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2017年高二学年10月月考 英语试题第一部分:听力(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)第一节(共5小题)1. What does the woman want?A. A bookshelf B. High quality paper. C. Some stocks.2. What did the woman buy for her husband?A. A book. B. A watch. C. A record.3. When will the man come back at the latest?A. Half an hour later.B. An hour later.C. One and a half hours later.4. How much did the mans wife pay for her coat?A. $80. B. $120. C. $240.5. Which dress does the woman buy?A. The light blue one. B. The green one. C. The brown one.第二节(共5小题)请听第6段材料,回答第67题。6. What does the woman want to buy?A. A computer. B. A washing machine. C. A fridge.7. How much will they pay if they buy a computer and a washing machine?A. $400. B. $360.98. C. $371.58.请听第7段材料,回答第810题。8. Where does the talk take place?A. At a research center. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant.9. What is the feature of the bulb?A. Shine softly. B. Save gas. C. Save electricity.10. Why does the man buy five bulbs?A. To get a free one.B. To send them to friends.C. To fix them all in the kitchen.第二部分:笔试第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)。11. No sooner _ the case of cheating than the public gave us some clues.A. we did report B. had we reported C. did we report D. we had reported12. It is demanded that the project _ until all the preparations have been made. A. is not started B. will not be started C. not be started D. is not to be started13. I will never forget the difficulty we had _ the work on time.A. to finish B. finishC. finishingD. finished14. The effects this medicine had _ patients are not clear.A. toB. atC. forD. on15. The teachers words _ a heated discussion among the students.A. set inB. set offC. set upD. set down16. The girl _ to me that she had _ an egg in the hole.A. lying, laidB. lied, liedC. laid, laidD. lied, laid17. Tom _ have gone abroad. I saw him an hour ago. A. cantB. mustntC. mightD. must18. The financial crisis has led to lots of companies _ in Europe.A. to closedown B. closing down C. to be closed down D. would close down19. The man who_ this case _ in secret last night.A. was related to, ran afterB. had connection with , ran intoC. was connected with , ran from D. was associated with, ran away20. Shakespeares play Hamlet _ into at least ten different films over the past years.A. had been made B. was made C. has been made D. would be made第二节:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AWhen I came to Cincinnati (a city in the US) as an au pair (家庭打工留学生), a lot of things there were different from what I knew. My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a “castle”. In Germany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom. Soon I found out that the “castle” was actually rather small in our neighborhood.Everybody there was very friendly and polite. They greeted you when they were walking by at least 3 feet away from you. They must not have seen a German au pair before, for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany. I enjoyed answering their various strange questions. I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.Of course, there were a number of new things, and it took me the whole year to find them all out. I never got homesick. Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative (负面的) experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.However, I had undergone some painful experiences back in Germany. I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say “Sorry.”Taking up my studies at the TU-Dresden, I felt lonely. Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn (离群的) and I missed everything I had in Cincinnati. Germany was so “cold”. I found it so much harder to make new friends. After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends. I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods. I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.Now I am over this German culture shock. It almost took me an entire year. I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.21. When the author lived in Cincinnati, _.A. some people were not very kind to herB. many people were curious about her motherlandC. she lived in a real castleD. she lived in the biggest house in the neighborhood22. In the opinion of the author, life in Cincinnati was _.A. hardB. painfulC. wonderfulD. strange23.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?A. She lived with her mother in a big house in Germany.B. She did miss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU-Dresden.C. She never went back to Cincinnati after she came back to Germany.D. She seldom hung out with her American friends as she was too busy.24What is the best title for this passage?A. University life in GermanyB. Advantages of living in USAC. My culture shock experienceD. How to be an au pair in USABAs a music teacher for twenty-seven years, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can break through all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the means for each child to find their light. A few years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school students one afternoon a week. One of my most memorable students was Vanessa. She was five years old, had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We mostly sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to sit on my lap. One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students clapped two times while singing the repeating phrase,Oh, yes! Vanessa liked to put her hands together with mine and clap with me. We performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping together. She never said or sang a word. One day late in the school year, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around, looked me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands two times and said the words Oh, yes! I opened my mouth and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. Through music, we had made a connection. Several years later, I came acrossVanessa on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big smile on her face and then clapped her hands two times, mimicking (模仿) the song we had performed in our music class. This precious little girl, through her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the ability to learn and grow. It is up to us educators to discover the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each childs light.25. The author thinks music _.A. can make children calm down B. can connect heart to heart C. is difficult for pre-school students D. is a good means to find a job26. According to the second paragraph, Vanessa _.A. got used to singing songsB. was too shy to speakC. was the youngest in the class D. enjoyed the authors class27. What message does the author want to convey to readers most?A. Music is the universal language of mankind. B. Disabled children are natural music lovers.C. Teachers should find a way to discover students light. D. A good educator ought to help students learn through music.CRomantic comedies have long been regarded as the perfect movie for a first date. But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Joness Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life.Rather than being harmless entertainment, rom-coms give people unrealistic and potentially unhealthy expectations about real-life relationships, scientists say.Researchers found that those who watched romantic comedies were more likely to believe in predestined love (缘份) than those who preferred other kinds of movie.They were also more likely to believe that perfect relationships happen instantly, and were less likely to believe that couples need to work at relationships.Watching just one romantic comedy is enough to sway peoples attitudes to romantic love, they found.Dr Bjarne Holmes, who led the research, said: We are not killing joys - we are not saying that people shouldnt watch these movies. But we are saying that it would be helpful if people were more aware and more critical of the messages in these films. The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced than we realize.For the first part of the study, Dr Holmes and colleagues at the Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, studied 40 box office hits from 1995 to 2005.Most of those comedies described couples falling instantly in love and promoted the idea of fate -the belief that there is just one perfect companion out there, they found.Theres a belief of destiny and couples in romantic comedies immediately understand each other, said Dr Holmes. If you think thats how things are, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity - the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.In a questionnaire after the film ended, students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the straight film.28. According to the passage if you are fond of watching romantic comedies, you _.A. are more likely to believe in future loveB. must be influenced by filmsC. may expect a perfect relationship in your love lifeD. may fall instantly in love with one of your classmates29. The underlined word destiny most probably means_.A. fate B. love C. beauty D. romance30. The purpose of Dr Bjame Hohnes research is _.A. to promote the idea of fateB. to ask us to keep away from romantic comediesC. to show how romantic comedies have influence on our lifeD. to remind us of the negative effect of watching romantic comedies31. It is implied in the passage that _.A. watching comedies is harmful to a stable marriageB. it is necessary for couples to work at their relationshipC. couples falling instantly in love end up with an unhappy marriageD. we should watch more straight films instead of romantic comediesDBelieve it or not, going to school is not a legal(法定的) requirement in the United States. It is a legal requirement that all kids be educated, though. When parents believe they can give their kids a better education- or have other reasons for not wanting to send their kids to a local school - they may choose home schooling.However, if a kid hates school, home schooling is probably not the escape he is looking for. Home schooled students can learn just as much as they would in regular school if they and their parents work hard to cover all the subjects and experiences necessary. Parents who home school usually have higher levels of education than parents who do not. They already have the skills to educate themselves about teaching their kids.Parents who home school have to be able to put the time and skill into not just teaching, but also researching lesson plans and resources(资源). So they have to know how to find the information necessary to teach their kids. State schools often provide home-schooling parents with a curriculum(课程), books and materials and places to meet. Some state schools will point parents to other resources for brushing up on forgotten subjects. Or parents may receive continuing education at local colleges or universities.32. According to American law, _. A. all kids shall go to schoolB. all kids must receive educationC. home schooling parents shall receive continuing educationD. state schools must give support to home-schooling parents33. According to the text, most home-schooling parents_. A. are short of moneyB. dislike schoolsC. used to work as teachersD. are well-educated34. The underlined phrase “brushing up on” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by _.A. reviewingB. changingC. choosingD. discussing35. What can be inferred from the text? A. Home schooled kids learn fewer.B. Home schooled kids spend less time studying.C. Being a home-schooling parent needs a lot of effort.D. Home schooling will replaced school education.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to become smarterThere are three things that will get you ahead in life: good looks, smarts and being considered as being smart. The first is God-given. _36_ In this article we explore different ways to become smarter.Go to college, and get en education. _37_ It means that you will have been exposed to many different ideas and hopefully you will have learned how to think. Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.Read books and educational magazines. _38_ Educational magazines such as Discovery or National Geographic are a wealth of knowledge that you can share with others, thus making you sound very smart. If you do watch TV, try to watch something where you can learn such as the History Channel, Discovery etc.Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn one new word a week. It does not seem like much, but adding 52 new words to your vocabulary will really make you appear much smarter. Subscribing to is a good start. _39_ This way you are actually getting 365 words a year, but that is usually more than most people can absorb._40_ Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this. They hear an outrageous(骇人听闻的) claim and repeat it to the nearest ear. You can do much harm to your quest for being smart if you are known for giving bad information. A That is my exact point.B And unluckily most of us are not good-looking.C You will have a new word sent to your email address daily.D The programs actually provide you with information you can use.E Reading books works the brain out more than TV.F Do not repeat everything people tell you until you know that it is true.G. College does not necessarily mean you will be smarter, just educated.第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied in life. But one day he saw a swan. “This swan is so_41_,” he thought, “and I am so black. This swan must be the_42_ bird in the world.”He expressed his _43_to the swan. “Actually,” the swan replied, “I was feeling that I was the happiest bird around _44_I saw a parrot, which has two colors. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation.” The crow then _45_ the parrot. The parrot explained, “I_46_ a very happy life until I saw a peacock. I have only two colors, _47_ the peacock has multiple colors.”The crow then visited a peacock in the_48_ and saw that hundreds of people had_49_ to admire him. After the people had left, the crow approached the peacock. “Dear peacock,” the crow said, “you are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to _50_ you. When people see me, they immediately _51_ me away. I think you are the happiest bird on the planet.”The peacock replied, “I always thought that I was the most beautiful and happy bird on the planet. But because of my_52_, I am kept in this zoo. I have examined the zoo very _53_, and I have realized that the crow is the only bird not kept _54_ a cage. So for the past few days I have been _55_ that if I were a crow, I could happily _56_ everywhere.Thats our problem, too. We make unnecessary _57_ with others and become sad. We dont _58_what life has given us. This all leads to various unhappiness. Learn to be happy in what you have instead of _59_what you dont have. There will always be someone who will have more or less than you have. People who are _60_with what they have, are the happiest persons in the world.41. A tall B. white C. strong D. rich42. A. worst B. fastest C. highest D. happiest43. A. thoughts B. attitudes C. desires D. spirits44. A. once B. after C. when D. until45. A. cooked B. approached C. passed D. left46. A. practiced B. planned C. performed D. lived47. A. so B. but C. though D. because 48. A. field B. kitchen C. zoo D. garden49. A. gathered B. warned C. fought D. comforted50. A. see B. tease C. understand D. face51. A. put B. give C. run D. drive52. A. kindness B. concern C. beauty D. confidence53. A. carefully B. specially C. repeatedly D. particularly54. A. with B. in C. on D. over55. A. doubting B. laughing C. thinking D. calling56. A. jump B. shout C. walk D. fly57. A. discussion B. invention C. operation D. comparison58. A. feel B. sense C. ignore D. value59. A. looking at B. paying no attention to C. taking on D. thinking for60. A. worried B. satisfied C. interested D. puzzled第四节:单句语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. He wrote a letter to apply _ the post advertised.62. Thanks to new technology, we can get almost everything _ the flick of the mouse.63. Lucy is a lady who is particular _ clothes.64. They tied him _ a lamb-post and beat him up.65. There are no simple solutions _ the problem.66. The high cost of borrowing is forcing many companies _(close).67. We should never take _ for granted that others should forgive us.68. To our _(satisfying), everything went smoothly.69. _(compare) with our small apartment, our uncles house seems like a palace.70. This matter requires _ (deal) with at once.第五节:单词拼写(共10个小题,每小题1分;满分10分)71. There are wide regional _(变动,变化) in house prices.72. _(显而易见地), the woman was unwell, lying across the chair.73. It is _(必不可少的,绝对重要的) to read the small print at the bottom of any document.74. The water at the edge of the lake _(结冰) last night.75. At least he died suddenly and didnt _(遭受痛苦).76. The crowd _(惊慌失措) at the sound of the gunfire in the shopping mall this morning.77. He asked the question out of _(好奇).78. The little boy was _(坚决的) find out who had broken the window.79. Our production goes up _(不断地,持续地).80. Its amazing how closely Brian and Steve _(像,与相似) each other.第六节:改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。One day Li Ping was riding in the street when the old man came across the street. The old man was knocking down. Instead of helping him stand up, Li Ping shouted at the old man angry and ride away at a high speed. Several minutes late, she found one of her book in the basket of the bicycle missing. She hurried back to the place where the accident took place there. To his surprise, Li Ping found the old man was waiting her. She felt ashamed while he handed the book back to her.第七节:书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你和美国留学生Tony相约通过网上交流学习彼此的语言,经过一年的交流学习,彼此都取得了进步,但由于高三后期学习时间紧张,无法抽出时间上网交流。请你给Tony写一封e-mail,表达对他的歉意。主要内容:1.表达歉意;2.说明具体原因、提出补救办法;3.希望得到谅解。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.Dear Tony,I am extremely


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