三年级下英语教案-Module9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike_外研社(三起)

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三年级下英语教案-Module9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike_外研社(三起)_第1页
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三年级下英语教案-Module9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike_外研社(三起)_第3页
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Module9 Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike?一、教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)在课文句型和交际中学习 by, bike, bus, go to work, walk(2)学习 She /he goes to school by bike. He goes to work by car. She walks to work .这类谈论拥有交通工具及交通方式的语句。2、技能目标:(1)Can read and copy the new words and expressions of the unit。(2)Understand the meaning of the text and can answer the questions according to the text.(3)能用所学语句谈论出行的交通方式。3、情感目标:通过谈论交通工具及交通方式,培养学生对英语的兴趣。二、教学重点和难点(1)掌握一般现在时中, 主语是第三人称单数时动词的规则或不规则变化。(2)句子:Has she/he got a bike?She/he goes to school by bike.He/she goes to work by car. She/he walks to work.(3)词汇: by, bike, bus,car, go to work, walk(4)学习认读字母,能区分大小写,并能进行临摹,笔顺、比例基本正确。三、教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up and revision (1) T:Class begins!Hello boys and girls! How are you?S:Im fine,thank you.And how are you?T:Im fine, too. Thank you.T:This class is very important.Are you ready? S: Yes. (2)播放自行车声音,让学生猜测,出示自行车图片,认读单词bike.出示风筝图片,认读kite,并提醒学生区分这两单词的发音。(3). Ask and answer.“Have you got a (kite bike)?”“Yes, I have./No, I havent”老师与同学做一个示范后,尽量由学生问,学生答。老师说:“Tom has got a nice bike. And Amy has got a nice kite. Lets say a chant. ”(认读has got)Listen and chant:Hes got a bike. Its a nice bike.Shes got a kite, Its a nice kite.(a. Clap say it together. b. Clap say it in groups. )Step 2: Presentation and practice (1)、今天我们主要用“has got”和“hasnt got”来描述他人所拥有的交通工具,以及描述他人的出行方式。Teacher plays the flash,“boys and girls, there are many voice here, Lets listen carefully, What are they? Guess!”Listen and guess the voice, Learn the new words “bike,bus,car”.“Bike,bike, bike, she has got a bike.(边说出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)Bus,bus,bus,he hasnt got a bus. (边说出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)Car,car, car, she has got a car. (边说出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)(Walk, walk, walk, lets walk to school.”(边说边做背书包,步行上学的动作)(2)、再一次纠正单词的发音,并学习。学习单词walk,通过肢体语言练习,边说walk边走到一个同学前,由这个同学说walk在走到另一个同学前,练习“walk”。 I go to work on foot.I walk to work.对比教授:work,walk. 并板书(3)、 Listen to the recorder,first listen,point and say.Then answer the questions:老师做示范后,鼓励有能力的学生说出更完整的句子。(完成表格问题)(4)、课件出示课文:listen and repeat the text.(5)、read the text in groups.(6)、Quiz game(抢答游戏) How does Amy go to school? She goes to school_.How does Sam go to school? He goes to school_.How does Mr Smart go to work? He goes to work_.How does Ms Smart go to work? She goes to work_.(7)、Listen and tick.(听活动2录音,勾一勾)完成练习后全班订正答案。(8)Lets talk (practice in pairs. Then show.)a. How does your mother go to work ? She goes to work_. b. How does your mother go to work ? He goes to work_. (practice in group, then show in group.)Step3: Lets relax and say a chant. (Activity 4 )(1) 、First , enjoy the chant.(2) 、Listen and follow the chant.Step4: Play the game.(Work in group)Follow and say. I go to school by .She/He goes to school by(启发学生自由大胆说,更进一步把本课所学内容练习熟练。)Step5:Listen ,repeat and trace the letters. (Activity 6)(1)、教师在黑板上出示四线格,写出大写U,要求学生跟着书空练习。教师写出小写字母u,要求学生用手指在空中跟着写。然后请学生在自己的练习本上练习写Uu。(2)、以同样方式学习字母Vv, Ww,并跟读。Step6: Homework1. 完成活动7调查表。(Ask and answer.Then tick.)2.搜集一些未其它的有关交通工具的新单词,整理后,下节课前把新单词介绍给全班同学。So much for this class , Thank you very much, Goodbye Class. Summary: 总结本课所学内容。Designs: Unit 2 She goes to school by bike.She goes to school by bike. He goes to school by bus. He goes to work by car. She walks to work.精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载


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