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航站楼工作人员机场常用英语航站楼工作人员机场常用英语 目目 录录 一、机场常用服务英语词汇一、机场常用服务英语词汇 二、机场常用服务英语短句二、机场常用服务英语短句 三、机场常用服务英语对话三、机场常用服务英语对话 一、机场常用服务英语词汇一、机场常用服务英语词汇 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.1)1.1) Terminal :航站楼 Flight number: 航班号International :国际的 Domestic :国内的 Arrival:到达 Departure: 出发 Transit : 中转 Non-stop: 直飞 One-way:单程 Return: 往返 Change ticket: 改签 Ticket fefund: 退票 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.21.2) Boarding time:登机时间 Landed :已降落 Delayed :延误 Cancel :取消 Remote boarding gate:远机位 Free Inter-terminal Shuttle bus :摆渡车 Exit :出口 Gate No.:*号门 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.31.3) Liquid items:液态物品 Drinks:饮品 Charge:充电充值 Electric outlet:插座 Business center:商务中心 Rest room:休息室 Coffee shop:咖啡店 Restaurant:餐厅 Book shop:书店 VIP Lounge: VIP休息室 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.41.4) First class:头等舱 Business class:公务舱Economy class:经济舱 Upgrade:升舱 Boarding pass :登机牌 Boarding gate:登机口 Customs :海关 Quarantine:检验检疫 Visa:签证 Emigration/Immigration:出/入境 Passport :护照 ID Card:身份证 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.51.5) Upstairs:楼上 Downstair:楼下 Baggage claim hall :行李提取大厅 Baggage inquiry counter: 行李查询处 Staff:工作人员 Manager:经理 Airline office: 航空公司办公室 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.61.6) Security check: 安全检查 Check in:值机 Smoking room:吸烟室 lift :电梯 Water fountain: 饮水机 Post office:邮局 Toilet/restroom/washroom :洗手间 IC Card phone/public phone :公用电话 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.71.7) Foot massage :足疗 Medical center:医疗室 ATM:自助取款 Bank of China :中国银行 China Construction Bank:建行 Agriculture Bank of China:农行 Industrial and Commerial Bank of China:工行 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.81.8) Service counter:服务柜台 Convenience shop :便利店 Currency/money exchange :货币兑换 Left baggage office: 行李寄存 Hotel reservation :宾馆预订 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.91.9) Meeting point :会客点 Lost and found :失物招领处 Police station :警务室 Hourly lounge :计时休息室 Information center :问讯处 英语词汇(英语词汇(1.101.10) Downtown: 市区 Air bus :机场大巴 Airport express train :机场快轨 Car park/parking:停车场 Go straight:直走 Turn right:右转 Turn left:左转 Upstairs:楼上 Downstairs:楼下 二、机场常用服务英语短句二、机场常用服务英语短句2.1 2.1 问候与告别问候与告别1、Good morning,Can i help you? 早上好!有什么可以帮您的吗?2、Glad to meet you! 很高兴见到你!3、Have a nice day! 祝你今天愉快!4、Wish you a good journey! 祝你旅途愉快!2.2 2.2 提供服务提供服务:1、What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么? 2、Let me help you to take your luggage. 让我来帮你拿行李。3、Please follow me,Ill take you there. 这边请,我带您过去。4、Please wait a moment, Ill help you take over. 请稍等,我会帮您拿过来。2.3 2.3 感谢与应答感谢与应答1、Thank you./Thanks a lot. 谢谢2、You are welcome!/It is my pleasure! 不客气2.4 2.4 道歉与应答道歉与应答1、Excuse me. 打扰了。2、I am sorry to keep you waiting. 不好意思,让您久等了。3、It doesnt matter. Its ok. 没关系。 2.5 指引指引1、Please go to the information desk. 请到咨询台咨询。2、You can find coffee shop in the hall. 您可以在大厅找到咖啡厅。3、Please go straight and then downstairs. 请直走然后下楼。4、The elevator at the NO. gate 1/3. 电梯在1/3号门。2.6 询问与回答询问与回答1、Sorry, can you repeat it? 对不起,能重复一遍吗?2、Where do you from? 你从哪里来?3、Excuse me, whose bag is it? 对不起,这是谁的包?4、Can I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗?5、Ill ask for you, please wait a moment. 我帮你问一下,请稍等。6、Ill try my best to help you. 我会尽力帮助你。7、What else can I do for you? 我还能为你做些什么吗?8、Ok, Ill handle it. 好的,我马上处理。2.7 2.7 提醒与警示提醒与警示 1、Be careful! 小心2、Mind your step! 注意脚下。3、Please take your belongings! 请带好您的随身物品。4、Detour ! 请绕行此路5、Distinguished guests only. 贵宾专用6、Emergency Exit. 紧急出口7、Wait off the line. 请在线后等候8、Handle with care. 小心轻放 三、机场常用服务英语对话三、机场常用服务英语对话1、问路、问路A:Hello, would you please tell me how to get to the International terminal? 你好,请问国际候机楼怎么走?B:Hello, here is the domestic terminal, first you have to out of this terminal, turn right and then walk about five hundred metres (ten minutes). 您好,这里是国内候机楼,请出国内候机楼右转前行大概500米/十分钟。2 2、寻找、寻找A:Hello, i want to exchange, so how can i find it? Hello, i want to exchange, where is it? 你好,我想要货币兑换,我怎么才能找到?/它在哪儿?B:I am sorry, this is domestic terminal, the exchange is in the international terminal. 对不起,这里是国内候机楼,货币兑换在国际候机楼。A: Good afternoon,Sir What can I do for you? 晚上好先生,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?B: Hello! Where is the Lost and Found? 你好!请问失物招领处在哪里?A: Hello, Lost and found is in the north of the departure hall. 失物招领处在出发大厅北侧。 B: Thank you 谢谢你A: You are welcome. 不客气3 3、指引方位、指引方位A: Hello,Did the* flight check in here ? 你好,请问*航班是在这里办理吗?B: Hello, Please show your credential. 您好,请出示您的证件。B:Hello,Do you need to check your baggage? 您好,需要办理行李托运吗?B:Hello, Here is your boarding pass and credential, and Please take your belongings! 您好,这是您的登机牌及证件,请带好您的随身携带物品。 4 4、值机办理、值机办理A: Hello,Where can I check in for the transit flight? 你好,请问中转航班在哪里办理?B: Hello, Please show your credential. 您好,请出示您的证件。B:Hello, Here is your boarding pass and credential, Please wait at the Transit lounge. 您好,这是您的登机牌及证件,请在中转休息室休息等候 登机。B:Hello, Please go to transit counter to check in. 您好,请到中转柜台办理。 5 5、中转、中转B: Hello, Please show your boarding pass and credential. 你好,请出示您的登机牌及证件。B: Sorry, this route just for First class, Please go through security check at the other side. 对不起,这里是头等舱通道,请由旁边通道过检。B:Please take care of your boarding pass and credential, wish you have a good journey 请拿好您的登机牌及证件,祝您旅途愉快。 6 6、安全检查、安全检查A: Hello,Could you please tell me the information about flight *? 你好,请问*航班的情况怎么样?B: We are so sorry that we dont have an exact time for departure time at present due to air traffic control.很抱歉,由于交通管制,我们现在还没有 准确的起飞时间。 B: We are sorry, this flight cant leave on schedule because of the fog. 很抱歉,由于大雾原因本次航班将无法按计划起飞。 7 7、航班延误、航班延误(1)(1)B: Iam sorry, we have not got the information. 很抱歉,我们还没有等到消息。B: Were so sorry, your flight has been delayed to next day due to the bad weather. 非常抱歉,由于天气原因您的航班延误到次日。B: Were so sorry, your flight has been delayed to next day due to mechanical trouble/late arrival. 非常抱歉,机械故障/航班晚到,您的航班延误到次日。8 8、航班延误、航班延误(2)(2)


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