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分类号:分类号: H31H31 单位代码:单位代码: 104104 密密 级:级: 一般一般 学学 号:号: 60601210186060121018 本科毕业论文(设计)本科毕业论文(设计)题题 目目: 浅析简爱女主人公性格特征浅析简爱女主人公性格特征 专专 业:业: 英 语 姓姓 名名: 指导教师:指导教师: 职职 称:称: 答辩日期:答辩日期: 2008 年 6 月 2 日 A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF THE HEROINES PERSONALITY IN JANE EYREBYCAI SHAOWEIA THESISSUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS TO SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES YANAN UNIVERSITY JUNE 2008iAbstractJane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte, who is a famous talented realistic woman novelist. This thesis discusses the characters of Jane in social background of realism. It includes Jane Eyres pursuit of love and her pursuit of liberty and equality. Jane is neither a very beautiful woman, nor rich, but her genuine, selfless love for Rochester, and her personality strike us deeply. On the other hand, we should see the author s limitation. In that society, it is impossible for Jane and Rochester to be really equal in terms of social class. They are just equal in spirit. They get together because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his wealth at the end of the novel. Therefore, they get married on the condition that their gap of social classes narrows. However, We should learn her virtue. We should pursue our ideals and have our opinions about everything. Jane Eyre sets a good example for women and she is a good model for women forever. This paper is to analyze Jane Eyres personalities including the personality of revolt, kindness and cordiality, justice-pursuing, self-esteem and self-respect, self-controlling, industriousness and diligence, perseverance and painstaking, and the values of her love. These personalities play more important roles in modern society. They are worthy of learning and studying to enhance our constitutions.Key words: society background; characteristics; social effectii摘摘 要要简爱是现实主义时期著名的女作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作品。本论文结合现实主义的社会背景讨论了简爱的性格。它包括简爱对于爱情以及自由和平等的追求。简爱既不漂亮,也不富有,但她对于罗彻斯特真诚而无私的爱,以及她美好的人格深深地打动了我们。另一方面,我们也应该看到作者的局限性,在那时的社会,简爱和罗彻斯特不可能在社会阶级上实现真正的平等,他们只是在精神上的平等。在小说的结尾他们走到了一起,正是因为罗彻斯特在火灾中双目失明而且丢失了他的财产,因此,他们是在阶级差距缩小的情况下结婚的。不管怎样,我们应该学习简爱的优点。我们应该有自己的理想和对一切事物的看法,简爱为女性树立了好榜样,而且永远值得女性学习。具体来说,本文将从八个性格特点来进行分析,包括:其反抗的性格;她心地善良;追求正义;自尊自重;把握自己;自强不惜;吃苦耐劳以及她的爱情观。这些优秀的品质在现在的社会中起着非常重要的作用,也是值得我们去学习和研究的,以便提高我们的集体素质。关键词关键词:社会背景;性格特点;社会效应Contents1Introduction12Jane Eyres personalities in childhood23Jane Eyres Personalities in Adulthood43.1Kindness and Cordiality 43.2Justice-pursuing53.3Self-esteem and Self-respect73.4Self-controlling93.5Industriousness and Painstaking103.6Perseverance and Diligence124Jane Eyres personality in Love155Conclusion18Bibliography19Acknowledgements20延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)11. IntroductionJane Eyre is a renowned book written by Charlotte Bronte, an amazingly famous English female writer in the nineteenth century. The heroine, Jane Eyre, was an orphan adopted by her uncle who is her mothers elder brother. However, Jane Eyre revolts her aunt, Mrs. Read, because of disservice to Jane Eyre after her uncle died. And then she was sent into orphanage after furious confliction with Mrs. Read. She underwent six years in orphanage. At eighteen-year old, she was recruited as a tutor in Thornfield through advertising. A few times later, she obtained Mr. Rochesters love and reverence by her dependent attitude courageous and resolute ongoing, and she was moved by his egalitarian mind and similar behavior and was willing to get married with him. And when they were holding their wedding party at church, a man called Mason who took a lawyer claimed in public that Rochester had been married his elder sister, Boshar, thus, she was isolated in the cockloft of the mansion. Eventually, Jane Eyre hurt in feeling was firm to leave, whatever Rochester persuaded again and again. Undergoing innumerable trails and hardships, she ran cross three cousins. And then Jane Eyre gained considerable riches left by her uncle by accident. At last, she made a glorious decision to go halves with them in the riches. St. John, one of her cousins, dedicated his life to religion and longed to get married with her. Nevertheless, Jane Eyre refused his request because she fell in love with her Rochester deeply. While she returned Thornfield, everything had happened, the mansion destroyed; Rochester without his right hand and eyes. But Jane Eyre never left and got married with him.The intention of the study is to discuss the heroines personality of Jane Eyre. The different adversities that she encountered foster her excellent qualities which are worth of learning and using for reference in the modern society.延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)22.Jane Eyres Personalities in Childhood- The Spirit of Jane Eyres RevoltJane Eyre was a little girl. The situation where she lived shaped her refractory personality. Nobody was concerned about her. In return, she was insulted by John Reed, her cousin. That is to say, where there was the oppression, there was the revolt. When John Reed made trouble deliberately, it was no care a bit that she fought against him for her own right and respect. After pulled apart from John Reed, her master, she was taken to a red room to punish her. she thought: “ Superstition was with me at that moment; but it was not yet her hour for complete victory; my blood was still warm, the mood of the revolted slave was still bracing me with it bitter vigor; I had to stem a rapid rush of retrospective thought before I quailed to the dismal present”.(Charlotte Bronte. 2001.P13)Ultimately, she was sent into an orphanage. She left the Gatesheed, but never did she yield to the oppress that she suffered from and the punishment that she underwent. When leaving, she said: “ Goodbye Gatesheed, I will never return again; never, ever”.Yes, Jane Eyre left Gatesheed where she had been ever lived. From then on, she went to a new place, starting a new life and undergoing new experiences.Another aspect was when she arrived at Lowood school, the spirit of revolt had a new development. When her classmate, Helen Burns, was blamed and punished by Miss. Scatcherd with her prejudice without any reason. Jane Eyre talked to Burns that “ if I were in your place, I would dislike her; I show resist her. If she stuck me with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should breach it under her nose”(P73), and also said: “ A great deal; you are good to those who are good to you. It is all I ever desire to be. If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their way; they would never feel afraid and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse. When we are struck at without a reason, we should-so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again”.延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)3So it was Jane Eyre. A little girl bravely struggled against the prejudice to her and her friends, striving for treatment as equals with each other. What she fought against was for her dream to come truth, which was eliminating bias among the people; what she struggled against was for her hope to achieve, which was gaining respect from others; and what she revolted was for her will, which was refusing to acknowledge defeat forever. So this was her personality of revolt. It was possible that Jane Eyre could win the admiration of all the readers. Here was the reason especially.延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)43. Jane Eyres Personality in Adulthood3.1 Kindness and CordialityMencius has ever said that “The natural difference between humans and animals was the compassion, namely, sympathy which was a presentation of a person with kindness and cordiality”. So Jane Eyre was.When graduating from the Lowood school, she was recruited as a tutor in Thornfield. The main task was teaching a little girl, Adele. When Mr. Rochester told her the truth that Adele was a bastard abandoned by her mother who was a bad dancing girl in personality, he was afraid that she had discrimination from her and had objection to teaching her since that. On the contrast, Jane Eyre expressed at once that she longed to teach her and fostered her to become a talent because Adele had the similar destiny with her and had no father, lacking of love. Commonly she holds Adele in her arms closely. Whatever she was pleased to her hearts content or shows up excessively, Jane Eyre did not blame her. At this point, it was a quite sharp contrast between Jane Eyre and Miss. Ingram. The latter did not allow Adele to be close to her. Sometimes owing to approach her closely, she would be abused, and even be expelled from the house. No matter how beautiful, graceful, and privileged she was, yet she had no love and sympathy for others. Therefore, Jane Eyre said that Miss. Ingram was a mark beneath jealous. She was too inferior to excite the feeling.(Charlotte Bronte, 2001.P273). The truth was that Jane Eyres kindness and cordiality are more unparalleled than Ingrams narrow-hearted mind.The sympathy Jane Eyre had presented her pretty mind. As we know, Jane Eyre was adopted in Mrs. Reads family where she was maltreated by the families in her childhood. The promise she had kept was that she had been never calling Mrs. Read, “aunt” all her life because of being maltreated by her. Nevertheless, when she heard that Mrs. Reads life vitality was in danger, she was drawing in an enormous sea of tremendous sympathy to her because she suffered from the pain, with the desire to retaliate disappearing and the impulse of 延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)5abhorrence and execration melting away. At last, she forgave her, with a kiss on her face, calling her aunt, dear aunt deeply.Without doubt, frequently a kind-hearted person was willing to make enormous self-sacrifice for others happiness. Jane Eyre did like this totally. On hearing of something that she inherited a fortune twenty thousand pounds, from her uncle having been dead, her fathers brother, the decision she made without thinking was to share with two her female cousins and a male cousin: and the dream she had from childhood was that she was eager to devote the fortune belonging to herself to making someone be compelled set free and those who were compelled to leave their own village enjoy a nice get-together. At the same time, she was willing to made two her female cousins got married with amazingly pretty and Miss. O liver with her peaceful life. Completely she did.Ultimately, undergoing rain or shine and shifts and changes of life, a couple loved and beloved, Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, met again in the Thornfield hall. Here it was definitely necessary to say that they had no chance to meet each other. On the contrast, the love bridge built up at the bottom of two hearts had been linking between them without leaving. And the spark of love inspire them to enjoy a nice get-together and enjoy whole life, though everything had changed. Mr. Rochester lost his eyes and right hand in a conflagration. Except for love, he lost everything. It was unexpected that his sweetheart, Jane Eyre loved him from beginning to end.This was her kindness and cordiality! What a cordial heart she had! What a high-minded quality she had!3.2 Justice-persistingQuality, kindness and justice had a closed relationship with each other the same as a brotherhood or sisterhood without separating from each other. A kind-hearted person not only spred the virtue but also punished evil. In reality, Jane Eyre was a grateful and glorious figure of justice-persisting.延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)6Jane Eyre suffered from unfathomable pains and insult. Virtually she was a one be compelled. Facing the insult suffered by John Reed higher and stronger than her, she was not afraid of him and fought against him to protect herself. The braver she present, the stronger she became. Besides, she was discriminated and insulted by her aunt, Mrs. Reed. After fighting with John Reed, she was imprisoned in a horrible red house like a prisoner so relentlessly that she was afraid to go off in a faint. And later, she was vilified as a bad-temper girl and liar in the presence of the leading person of Lowood school before entering school by her aunt. She could not put up with her insult and strongly denounced this backbiting, her aunt, who was a total peck sniff, in reality. Jane Eyre gathered her energies and launched them in this blunt sentences-“I am not deceptive; if I Were, I should say I love you; but I declare I do not love you; I dislike you the most of anybody in the world except for John Reed”(Charlotte Bronte, 2001. P45), and also said “I am glad you are no relation of mine: I will never call you aunt again so long as I live.”(P45). It was the first time that the little Jane Eyre had bellowed her arrogant and cruel so directly and violently that Mrs. Reed run away, with her confused-looking and all-over-trembling.When entering the philanthropic school in Lowood, Jane Eyre had new development in justice-persisting and anti-barbarous spirit. Not only did she struggled against the unfair treatment for herself, but also as for others. For instance, Helen Burns, one of her classmates and closed friends. She was a friendly, kind-hearted, smart, patient and industrious girl. In spite of these good behaviors, frequently she was scolded severely and punished cruelly by her teacher, Miss. Scatcherd with prejudice. Then Jane Eyre talked to her with in all grief and indignation said: “If she struck me with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose(P73). And then Burns was punished without any reason by Miss. Scatcherd who imposed her hanging on a big board read: “squalid girl” on her neck. At this moment, Jane Eyre could not wipe out the fury burning at the bottom of her heart, tears streaming down like raindrop. At the end of class in the afternoon, she rushed out, tearing down the board and throwing into stove after Miss. Scatherd leaving. It was a way of revealing her dissatisfaction at her teachers unfairness. This was a way of displaying how frankly and bravely she is!延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)7After departing from the Lowood school, firstly Jane Eyre was a tutor in Thornfield hall, and later wandered into a new place named: “Moor House”. Although living in the modest of good people in two places, she still distinguished clearly and was all dignity. For one thing, when arriving at Thornfield hall, she met her true love, Mr. Rochester. Frequently he tried to find out chance to probe into whether she was willing to help him, or not. So kind-hearted as she was, she honestly craved for sharing with his difficulties, the condition she had was that what he did was legal but. And later, ultimately when she found that Mr. Rochester had been married on their wedding party, she departed from him so resolutely and angrily that she was not willing to be his lover, though she loved him so sincerely and cordially. For another, after wandering into another place named: “Moor House”, the handsome landlord, St. John, appreciated her talents and her spirits of hard-working, hardship-bearing and self-sacrifice. So greatly and definitely that she felt that she was halt part of his that he looked for all the time, who can go to India to preach with him. Consequently, he made a proposal of marriage to Jane Eyre too many times. Without doubt, she refused his request in that she felt that there was no true love between them and the marriage without true love was illegal. Diametrically, what she did was right. Under any circumstance, Jane Eyre displayed her own spirits which were justice-persisting and distinguishing clearly between right and wrong.3.3 Self-esteem and Self-respectDespite the kindness and justice-persisting belonged to Jane Eyres excellent strength, yet the amazing attraction was that she conducted others or dealt with complicated problems, especially her self-esteem and self-respect and the attitude and action of self-confidence to get along with men. She placed herself in craving for treating as equals.On arriving at Lowood school, she made friends with her classmate, Helen Burns, and Miss. Temple as her colleague later. They built up the bridge of friendship linking with their hearts to care about each other. When talking about her life with Burns, saying the principle of her life, that is to say: “You are good to those who are good to you. I t is all I ever desire to be.(Charlotte Bronte, 2001 P76)延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)8No sooner had Jane Eyre got to Thornfield hall than the first time she has met Mr. Rochester, as a tutor, was that he drew an exceptional attention by her graceful decency and placidness to have won the initiative without any cowardice and anything in a confusion, which was a sharp contrast with his arrogance and surliness. This was a fact that Mr. Rochester had gong through lots of frustrations, the temper impetuous. On the way of what he spoke and did was a bit uncourteous sometimes. Meanwhile, the request he made for her was that he had a power to treat her as being a bit tyrannical, and stringent because he was as old as her father as well as he had visited the most places covering the whole hemisphere, having gained abundant the experiences of life. Undoubtedly, Jane Eyre turned down him but. And later, he claimed again that it was a must that he made a display of his power over her for she was a his servant. How strongly and bravely she counterattacked his request. In return, clearly she told him that he was concerned with others with his heart and could get mutual benefits unless forgetting something to link between employer and employee.Despite the truth that something existed difference in the status, the riches and appearance, but equality in personality, which was her view on egalitarianism. When he endeavored to tell her that not only did he get married Miss. Ingram; but also he longed to stay with Jane Eyre loved him deeply. Instantly she argued against that “Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automation? a machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you, and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much health, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; - it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grow; and we stood at Gods feet as we are!”(Charlotte Bronte,2001. P373). Whenever and wherever the noble young lady or beggar without hone, she never forgot that she was a person as well as those who needed treating as equals, with the dignity of personality. Not only did she adhere to the principle of equality involved in personal problem, but had the thought in theory about equality between men and women.延安大学本科生毕业论文(设计)9A heroine as she was of the novel in the middle of nineteenth century, what she said was an unprecedented voice. It was during the time of the preparation for wedding that Jane Eyres attitude and action of self-esteem and self-respect was displayed so prominently. That is to say, when Rochester took her to Melchert to buy clothes, pearls and jewels, and hoped to dress her up beautifully, nevertheless, she also refused because she could withstand the dressing for her just like dressing up a puppet. She was not willing to be isolated from the world without freedom. The seeds of dream having been planted in her life was to teach Adele as tutor, to earn her own accommodation. She said anything was not what she was willing to except for respect. Therefore, in reality, she gained Rochesters respect so diametrically.3.4 Self-controllingSomeone who was willing to control himself at all times had smart, clear-headed mind and strong will. Jane Eyre was like that girl so. So clever, agile, industrious, creative and quickly-min


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