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九年级英语Unit 2知识点 1. used to 的用法:1) used to be + n./adj. 过去是 He used to be a policeman. She used to be a little baby-fat. used to do 过去常常做(现在不再做)Miss He used to teach us English.The Wangs used to live on this street. 翻译:他以前是医生._我以前有一双明亮的大眼睛. _我们以前走路上学. _人们以前经常饭后和家人一起玩. _我们以前经常在河里游泳. _2) 可以和there 连用 There used to be 某地方曾经有There used to be a village around here.There used to be an apple tree in front of my house.翻译:以前这有家医院. _地球上以前有很多的森林. _3) used to 的否定didnt use to He used to smoke. (否定) He _ _ to smoke. = He usednt to smoke. 改为否定句:She used to wear glasses. _We used to have lots of time for play. _ We used to go to sleep by 10.2) 一般疑问句和反意问句的构成有两种 I used to be quiet.(一般) _ you _ to be quiet?He used to grow long hair, _ _?(反意疑问句) 分别改为一般疑问句和反意疑问句:Jane used to be afraid of the dark.He used to be a problem student. I used to go to movies at weekend. used to , get /be used to , be used to 的区别1) get/be used to sth /doing sth 习惯于做翻译成汉语:I get used to the school life now.I didnt get used to it at first. We have to be used to getting up so early. 2) be used to do sth. 被用来做 = be used for doing Stamps are used for sending letters. Knives are used to cut things.2.on the swim team=play for the team3.be afraid of sb/sth 害怕某人或某物He is afraid of snakes.Be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事(担心后果) He is afraid of falling into water.be afraid to do 害怕做某事(胆小) He is afraid to go out alone.be afraid that 恐怕 I am afraid that you cant smoke here.I am afraid so. -The weather report says it will rain again. - Look at the heavy cloud. I am afraid so.I am afraid not. Am I right? I am afraid not.4. terrify v. 使害怕/恐惧 adj. terrified /terrifying His showing-up terrified all of us. = His appearance was terrifying. = We were terrified at his appearance be terrified of = be afraid of害怕 Many girls are terrified of snakes. Small kids are terrified of staying alone. I used to be terrified of the dark.5. dark n. 黑暗eg. In the dark, I cant see clearly. adj. 黑暗的, 天色晚的Before it get dark, we should find a hotel.Its getting dark, lets hurry up.6. with prep.1) with+名词/代词+副词, 表示伴随, “带, 具有, 一边” I sleep with my bedroom light on/off2) with+名词/代词+形容词 I left home with the window open/ closed this morning. She stood in the rain, with his clothes wet.3) With+名词/代词+介词短语The teacher came in, with a smile on his face.He stood in the door, with a book in his hand.Mary sat at the desk, with a pen in her mouth.7. on adj. 开着的, 接通的, 工作的,上演的 prep. 关于.There must be someone in the room, for the light is on. I like to sleep with light on.Whats on in the cinema?I would like to buy some books on western history.8. chew gum9. go right home right adv. right away/right now=at once 1直接 Go right home. 2 正好 The alien landed right in front of the building.10. notanymore (any more) = no more (指动作行为不再发生,可以和瞬间动词连用)eg: They dont play the guitar anymore (any more) = They no more play the guitar. not any longer= no longer(指动作不再延续,必须与延续性动词连用) eg: Im not young any longer=Im no longer young.11. chat with my grandmother12.take me to concerts13. miss the old daysmiss v. 想念;错过 miss the old days miss the bus miss some lessons/miss the beginning of the matchmiss doing sth.adj. missing 不见的 14. in/during/over the past/lastyears(通常用于一般完成时态)eg: He has learned 2,000 words in the past three years. You have changed a lot over the past few years.15. daily life 日常生活 daily adj. 日常的 eg. daily life China Daily n.+ ly adj. daily weekly monthly friendly lovely lively16.支付不起 cant /couldnt afford to do sth. cant / couldnt afford sth. 如:I cant / couldnt afford to buy the car. I cant / couldnt afford the car. 我买不起这个辆小车。17. grow it long18. it seems/seemed that seem to do/be seem+adj/n.eg: She seems shy.= She seems to be shy.=It seems that she is shy.19. death n. 死亡v. die 去世adj. dead 死了的, 没生命的 die-dying(现在分词) 垂死的 died (过去式) The old man _ last month. We were surprised to hear his _. My grandpa has been _ for 3 years. People can stay above the water in the “ _Sea.” Languages are changing all the time. With time on, some _ out.20. cause problems cause v. 引起, 造成, 使发生 The accident caused the accident. Many fires are caused by peoples carelessness. His words caused great anger among the public.n. 引起某事的原因;起因 + ofeg. Whats the cause of his death?21. get into trouble with the police22. in the end = at last 最后,终于 In the end, at the end of , by the end of & to the end of 的区别 in the end 最后,终于 at the end of 在结束的时候,在结尾的时候, 在末端 by the end of 在结束之前 to the end of 直到末尾Though he didnt agree at first, he gave in in the end. By the end of last term, we had finished the whole book. There will be a test at the end of this month. The rain lasted to the end of this week. 23. make a difficult decision24. to ones surprise 令人惊讶的是To my surprise, he didnt know me at all.= I was surprised that he didnt know me.25. even though= even if 即使;尽管 (引导让步状语从句)Even though he had a hard time with English, he never gave up.26. take pride in = be pround of 对某人某事某物感到骄傲自豪 take pride in +n./doing eg. We really take pride in our athletes and their achievements in 2008 Beijing Olympics!27. patient adj. 耐心的 be patient with sb . be strict with sb. be angry with sb. be pleased with sb. n. 病人(可数)Its a nurses duty to take care of the patients. 28. be afraid of being alone 29. attention n. pay attention to sth./doing 注意to 是介词,如果接动词接ing. 类似的还有: get used to (习惯做) prefer doing A to doing B look forward to (渴望做)eg. 1) I am looking forward to _ (meet) you again. 2) We get used to _ (get) up early in the morning. 3) Pay attention to _(protect) our homeland. 30. feel good about himself31. give up 放弃 give up sth./doing sth eg. Although English is hard, I wont give up.Smoking is bad for health, so I want to give it up.The doctor suggests me to give up drinking. Never give up!32. waste v. 浪费 eg. Dont waste time Wasting food in our school is quite common. n. 浪费, 废弃的东西 eg. a waste of timeFactories are not allowed to pour their wastes into the river. adj. 废弃的,无用的 eg. waste gas waste water waste paper33. historical places34. make learning histry a real experience35. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事如:My father has given up smoking. 我爸爸已经放弃吸烟了。36.不再 no more = no longer 如:I play tennis no more / longer.我不再打网球。not any more = not any longer I dont play tennis any more / longer. 我不再打网球。听力原文:1 a couple of = a few/several 几个 几天 几个错误 几个月 几个学生2 have a great memory 很棒的记忆力 很差的记忆力


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