirmed that harmonious classroom atmosphere can help students study English pleasantly and their body and mind are developed healthily because of teachers emotional investment and classroom interaction.One of teachers jobs is to ensure students a variety of activities. By presenting students with a variety of activities teachers can ensure their continuing interest in the language learning programmer. Classes which continually have the same activities are not likely to sustain interest, particularly where the students have no extrinsic motivation and do not perceive clear long-term goals. A programmer, however, that presents a variety is far more likely continually to engage the students interest. Through English activities, students can have more chances to speak English as well as use English in the English surroundings. They can have more chances to get feelings of success. Accomplishment is the assurance of their progress in study.Therefore activities should be flexible. In class, teachers can provide students with text play acting, sketch acting and dialogue acting according to the contents of texts and their English levels. By working in groups of four or three, helping each other and cooperating with each other, the students can feel at ease while speaking English and they become to enjoy speaking English. Outside class, English corner, reading competition, English songs competition and English party etc. are all good activities which always attract the students and impel them to speak more English. And debates relevant to hot issues in the world seem to be the most popular activities. Teachers can organize the students to argue about some current affairs, which links what they learn with practice and helps them to express their real thoughts. The propositions can be: Wars in Iraq Are you afraid of SARS? In a word, all activities are determined by teachers. So teachers ability should be both adaptable and flexible.All in all, oral English is very important for the teaching and quality of the students and the international world. And it is a long-term task to improve students Oral English. There are a variety of reasons that they are poor at Oral English. The main reason is the students themselves and teachers, such as students motivation, interest and learning method ,teachers knowledge of English and teaching capacity . To help the students who are poor at Oral English is the duty of the teacher. Most of them arent confident, but they are willing to be good at Oral English. As an English teacher, we should not only enrich our knowledge of English in overall aspects, but also should improve teaching method. The most important thing is that we should respect the students, understand them and love them. If we do well enough, these students will make progress in various degrees.To improve oral English ability is an important aim of studying English. In different ways, oral English teaching goes through the whole English teaching. English teaching is linked together with Knowledge in class and outside class, which highlights the students main body role in class and enhances English teachers guiding role. And students are active to speak English and study English, which is the aim of oral English teaching. It is evident that the improving of oral English will develop the reading and writing abilities. The students will grasp daily English systematically and their ability of thinking in English will be formed and strengthened after the practice for Oral English. And their ability of analyzing questions and coming up with opinions will be enhanced, too. Whats important, the students role will be great changed. They are never those passive listeners but active participants in class. Their main body role has been heightened and respected, which makes them study positively and helps to develop their ability of studying. At the same time their pioneering spirit will be enhanced and their ability of creating will be trained. That is the core of quality education.


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