Sports in our life

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Sports in our life “Hi,boy,you are too weak,it is bad to you. You will easy to have some need some sports,It can help you.” “Sports is so tired,I think it is so boring.” ”You can try,if you can doing something ,you will enjoy in you life.” In the China,have over 95%of university have martial acts mass organizations more and more students join the martial acts mass organization.There have some reasons to explain this actuality.Sports can help our make friends.In China,have a proverb is No Discord,No Concord!Martial arts in sports is an important type. A lot of Martial arts have compare notes .It is easy about make friends.Playing Sports by ourselves is so loneliness,usually we will no power to hold the line,because the interests.we can play with other people.we will become better together,That have a story about sports to help to make friends.That is Rowan Simons story,He is a famous football commentator.When he only is a boy, he go to South America by himself. You know, it is a peculiar continent of the football passion in everywhere.When he just came to South America,His hand baggage, all documents and property, and a football been stolen on the bus,he think it is so terrible,but only 2 days.his all goods are come back,he talk with this man,the man say,because the football.They communicate during all night, they are became the friends.When he passed by the AMAZON,in a rest area,he want to rested one night,but when he get off the car,A group of homeless people hold the machetes to look he,maybe want to rob he,but he take out the football,and say” Brazil Pele ,England Bobby Charlton shoot!”in this time,all people threw the machete,And play with he,At last,he safe to leave.Sports is good for your health. In China, 35% students have obesity 65% students get up late. 75% students have not a good body,so the universities in china,require the students have some sports in the life,Running in morning,martial acts team sports all can help you have a good body,help our to have the health.Sports also can maintain the health of the body.recently,H7N9 is so terrible.all the patients do not have a good body,they usually do not have enough time to motion,so,if people do not have enough motion in his life,they will easy to have disease than other people.Taekwondo is my best sports,my idol is a taekwondo sports woman,she is Olympic champion,i want to become she,have a lot of palm,carry off a prize.Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we dont take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.I enjoy several outdoor sports. Swimming in the sea also is my favorite too. Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I prefer to swim in the sea.Besides, I enjoy jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I jog with my parents in the park.In China,a lot of people bashfulness to talk with other people.Sports can help people become optimistic,because sports,we will think confidence.sports help our to have the friendship. Sports is created in the world is a fortunate.humans body is a magical things.we needs the sporting to become the stronger.we used the sporting to make friend,lets enjoy the sports,the sports can become the world to be better.


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