六年级下册英语 测试题 Unit4 B练习题 人教版PEP

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六年级下册英语 测试题 Unit4 B练习题 人教版PEP_第1页
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六年级下册英语 测试题 Unit4 B练习题 人教版PEP_第2页
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Unit4 B练习题一 单词拼写1 写出下列单词的过去式。 run_ wear_ feel_ trip_ give _ think_ drink _wake_ get_ see_ study_ read_ go_ eat_2 写出下列单词的反义词everything_ quiet _ tall_ slow _ dark _ before _ cold _ new _ dirty _ big _ longer_ 二 句型转换1 Could he win the race? (作否定回答)_, he _.2 He dreamed about his dog. (就画线部分提问)_ _ he dream about?3 There were many people there. (变为一般疑问句)_ _ many people there?4 Robin fixed a broken chair last week. (译成汉语)_5 Is she cleaning the living room? (作肯定回答)_三 单项选择题1 Tom was so _.A. worrying B. worry C. worried2 I was _ bed.A. at B. in C. of3 _ a dream!A. What B. How C. Where4 Amy gave me some _.A. waters B. wateres C. water5 I _ like winter before.A. dont B. does C. didnt6 I thought winter _ too cold.A. is B. was C. were7 I _ like cooking before, but now I like it.A. did B. didnt C. dont8 He _ go cycling before.A. can B. cant C. couldnt9 Now I love _.A. ice-skate B. to ice-skate C. ice-skated10 当你想告诉对方你以前很文静时,你可以说:A. Im quiet .B. I was quiet before. C. I will be quiet.11 当你想告诉对方你以前不戴眼镜时,你可以说:A. I dont wear glasses. B. I dont like glasses. C. I didnt wear glasses.12 当别人问你以前是什么样子时,你可以说:A. Im active in class. B. We are all different now. C. I was short and quiet before.13 He _ like pink T-shirt now. A. dont B. doesnt C. didnt14你告诉朋友那时你和Peter比赛了,你可以这样说:A. I had a race with you then.B. I had a race with Peter then.C. I have a race with Peter then.15 We _ a good time yesterday.A. have B. had C. having16 你想告诉Amy这是很好的锻炼,你可以这样说:A. Its a good exercise. B. Thats good exercises. C. Thats good exercise.17 你想知道朋友现在的情况如何,你可以这样问:A. How about now? B. How about you? C. What about you?18 Oliver告诉Jack他现在喜欢在雪里玩,他会这样说:A. I like play in the snow. B. I love to play in the snow. C. Oliver loves to play in the snow.19 We often _ to school by bus last year.A. went B. go C. goes20 你想知道朋友为什么会这么慢,你可以这样问:A. Why do you slow? B. What are you slow? C. Why are you slow?21 I _ in the village when I was a child.A. lived B. living C. lives22 Mike _ a big tiger in the park last year.A. see B. saw C. seeing23 He _ the Great Wall last year.A. visit B. visited C. visits24 Come and look _ Mikes old photos!A. in B. on C. at25 What grade was Mike _?A. in B. on C. at26 Wu Yifan had a race _ his father and Max.A. for B. with C. off27 Wu Yifan ran _ a cheetah.A. for B. with C. like28 What makes you _ worried?A. feel B. feels C. to feel29 There _ many horses on the farm last year.A. are B. were C. was30 Sam had a race _ his friends.A. and B. with C. for31 Suddenly he _ and fell.A. triped B. trip C. tripped32 What did you dream _?A. about B. in C. on33 I had _ interesting dream last night.A. an B. a C. one34 She _ be at home now. I saw her this morning.A. will B. mustnt C. must35 -Can I play games, dad?-No. You _ finish your homework first.A. may B. can C. must36 It _ be true. I dont believe it!A. may not B. cant C. mustnt37 Its too late now. I _ go home soon.A. may B. can C. must38 -_ I help you?-Yes, please.A. Can B. Must C. Should39 He _ not be at home, but Im not sure.A. may B. can C. must40 You _ smoke here! This is hospital.A. may not B. mustnt C. neednt四 连词成句1 a, He, had, race, his, with, father (.)2 dream, Did, you, an, have, interesting (?)3 do, There, nothing, was, he, could (.)4 brother, My, run, could, fast (.)5 before, I, like, didnt, winter (.)6 class, now, active, Im, in, very (. )7 did, change, Mike, how (?)8 do, was, he, nothing, could, there (?)9 slow, why, am, so, I, now (?)10 race, there, a, was, second (.)11 fast, animal, what, run, can, very (?)12 dream, did, what, you, about (?)13 couldnt, bike, I, ride, well, my (.)14 people, Internet, the, couldnt, use, before (.)五 选词填空1 A. talking B. exercise C. was D. have E. gave(1) He _ me some water.(2) The cat _ on the chair.(3) Lets _ a look at my old photos.(4) Thats good _. (5) What are you _ about?2 用be的适当形式填空。(1) Before there _ a lot of water.(2) There _ no computers in my school ten years ago.(3) There _ a gym now.(4) There _ many stars now.六 选出不同类的一项。 1 A. can B. will C. did2 A. one B. second C. two3 A. felt B. use C. take4 A. badminton B. cold C. hot5 A. woke B. dining hall C. ran6 A. heavy B. big C. ago7 A. farmer B. grass C. driver8 A. gym B. older C. shorter七 补全对话A. I found they could talk!B. I found I can swim. C. We became good friends and lived together. D. I woke up.E. While I was swimming I had a wonderful dream not very long ago. In the dream, _(1)_ I swam freely in the sea, where I saw many strange trees and plants I had never seen before. _(2)_, some brightly colored fish followed me. When I stopped, they all gathered around me, as if anxious to know who I was. To my surprise, _(3)_ So we made an interesting conversation(交谈). _(4)_ In the fantasy(幻想的) land, I forgot all my troubles. In fact, I forgot that I was a human being (人类). However, this wonderful life didnt last too long. The dream ended and _(5)_八 阅读理解Dick: Look! These are very old photos.Mum: Yes. Can you find a picture of your grandpa when he was a young man?Dick: Is the thin man him?Mum: No, that is Uncle Tim.Dick: This man is playing football. He is strong,Was my grandpa a football player?Mum: Yes, that is your grandpa, but he was a worker.Dick: Was Uncle Tim a worker, too?Mum: No, he was a teacher.(1) Uncle Tim was a young man. (2) Uncle Tim was thin. 与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。(3) His grandpa was strong. (4) His grandpa was a football player. (5) Uncle Tim was a worker. 要练说,先练胆。说话胆小是幼儿语言发展的障碍。不少幼儿当众说话时显得胆怯:有的结巴重复,面红耳赤;有的声音极低,自讲自听;有的低头不语,扯衣服,扭身子。总之,说话时外部表现不自然。我抓住练胆这个关键,面向全体,偏向差生。一是和幼儿建立和谐的语言交流关系。每当和幼儿讲话时,我总是笑脸相迎,声音亲切,动作亲昵,消除幼儿畏惧心理,让他能主动的、无拘无束地和我交谈。二是注重培养幼儿敢于当众说话的习惯。或在课堂教学中,改变过去老师讲学生听的传统的教学模式,取消了先举手后发言的约束,多采取自由讨论和谈话的形式,给每个幼儿较多的当众说话的机会,培养幼儿爱说话敢说话的兴趣,对一些说话有困难的幼儿,我总是认真地耐心地听,热情地帮助和鼓励他把话说完、说好,增强其说话的勇气和把话说好的信心。三是要提明确的说话要求,在说话训练中不断提高,我要求每个幼儿在说话时要仪态大方,口齿清楚,声音响亮,学会用眼神。对说得好的幼儿,即使是某一方面,我都抓住教育,提出表扬,并要其他幼儿模仿。长期坚持,不断训练,幼儿说话胆量也在不断提高。 九 书面表达宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。以“Myself”为题写一篇短文, 简单介绍自己现在和过去有什么变化。要求: 1. 字迹工整。2. 语句通顺。3. 不少于50个词。_


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