国家开放大学电大本科英语教学理论与实践2020-2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1366)Section | | Basle I hcoric* and Principles40 pulntiQur«tl(m« I 一2。urc buZ on this part.Directional Cho<Hc thr beM n«wrr from A. B or C for each qurxtlont Write your annwer on Che Answer Sheet.L Whnt kind o( ayllabu%(Ioca the follctwinK hrlunK to7 Unit 1 Firht day at I hut 2 In ihf rfitaurafH Unit 3 Af Uif market Unit 4 liuying cluthf I hut 5 Al thf doctorsA. fapic sylhbuft.Ik Situational nylkbufuC. Skill* rtylhbuB.2. Wlmi 俱 thr hr»t »Iarc uf course design?A. Nerds analyniiuIk Eormulfttion o( objectivesC. Selection ul cuntrnu3. I hr Humanist Appmach of leaching trrut jitudentn K9 ?At A whole per nonK Eipcrimcniiil nubjoctCt A tool4. What does (he rommunicalivc itppraAch rrenl Innguiinr an?A. A systemK A mmrw of communiCAt>on<(I A w at hrtbitik.G. Thr tcdchrr h expected to ploy the rok» of in the Cointnunicntive Ijhw- TcAching.A. (>)ntrollrr nnd monagcrB. AstieiiHOr and pnrticipentG Both A and B6. Which o( thr fallowing ACliviticfi dc)c6 not belong to Conunumcaiivr ncuvitic<«?A< Role phy>K Pattern drill*C hiformation gap.7. Which o( the (ollowinK doe* not belong to thr Humaniftt Appronch?A. < ommunily LunRum LciirniriK.R AudtolJriKiinl Method. Ct SuxwHopcdid8. Which of the followinic mcihodn rmphnucn 如皿g mcmoriMUon?A. Audto Ijn«ucil Methoti.& Gr*mmflr湘丽皿 MEhed.C. Nuturn! Approach.9. TcAchrng rcAdinK involve* three pre rwdlng. while-reading nd7A. Applicntiun« PoM-rendingC PrictKcIO Which ftkill i« reading hrtwern thr line* involved in7A. Skimming.H» SninningC> Inferring*I h WhM docx Mlocating the Bpecific informfttion,* help to train?A. Scanning.K Skimming.C Inferring.12. Whal rcodinA npproRch i» bAncd on the a»ftumptton of rca(hn« «i» guesAing 炉n"A. The tup down approachi11 1 hr bottom up approiich.C. Thr intcrnctivc upproach>13. Which o( the following can be used to develop the wktll of lUtcning for砒?A. Whilr liMcriniK* thr ntudcntN nre required to look al a lint of words und circle thane used by lhe upeakenB. After listening» the fttudents nrr required to write a nummary of the text in n lew sentences.( After li>lvninRf thr xtuclentM requirrd la nrrnngc the 5cn!rnern in the nrdrr tn which they Arc mentioned in the texhH. To dcvolop the o( liMcninH lor Hpcctfn information the tcnchrf MudenU ta fill in ih blnnkN with thr inforrnutian they henr on the tnpc< Which mUi«c of listening dos g H m now?A. Pml商5inxK WhiZwenmg.G Post listeninKI5» Which li»trning skill cocnbinrFi hMteninn nnd writing?At Inferring*H. Lintrning for wprctlir inforrnatiotuG Note inkmKt16 Whin ItittcninK *kill dm the (ollowing activity help to train?Li v/rn to the follaung airfMrt unnounefifirnti and fill ihr blunkt nt the tafdr v.lh ihrutfonHuthtH vow /imr.AlrHnenEight numberDrfitiruitiun< dr fHitnlx tPar AmcnciinSydneyBA 359New YorkNarlhwesf19At Lmtrnmg for R函.11 LmrcnmK for specific informnuon.C. Inkrring*17. Wha! convcrniittonftl technique dacji thr following convcrsatic»i prrnent99 Juek i Sum what art you 3 du tomorrowSam i Nuthm much. Wh yJack I going to uatch a footle11 niuhh. Would you Ziir Id comf,cm>?Samt Pd tolA. Checking undersUrKling.B. Prtsinvttaiion.G Showing understanding.18. Which of the (ollowinK qucMionw cxemplKirs the conMtdtfratian fur interact Kin in drsiffninK ipcakinR activity?A. Ikwfl the nctivity involve competition or problem solving?fl Is thr activity easy ta mannse?C What role are Atudrnfd expected Ko play mid how should they play them?19- Which stage of the &peaking lesson ia least teacher-controlled?A. PresentAtion.K PractictLC. Product inn.20- Whiit ARpect of pronnnci*t>nn dors foHnwing demmuttrate?f a o pws?lQ:d C*an English postcard'') gl*<. tu 'mi:UjuJ ( *' Glad to mett you.")A. Ltaikon.B. Rhythm.(L Pitch.Section | , Mlnldmon Plun60 point*2L Directional In thh *<>» you arr pcrnlrd whh a piece o( rradhi« mn(criaL Raid H and dtlnn Ihrce rcodlnic acliviileft: one prcrrndinis nctivlly. nnc rrndinK activity and onr p(Ht-rcadtng activity* Write your answer on the Answer Sheet fhc rcqitircmctll of *h «cliiily to as the followingiPrrfading t actiutini: tiudrnti 9 background knowledge about prop/r 1 s nomrs andphonr number> Heading! arranging irudrnti to finish (hr exerdiex Poxbrrading( organitt ttudfnU to raU play a tUuation in which family tiamti and phone numbers arf exchanged.You mny follow (he Uble Riven after lhe pass»Rv M«kc nure the thrve aclhiticv art rrlatcd lo r«ch other.Reading mulcrial的M学们正在做通iRiit.it卜面的肘话扑完成卜表.A)Do you know Amy1* U*t name9Bt YeUf if fn Janm and her phone number i Hvc-four-fivct rivc-fivc-lnur oh.Ai Iw TornUnt name Smith?II; YrMt h ib. Hib phonn number i« »cvcn-lhrcc lwot righu»ix-ninc anc.Ai I)o you know the phone number for Dnvid Kim?Bt Yc5> It1 * four mix iwoe three>nmeix-nevcm And th< phone number for Unn Hdl i« Acvrn-thrcr eight t oh nix ncvrhjhrer< Do you know Ton/n phone number?A, Tuny Jone*?Ht YchaA| It9» six <rvrn nine four-oh-nix-cij:Ht»B, Wluit、the name of the Kiri next to Mark Locke?A: I hnt * r I indn Brown. H«r phunr number is nine-nine-lour. Rix-two onr one. And Murk、number it two-liv<sonet eight-three*cven-oh.B No it iAn*t. I hni,!i the phonr number far Tony Sh/ipiro. I ht! phone numlx»r (or Mnrk is two four eight iwo-»incsthrce live.Ar Oht yest yuufir rightsExerciwcPh<mc LhtNamePhonr Number(firM)(Inikt)LindnBrown994 6211Linn(1)(2>-AmyJonrit(3>-Tony(4)(5)(6)_Kim(7)MurkLocke(8)(9)25】8370TomSmith(10)Activity 1 tPrr-readinft)ObjectivesChurooni orKfinixntionTeaching aidProccchirr1),2>3>rrnn*il)nnhow to rrlute to the (ollowinK activity)Artblly 2 < Reading)Objrtflvr*(hzroam orunnix/itionTeaching nnlTransition ( how to rehte tu the lorrnrr Activity)Procedure1)2)3)TrAnsittun (how to rehite to the followiriR Activity)Activity 3 (PmtTrJidlng)()bjcctivc»厂稣!room orgAnixationTraching MidTrnnnidon ( how to rrlntr to ihr (otnirr activity)PriKcdureD2) 3>Backup plant(t)Prcdirtcd problem*(2)PoM»ible wlutionn试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Section I | Bn«lc Thcorin and Prinrlplcs本灯!为选共20个小Sfl.m十8分.偲n 2分.LH2. A3. A6.157. B8.A9. HII. A12. A13. H14. H14. R17. BIK.(:19.CSection | iLcmoc Plun5.CJO.C16.C20. A60 point*21. 考答*和坪分标席Activity I (l*rc-rradtng)ObjElg to motivate 心dem/ 4gnd knowledge o( profiled rug and plmtw number. Cliurmim orRMiiiuitlnni Group workIcuchinK uldi piriurrii or videoa 心umed time; 5 nihiutcnProved urr i顷妇irnrcxhicc the topic (1r)Thch" presents Mvem! photah of Umou» m” with rnadcup phone numbcm on Hzrm with PP F *nd axka the mu<|< ni> who they arc. 1*hcn n«k the student* what u hU or her liuf name or (ftmily name*(SS)Group ditcuanion (3*)Arnmge the studcniw into groups of lour to ditcusa how to rend the phone numbers.(3) Fmlback (I9)InviM rath group q( MudentH to report thnr diMi ussiotLTransition x(4) T: “Well, we have many students who pronounce "D” ns zero, othern pronounce 234 as two hundred and thirty four But how on earth can we say phone numbers correctly? Now kt S come to our text. ”Activity 2 < reading)Objectives: tn train student*f ability to ger the specific information from the textClaMbHxim organization: Individual work to pair workTeaching aid: text-bookAssumed time: 8 minutesProcedure >Transition(5) Assign the rraidtng task (I ')(1 continued) HPIcasr rend the text and try to find out the answer in the exercise ”Procedure(6) Individual reading (3,)Students read the text individually to (ulfill lhe task.(7) Pair work to check .(2*)GtJ! the students into pairs to check their work- For exnmplc. the teacher can Rive th< instruction like thise "all right> have you finished? Now Vd like you to check your answers with your partner to see whether you have different ideas.”C8)Feedback (2*)Invite individual pairs to report their work. Make sure to ask ihr students to report how to say phone numbers correctly in English.Transition:(9)Tt "Now. wr know how to «ay phone numbers- I'd like you to use it in yourlibs ”Activity 3 (Post-rcudlng)ObjccliveN: to Associate what is leamril from the text with one1 * real life and to apply the newly learned knowledgef and to make commentsOttbrntifn orsanlziillnn)Group workIr*ching aidt muhimediaAssumed time i 6mmutesIrunwillonti'10)Aitsign the task (T)9 cnniinued) -Ralephy a mskm in which you sk (nrrid for unnfhcr fnend phnnrnuniher Now plranr into RrnupN ci( (our nn<l do thr role play. Mnkr Hurt cvcrytnir get h tlunce to Aik and aiKwer* ” Procedure i(IlKirmip work (3*>StudcniB work into i(rcju!i to do the rnlt? piny. The fencher mny wnlk nround to usur hdp or pnrttcipMc,bit.(12)Feedback (2,)Invite rnch Huup lo drrnnnfitrAte thrir role piny. 1 hrn thr irachrr yivr o comrnmt «(tcr the role piny.Markup planPmlklcd problrmvi(IMudenti mny not know who the nlr mpniilly tn unckrdcvcloprd wrvnn<(2)Fhr Nuden” niny havr difficulty cxprcAinK I heir cupecUlly thonr with low IrtriKHAKe «>rnpctcncr< Pmiihlc wlulioni(I ) When chooRintf the photon (or prcrn<otiont the UAchrr Ahoidii keep in mind thr (rnlurrn(U your nudrnt»< Mnkp to inchidr ihone photon of fninoim num with Chinese .(2>ln th/it ruMs we can Include wmv inlormntion Transfer und rclormultticm activitiesbefore wr amU the ludcntn to tnnkc comntrntiL评分标准本题共60分,具体评分标准如下:1. 目的描述7分,每个活动都要有目标描述,各占2分。要求三个活动的目的符合活动 所在的教学阶段,不符合不得分。三个目的前后相连,前后相连得1分,否则不得分。2. 活动组织形式6分,要求形式与活动类型相符合。三个活动的组织形式各2分。有一 个不符合要求,扣2分。3. 教具3分,要求教具的使用得当,有助于活动的开展。每个活动的教具描述占1分。4. 估计时间6分,要求时间的长短与活动的目标功能一致。如果活动1时间太长,超过 了活动2和活动3的时间,扣2分。5. 操作时间6分,如果每个阶段都标出了时间,并旦时间长短合理就可以得6分。有一 个活动的操作环节时间不合理扣3分,两个活动的时间安排不合理,则不得分。6. 过渡7分,要求三个活动之间得过渡自然,能够把三个活动紧密连接在一起1分,第一 个活动要能启下,占1分,第二个活动要有两个过渡环节,占4分,第三个活动要有承上的介 绍,也占1分。要求过渡环节采用指令描述,用直接引语,否则不得分。7. 应急方案3分,要求预测的问题有可能出现,设计的处理方式合理1分。问题预测与 解决的描述各占1分。8. 活动1的操作6分,活动必须是激活背景的活动,否则不得分。操作过程中话题导人、 操作以及反馈各2分。9. 活动2的操作10分,其中个体阅读占2分,同伴讨论占2分,信息反馈占2分,有教师 指令的展示占2分。活动能够帮助学生获取信息占2分。但是,如果活动2不是信息获取的 理解活动,比如是讲解类活动则不得分。10. 活动3的操作6分,活动为应用性活动,能够要求学生发表自己的观点占2分,小组 讨论过程占2分,反馈占2分。