On How toTeach English in Large Classes

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科研方法与学术论文写作考试卷Exam question:Follow the instructions below and write a literature review with no less than 2000 words. 1)   Choose a research topic based on your own teaching experience, what you have read in English teaching journals, or your own interests. 2)   Find at least 20 books and journal articles on the topic. There should be at least 1 empirical studies in the list of literature that you find. 3)   Read the literature critically and make reading cards if necessary.4)   Organize the literature based on what you have learned in Modules 2, 9 and 10.5)   Find out about what needs to be done about this topic in the future.6)   Write an outline for the literature review.7)   Write the literature review.8)   Provide a list of references at the end of your literature review. For example, if you are interested in using portfolio as a way of assessing students learning outcome, you should search the internet, the library or other sources to find books that talk about different ways of assessment, and empirical studies on using portfolio in ESL/EFL assessment. Read the previous research in this area critically. Find out what has been done in this area and what needs to be done in the future. Write an outline for your literature review and then write it. On How toTeach English in Large ClassesAbstract: It is widely admitted that teaching English to a large class has certain disadvantages over a small class. But in most primary and secondary schools in China, large class teaching is still a common practice. Some latest research shows that English teachers in many schools in China often have to face special difficulties in achieving the aims set by the new English Curriculum Standard for Primary and Secondary Schools. Therefore, it is necessary for those teachers to understand the main principles and learn some basic strategies for large class English teaching in order to improve their teaching. This paper aims to analyze common factors and special difficulties in large class situation, followed by some guidelines for large class EFL teachers, with each guideline underpinned by certain educational theory and principles. The argumentation will be stated in seven aspects: (i) Teachers good understanding of individual learners; (ii) Clarifying learning goals to inspire the motivation and interest of the learners;(iii) Different learning materials and assessment criteria for different learners according to their levels;(iv) Use of group work and collaborative learning;(v) Improving drilling techniques to accelerate the transformation of English knowledge to language competence;(vi). Foster the students independent learning abilities and reduce their dependence on teacher, and (vii) Personal communication between teachers and students. Key words: EFL teaching  big class teaching  teaching strategies  new Curriculum StandardThe main characteristics of the Context of Curriculum Standard can be summarized in two propositions. One is more importance being attached to the learning process and learn ing strategies of learners instead of only just focusing on results of learning. The other is transformation from teacher-centred tradition to the learner-centred learning, i.e., more attention to the individuality of learners, such as their self-discipline, their self-dependence, and their self-determination. On the other hand, since in most part of China large classed are still a reality and they poses particular challenges for EFL teachers in the course of fulfilling of their duties suggested in the Curriculum Standard. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest ways for large class EFL teachers to cope with the special problems in large class English teaching in order help them improve their teaching.In spite of many challenges that large class EFL teachers may encounter in their work, it also has some advantage s compared with small class teaching. 1.They can share many different ideas and interesting life experiences.2.They can discuss and learn from each other.3.They can learn to share responsibilities and help each other when doing group work.4.More students can makes the group work and collaborative learning more effective,.5.More students may bring up variety and speeds up the work, etc.Therefore, it is not the number of students that is the determinant of success in EFL teaching. Teachers management and administration of the classroom activities is of key importance. In the following parts I will give some suggestions to large class EFL teachers.1. Good understanding of individual learners in large class English teachingGood understanding of every student in a large class is the very beginning of a successful teaching. The feeling of being cared by teacher may lead to interest and passion in learning, while the feeling of being neglected may depress the learners from the beginning. In a large class situation, as the opportunity for contact between students and teacher is significantly reduced, which results in less individual attention for the students, Only by knowing the individual student better can it be possible for the teacher to serve specific help for them in their language learning and thus make the teaching more pertinent. Useful skills for teachers to get better understanding of their students include:1.Try to know more about the students' personalities.2.Get to know as much as possible about the students' learning experience.3.Get to know something about the students' hobbies, and their special talents.4.Give the students a well-prepared language test to know their English levels.5.Try to know more about the students' grade of other subjects.2. Clarifying learning goals to inspire the motivation and interest of the studentsKnowing clearly what to do and why to do it is always helpful for students learning any subject. It is also the case in large class English teaching. To stimulate and sustain the students' interest in learning is a priority in large class teaching. Students who have more interests in English learning are often ready to take greater effort in their study and thus get a better understanding of the language they learn. Study shows that those who have more clear structure and set of goals to guide their learning in class often get better results than their fellow classmate. Being aware of the goals they are expected to achieve also helps the students to monitor their own learning and check their understanding against the stated objects. As a result of all this, learners' who has interests and passion in English learning can always save much of the teacher's effort. So it is important for the teacher in large class English teaching to clarify learning goals for the students. Understanding of the common negative factors that affect the quality of learning may help teachers in protecting students' interests. The following are commonly used strategies for this purpose:1.Give the students a clear, detailed syllabus and refer to it frequently.2.Help the students to identify the key concepts to be taught in each class, illustrating each main point.3.Ask the students to write down the main points at the end of each lesson.4.Improve classroom activities to grasp the students' attention.5.Use models to arouse the students' intimation.3. Different learning materials and assessment criteria for different learners according to their levelsThe explanation of the text and grammar, the practice of the conversation, the different training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all need to classified in to different levels to suit the students in hi/her class. Assignment and assessment are also need to carry out at different levels.When planning a group work, teachers should know clearly what the students are supposed to achieve and outline expectation and provide guidance on how to coordinate the group object. Other points for teachers to know when carrying out a group work are listed below.1.Decide what kind of group the students will form, mixed-ability group or same-ability group.3.Set the language goals for each group.3.List each member in each group.4.Choose the faster, more able one as the group leader5.Make sure each one in the group can contribute to the fulfilment of the task.6.Move around the classroom to see what progress learners are making and what problems are coming up.7.Assess each group's work with proposals.5. Improving the drilling techniques to accelerate the transformation of English knowledge to language competenceIf teachers can put more attention to the following details, they may get a better result in their large class teaching.1.Plan a group project in which each group member will have their own special task that is connected to the others.2.Each group member sign a contract in which they each agree to do their own task and finish it.3.Check that the pair work and group work have specific target.4.Make proper use some traditional activities, such as dictation, reading in groups, reciting 6. Foster the students' independent learning abilities and reduce their dependence on teacherOnce they have formed their own learning system, the students will be less dependent on their teachers, and reduces reliance on teacher as the only source of information. The following are some good qualities that good English learners have. Teachers can take measures to cultivate these qualities that will help the large class English learners by:1.Give mini-lectures on such topic as how to study English, how to improve your reading, etc; 2. more learning resources, such as pictures, photos, newspapers, magazines, story books and other English reading or recordings from radio and TV programmes3.Use computers and internet 4.Organize after-class activities, such as English corner, English party, English wallpaper, and reading clubs,ReferencesEllis, R. 1994. The study of second language acquisition M. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jeremy Harmer. 2003. The practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd. M. Longman. Michael J. Wallace. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers M. Cambridge University Press.Monk, G. Stephen. Student Engagement and Teacher Power in Large Classes: Learning in Groups. A. In Clark Bouton and Russell Y. Garth. (Ed.), New Directions for Teaching and Leaning. No.14. C. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Nolasco, R and Arthur, L. 1988. Teaching Large Class. M. Macmillan. Shi Liangfang 2001 Theory of Learning M Beijing: People's Education Press.共7页:


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