四年级下册英语课件-Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)

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四年级下册英语课件-Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)_第1页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)_第2页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)_第3页
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Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully. 基 础 全 练三 、 写 出 下 列 动 词 的 过 去 式 。1.see saw2.sing sang3.have had 4.go went5.eat ate 6.drink drank 基 础 全 练四 、 写 出 下 列 短 语 的 汉 语 意 思 。1.have a picnic 野餐2.play games 玩游戏3.have a good time 玩得开心4.walk in the park 在公园里散步5.have a busy day 度过忙碌的一天6.sing and dance 唱歌跳舞7.help teachers 帮助老师8.listen to music 听音乐 能 力 优 练五 、 选 词 填 空 。A.makeB.wentC.tookD.drankE.sang( C )1.We some pictures last Saturday.( E )2.They beautifully yesterday.( A )3.She can a poster.( B )4.I to school by bus yesterday.( D )5.We milk and juice last night. 能 力 优 练六 、 给 下 列 短 语 选 择 对 应 的 图 片 。( E )1.play games( A )2.sing a song( B )3.make a cake ( C )4.have a picnic( D )5.eat food 培 优 巧 练七 、 单 项 选 择 。( C )1.They a boat on the lake yesterday.A.rowingB.row C.rowed( B )2.Yesterday I Mum.But Sam didnt Mum.A.help,helpB.helped,helpC.helped,helped( A )3.We all a very happy day last Sunday.A.had B.have C.has( C )4.Last Sunday Dad and I went . A.swim B.to swimmingC.swimming( B )5.Yesterday I my homework. A.do B.did C.does 培 优 巧 练八 、 将 下 列 句 子 排 列 成 一 段 完 整 的 对 话 。( 2 )Was it fun?( 1 )Dad,we had a picnic last Saturday.( 4 )What did you do there?( 3 )Yes,it was.We went there by bus.( 6 )Oh,you had a good time.( 5 )We ate some food and drank some drinks.And we played games. 培 优 巧 练九 、 写 出 下 列 句 子 的 汉 语 意 思 。1.He went there by car yesterday.他昨天开车去那儿的。2.In the park,they played chess and listened to music. 在公园里,他们下象棋和听音乐了。3.They had a busy day.他们度过了忙碌的一天。


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