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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,British and American Traditions and Customs,British and American Tradition,1,The British Traditions and Customs,The British Traditions and Cus,2,1.“Ladies First”,Women are the equals of men in having the,vote,taking paid,employment,and receiving,higher,education,feel that they need protect.,1.“Ladies First”Women are t,3,Behaviors,When men and women together into the room,the men have to help women,open the door,.,At the,beginning,of banquet,the men,pulled a chair,for the ladies to help women seated.,At the banquet,if a guest is a woman,when she entered the living room,most of the men,in the hall have to,stand up,to,show respect,.,Walking down the street or cross the road,the man should be in the,womans left,by the side of the car.,If a man with,two women walking together,he should go in,both of them,.,BehaviorsWhen men and women,4,2.Three“Donts,Behaviors,Feelings,Jumping of the queue,ill-bred(=impolite),disgraceful,Ask a woman her age,Impolite,Bargain,Losing face,2.Three“DontsBehaviorsFeelin,5,3.Three“INGS”,Betting,Horse racing and Bingo,(,宾果游戏,),3.Three“INGS”BettingHorse r,6,Costs,Exceeds2000 million,900 million on,horses,250 million on,dogs,300 million on,Bingo,100 million on,football pools,(Coral football,soccer lottery),and most of the rest in,casinos,(,赌场),.,Venice casinos night,CostsExceeds2000 million,90,7,Drinking,Beer,Wine,Whisky,Government,limit,the operating hours of all alcohol lounges(,旅店休息室,),pubs,inns(,小客栈,)and off-licences.,The time is usually from,11:30 a.m.to 3 p.m,.and again from,5 p.m.to 10:30 p.m,.,DrinkingBeer,Wine,Whisky,8,Tea-drinking,Every day they have,two 15 or 20,minute tea breaks.One in the,morning,the other in the,afternoon,.,The British are the,biggest,tea consumers,and use up,a quarter of,the world total of tea production.,Tea-drinkingEvery day they ha,9,In general,in the afternoon,the,special tea,are Qimen Black Tea,Darjeeling tea,Ceylon tea (祁门红茶,、印度大吉岭红茶、锡兰红茶,),or Tea with Milk.,In general,in the afternoon,10,Tipping,The tip depends on the,type,and extent of the,service,you have received.,To tip waiters,taxi drivers or hotel staff,outside of the meal and the fare to pay,10 or 15 percent,of the bill.After hotel attendants or railway porter service you,you have to pay a small tip.,TippingThe tip depends on the,11,4.Three Royal Traditions,Playing the flute/bagpipe,After the breakfast,the Queen listens to the flute by royal flutist.,Since 1843 Queen Victoria set the rule,it had not changed.,4.Three Royal TraditionsPlayin,12,The changing of the Queens guard,皇家队卫换岗仪式,Where:The ceremonies take place is in,front,of,Buckingham Palace,and the other is at,White hall,.,Time:at 11 a.m.weekdays and at 10 on Sunday.,The changing of the Queens gu,13,Red coats,black trousers,white belt,white gloves,glittering sword at the waist,tall black fur hat,the Queens guards,Red coats,black trousers,whi,14,The Queen make a parliamentary speech,Buckingham Palace Westminster,The gentleman Usher of the Black Rod,黑杖侍卫先生,The Queen make a parliamentary,15,The House of Lords,上议院,/The House of Commons,下议院,The House of Lords上议院/The Hous,16,John Bull,约翰牛,(,指英国或英国人,),In speaking of John Bull,an image immediately appears in our mind.He is short and fat,with a tall hat on his head and pair of boots on his feet.,It is the nickname for Britain,.,John Bull约翰牛(指英国或英国人)In speak,17,英国习俗与礼仪文化概述课件,18,In the eighteenth century,a Scottish writer named,John Arbuthnot,(,约翰,阿布什诺特,),who wrote five political satire pamphlets,collected them in 1712 in a book called,The History of John Bull,约翰,布尔的历史,in which he bitterly and vividly depicted the frankness,uneasiness and funniness of a gentleman called John Bull.,In the eighteenth century,a S,19,英国的绰号。原是,18,世纪英国作家约翰,阿布什诺特在,约翰,布尔的历史,中所创造的形象,一个矮胖愚笨的绅士,用来讽刺当时辉格党的战争政策。由于“布尔”在英文中是牛的意思,故译为“约翰牛”。随着,约翰,布尔的历史,一书的行销,人们便用“约翰牛”来称呼英国人,后来,约翰牛渐渐变为专指英国,成为英国的代名词。,在漫画家的笔下,约翰牛是一个头戴高帽、足蹬长靴、矮胖而愚笨的绅士形象。,英国的绰号。原是18世纪英国作家约翰阿布什诺特在约翰布,20,英国习俗与礼仪文化概述课件,21,American Traditions and Customs,American Traditions and Custom,22,Do-it-yourself,(自己动手),The Self-made Man,(自力更生),American Traditions and Customs,Do-it-yourself(自己动手)American,23,英国习俗与礼仪文化概述课件,24,Abraham Lincoln,Mother died early,Very poor family,Study by himself,much manual labor,Good at political,Philosophy,and eloquent speaker.,The president of America,Abraham LincolnMother died ear,25,Love of Privacy,The right to,privacy,and,personal freedom,is unquestioned by the British and Americans.,English,:Building a,fence,around the house to separate himself from neighbours,nesting castle,America,:Dont like to have a shared,bath hall,or,room,Love of PrivacyThe right to pr,26,Politeness,Base on the rule of showing,consideration,of others,:,1.Prefer to wait for such service to be offered,rather then ask for it,2.Excuse me-trouble somebody;Sorryunconscious distu


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