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教学内容Unit2 What is your father?(2)备课人 朱晨敏教学目标1、能正确使用Whats your ?Hes/Shes a,语音 语调正确。2、会说歌谣What is she ?教学重点1、能正确使用Whats your ?Hes/Shes a,语音 语调正确。教学难点1、能正确使用Whats your ?Hes/Shes a,语音 语调正确。教学准备多媒体课件教学过程课堂设计修改案Step 1 warm up1、greeting T: Good morning.Hello,nice to meet you How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. P镇江实验学校_英语2A_学科电子备课课时教案教学过程课堂设计修改案Step 2 Presentation(1)T: now, please introduce your father 教师手指黑板上的句型Whats your father? Hes a让学生明白用此句型说。生手指照片练说:Whats yourfather? Hes a doctor. (2)T: Now, look at this picture ,is this a doctor? S:No. T: Yes, this is a nurse. Now, please read after me: nurse, nurse, shes a nurse. Then read it one by one.(3) T: now, lets play a game. OK? Please do an action, and you guess this is a doctor or a nurse?请小朋友上来模仿医生或护士的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋友猜猜他模仿的是doctor or nurse?(4) 教师指着黑板说:T: look, this is me ,.(做手势,让学生理解me 的意思)Ss follow me: This is me.卡片出示. 让学生指照片说:This is me.T:I am a teacher.手指板书。Teacher, teacher, Im a teacher多领读几遍now, please work in pairs, this is my father,hes a doctor, this is my mother, shes a nurse .this is me,. Im a teacher 同桌小朋友互相介绍。(4)抽几组小朋友说(5)在学生介绍的基础上,进一步练说worker和cook(6)复习黑板上的句子。(7)have a rest: sing a song : the finger family 带上手指套(8)T:一生带上手指套,快速给其他学生看,让小朋友们猜。(注意教育小朋友不要将手指套乱丢)教学过程课堂设计修改案三、consolidation 1T: Take it out, put them on your head. Work in groups . Ss introduce ,抽几个小组表演。2. Say the Rhyme What is she?教学板书Unit2 What is your father?Whats your ?Hes/Shes a教后记说明:字体统一设置为宋体小四号,1.5倍行距。页面设置为A4纸,页边距上下左右均为2厘米。


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