译林牛津版 9A Unit 8 Detective stories welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件 (共27张PPT)

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译林牛津版 9A Unit 8 Detective stories welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件 (共27张PPT)_第1页
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译林牛津版 9A Unit 8 Detective stories welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件 (共27张PPT)_第3页
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NoImageNoImageDo you like reading detective stories?Many people like reading detective stories because they are exciting and full of mysteries.NoImageNoImageNoImageNoImageSherlock Holmes夏洛克夏洛克.福尔摩斯福尔摩斯Can you think of some famous detectives? NoImageSherlock Holmes is a famous detective. He is very clever and has a wide knowledge of different things.NoImageNoImageNoImageConanBao Zheng They are all famous detectives ,they are good at finding out some clues. According to the clues, they can find out the suspects and see who is guilty. Their job is to catch the murderers and tell people the truth.NoImageNoImage侦探侦探线索线索丢失的丢失的犯罪嫌疑人犯罪嫌疑人谋杀谋杀中等身材的中等身材的不整洁的不整洁的有罪的有罪的真相真相猜测猜测说谎说谎words learningdetectivecluemissingmurdersuspectmediumuntidyguiltytruthguesslieNoImageHe is dressed like a detective. NoImageListen and answer.Listen and answer. 2. Who is Eddie looking for ?3. Is Eddie is a real detective? No, he isnt.He is looking for his food. 1.Why is Eddie dressed like that?Because he thinks he is a detective.NoImageRead amd act out the dialogue:NoImagewhat qualities should a real detective have?. He should be _.clevercarefulbravepatientcalmimaginativeorganizedtalentedNoImagePlay a game: To be a detectiveLast Saturday night at 8 p.m. , a young man was murdered in Sun Town. The police found four suspects.NoImageJimmy WhiteJames. BrownEmily SmithFrank JohnsonNoImageRead something about each suspect and then finish the tasks .NoImageQuestions1. Whats James Browns job?2. Where was he when the murder happened?3. What is he like?A doctor.He was working in a hospital in Sun TownHe is tall, slim and serious.Task 1:NoImageFill in the blanks.This man is _. He is a _. He lives in _. He is _, _. Last Saturday, he was in _.Jimmy WhiteshopkeeperSun Towntallstrong and helpfulNew CityTask 2:NoImage Emily Smith works in a restaurant. She lives in Moon Town. Last Sunday she was shopping in Sun Town. She is small, fat and quiet.True or falseTFFTTest 3:NoImage ( ) 1. What does Frank Johnson do? A. A cook. B. An office worker. C. A shopkeeper. ( ) 2.Where was he last night? A. At school. B. In the shop. C. At home. ( ) 3. Whats his personality? A. Helpful. B. Friendly. C. Nervous.BCCMultiple choiceTask 4:NoImageI think (James Brown/Jimmy White/ Emily Smith/Frank Johnson)is the murderer becauseWho is the murderer?Whats your opinion?NoImageListen and answer. 1. Who does Sandy think is most likely to be the murderer? Why? 2. Who does Daniel think is most likely to be the murderer?Jimmy White. Because he lives in Sun Town. Frank Johnson.Daniel and Sandy are also talking about the murder in Sun Town. NoImageWork in pairs and discuss who you think is most likely to be the murder. Pair workSample conversationS1: Who do you think may be the murderer?S2: I think is most likely to be the murderer.S1: Why?S2: Because S1: I dont think is the murderer. HeShe is S2: Then who do you think is the murderer?S1: I think is the murderer becauseNoImage Language points: 1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie? 你为何打扮成那样?你为何打扮成那样? dress在这里是动词,在这里是动词,“穿着衣服穿着衣服”。常用于。常用于被动语态,被动语态,be dressed in 表示某人在某个场表示某人在某个场合穿着什么衣服。合穿着什么衣服。 她今天穿了件红衣服。她今天穿了件红衣服。 She_today. 给某人给某人/自己穿衣服自己穿衣服_ 她大了能自己穿衣服了。她大了能自己穿衣服了。 She is old enough to_.穿成那样穿成那样_is dressed in reddress sb/ oneselfdress herselfbe dressed like thatNoImage2. My food has gone missing.我的食物不见了。我的食物不见了。 go 在这里做连系动词在这里做连系动词, 意为意为“变成变成, 处于处于状态状态” (go表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化)。e.g:gone bad这个食物已经变质。这个食物已经变质。The food has_. 我认为她听到那个消息后会发疯的。我认为她听到那个消息后会发疯的。I think she _when she hears the news.will go madgo missing =be lost 丢失,不见丢失,不见我的自行车已经丢了。我的自行车已经丢了。My bike has gone missingMy bike has been lost.NoImage3. We have made notes on all of them. make notes on sb. 对某人做笔录对某人做笔录 e.g.我们已经对四个嫌疑犯做了笔录。我们已经对四个嫌疑犯做了笔录。We have made notes on the four suspects.4. Who do you think is not telling the truth ? 你认为谁没有说出真相。你认为谁没有说出真相。 true- truth n. 真相真相 tell the truth 说出真相说出真相NoImage5. I guess Jimmy White is lying. lying 为为lie 的现在分词的现在分词, 这里表示这里表示“说谎说谎” lie_ _ lie(现分现分)_ 他经常向他父母撒谎。他经常向他父母撒谎。 He always _his parents. 他又在撒谎。他又在撒谎。 He_ again. lies to is lying lied liedlyinglie 还可作名词还可作名词 tell a lie/lies 说谎说谎NoImage6. Hes an office worker of medium height. (be)of medium height 中等身高中等身高e.g.他中等身高。He is of medium height. NoImageFind out the phrases: 寻找线索寻找线索 失踪失踪 中等个头中等个头 说实话说实话5.看起来不整洁,紧张看起来不整洁,紧张6. 侦探故事侦探故事7. 谁是谋杀者谁是谋杀者 8. 对某人做笔录对某人做笔录make notes on sblook for clues go missingbe of medium heighttell the truthlook untidy and nervousdetective storieswho is the murderer导预疑学导预疑学NoImage一、词汇运用一、词汇运用1. Why_ you _ (dress) like that?2. Eddies food has gone_ (miss)3. The coats with blood were those _ (murder).4. His bedroom is too_ (tidy). Lets_ (help) to clean it.5. That person you saw yesterday is of _ (middle) height.6. That night, an old woman_ (murder).7. The murder_ (happen) on a cloudy night.missingmurderersuntidyhelpmediumwas murderedhappenedaredressedNoImage二二.完完成成句句子子1.你为什么打扮成一个侦探?你为什么打扮成一个侦探? Why_?2.我们数学老师中等身高。我们数学老师中等身高。 Our maths teacher_3.事故发生后,警察给每个人做了笔录。事故发生后,警察给每个人做了笔录。The police_ after the accident.4.他有可能是罪犯,因为他正在撒谎。他有可能是罪犯,因为他正在撒谎。He might _.are you dressed like a detectiveis of medium height .made notes on everyonebe the murderer because he is lying


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