单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10 重点句型,1.如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得很高兴。,_ you _ to the party, _ _,a great time.,2.如果你这样做, 老师将不会让你进去。,If you do, the teachers _ _ you _.,3.如果他乘公共汽车去参加聚会,他会迟到的。,If he _ the bus _ the party, hell,_ _.,4.如果她呆在家里, 她会后悔的。,If she _ _ home , _ _,sorry.,5.你打算明天晚上去参加聚会吗?,_ you going to the party _,_?,If go youll have,wont let,in,takes to,be late,stays at,shell be,Are,tomorrow,night,6.你和谁一起去?,Who will you _ _?,7.学生们正在讨论什么时候召开一个班级晚会。,The students are _ _ when,_ _ a class party.,8.他们计划在星期六下午召开晚会。,They _ _ have it _ Saturday,afternoon.,9.如果他们今天开晚会将会发生什么事情?,What _ _ if they have the,party today?,10.一半的学生将不会来。,_ the _ wont come.,go with,talking about,to have,plan to,on,will happen,Half,class,11. 如果他们在聚会上看录像将会发生什么事情?,_ _ _ if they _,a _ _ the party?,12.什么时间是举行聚会的好时候?,When is a good time _ _ the party?,13.对于下周的聚会,我们应该要求人们带食物吗?,_ the party next week, _ we ask,people _ _ food?,14.他们只会带炸薯条和巧克力,因为他们太懒不会做,饭。,Theyll just bring _ _ and,_ because theyll be_ lazy,_ _.,What will happen,watch,video at,to have,For should,to bring,potato chips,chocolate,too,to cook,15.你认为如果他们赢了,我们是不是应该给他们一些,小礼物?,Do you think we should _ people some,small _ if they win?,16.如果我们那样做,更多的人会想要做游戏,那样游,戏会更有趣。,If we do that, _ people will want _,_ the game and the game will be _,_.,17.关于去迈克明天晚上的生日聚会我不知道该做什么。,I dont know what_ _ about,_ to Mikes birthday party tomorrow night.,18. 如果迈克去参加聚会,他的父母亲将会很失望。,If Mike _ to the party, his _ will be,_.,give,gifts,more,to,play more exciting,to do,going,goes,parents,upset,19.我也不知道怎样去参加聚会。,Also, Im not _ _ to go to the party.,20. 如果我走着去,将会花费我很长时间。,If I go there _ _ / _ there, it _ _ me too long.,21. 如果你们每天放学后都玩电脑游戏, 你们将没有足够的时间学习。,You wont have _ time _ _ if you play computer games _ _ every day.,22. 你能给我一些建议吗?,Can you give me _ _?,23. 如果迈克去上大学,他将再也不能成为一名伟大的足球运动员。,If Michael _ to _, hell _ _ a great soccer player.,sure how,on foot walk,will take,enough to study,after school,some,advice,goes college never,become,24. 如果人们有麻烦,他们不应该保守秘密。,If people have _, they shouldnt _ them to _.,25. 有时候他们有关于学业的问题,有时候是和朋友之间的问题。,Sometimes they have problems _ _, and sometimes _ their friends.,26. 一些人相信最糟糕的事情是什么也不做。,Some people believe the _ thing is _ _ nothing.,27. 在生活中麻烦和问题很正常。,Problems and worries _ _ _ _.,28. 我认为和别人聊聊帮助很大。,I think _ to someone _ a lot.,problems,keep,themselves,with,schoolwork with,worst,to do,are normal,in life,talking helps,29. 除非我们和别人说一说,否则我们肯定更难受。,_ we talk to someone, _,_ feel worse.,30. 她害怕告诉父母亲这件事情。,She was _ _ tell her parents,_ it.,31. 她坚持每天步行三里地去上学,因为她没钱了。,She kept _ three miles to school _,day because she didnt have any money.,32. 最后,她告诉了她的父母亲而且他们非常地善解人,意。,_ _ _, she talked to her,parents and they _ _ _.,33. 她的爸爸说他自己有时候也会犯粗心的错误。,Her dad said he sometimes _ _,_ _.,Unless well,certainly,afraid to,about,walking each,In the end,were really understanding,made careless,mistakes himself,34. 他们给她买了一个新钱包并告诉她以后要更小心。,They _ her a new _ and asked,her _ _ more careful.,35. 我以后要记住(要让别人)分担自己的麻烦。,I will always remember _ _ my,problems in the future.,36. Robert Hunt就一些常见问题向学生提出建议。,Robert Hunt _ students _,common problems.,37. 最好不要逃避问题,我们应该试图去解决他们。,Its best _ _ _ _,_ problems. We should always try,_ _ them.,38. 他认为第一步就是找一个你信任的人并向他倾诉。,He thinks the _ _ is _,someone you _ _ _ to.,got wallet,to be,to share,advises/advised about,not to run away,from,to solve,first step finding,trust to talk,39. 这个人不必是像Robert Hunt那样的专家。,This person doesnt need _ _ an,_ _ Robert Hunt.,40. 同学们往往忘记他们的父母亲有更多的经验并随,时准备帮助他们。,Students often forget their parents have,_ _, and are always,_ _ _ them.,41. 在英语中,我们说与人分担一个麻烦就像是把麻,烦分成两半。,_ English, we say that _ a,problem is like _ it _ _.,42. 你只要跟人聊聊这个问题, 你就已经解决了问题,的一半。,So you are _ _ _ a,problem just by _ to someone about it.,to be,expert like,more experience,there to help,In,sharing,cutting in half,halfway to solving,talking,43. 他同意劳拉的意见。,He _ _ Laura.,44. 如果我去参观养老院,我会为老人们带一些花。,If I visit an old _ home, _ _,them some flowers.,45. 如果青少年在外面呆到太晚,他们的父母亲会担心他,们。,If the _ _ _ too late, their,parents will _ _ them.,46. 如果会议5点前结束,我就去参加。,Ill go to the meeting if it _ _ 5:00p.m.,47. 我与我的父母处于冷战中。,I got _ a _ _ my parents.,48. 你应该向你的父母亲道歉。,You should _ _ _ your,parents.,agrees with,peoples well bring,teenagers stay out,worry about,ends by,into fight with,say sorry to,49. 你还能从其他的什么人得到建议?,_ _ can you get advice,_?,Who else,from,