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高州市信息职业技术学校2018-2019学年度第一学期期末考试中职英语(基础模版1)试卷班级 姓名 学号 成绩 题号一二三四总分得分阅卷人请按要求填写答题卡。一、单词(5*2=10)1 2 3 4 5 二、题号4*5=206789答案三、题号 10*3=3010111213141516171819答案四、题号 10*4=4020212223242526272829答案一、Fill in the blanks with proper words. (中英互译)(10分)单词(5*2=10) 1、感激的 2、parents 3、老师4、festival 5、healthy 2、 短语(英汉互译)(4*5=20) 6、职业学校 (A. middle school B. vocational school) 7、come to life ( A. 来生活 B. 复苏,变得活跃)8、youre welcome ( A. 不用客气 B. 欢迎你 )9、tooto ( A. 太以至不能 B.也到)3、 Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。(10*3=30)10. Being thankful _ a great thing to do.A. is B. are C. be11. Observe around you and be _ for what you can be thankful for. A. thanks B. thankful C. thank you12. Thank all those who have helped _. A.I B. we C. us13. Its important to be thankful to your _. A. parents B. mother. C. father14. Its necessary to be thankful to your _ for their help with your studies. A. friends B. teachers C. uncle15. Remember to be thankful to your friends who share your happiness and sorrow with _.A. you B. me C. I16.Its necessary to be thankful for the _, for during those times you grow up. A. setbacks B. things C. happy17. Be thankful when you _ know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. A. Do B. dont C. doesnt18. Be thankful when you make a_ , for it will teach you valuable lessons.A.book B.mistake C.card19. Thank all things in your life, be thankful every day! It _ bring people much joy and add color to your own life. A. will B.would C.could4、 Choose the best answer to complete the passage.完形填空。(10*4=40)There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, _20_, autumn and winter. In spring the weather gets_21_.The grass becomes _22_.Summer is the hottest season of the year. The days are _23_ and the_24_ are short. The sun always shines brightly, but_25_it is cloudy and there are heavy rains. In autumn the_26_is blue and people feel happy. When winter_27_,we have to wear warm clothes. It is very _28_.It often snows and children like to _29_ a snowman for fun.( )20. A. summer B. Sunday C. September( )21. A. cold B. cool C. warm( )22. A. red B. brown C. green ( )23. A. long B. short C. shorter ( )24. A nights B. days C. weeks( )25. A. usually B. sometimes C. always( )26. A. ground B. tree C. sky( )27. A. comes B. come C. coming( )28. A. warm B. cold C. hot ( )29. A. do B. build C. play 答案一、1. thankful / grateful 2.父母 3.teacher 4. 节日 5.健康的 二、BBAA三、 ABCAB AABBA四、ACCAA BCABB 5


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