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小学四年级英下册Unit4At a farm partB教学设计 【教学目标】1.能听说、认读本课时主要动物单词:hen, sheep, cow, horse, 及其复数形式。 2.能听说、认读重点句型What are they?They are并能在实际情境中运用。3.培养学生热爱动物,热爱劳动的情感。【教学内容】本课时主要教学hen, sheep, cow, horse这四个重点单词以及重点句型What are they?They are【教学重点】单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse及其复数形式的表达。句型:What are they?和they are的问答。【教学难点】单词的复数形式表达。【教学准备】1、Lets learn课件。2、教师和学生共同准备所学动物单词卡。学生用的头饰3、Lets do部分课件。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming upGood morning, boys and girls! Today we will learn unit 4 at the farm part B lets learn. First, lets sing the song “old MacDonald”, please stand up and sing together. Are you ready? OK, lets go! T: Do you love animals?T :animals are our friends. What animals do you know?Ss: Dog , cat , duck , cock , elephant , bear , zoom , mouse , chicken , pig Step2. PresentationLook, this is old MacDonald farm. Wow, its big and beautiful! Lets go and have a look!(1) henT: Look,who iscoming? (CAI呈现母鸡) S: hen T: Yes, youre right. Hen hen hen (教学hen). T: Good .Can youfindaheninthepicture.Hen hen. Its ahen. T: (CAI present 3 hens ) look , how many hens are there in the picture ?S: Four.T: Good. Hens, hens . They arehens. (出示在CAI)Henhen. Itsahen. Henshens . Theyarehens.( 不时地提问Whats this ? What are they?T: Oh, the hens are hungry. Lets feed the hens.(CAI出示声音和动作)T: Followmeplease. Feed thehens. Feed thehens.(边做边说)(2) horse (CAI呈现马蹄声 )Whoscoming?S: horse. (教学horse)T: Youresoclever. Horse, horse,its a horse.T: Do you like horses?(出示徐悲鸿先生的奔马图) This is the picture painted by the famous artist Xu Bei hong. Lets count how many horses are there in the picture? One horse, two horses(慢速示范发音,让学生感知发音的变化。)S: T: Whereis ZhangPeng ? S: Hes on the horse.T: Yes, he isridingahorse. Rideahorse. Rideahorse Ss: (act and say) (Can you ride a horse?)(3) CowT: All of you do good job, Ill show you a picture. (指着奶牛)Look, theyre so strong. What are they? Theyre cows.T: (出示词卡) How to pronounce it, “c-o-w”? T:(出示now 的词卡)How about this one?(对比单词)T: Good! Here is a flower for Boys Team. Read after me. Cow, cow, cow, this is a cow.Ss: (repeat)T: Girls, how many cows are there in the picture? Girls: T: Its right!( A beautiful flower for beautiful girls! Follow me, please.) Moo, moo, moo, what are they? Cows, cows, cows, theyre cows.(简单chant)Ss: (repeat)T: We can get milk from the cow. Milk is good for our health. Its from the cow. We should thank the cow. (CAI出示图片) Lets milk a cow. Now, now, now, Im hungry now. Cow, cow, cow, lets milk a cow.(边说边做动作)Ss: (act and say)(4) Sheep4超级模仿:读单词,写单词。Step 3 Practice Activity 1:guessing gameActivity 2:lets do /lets chanthens hens hens , feed thehenshorse horse horse , ride a horsecow cow cow , milk a cowlamb lamb lamb ,hold a lambsheep sheep sheep,shear a sheepActivity 3:sing a song (两只老虎),make a song.T:Old Macdonald and his friends are very happy. Are you happy ? (Im happy ,too.)Letssing a song.Sheep, goat, cow, hen, lamb, horse, What is it? What is it? Its a sheep. Its a sheep. Sheep, goats, cows, hens, lambs, horses, What are they? What are they? They are sheep. They are sheep.Activity 4:出示所有动物,love animals, love your friends!(情感教育) Activity 5:songActivity 6:make a happy farmT : This is my farm, Its very beautifulWhat are they? How many? ),every group has a farm and many animals,you can design your farm and talk with your partners. (全班分成7个组,设计并介绍自己的农场This is our farm, Its beautiful. Are they?How many can you see? We like it.)Step 4: consolidation 课堂延伸:复数和动物俚语(两张PPT)Step 5: homeworkDesign your own farmBb designUnit 6 At a farmhen hens sheep sheephorse horsescow cowsWhats it?Its Whatre they?Theyre


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