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情态动词一.情态动词基本用法1. ? can和could,用在否定句和疑问句中,表示惊讶,用在否定句和疑问句 中。How could you do such a silly thing?cannot.too/enough表示“无论也不过分,越越好”。You can t be too careful while driving?2. may和might的区别?表示许可、可能性、祝愿等意义, might比may更委婉。A: J 给别人许可时。-May I play basketball this afternoon B:may/might as well砌原,“最好,倒不如”。?may 作“可以”讲时,疑问句回答用 mustn t/can表示禁止。3. Must的用法?表示禁止(用于否定中)You mustn t smoke in the bedroom.?表小偏执、固执-Could I have a word with you,mum?-Oh dear,if you must.?must 的否定回答 A:作必须讲时,疑问否定回答用 don t have to,needn t-B:推测,一定讲时,回答用can t.-C:mustn 表禁止。-May I use your car? -No, you mustn -Sorry,you d better not.() 注意:must强调内在职责,而have to强调迫于外界压力,不得已而为之。4 .shall的用法? 一、三人称征求意见时。请求对方时。Shall we begin our class?二,三人称陈述句中,说话人给对方的命令,警告、允诺或威胁。You shall not get my support if you do such a thing.5 .will和would的区别?自愿主动提出,如:意志、愿望或决心,would过去,will not表示拒绝。I have told him again and again to stop smoking,but he will not listen.?will习惯性动作,有“总是”或“总要”之意。Everything he will have a walk along this year.?would 过去习惯性动作,比used to正式。Last year our English teacher would sometimes tell us stories in English after Class.?used r to do 过去常,过去一直只表示过去。.be used to do用来/be used to doings惯于可表过、现或将。6 .dare 表示敢于,情态:dare do Dare you go home along- 及物:dare to do Do they dare to say what she thinks?7.need 用法 -情态:need do-及物f need to do表示主动L need doing 被动 My overcoats needs washing.8. r must一定要,必须,应该(现在时)have to客观需要,能用于更多时态(过去或将来)一 ought to表示义务和责任“应该,比should语气强You ought to take care of yourself.二.情态动词表推测用法情态动词适用场合对未来和现在推测对过去的推测(情态动词+完成体)may/might肯、否may/might domay/might have done 可能做过,本应做而实瞅未做。can/could否、疑Could 肯can/could docan/could have done本应做而实未做 can t have don不言能做过,语气强烈should肯、否、 疑用来表小,种估计的情况,should doshould have done本应做而未做 shouldn t have done 应该做而做了ought toought to doought to have done ought not to have doneneedneed doneedn t have done 本来/、必而实际已经发生了must国Ah句must domust have done f发生了1.Sorry,I m late,I might have turned off the alarm clock and go back again.2 .The accident could have been avoided.3 .You should have told me about it earlier.4 .You ought not to have said such words to your parents.5 .You needn t have walked so quickly since time was enough.6 .He must have completed his work,otherwise,he wouldn t be enjoying himself byseaside.6情态动词练习题1.(2011 全国卷 II,8)If you smoke, please go outside.A. can B. should C. must D. may2. (2011 北京卷,24)I don t really like James. Why did you invitehim?Don t worry. He come. He said he wasn t certain what his plans were.A. must not B. need not C. would not D. might not3. (2011 上海春招,27 ) some young people these days just go out of their homes to contact the real world.A. mustn t B. won t C. mightn t D. shouldn t4. (2011 福建卷,25)Shall I inform him of the change of the scheduleright now?1 am afraid you, in case he comes late for the meeting .A.will B.must C.may D.can5. (2011 安徽卷,26) What do you think of store shopping in the future? Personally, I think it will exist along with homeshopping but . A. will never replace B. would never replaceC. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced6(2011 浙江卷,11)HoW s your new babysitter?We ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much.A. should B.might C. mustn t D. couldn t7. (2011 四川卷,20) The police still haven t found the lost child, but they re doing all they.A.can B.may C.must D.should8. (2011 重庆卷,25) Whydidn t you cometo Simon s party last night? I wanted to ,but mymomsimply not let meout so late at night.A. could B. might C. would D. should9. (2011 陕西卷,24)Will you read me a story ,Mummy?OK. You have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.A. might B. must C. could D. shall10. (2011 湖南卷,28) No one be compared with Yao Ming in playingbasketball.A. can B. need C. must D. might11. (2011 辽宁卷,21)If you go, at least wait until the storm is over.A. can B. may C. must D. will12. (10 安徽 32) Jack described his father, who a brave boy manyyearsago, as a strong - willed manA. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been.13. (10 湖南 23) You buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. must B. mustnt C. have to D. dont have to14. (10 江西 23) I have told you the truth.I keep repeating it?A Must B Can C May D W川15. (10 山东 25) I have watched that movie -it ll give mehorribledreams.A. shouldn t B. needn t C. couldn t D. mustn t16. (10 天津 9)Mark have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half anhour early.A. needn t B. wouldn t C. mustn t D. couldn t17. (10 四川 3) I take the book out?Im afraid not.A. W川 B. May C. Must D. Need18. (10 全国 I 29) Just be patient .You expect the world to changeso soon .A. can t B. needn t C. may not D. whether19. (10江苏 25) I haven t got the reference book yet, but I ll have a test on the subject next month.Don t worry. You have it by Friday.A. could B. shall C. must D. may20. (陕西 23) May I take this book out of the reading room?No, you. You read it in here.A. mightn t B. won t C. needn t D. mustn t21. (10 全国 H 17) I mafraid Mr. Harding see you now. He s busy.A. can t B. mustn t C. shouldn t D .needn t22. (10 湖d匕 79) It s said that they have swum to the island from thecontinent, but they(不可能做至 U) because the ocean in betweenis too wide. (do)23. (10 辽宁 26) Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it be regular exercise.A. can B . will C . must D. may24 (10 北京 23) -Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the PersonnelDepartment.-Ah, good morning. You be Mrs. Peters.A. might B. must C. would D. canPeters 了因此排除 A,C.D25 (10浙江 17) You have a wrong number, she said.“Theres no one of that name here.”A. need B. canC. must D. would情态动词答案1答案C解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“如果你非得要抽烟,请到外面去 抽.” must (表示主张)一定要,坚持要.根据后一句please go outside 的要求, 选C.2答案D解析:考查情态动词的用法.为意为“一一我真不喜欢James.你为何请 了他?一一别担心.他可能来不了 .他说他的计划还没安排好.”题干中的he wasn t certain 说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定 might not.选D.3答案B解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“现在一些年轻人就是不愿意走出 家门接触真正的世界.” mustn t禁止,不允许;won t不愿意,就是不,偏不, 具有主观性;mightn t可能不;shouldn t不应该.根据句意选B.4答案B解析:考查情态动词的用法.为意为“一一需要我现在就通知他计划有 变吗?一一恐怕你得这样做,以防他开会迟到.” must (表示必要、命令或强制) 必须,得.根据后半句,选B5答案C析:考查情态动词的用法.为意为“一一你对将来的商店购物怎么看 ? 一一我个人认为会与在家购物并存,但商店购物不会被取代.”根据I think it will exist along with home shopping,排除虚拟的选项 D,这是表示将来的时问,考虑到被动语态,选C.6答案D解析:考查情态动词的用法.为意为“一一你白新保姆怎么样?一一找 不到更好的了 .我们的孩子们很喜欢她.” should应该;might可能,可以; mustn t禁止;couldn t不可能.根据句意选D.7答案A解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“警方依然没有找到失踪的孩子, 但他们现在正在做他们所能做的一切.” can可以,能够;may可能,许可;must 必须;should应该.根据句意,选A.8答案C解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“一一昨晚你为什么没来参加 Simon 的聚会?一一我想来的,但我妈妈就是不愿我这么晚出来. could可以,能够,表 示可能性或用于婉转语气;might可能,表示不确定;would愿意,偏要,表示意志; should应该,表示建议、命令、决定等.根据题意选C.9答案D解析:考查情态动词的用法.为意为“一一妈妈,可以读一个故事给我 听吗?一一好的,如果你马上上床睡觉的话.” shall用于陈述句中的第二、第三 人称时,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等,题中是母亲对儿子的承 诺,故选D.10答案A解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“在打篮球方面没人能比得上姚 明.” can可以,能够;need需要;must必须;might可能.故根据题意,选A.11答案C解析:考查情态动词的用法.句意为“如果你非得走话,至少也要等到 这暴风雨过去后.” can可以,能够;may可能,许可;must(表示主张)一定要,坚 持要;will将要,愿意.根据后旬的劝告,选C.匚一12答案:D.考点:本题考查情态动词推测用法.解析:句意为“杰克把他的父亲描述为一个意志坚强的人,他的父亲多年前肯定 很勇敢.”用must have been表示对过去事情的肯定推测.13答案:D考点:情态动词 解析:don t have to 意为“没有必要”,符合语 境,句意为:“你没有必要买礼物,但如果你想买的话,你也可以买.”14答案:A考点:考察情态动词的用法.解析:must必须,一定can可以,能够may也许will 意愿,倾向性动作,前半句说我告诉你事实了 ,这里用的是现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响,既然我已经说了,我还必须重复一遍吗?15答案:A考点:本题考查情态动词的用法.解析:句意应为“我本来不应该看那部电影的-它会使我做噩梦的.”表示“本来不应该做而做了某事用shouldn t have done, 所以A项正确.16答案:A.考点:考查情态动词.句意:迈克本来不必要那么忙的.这么高速驾驶之后,他早半个小时到达了 .解析:根据后面的语境,提前半个小时到达,说明Mark本来不必那么匆忙,所以用 needn thave done结构,表示“本来不必要做某事的而实际上做了”17答案:B考点:考查情态动词.解析:表请求可用情态动词 can, may, could, might , 表允许用 can, may.句意为:“我可以将这本书带出去吗?” “恐怕不行”.故应选表情请求的情态动词may.正确答案为B.18答案:A句意:耐心一点儿,你不能期望世界变化如此快;通过选项此题考察情态动词,cant在否定句中可以表示推测,译为不可能,可以 表示能力,译为不能够,也可以表示命令,不允许,但是语气比mustnt弱,具有劝 慰的意思,根据句意此题中选择A,cant表示劝慰.19答案:B解析:shall在第二人称中表示允诺,还可以表示强制,命令,威胁, 警告.还有在法律条文中的要求或规定.20答案:D解析:考查情态动词.英语中用could,might表示询问或征求意见的 问句中,肯定性应答要用 can或 may来代替 could 或 might,而 may或 might征求意见的问句否定应答时要用mustn t,故本题选D.21答案:A解析:情态动词考查.结合语境,根据情态动词用于疑问或否定推测时,要用can t.22 答案:can t/ couldn t have done it考点:情态动词解析:当要对过去进行肯定的推测时,要用“can t/couldn t+have+done”的 结构23答案:C句意:医生说锻炼对身体重要,但是必须是有规律的锻炼.解析:考查情态动词.Can 一般表示“可能,或能力;will表示“意志”;may 表示“许可,可能;must表示“必须”.24答案:B考点:本题考查情态动词在语境中的运用.解析:第一个说话人说和史密斯小姐有约,那下面的人就回应说,那您一定就是Mrs.Peters 了因此排除 A,C.D25答案:C考点:情态动词


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