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The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management on Transportation Cost Reduction ABSTRACT: Supply chain management(SCM)has become an important competitive approach for organizations. The issue of green supply chain management is critical for the successful implementation of industrial ecosystems and industrial ecology. Organizations have a number of reasons for implementing these green supply chain policies, from reactive regulatory reasons, to proactive strategic and competitive advantage reasons. From an overall environmental and organizational perspective, it is important to understand the situation and what issues exist in this field. Many organizations worldwide have already experienced globalization and a shifting focus to competition among networks of companies in this environment. Multinational enterprises have established global networks of suppliers that take advantage of country-industry specific characteristics to build this competitive advantage. To success having this competitive advantage, logistics and supply chain managers have to balance efforts to reduce costs and innovate while maintaining good environmental performance. Therefore, today, competition is not between companies, between supply chains. This study brings us the effect of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on the Transportation Cost Reduction (TCR).Keywords: Green Supply Chain; Transportation Cost; Cost Reduction1. IntroductionGlobal enterprises are permanently trying to develop new, flexible, applicable and innovative methods to enhance their success and competitiveness. Some of these organizations are enhancing their competitiveness through improvements in their environmental activities performance to comply with environmental law and regulations. The main point of complying with environmental law and regulations is customer environmental concerns and environmental impact of production and service activities. Besides, increasing of awareness of the propensity for environmental pollution within organizations supply network to cost them in consumer complain, cleanup and punishment.To response the requirement of environmental law and regulations, minimum standards of environmental performance have become increasingly prevalent in the purchasing agreements of multinational corporations for their local and global suppliers. This requirement has become a new customer expectation from suppliers therefore suppliers have to reduce costs and improve quality and service to complete their responsibility for their customers.It is generally thought that green supply chain management has a great effect in increasing environmental performance, minimizing waste and achieving cost savings. Besides because of increasing synergy among business parties, green supply chain management enhances efficiency through partner and their supply networks. This synergy is expected to enhance the corporate image, competitive advantage and marketing exposure.However, if green supply chain management practices are to be fully adopted by all organizations, a demonstrable link between such measures and cost saving, specifically transportation cost saving is very necessary. Bowen et al. state that organizations will adopt green supply chain management practices if they identify that this will result in specific financial and operational benefits.Thus, there is a clear research need to establish the potential link between structure of green supply chain and effective transportation cost saving, to provide an accelerator for enterprises to establish effective green their supply chains.Many enterprises have demonstrated significant efforts to establish green supply chain management initiatives. While there is not enough study which examine about cost reduction through Green Supply Chain Management and tested an empirical link between such efforts and Transportation Cost Reduction. Therefore, this paper presents the results of a survey of organizations to investigate the proposition that there is a significant relation between GSCM and TCR.2. Literature ReviewThis paper encompasses previous “functional” specific research on aspects of GSCM, to develop a conceptual model of GSCM and TCR. In this paper, the structure of green supply chain management encompasses environmental parameters as:(1) Purchasing and In-Bound Logistics,(2) Production or the Internal Supply Chain,(3) Distribution and Out-Bound Logistics,(4) Reverse Logistics.2.1 Purchasing and In-Bound LogisticsFrom the purchasing - the beginning point of supply chain - perspective of the supply network it is under discussion that GSCM has several benefits, ranging from cost reduction to integrating suppliers in a participative decision-making process that promotes environmental innovation). Green purchasing strategies which the largest part of inbound logistics side is adopted by the companies to response global concern of environmental stability.Green purchasing might enhance issues such as using environmental transportation, cost reduction, material substitution and waste minimization of hazardous materials. The involvement and support of suppliers is crucial to achieving such goals. Therefore, companies are increasingly managing their suppliers environmental performance to ensure that the materials and equipments supplied by them are environmentally-friendly in nature and are produced using environmentally friendly processes.Integration of suppliers into environmental management system could be completed in two steps. First step, Walton et al suggest that environmental issues become main part of strategic planning to response regulations and the demands of environmental accountability. In second step, organizations integrate their supplier to their supply chains to make reduction operational costs and improve customer service.2.2 Greening the Production Phase or the Internal Supply ChainThere are several notions that could be explained about green supply chain in production phase, such as cleaner production, design for environment, remanufacturing and lean production. Lean production has an importance to decrease the environmental impact of the internal supply chain. Lean production improves environmental performance by reducing general waste and minimizing hazardous wastes.Besides, production phase has an important role in keeping same quality level of organization that: having environmentally-friendly production; prevention of pollution at source; cleaner production practices are adopted; closed loop manufacturing (reverse logistics) is incorporated to the fullest extent possible, re-use and recycling of materials is maximized; material usage is reduced; the recyclable content of a product is increased; the production processes are optimized so that generation of waste, both hazardous or otherwise, is minimized; and products are redesigned (design for the environment). Also additionally design of the facility based on lean production is able to minimize vehicle movement.2.3 Greening the Outbound Function and Reverse LogisticsOn the outbound side of the green supply chain, reverse logistics, environment-friendly packaging, and environment-friendly distribution, are all initiatives that might improve the environmental performance of an organization and its supply chain. Management of wastes in the outbound function such as reverse logistics and waste exchange can lead to cost savings and enhanced competitiveness. Many of these initiatives involve compromises between various logistics functions as reverse logistics and environmental consideration in order to improve the environmental performance of an organization.In an eco-transportation system, required parameters of a transportation system such as type of transport, fuel sources, infrastructure, operational practices and organization, can be considered. These parameters and the dynamics that connect them, determine the environmental impact generated in the transportation logistics phase of the supply chain.3. Model and MethodologyAt this section, w investigate research question by using a questionnaire to collect data. After collecting, I use SPSS software to control relation between our variables by regression analysis.Model has three phases. In first phase, five dimensions are used of all GSCM dimensions which affect fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure. In second phase, the well known relation with fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure and transportation cost reduction is used to get result for this study. Transportation cost reduction side is third phase in our model. One point about methodology should be clarified in second phase.The reverse relation between fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure and transportation cost reduction. But the difficulties of finding fluctuation in transportation cost reduction in a direct way. To get result about transportation cost reduction, I use the second phase as a step phase. Through second phase, I get effect of five dimensions into fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure, then using result and using reverse relation, I reach the point which explains the effect of five dimensions into transportation cost reduction.3.1 QuestionnaireTo validate the model given in the preceding section, regression analysis is used to determine the causal relationships between environmental transportation, suppliers by environmental criteria, helping suppliers to establish their own environmental management system, optimize internal process to minimize vehicle movement, reverse logistics and transportation cost reduction.An empirical survey-based research approach was adopted, comprising of 38 items. The questionnaire was distributed to the environmental management representative or the logistics representative of ISO 14001 certified organizations. The justification for using a five-point scale served to understand that there might have been a tendency of having most negative responses loading heavily on the median level, the center point of the scale. The research instrument was distributed to corporations using an online survey website. Company representatives enter the website and response the questions through website.That website serves data as in SPSS file and SPSS estimates a series of separate but interdependent regression equations simultaneously. We have drawn upon the theory and the research objectives to determine which independent variable will predict which dependent variable. The proposed relationships are then translated into a series of structural equations for each dependent variable. The structural model expresses these relationships among independent and dependent variables.3.2 HypothesisAt this section, there are five different hypothesis e to examine the impact of GSCM on TCR. Five different hypothesis is coming from five different dimensions of GSCM. Of course, total dimensions are not only five but as representing in the preceding section, only five of all dimensions are used to create hypothesis. Hypothesis are in representing as below.3.3 ResultsBased on model and hypothesis, results have been gotten by using regression analysis method. In this analysis FCMRE and TCR is dependent variables and the other five dimensions of GSCM(Using more environmental transportation, Reverse logistics, Choice of suppliers by environmental criteria, Helping suppliers to establish their own EMS, Optimize internal process to minimize vehicle movement) are independent variables.4. ConclusionThis study concludes that green supply chain management encompasses potential to make cost saving in transportation. From production firm perspective, specially, main concerns of firms are continuously tracking, controlling and thinking how to manage their all kinds of cost, especially transportation cost.As mentioned in preceding sections, there is a relation as in formula mode between fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure (FCMRE) and transportation cost. Because of the difficulties to collect and get the transportation cost data, model has fuel consumption & maintenance, repairing expenditure as a connection variable. This study proves the existing relation between GSCM and FCMRE. After proving this relation and using the relation between FCMRE and TCR, this study explains the impact of GSCM on transportation cost. Also, these research findings suggest that green their supply chains management affect not only fuel consumption, maintenance and repairing cost, but also through these variables affect transportation cost indirectly.绿色供应链管理对降低运输成本的影响摘要:供应链管理(SCM)已成为一种重要的竞争手段。绿色供应链管理的成功实施对工业生态系统和工业生态学问题是非常重要的。实施这些绿色供应链的政策原因除了被动监管之外还有很多。从整体环境和组织的角度来看,重要的是了解这一领域的情况并知道其存在的问题。世界各地的许多组织已经经历了全球化,并且已把焦点转移到这种环境下的企业网络之间的竞争。跨国公司的企业已经建立了全球供应商网络,利用国家行业的具体特点,建立这种竞争优势。为了拥有这种竞争优势,供应链和物流经理必须在降低成本和保持良好的环境性能之间保持均衡。因此,今天的竞争不是企业与企业之间,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争。这项研究给我们带来的是绿色供应链管理(GSCM)对于降低运输成本的(TCR)的影响,。关键词:绿色供应链;运输成本;降低成本1.引言 全球企业都将尝试开发新的,灵活的,适用的和创新的方法,以提高他们的竞争力。一些组织通过改善对环境的活动以表现符合环保的法律法规,借此来加强他们的竞争力。遵守环境法律法规的主要观点是客户环境问题和环境影响的生产和服务活动。此外,通过增加企业供应网络内对环境污染的认识来减少他们对顾客的抱怨和处罚。 为了响应环保法律法规的要求,当地和全球的供应商最低标准环保性能已成为越来越普遍的跨国公司的采购协议。这已成为客户对供应商一个新的期望,因此供应商必须通过降低成本,提高产品质量和服务来达到客户的要求。 人们普遍认为,绿色供应链管理对提高环保性能,减少浪费,实现成本节约有很大的影响,。此外,绿色供应链管理也通过合作伙伴和供应网络增加了企业各方之间的协同作用,并提高了效率。这种协同作用提升了企业形象,竞争优势和营销曝光。 但是,如果绿色供应链管理的做法完全是通过所有的组织,那么采取的措施和成本节省之间就有一个明显的联系,尤其是在运输成本的节省方面。 Bowen等人组织采用绿色供应链管理的做法,如果他们确实这么做的话,那么在具体的财务和运营方面是很有益处的。 因此,需要建立绿色供应链结构,有效节省运输成本之间的潜在联系,为客户提供一个加速器,为企业建立有效的绿色供应链有一个明确的研究。 许多企业都尽量采取建立绿色供应链管理的措施,虽然现在没有足够的研究表明,绿色供应链管理能降低成本,并且做出的努力能达到减少运输成本的目的。因此,本文提出的调查结果,即是一个鲜明的绿色供应链管理和TCR之间的关系的结果。2.文学评论 本文包括 “功能性”的绿色供应链管理方面的专门研究,制定绿色供应链管理的概念模型和TCR。在本文中,绿色供应链管理的结构,包括环境参数为: (1)采购和在绑定物流; (2)生产或内部供应链; (3)分布和出站物流; (4)逆向物流。2.1采购和入站物流 从采购 - 供应链的开始点 - 供应网络的角度来看,它是在讨论绿色供应链管理的好处,包括降低成本,在参与决策过程整合供应商,促进环境创新。绿色采购策略中,入站物流方面的最大部分是通过公司响应全球关注的环境稳定性。 绿色采购可能会在环保运输,降低成本,有害材料替代和减少废物的方面有所增强。供应商的参与和支持是实现这些目标的关键。因此,企业正越来越多地管理他们供应商的环境绩效,以确保由他们提供的材料和设备是环境友好型性质和使用环保工艺生产的。 供应商纳入环境管理体系的整合可以分为两个步骤完成。第一步,沃顿等人建议,环境问题成为主要的战略规划的一部分,以达到对法规和环境负责任的要求。在第二个步骤中,企业整合他们的供应商和供应链,达到降低运营成本,提高客户服务的目的。2.2绿色生产阶段或内部供应链 关于绿色供应链在生产阶段,如清洁生产,设计,环境,再制造和精益生产等环节的概念可以解释。精益生产对内部供应链很重要,它可以减少对环境的影响,使一般废弃物及危险废物最小化。 此外,生产阶段的组织保持同样的质量水平也起到很重要的作用。对环境友好的生产源污染预防,需进行的清洁生产的做法是采用闭环制造,并尽可能纳入到逆向物流中。材料的再利用和循环利用最大化可以减少材料的使用,增加产品可循环再造的内容优化,使生产过程产生的废物,危险物或最小化的产品进行重新设计(设计环境)。另外基于精益生产设施的设计能够最大限度地减少车辆的运动。2.3绿化出港功能和逆向物流 在出站端的绿色供应链,逆向物流,环境友好型包装和环境友好型分布,都可能改善环境绩效的组织和其供应链的举措。出站的功能可导致节约成本和提高竞争力,如逆向物流和废物交换的废物管理。这些措施涉及逆向物流的各种物流功能之间的妥协和环境代价,以提高组织的环保性能。 在生态交通系统中,所需要的参数类型的传输,如交通运输系统,燃料来源,基础设施,业务实践和组织,这些都可以加以考虑。这些参数和将它们连接起来的动力学,确定运输阶段的供应链对于环境所产生的影响。3.模型与方法 在本节中,对调查研究的问题进行问卷调查,收集数据。在收集过程中使用SPSS软件来控制我们通过回归分析变量之间的关系。在第一阶段,五维的所有绿色供应链管理方面,影响燃料消耗和维护,修理支出。在第二阶段中,众所周知的油耗和维护,修理支出和减少运输成本的关系。运输成本的降低则是在我们的模型中的第三阶段。在第二阶段,应该澄清关于方法论的一个点。 确定油耗和维护,修理支出和减少运输成本之间的反向关系。以直接的方式降低运输成本波动很困难。我们用的是第二阶段的一个步骤阶段,得到的结果小于运输成本。通过第二个阶段,我们得到了五个方面的燃料消耗和维护,维修开支,然后使用效果和反向关系,得到了点的五个维度对减少运输成本所产生的影响。3.1调查问卷 为了验证该模型在上一节中的回归分析,以确定交通环境之间的因果关系。供应商建立自己的环境管理体系,优化内部流程,以减少车辆的运动,逆向物流和运输降低成本。 采用的实证调查为基础的研究方法,包括38个项目。问卷调查对象为环境管理ISO 14001认证的机构的代表或代表的物流。使用五点量表的理由,有可能是一个趋势的最消极的反应,加载大量的中位数水平,该中心的规模。研究工具分配给公司使用了一项在线调查网站。公司的代表进入该网站,并通过网站的响应问题。 该网站提供的数据,在SPSS文件和SPSS估计了一系列独立但又相互依存的回归方程。我们借鉴的理论和研究目标,以确定哪些自变量将预测因变量,然后再翻译成系列的每个因变量的结构方程的结构模型表示这些变量和因变量之间的关系。3.2假说 在本节中,有5个不同的假设研究TCR对绿色供应链管理的影响。五种不同的假设是来自五个不同模式的绿色供应链管理。当然,总的模式不是只有五个,但在上一节为代表的所有维度中,只有5个是用来建立假说。3.3结果 基于模型和假设,得到了回归分析的方法。在这种分析中FCMRE和TCR是因变量,绿色供应链管理五个方面使用更环保的运输,逆向物流,供应商的环保标准的选择,帮助供应商建立自己的环境管理体系,优化内部流程,以使车辆的运动是独立的变量。4.结论 本研究的结论,绿色供应链管理有降低运输成本的潜力。从生产厂商的角度来看,企业主要关注的是掌握和控制自己的各种成本,尤其是运输成本。 正如在前面的章节中所提到的,这是一个消费与维护、修理支出(FCMRE)和运输成本之间的关系。这项研究证明了绿色供应链管理和运输成本之间的现有关系。在证明和使用了FCMRE和TCR之间的关系后,这项研究又解释了绿色供应链管理对运输成本的影响。此外,这些研究结果表明,绿色供应链管理不仅影响燃油消耗,维护和维修成本,同时也通过这些变量间接影响运输成本。


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