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二二小学20142015学年度第一学期 六年级英语期中英语测试 班级:_姓名:_分数:_听力部分(40分)一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,讲答案写在括号里。(10分)( )1.A.build B.building C.beautiful( )2.A.want B.walk C.were( )3.A.hundred B.thousand C.million( )4.A.picture B.photo C.phone( )5.A.Chinese B.English C.American( )6.A.pleased B.plane C.play( )7.A.French B.friend C.fresh( )8.A.more B.museum C.moon( )9.A.spoke B.subject C.sure( )10.A.pretty B.pleased C.people二 听问句,选答语,将序号写在括号里。(10分)( )1.A.No,it cant. B.No,we cant. C.Yes,I can.( )2.A.Its two metres long. B.Its fifty years old. C.Its thirty metres wide.( )3.A.Im putting my books into my bag. B.Ive got a desk and a chair. C.Yes,I have.( )4.A.I live in China. B.Im from China. C.He comes from China.( )5.A.A.She can write in English. B.She can speak English. C.Her teacher speaks English.3、 听音,给图片排序。(10分)A组: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B组:( )There were Chinese people everywhere. ( )We cant walk along all of the Great Wall. ( )Here are some stamps from the US and Canada for you. ( )Christmas is very important to us in the US. ( )Ive got a pen friend in China.4、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分) Hello ,Im Brain. I _ from London. I cant _ Chinese,but I love China.Yesterday I _ to the Great Wall.Oh,great!Its more than forty _li long.Its more than two _ years old.I like Chinese_.This one is my favourite.Its a _ of Hainan Island.I want new _ in China.We can _ in English.Do you want to _ my pen pal(笔友)?笔试部分(60分)1、 给下列单词分类,把数字写在横线上。(9分)1. important 2.built 3.met 4.orange juice 5.sun 6.putting 7.office building 8.pretty 9.museum形容词_ 不规则动词过去式_ 地点名词_ 饮料_ 自然现象_ 现在分词_2、 单项选择。(10分)( )1.-_ is the man? -He is one metres eighty-two centimetres tall.A. How long B.How old C.How tall( )2.Can you _ me more about English festivals?A. told B.tell C.say( )3.What do you usually do _ Childrens Day?A. in B.on C.at( )4.He is _ computer games.A. plays B.played C.playing( )5.He_ a Chinese pen friend.A. wants B.wanting C.want( )6.I cant speak _ Chinese.A. a B.some C.any( )7.I _ three mails yesterday,one to my mum.A. write B.wrote C.writing( )8.There _ a pencil and some books on the desk.A. have B.are C.is( )9.What did you _ in the zoo?A. see B.saw C.seeing( )10.I want to visit many _ .A. country B.countrys C.countries3、 写出单词的正确形式。(6分)1. Thats more than five hundred _.(kilometre)2. She _ French 10 years ago.(speak)3. He really wants a _ pen friend.(China)4. Are you _ Simon?(visit)5. Can he _ in English?(write)6. These are her _ .(photo)4、 连词成句。(10分)1.A:_?(you tell about can me more it) B:All right.2. A:_?(from got stamps you China have any) B:No,I havent.3. A: _?(to her can I write) B:Of course.4. A:_?(do on you Thanksgiving what do ) B:We always have a big special dinner.5. A:_ ?(the tall is how tree) B:Its thirty metres tall.5、 阅读理解。(15分)Passage 1: The Spring Festival is my favourite festival.Its Chinese New Year.Before the Spring Festival ,I always send presents and cards to my friends.I play games with them.We often go shopping and visit our friends.I like the Spring Festival,because its very interesting.根据短文,判断下列句子的正确性。或( )1.My favoutite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival.( )2.The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.( )3.Before the Spring Festival ,I send sweets and cards to my friends.( )4.I dont play with my friends.( )5.The Spring Festival is very interesting. I like it.Passage 2: China made its first stamps in 1878.The first stamps were of a very big dragon.Chinese stamps are famous because they are very beautiful.They also show Chinese history,people,places and animals.Many stamps in China are childrens paintings.People love these stamps.根据短文,做出选择。( )1.China made its first stamps in _. A.1870 B.1978 C.1880( )2.We can see _ on the first stamps. A.a very big dragon B.people C.animals( )3.We cant see _ on Chinese stamps. A.history B.places C.food( )4._ paint the pictures on the stamps in China. A.Children B.Doctors C.Police man( )5.-Why are the Chinese stamps famous?-Because they are _. A.dragons B.beautiful C.animalsPassage 3: This is a picture _1_ my family.There _2_ seven people in my family.My mother _3_ got a nice name.I have two brothers.In the picture,Paul has got a basketball,and Robert has got a football.Then _4_ are my sisters.Kelly is my little sister.Shes only six _5_ old.Where am I?I am between my father and my mother. 仔细读短文,选择合适的单词补全文章,把字母序号写在横线上。( )1.A.in B.of ( )2.A.is B.are( )3.A.have B.has ( )4.A.these B.this( )5.A.month B.months6、 短文写作。(10分)要求:1.根据提示信息。 2.不少于5个句子,30个单词。 3.条理清晰,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。提示词: Name Age Country Hobby Cant Carol 13 England Drawing Chinese_5


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