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八下Unit 5测试题第一部分 听力理解(共20分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(共5分,每小题1分) ABCDEF二、听对话,根据对话内容判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。 (共5分,每小题1分)( ) 6. Maria can go to the party on Tuesday.( ) 7. Jane likes pandas because theyre cute.( ) 8. The elephant is across from the pandas.( ) 9. Teds math teacher said he was lazy.( ) 10. Ted thinks that English is very hard.三、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的答案。(共10分,每小题2分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( ) 11. Where is Jim going? A. Going to the party.B. Going to the movies.C. Shopping. ( ) 12.What will happen if they bring snacks?A. The teacher will be angry. B. The teacher will take them away. C. The teacher will ask them to leave. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 ( ) 13. Where did Sam go last night?A. To a theater.B. To a park.C. To his uncles home. ( ) 14. Who gave him the tickets?A. His mother. B. His aunt.C. His uncle.( ) 15. What did he think of the play?A. Modern and interesting. B. New but not interesting. C. Funny and important.第二部分 基础知识(共25分)四、单项填空。(共15分,每小题1分) 根据句意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Well go to the Great Wall _ it doesnt rain this Saturday.A. whenB. ifC. untilD. because( )2. Dont _ sportswear to the party.A. put onB. wearC. wearingD. dress ( )3. Im going to _ time with my parents this vacation.A. takeB. haveC. spendD. go( )4. This dictionary isnt useful. Please _.A. take part inB. take it awayC. take away itD. take it out ( )5. Jim asked me _ him with his English.A. helpB. helpingC. helpedD. to help( )6. What are you going to do tomorrow? _. A. Nothing muchB. Much nothing C. Not anythingD. No thing ( )7. I _ to Canada twice. Its so beautiful.A. wont goB. have goneC. dont goD. have been( )8. I met a friend of mine _.A. on my way homeB. on my way to homeC. in my way homeD. in my way to home( )9. They didnt go to bed _ they finished their homework.A. untilB. becauseC. whenD. if( )10. We shouldnt _ their mistakes.A. to laughB. laugh atC. laughD. to laugh at( )11. I dont know if my mother _ tomorrow. If she _, Ill meet her at the train station. A. will come; comesB. comes; will comeC. will come; will comeD. comes; comes( )12. Doing homework _ me two hours every day.A. takesB. takeC. spendsD. spend( )13. The teacher told her students _ so late on weekends.A. not get upB. dont get upC. to not get upD. not to get up( )14. The good news will _.A. make you happyB. make you happilyC. make you be happyD. make happy to you ( )15. I dont know what _ if I do that. I think you _ tell him the whole thing first. A. happens; shouldB. happens; shouldntC. will happen; shouldD. will happen; shouldnt五、完形填空。(共10分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。In England, when youre ill, you go to see a doctor near your home. 1 are men and women, and you can say who you 2 . You usually only spend about ten minutes 3 the doctor. They can usually say whats the 4 very quickly, and often give you a prescription (处方) for some medicine.Most people only go to 5 doctors when they are ill. People with colds dont go to the doctor but to the chemists shop to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when youve very ill. In an emergency (急诊)you can 6 an ambulance (救护车) at 999. The ambulance takes 7 to hospital. Friends come to see you 8 at certain hours of the day, but they dont 9 there for a long time.You dont give money to the doctor 10 to the hospital when the doctor comes to see you in England. But when you are eighteen years old, you must give money for prescriptions.( )1.A. TeachersB. DoctorsC. FriendsD. Parents( )2. A. go withB. wantC. would loveD. prefer( )3. A. withB. inC. onD. for( )4. A. illB. matterC. badD. wrong( )5. A. hisB. ourC. theirD. your ( )6. A. tellB. sayC. callD. speak( )7. A. meB. himC. herD. you( )8. A. in hospitalB. at homeC. at workD. at school( )9. A. comeB. stayC. knowD. have( )10. A. thanB. soC. orD. but第二部分 综合运用(共55分)六、阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 (A)Henry Ford was the first one to build cars which were fast, reliable (可靠的) and cheap. He was able to sell millions of them because he “mass-produced” them. That is, he made a great many cars of exactly the same type. Henry Fords father had hoped that his son would become a farmer, but the young man did not like the idea and went to Detroit where he worked as a mechanic (技工). By the time he was twenty-nine, in 1892, he had built his first car. The first mass-produced car in the world, the famous “Model T” appeared in 1908 five years after Henry had started his great Ford Motor Company (公司). This car proved to be so popular that it remained unchanged for twenty years. Since Henry Fords time, mass-production techniques (技术) have become common in industry and have reduced (减少) the price of a great many products which otherwise (否则) would be very expensive. ( )1. In which order did Henry Ford do the following things? a. Set up his great Ford Motor Company. b. Produced his first car.c. Sold millions of cars. d. Stayed at Detroit and worked as a mechanic.e. Build the famous “Model T”. A. e, d, b, c, aB. d, b, a, e, cC. b, c, d, a, eD. c, d, e, b, a( )2. From the text we can conclude (推断) that Henrys father _.A. didnt like carB. liked country life very much C. was a farmerD. was kind to his son( )3. Henry Ford set up his great Ford Motor Company _.A. in 1908B. in 1913C. in 1892D. in 1903( )4. The famous “Model T” remained unchanged for twenty years because _.A. it was too cheapB. it was very fastC. people liked it very muchD. it was designed by Henry Ford( )5. From the text we know_.A. Henry Ford was a successful manB. Henry Ford was a modest (谦虚) manC. Henry Ford was a hardworking manD. Henry Ford was a strong man (B)Americans think a great deal about time. From childhood they learn to value (珍惜) time. As children, they are taught to be on time to go to school, to do work and to do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time flies. When a person is dying, they say he is living on borrowed time.Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time, he also works hard for more money. Even Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities (活动). In the street you can hardly see a man who walks slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running.They love time because time brings them money, comforts (舒服) and progress (进步). But sometimes they also hate time, for they feel they have become servants of the clock.( )6. A working American has to work _ days a week in his working time.A. sevenB. sixC. fiveD. four( )7. An American always walks _.A. sadlyB. slowlyC. fastD. not very fast( )8. “He is living on borrowed time” means “_”.A. he is deadB. he has little moneyC. he has no timeD. he is dying( )9. In his free time, an American usually _.A. has a good restB. plays cards with his friendsC. stays at home all day and watches TV D. gets more money by work( )10.What is Americans attitude (态度) to time?A. Love.B. Hate.C. Both love and hate.D. None of the above.七、根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。(共5分,每小题1分)“Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream,” some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short movies. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old movies. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be aware of trying to find an answer.Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may think about their work all day. Their ideas can carry over onto dreams.Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we cant remember the dream. The dreams can go away quickly from memory.Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at working when we dream. Thats why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.1. Do we have several dreams each night? _2. Are dreams and movies usually in color? _3. Why do people often dream about their work? _4. Do people always remember their dreams clearly? _5. What could be thetitleforthestory? _八、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。(共5分,每空1分) 1. Yao Ming is a p basketball player.2. Two were killed and ten more got i in the accident.3. Some students use m phones to keep in touch with their parents.4. There are many f in the park.5. Everyone in China can get a good e now.九、补全对话。(共5分,每空1分) 在空白处填入一个适当的词使对话完整并正确。 A: I want to have an English evening. Will you help me 1 it?B: Sure. When shall we have the 2. A: Lets have it this evening.B: No. This evening is too 3. If we have it this evening, half the class 4 come.A: Okay. Lets 5 it tomorrow evening.十、句型转换。(共10分,每小题2分)根据括号中的要求,完成下列各句。每空只填一词。1. You cant run at the party.(改为祈使句) at the party.2. She will travel around the world.(改为否定句)She around the world.3. Mr Smith did much work to help others.(改为同义句)Mr Smith did work to help others.4. People will follow you everywhere.(改为一般疑问句) people you everywhere?5. They are going to finish the homework tomorrow morning.(就画线部分提问) they going to tomorrow morning?十一、书面表达。(共10分)下面是Tina 同学在校园网英语留言板中的一个留言。请你根据Tina的留言及所给的提示, 以Dudu的名义用英语回复她的问题。 提示: 1告诉她学好这一科并不难,但学习方法很重要。 2根据你自己的体会给她提几条建议(不少于三条)。 3激励她坚持下去,并祝愿她进步。 Tina 21 April 2008 Im a middle school student in Junior Two. I need help with my math. Im really bad at that. Please help!_-八下Unit 5测试参考答案及解析一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。 1-5 BCFED 二、听对话,根据对话内容判断正误。 6-10 TTFFT 三、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的答案。 11-15 ABACA 四、单项填空。 1-5 BBCBD 6-10 ADAAB 11-15 AADAC单项填空解析: 1.B从句意来看,后者是前者动作发生的条件。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 2.B此句是祈使句,dont后加动词原形。put on是穿衣的瞬间动作,wear是穿衣的状态,dress后应接人。 11.A第一个if是宾语从句中的“是否”。tomorrow是一般将来时的时间状语。第二个if引导的是条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。15.Cif条件状语从句主句应用一般将来时,故排除A、B两项。根据句意“你应该先告诉他整个事情”,故排除D项。五、完形填空。 1-5 BDABC 6-10 CDABCC完形填空解析:2.D A项意为“同一起去”,B项意为“想;要”,C项意为“想;愿望”,都与“看医生”的情理不合;只有选择D项。prefer意为“更喜欢;选择”。 3.A 四个介词中,B、C两项与后面的the doctor搭配不当;D项同the doctor搭配不合“看病”的情理;只有with the doctor(同医生在一起)才说得通。 5.C 形容词性物主代词的运用,要与前面的名词在人称和数上统一。前面的名词是most people,与之相对应的形容词性物主代词是their,故选C项。 7.D 全文都是用第二人称进行叙述的,因此,这里也应用第二人称的宾格you。8.A 选项是四个介词短语表达四个地点。确定答案的关键词是上句中的to hospital,而且文中并没有提到at work和at school;athome也与上一个句子没有联系。 10.C 四个选项都是连词,空的前后是to the doctor和to the hospital,根据句意“在英国,当医生来看你的时候,你不用给医生或医院钱”可知两者是选择的关系。因此答案是C项。 六、阅读理解。 (A) 1-5 BBDCA阅读解析:1.B通读全文才能了解到Ford所经历事情的时间顺序。4.C由常理知Model T型汽车历经20年而未作改动,是因为人们非常喜欢它。5.A全文中主要谈他的业绩,显示他是个成功的人。 (B) 6-10 CCDDC七、根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。1. Yes, we do. 2. Yes, they are. 3. Because they may think about their work all day. 4. No, they dont. 5. Dreams.八、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1. professional 2. injured 3. mobile 4. flowers 5. education九、补全对话。1.organize 2.party 3.early 4.wont 5.have十、句型转换。1. Dont run 2. wont travel 3. a lot of 4.Will; follow 5. What are; do十一、书面表达。One possible version:Dear Tina,Hi, there. First I want to tell you that many students have the same problem. In fact, math is not so difficult as you think. Just think it over; you may have problems with the way you learn. Here are my ideas: 1. Try to get everything ready before class and try to write down the difficult points in the new lessons. 2. Listen carefully when you are in class. It can help you understand the lesson better. Dont forget to take notes if necessary. 3. Review the lesson after class. And try to do a bit more exercises if you wish. Dont worry too much about it. Keep trying and you will soon learn it better. Good luck! Yours Dudu听力原文:一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。1. I like eating hamburgers every day.If you eat hamburgers every day, youll be very fat.2. What are you going to do tomorrow?If it doesnt rain tomorrow, I will go to the Great Wall.3. What should I buy Linda for her birthday?Why not buy her a big cake?4. Where is Mary?She is still studying at her desk.If she studies hard, she will be able to pass the exam.5. Li Lei said he would like to organize a dancing party tonight.If he does, half the class wont come. You know, tomorrow is Monday.二、听对话,根据对话内容判断正误听第一段对话,判断第6小题。 Conversation 1M: Maria, can you come to my party on Tuesday?W: Sure, Id love to.听第二段对话,判断第7、8小题。Conversation 2W1: Did you see any pandas in the zoo, Jane?W2: Yes, I did. I love pandas very much. They are cute.W1: Did you see the elephant?W2: Yeah, I did. The elephant is across from the lion.听第三段对话,判断第9、10小题。Conversation 3W: Did you get your report card today, Ted?Boy: Umhh My math teacher said that I was hard-working.W: Thats excellent. How about English?Boy: Oh, well English is very hard.W: Yes, but what did your teacher say?Boy: She She said that I was lazy.三、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 A: Hi, Jim. I am going to the party.B: Me, too. Lets bring some snacks. A: Oh, we cant do that.B: Really? Why not?A: If we bring snacks, the teacher will take them away.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 W: Sam, I telephoned you last night, but you were not at home.M: Oh, my uncle gave me two tickets. I went to see a new modern play with my mother.W: How was the play?M: Its very interesting. This play has been on for two weeks. It has been enjoyed by the public.W: I think it must be worth seeing. Im going to see it tomorrow.


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