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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学英语五年级英语下册第一单元测试题Class_ Name_1 选择合适的单词补全句子。1. _(What/When) do you get up every day?2. We usually _(play /plays) football after school.3. My mother goes to work_(at/in) 7:00.4. Thats _(too/to)late.5. _(Class/Classes)start at 3 oclock.2 选出不同类的一项。( )1.A.breakfast B.dinner C.shopping D.lunch( )2.A.take B.clean C.eat D.morning( )3.A.shopping B.dancing C.have D.eating( )4.A.sports B.run C.jump D.swim( )5.A.when B.where C.winter( )6.A.finish B.start C.late( )7.A.usually B.oclock C.often( )8.A.too B.at C.in( )9.A.get B.bed C.go3 按要求完成下列各题。1. I play sports at 5 oclock in the afternoon.(画线部分提问)_ do you _ _ in the afternoon?2. When do you get up?(按实际情况作答)3. When do you eat dinner?(完成答语)I _ _ _ 7:00 p.m.4. do, I , homework, 7:30, at ,usually (.) 连词成句4 按提示完成句子。1. Its seven_(七点钟) 2. The boy eats lunch _ _(12点钟)3. Mary _ _ at 7:30.(起床)4. They _ back to school at 2:30.5. I _( 做早操)every day.6. Im hungry.Can I _(吃晚饭)now?7. When do you usually _(起床)every day?8. We_(吃午饭)at school.9. 今天为什么是你购物?_ are you shopping today?10. 你周末做什么?_ do you do on the weekend?11. 我经常在星期六打扫我的房间。 I often _ _ _ on Saturdays.12. 我有时和我爸爸去散步。 I sometimes _ for _ _ _ my dad.5 选择。( )1._ do you get up?A. When B.What C.Who( )2.We eat lunch _. A.in home B.at home C.went home( )3._ Yes,we do. A.Do you go back to school after lunch? B.When do you go back to school? C.How are you?( )4.Classes start _ 3 oclock.A. on B.in C.at( )5._ at 8 oclock.The first class is English. A.Class is over. B.Classes start C.Got up ( )6._ At 2 oclock. A.When do you go back to school after lunch? B.Do you have a clock? C.What time is it?( )7.When do you finish class? _ A.OK B.Usually at 4:30 C.Its 5:10 now . ( )8.Do you often do morning exercises? _ A.Yes,I am. B.No,I cant. C.Yes, I do. ( )9.Why are you _ today? A.shopping B.shop C.on( )10.He_ last night. A.work B.working C.worked( )11.What do you do _ the weekend? A.down B.in C.on( )12.I_ play ping-pong with my friend. A.does B.am C.often( )13.You need a robot _ help you. A.for B.in C.to( )14._ do you go to school? A.What B.Who C.When( )15.What _ he do ? He is a doctor. A.can B.is C.does( )16.When do you do morning ? A.class B.exercises C.breakfast( )17.Mike is playing football in the _ A.desk B.bedroom C.playground( )18._ do you eat dinner? I usually eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. A.When B.Where C.What( )19.When do you go to school?_ A.No B.At 7 oclock C.I usually go to bed at 9 oclock.( )20.When do you have English class? I usually have English class _8:30. A.in B.for C.at( )21.I eat breakfast at half past seven.What _ you? A.and B.with C.about六选择恰当的单词填空。play have weekend go to finish1. When do you _ school, Mike?2. What do you often do on the _?3. We _ class at 11:40 in the morning.4. I _ Chinese class on Mondays.5. They often _ sports together.A. At school.B. At 7:00.C. I usually do my homework,D. Yes,I do.7 选择正确的答语。( )1.When do you do on the weekend?( )2.When do you go to school?( )3.Do you often wash your clothes?( )4.Where do you eat lunch?8 排列顺序( )1.At 12 oclock.( )2.When do you eat lunch?( )3.When do you start class in the morning?( )4.At 4:30.( )5.Usually at 8 oclock.( )6.When do you go home?9 找出画线部分发音不同的选项。( )1.A.clock B.class C.face( )2.A.play B.sleep C.place( )3.A.clap B.glass C.climb( )4.A.fly B.plant C.place10 选择正确的汉语意思。( )1. do homework ( )2.play sports with ( )3.play music ( )4.watch TV ( )5.cook dinnerA.做晚饭 B.做作业 C.看电视 D.播放音乐 E.和.做运动11 根据答语,补全句子。1. _ on the weekend? I often do homework.2. _ go to school? I go to school at 7:00 in the morning.3. _ shopping today?Because my parents are busy.4. _ clean your room?Yes,I do.Who What When Where Why12 选词填空1. _ do you do on the weekend?2. _ are you shopping today?3. _ is your English teacher?4. _ do you usually get up?5. _ is my ruler? Its in the desk.六、阅读理解.Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6:00 in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00.We do morning exercises at 8:00. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at 5:00 p.m. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. What about yours?( )1. Where does Zoom eat breakfast? A. At home B. At school C. At 6:30( )2. How many classes does Zoom have in a day? A. Five.B. Three. C. Six ( )3. When does Zoom play sports in the afternoon? A. At four B. At five C. At five thirty( )4. When does Zoom eat dinner?A. At seven thirtyB. At homeC. At eight( )5. When does Zoom go to bed? A. at nine in the morning. B. at nine in the evening. C. at nine a.m.专心-专注-专业


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