,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,川菜八大名菜之一,麻婆豆腐(Mapo Tofu),M,aterials,Toufu(500g),S,hredded beef,(150g),Douchi Pixian chili pepper(40g),Zanthoxylum(3g),Garlic bolt(20g),Practices,;,step1,:Cut the tofu 2 centimeters square blocks,water poured into the pot,boiling heat after fire broke out a little salt,then Add tofu pot cheuk 2 minutes,remove the standby Drain.,Step2,Heat oil in wok until hot oil into a 4 pm(hands placed in the top of pot to a sense of warm)into minced meat,fried casual,off-sheng out after birth.,Step,3:,Pixian Douchi chili and chop fine(I lazy,did not cut),cut into diamond-shaped,g,arlic bolt,.,Step,4:,once again poured into the oil pan,heated up to 3 heat when adding Pixian,f,ried,chili flavor by adding red pepper powder and tempeh,f,ried,after oil,plus modest stock(or water),poured into the burning tofu 3 minutes.Add soy sauce,water starch starch once.Subsequently,minced meat,chicken and,g,arlic bolt,burned two minutes after,pour,water,in,starch starch,to close after the juice into the bowl-sheng,sprinkled pepper can face.,The end,Thank you,