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英语牛津教材1B英语牛津教材 1B-Unit1 教案 The Fifth Period Let s enjoy 英语牛津教材 1B-Unit1 教案 The Fifth Period Let s enjoy 一、 教学目标:1.知识目标:学会用i like句型表达自己的喜好。2 .能 力目标:能熟练运用i like句型熟练交流。3.情感目标:做个有礼 貌的小顾客。二、教学重点:灵活运用i like。句型。教学难点:the 在此型句中发音顺畅。三、教具准备:cassette 1b and cassetteplayer, wallchart 四、教学过程:step 1 warming up song: do you like step 2 pre-task preparationl.show a box of sweets. pick a sweet and say “what is it? sweet. ” repeat.2.point to the box of sweets and say “i like the sweets. ” students point to the box of sweets and repeat.3.show picture cards for“shoes ” and“dress ” to the class and say “i like the new shoes. i like the new dress. ” students repeat.step 3 while-task procedurel.show a wallchart of page 6. tell a story about this.2.play the cassette tape of page 6. students listen.3.ask some questions about the story:*where were sam and may sfamily in each picture?*what were they doing?*what did sam say in the sweets shop?*does may like the new dress?*what did she say?*who had the new shoes?*how did sam and mayigreet their parents on new year s day?4.get the students to discuss what new year presents they want to buy. using the sentence “i like ” step 4 post-task activitygive them much more words about the items of clothing.such as coat,trousers ” get students to pretendthat they aregoingshopping to buy a new items of clothing.first practise in three, one being the shop keeper,the other two being the customers. then ask them to act it out for the class. 听听歌曲, 在歌曲声中初步感知新句i like,为后面学习打下基础。创设语境, 引入新知,分散难点。听听故事,激发兴趣。磁带正音,再次整体感 知故事。通过提问,帮助理解记忆,同时反馈所学。联系自己喜好, 互相运用新句型交流,灵活掌握句型,活跃气氛。增加输入量,使对 话有可说性。在演演说说中,培养实际运用语言的能力。先给他们自 由操练的时间,缓冲马上表演的紧张,同时让对话演得更到位。板书 设计:课后小结 2


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