外研版英语六下一起Module1 Unit1PPT课件1

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外研版英语六下一起Module1 Unit1PPT课件1_第1页
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外研版英语六下一起Module1 Unit1PPT课件1_第3页
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What do you eat and drink at Spring Festival?dumplings Western fast food(西式快餐)hamburger $3.75cola $1.25hot dog $ 2.00pizza $3.00chips $2.50Where does the hamburger come from? The hamburger was not invented in the USA.It was invented in a German city called Hamburg.In 1924 the hamburger restaurants were opened.Where does the hot dog come from?A hot dog is not really a dog. In fact, you put a sausage(香肠) inside a bread roll(面包卷) and you will make a hot dog. Most people say the hot dog comes from Germany. Do you know US dollarsIn America, people use dollars (美元美元). One dollar is 100 cents(美分美分). It is like in China, one Yuan (RMB) is 100 fen. Paper dollars are green, so they are also called green bills(绿色钞票绿色钞票).A:Morning.Can I help you?B:I want ,please.A:And to drink?B:I want a cola.How much is it?A.Its .Enjoy your meal!hamburger $3.75cola $1.25hot dog $ 2.00chips $2.50pizza $3.00 In a fast food restaurant1.Where are Daming, Simon and Simons dad?2.Is a hot dog really a dog?3.What does Simon want to eat?4.What does Simons dad want to eat?5.What do they want to drink?6.How much is the meal?They are at a fast food restaurant.No, it isnt.He wants to eat a hamburger.He wants to eat a hamburger (too).They want to drink cola.Its $13. 25 (thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents) . Group work (小组活动)(小组活动) Group 1&2Group 1&2 Group 3&4Group 3&4 Group 5&6Group 5&6 每小组每小组1 1名服务名服务员,员,1 1名顾客名顾客1 1 waiter/waitresswaiter/waitress1 customer1 customer 每小组每小组1 1名服务名服务员,员,2 2名顾客名顾客1 1 waiter/waitreswaiter/waitress s2 customers2 customers每小组每小组1 1名服务员,名服务员,3-43-4名顾客名顾客1 1 waiter/waitresswaiter/waitress3-4 customers3-4 customersHomework :1.Read the story to your parents;2.Activity book P2.


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