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河北科技师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译Discussion on the laboratory information management院(系、部)名 称 : 数信学院 专 业 名 称 计算机科学与技术 学 生 姓 名: 吴函 学 生 学 号:0961080117 指 导 教 师:李洪泊 、 董彦荣 2012 年 03 月 09 日河北科技师范学院教务处制Discussion on the laboratory information managementIntroduction University laboratory is the important base for teaching and research in Colleges and universities, his school management is a branch of the whole management system of laboratory, the implementation of scientific and modern management, will be helpful for back to the lab work efficiency, improve the level of teaching and research in Colleges and universities. Laboratory information management system by means of computer network, using scientific information for the overall management of the computer soft, hardware system, computer technology, management science and technology of analysis and testing. Now the majority universities have realized the campus network to open and use, therefore, based on the campus network in the open laboratory information management system, can make full use of campus cyber source, realizes the entire school faculties test information remote sharing, improve the work efficiency of the Department, from the original opening laboratory due to experimental student staff, time dispersion in management of complex, tedious, open laboratory brings obvious teaching effect improvement will promote schools to improve the laboratory seriously, increase investment, filling equipment. Thus laboratory information management will be in the future management work to play a powerful role in 1 . Laboratory information management system ( Lab Information Management System ), LIMS of the following abbreviation, is for the school laboratory massive data processing and management software, is a typical management information system ( Management Information System ), is the realization of online Experimental Teaching under the credit system and management of the important platform. It is an indispensable part of college laboratory, the contents of the experiment teaching of teachers and laboratory managers is critical, it can provide users with sufficient information and efficient means of the inquiry 2 . It can help teachers to understand the laboratory management and laboratory equipment and drug use, to provide students with respect to the query performance course for laboratory management, data entry and export to provide convenient.Laboratory management information system management information system ( Management Information System, referred to as MIS ) is a continuous development of new disciplines, with the progress of science and technology, the definition of MIS has also been updated. At this stage generally think that MIS is a management staff and the computer component is used for information collection, transmission, processing, storage, maintenance and use of the system, is a management science, information science, system science and computer technology to combine a comprehensive discipline. Management information systems: 1 the physical composition of computer hardware systems include: host, external memory, input and output devices such as. 2: computer software system including system software and application software two parts. The 3 communication system: including lines and other communication facilities and computer network, data communication related software. 4 staff include: system analyst, programmer, maintenance personnel, administrator, operator Design of laboratory management system guideline is: to design a campus network based on the open laboratory management software, the realization of chemical experimental teaching and management system of course arrangement, equipment management, research reporting, web publishing, online booking, query results, laboratory evaluation, material use, reported to the State Ministry of education report, experimental teaching and online laboratory records, system administrators for experimental resources management, information and other functions 3 . Can complete all types of information browsing, query, add, delete, modify other functions, the data form a good relationship. University laboratory management system is mainly composed of students, teachers function area, functional area of functional area managers. Student function area by the basic situation, laboratory management, experimental teaching and open experiment modules; teachers function area by laboratory staff, equipment, consumables, laboratory assessment, laboratory construction, data report six modules; functional area managers by the daily office, system maintenance module. According to the domestic and foreign excellent LIMS technology application experience, can be summed up in last few years LIMS design with a few basic characteristics 4 1. technology with the first, efficiency, practicability, safety.2. data management functions, data collection, treatment, release can not occur in the process of data loss, change problems;The 3 page is friendly, simple operation, the use of database technology and unified browser interface;4 a high degree of automation, the network has the advantages of simple structure design;5 .modular design, easy expansion of functions;6. product design flexible, customized short cycle;On the laboratory information management a few experience: 1 should be fully aware of the significance of the information statistical work. College laboratory information statistics reflect the latest developments in the laboratory work, the competent authorities for browsing, query, statistics, printing provides information. Therefore, we must do a good job in a timely laboratory basic information update and maintenance. As the equipment information management, it is a dynamic management process, the purchase of new equipment by a qualified acceptance, it is necessary to timely entry, in the online update data, in order to reflect the information timeliness, accuracy, but also can reflect the objective, the basic situation and the latest developments in laboratory 5. 2 to speed up the pace of informatization construction of network lab. Along with the science and technology and information management development, colleges and universities laboratory information statistics work must be established to adapt, normative, scientific, convenient and practical day-to-day management software platform. Therefore, the colleges and universities must speed up the pace of information construction of laboratory network, and with the campus network connectivity, so as to realize information resources sharing under the network environment. In the laboratory of basic information in the process of building, should pay attention to the effective use of information, requirement management in practice many fumble, practice, summary, continuous improvement and perfection, to maximize the use of existing resources and information, and truly reflect the use of resources value. 3 maximizing information statistical function. School after completing college laboratory information statistics, data reporting based on laboratory, in the transfer of basic information, the departments at all levels of dynamic understanding of laboratory instruments and equipment changes and loss situation of laboratory teaching, task completion, laboratory materials consumption, laboratory staff training, promotion, change situation, students experimental expenditure conditions for comprehensive understanding of existing laboratory, School of basic resources, dynamic control and management of laboratory instruments and equipment, use benefit evaluation and provide a reliable basis and guarantee 6 . 4 the importance of information statistics daily management work. Strengthening the laboratory information management, improve the college laboratory information statistics quality, standardize the laboratory experimental teaching management. Basic laboratory information standardization, scientific, modern management is a need to often be caught indefatigable, ceaseless practice, ceaseless and perfect, constantly updated, the continuous improvement of the system of engineering. In order to realize this goal, we need to work in the future to pay more hard work, continuous exploration and practice, continuous learning and improvement, and constantly improve and enhance the level of management, and better service for teaching and scientific research 7 . 5 to improve laboratory information administrator quality and status. To strengthen the experimental technical team construction, improve the quality of experimental teaching is not a first-class laboratory technical personnel team, can not have first-class laboratory management level, also cannot develop a first-class talent and first-class experimental results. Experimental technique of personal qualities, moral standards, professionalism, attitude, good manners and have great influence on students, to improve the quality of experimental teaching, to high-quality personnel training requirements, must have a high quality, ability, must study the spirit of the experimental technical team to do that. Therefore, the experimental technical personnel to see more business books, journals, literature, in the mastery of professional theory and technology on the basis of relevant theories, pay attention to the new progress, update and enrich their knowledge system, will be the latest information and methods, recent advances and achievements in practice application. In addition, as an experiment technical staff, we should establish the teaching, scientific research and students consciousness of service 8 . Only when everything from teaching, all for the sake of teaching, create a good environment, to fulfill the task of experiment teaching. Of course, the leadership must pay attention to the laboratory construction, through the improvement of experimental staff working conditions, wages and benefits increase solutions lab staff shortage, the structure unreasonable problem; should take scientific position, reasonable preparation, assessment so as to arouse the enthusiasm of experimental staff; encourage laboratory personnel training learning, and regularly NEW theory, new technology training, in order to promote them to improve the operational level 9 . College laboratory information statistics work in Colleges and Universities under the joint efforts, the successful completion of the various information and data statistics, as the superior departments laboratory development plan and related policy to provide important basis. With the laboratory management system to further promote and use, to achieve higher education teaching resources sharing and management efficiency play a positive role in promoting and facilitating. Through our unremitting efforts of laboratory management, laboratory information statistics reporting system will be more perfect.The endThe above analysis, we can fully realize the design and development of a laboratory information management system the necessity and the urgency, laboratory management system shall be in accordance with the provisions of the school laboratory information management, to meet the school laboratory information management needs, and to achieve the intuitive operation, convenient, practical, safety requirements. System uses a modular design approach, both for the system function of the combination and modification, but also easy to not participate in system development technical maintenance personnel to add and maintain. Laboratory information management system through the whole school LAN experiment building of the laboratory information together, as the school experiment teaching and laboratory construction to provide comprehensive and timely information, convenient management, at the same time, through the campus network expansion of various types of information technology application, shared by students and laboratory information 10 .Reference.1 at the beginning of Gan Ren, Chen Yonghong, Long Hong. Management information system M. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2001, 35 49 2 Wei Qi. ERP, CRM and SCM three information systems integration J . China information news, 2002, ( 8) : 5 8 3 Han Yan, Li Suicheng. The production method and the management information system development J . Group technology and modernization of production, 2001, ( 3) : 15 18 4 of modern logistics management task group. Supply chain management M . Guangzhou: Guangdong economy press, 2002, 55 57 5 Zhang Jujian, Gan at the beginning of Ren. Management information system development and implementation technology J . Application Research of computers, 2003, ( 1) : 47 58 6 of Ye Juan. In the development of ERP number of integration problems J. Enterprise economy, 2002, ( 9) : 55 58 7 of He Yaoqin CRM. The concept and key factors in its implementation J. Journal of Southwest Jiao Tong University ( SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION ), 2002, ( 3) : 14 28 8 Luo Chaoli, Lee Wanhong. Management information system principle and application M. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 2002, 37 38 9 LAN Yisheng, etc. Electronic commerce logistics management M . Beijing: China financial and Economic Publishing House, 2001, 45 48 10 Pu Shunyu. Management information system M. Beijing: Renmin University of China press, 1997, 5介绍高校开放实验室是高校教学与科研的重要基地,他的管理工作是学校整体管理工作的一个分支体系,对实验室实行科学与现代化的管理,将有利于发回实验室的工作效率,提高高校教学与科研水平。实验室信息管理系统是指通过计算机网络,采用科学的各种信息进行全面管理的计算机软、硬件体系,是计算机技术、管理科学和分析测试技术的集合体。现在全国大多数高校都已实现了校园网的开通与使用,因此,研究基于校园网络的开放实验室信息管理体系,可以充分利用校园网络资源,实现全校各院系试验信息远程共享,提高实验管理部门的工作效率,摆脱原有开放实验室由于实验学生人员多,时段分散所导致的管理工作复杂、繁琐,开放实验室所带来的明显的教学成效改进必将促使学校提高对实验室的重视,加大投入,充实仪器设备。因此实验室的信息化管理必将在今后的管理工作中发挥强大的作用1。实验室信息管理系统(Lab Information Management System),以下简称LIMS,是针对学校实验室的大量数据处理工作而开发的管理软件,是典型的管理信息系统(Management Information System),是实现学分制下网上实验教学与管理的重要平台。它是一个高校实验室不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于实验教学的老师和实验室管理者来说都至关重要,它能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段2。能有效的帮助实验室管理人员和老师了解实验室设备和药品使用情况,为学生提供成绩跟课程方面的查询,为实验室管理者的数据录入和导出提供方便。实验室管理信息系统概述 管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是一个不断发展的新兴学科,随着科技的进步,MIS的定义也在不断更新。目前阶段普遍认为MIS是一个由管理人员和计算机组成的用以进行信息的收集、传输、加工、存储、维护和使用的系统,是一门管理科学、信息科学、系统科学与计算机技术相结合的综合性学科。管理信息系统的物理组成:1. 计算机硬件系统:包括主机、外部存储器、输入输出设备等。2. 计算机软件系统:包括系统软件和应用软件两大部分。3. 通信系统:包括线路等通信设施和与计算机网络、数据通信有关的软件等。4. 工作人员:包括系统分析员、程序设计员、维护人员、管理员、操作人员等 设计实验室管理系统的指导思想是:设计一套基于校园网的开放实验室管理软件,实现化学实验教学和管理系统的课程安排、仪器设备管理、科研申报、网络发布、网上预约、成绩查询、实验室评估、材料使用、上报国家教育部报表、网上实验教学和实验室档案保存,系统管理员进行实验资源管理、信息发布等功能3。可以完成对各类信息的浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改等功能,数据之间形成良好的关联性。 高校实验室管理系统主要由学生功能区、教师功能区、管理员功能区构成。学生功能区由基本情况、实验室管理、实验教学和开放实验模块构成;教师功能区由实验室队伍、仪器设备、低值易耗品、实验室评估、实验室建设、数据报表六个模块构成;管理员功能区由日常办公、系统维护模块构成。根据国内外优秀的LIMS技术应用的成功经验,可以总结出近几年设计的LIMS具备一下几个基本特点41 技术上具有先进行、高效性、实用性、安全性。2 数据管理功能完善,数据的采集、处理、发布过程中不会出现数据丢失、改变的问题;3页面友好,操作简便,使用数据库技术和统一的浏览器界面;4 自动化程度高,网络结构设计简单;5模块化设计,易于扩充功能;6产品设计灵活,客户化周期短;关于实验室信息化管理的几点体会:1.应充分认识信息统计工作的重要意义。高等院校实验室信息统计数据反映了实验室基础工作的最新动态,为主管部门查询、浏览、统计、打印提供了信息资料。因此,必须及时做好实验室基本信息的更新与维护。正如仪器设备信息管理,它是一个动态的管理过程,新购仪器设备一经验收合格,就要及时录入,在网上更新数据,才能体现信息的及时性、准确性,也才能客观、真实地反映实验室的基本情况和最新动态5。2.要加快实验室网络信息化建设的步伐。随着科学技术和信息化管理的发展,高等院校实验室信息统计工作的完成必须建立与之相适应、规范、科学、便捷实用的日常管理软件平台。因此,各高等院校必须加快实验室网络信息化建设步伐,并与校园网络连通,以便实现网络环境下的信息资源共享。在实验室基本信息建立过程中,要注重信息的有效利用,要求管理人员在实践中多摸索、多实践、多总结,不断改进与完善,最大限度地发挥和利用现有信息资源,真正体现出资源的利用价值。3.最大限度地发挥信息统计功能。学校在完成高等院校实验室信息统计、数据上报的基础上,要及时进行实验室基本信息的传递,使各级部门动态了解实验室仪器设备增减变动及损耗情况、实验室教学任务完成情况、实验室材料的耗费情况、实验室人员的培训、晋升、变动情况、学生实验的开支等情况,为学校全面了解现有实验室基本资源情况,动态把握和管理,开展实验室仪器设备使用效益评价等提供可靠的依据和保障6。4.重视信息统计的日常管理工作。加强实验室信息资料的日常管理,提高高等院校实验室信息统计工作质量,规范实验室实验教学管理。实验室基本信息的规范化、科学化、现代化管理是一项需要常抓不懈、不断实践、不断完善、不断更新、不断改进的系统性工程。要真正实现这一目标,我们还需要在今后的工作中付出更多更艰辛的劳动,不断探索与实践,不断学习与完善,不断改进和提高各层次的管理水平,更好地为教学科研服务7。5.提高实验室信息管理员的素质和地位.加强实验技术人员队伍建设,提高实验教学质量没有一流的实验技术人员队伍,就不能有一流的实验室管理水平,也不可能培养出一流的人才和获得一流的实验成果。实验技术人员的个人素质、道德水平、敬业精神、治学态度、文明举止等对学生影响很大,要提高实验教学质量,适应高素质人才培养要求,必须有一支素质高、能力强、有一定钻研精神的实验技术人员队伍做保证。因此,实验技术人员平时要多看业务书籍、期刊、文献,在掌握专业基础理论和技术的基础上,关注相关学科理论的新进展,更新并丰富自己的知识体系,将最新信息和方法、最新进展和成果应用于实践。另外,作为一名实验技术人员,应树立为教学、科研和学生服务的意识8。只有一切从教学出发,一切为教学着想,创造一个良好的实验环境,才能真正完成好实验教学任务。当然,高校领导必须重视实验室建设,通过改善实验人员工作条件、增加工资福利等措施来解决实验室人员数量不足、结构不合理的问题;应采取科学设岗、合理编制、规范考核等办法来调动实验人员工作的积极性;鼓励实验室人员进修学习,并定期进行新理论、新技术的培训,以促进他们业务水平的提高9.高等院校实验室信息统计工作在各高校的共同努力下,顺利完成了各项信息数据的统计汇总,为上级主管部门制定实验室发展规划及相关政策提供了重要的依据。随着实验室管理系统的进一步推广与运用,将对实现高校教育教学资源的共享和管理工作的高效运行发挥积极的推动和促进作用。通过我们广大实验室管理人员的不懈努力,实验室信息统计数据上报系统会更加完善。结束语 有以上分析,我们可以充分认识到设计并开发一个实验室信息管理系统的必要性和迫切性,实验室管理系统应符合学校实验室信息管理的规定,满足对学校实验室信息管理的需要,并达到操作过程中的直观,方便,实用,安全等要求。系统采用模块化程序设计的方法,既便于系统功能的组合和修改,又便于未参与系统开发的技术维护人员补充和维护。实验室信息管理系统通过学校局域网把整个实验楼各实验室的信息汇聚起来,为学校实验教学和实验室建设提供全面及时的信息,方便管理,同时亦可通过校园网扩展各类信息化应用,共享学生及实验室信息10。参考文献:1 甘仞初,陈永红,龙虹. 管理信息系统M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2001,3549.2 韦琦. 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