Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Enterprise Workflow,Enterprise WorkflowTeam,Phase 1 Report,Jim Phelps,DoIT UW-Madison,Agenda,Definitions and examples,Process the team followed,Results:,Current Capabilities,Peer Institutions,Analysis of Enterprise Workflow,Components,Infrastructure requirements,Critical Success Factors,Summary and Next Steps,Definition of Workflow,Workflow:,The automation of a business process,in whole or in part,in which work items(objects)are passed from one participant(role)to another for action,according to a set of procedural rules(business rules).,1,Enterprise Workflow(E.W.):Workflow that is campus wide and spans multiple ERP applications.,E.W.is less of a product and more of a unifying framework and a measure of enterprise application integration.,1 John Mann,“Workflow and Enterprise Application Integration”,www.,ebizQ,.net,Examples,High Volume Work with Many Workers,Purchase Orders,Insurance Claims,New Hires,Seldom Performed Work with Complex Rules,Year-end Accounting,Taxes,Highly Parallel Work,Shotgun Gene Sequencing-Human Genome Project,Team Members,Judy Caruso,Carrie Regenstein,Todd,Friske,Dirk Herr-,Hoyman,Bob Mayville,Cathy OBryan,Jim Phelps,John Schmitz,Enterprise Workflow Team Mission,Summarize DoITs current capabilities,Review peer institutions,Assess what is needed for an Enterprise Workflow(E.W.)solution,Current Capabilities,ERP Packages:Lawson,PeopleSoft and Oracle,Content Management and other Systems,In-house applications,Lawson,Includes a workflow component called,ProcessFlow,.,Integrated with Lawson applications.,PeopleSoft Workflow,Part of,PeopleTools,In production for Student Financial Services:,Return of Title IV Funds,.,Seven other prototypes built,not in ISIS upgrade:,Grade Change,Deans Actions,Honors and Awards,Service Indicators,Drops,Program/Plan Changes,Repeat Changes,ADI New Hire prototype use by PA staff,WiscCare,/CBS payment integration,Demo for Office of Quality Assurance,Working with DRMT to implement a production system,Oracle Workflow,Stand-alone development tool which can link to any Oracle DB.,Core technology of Oracle Apps 11i(Platform for CBS).,Content Management Systems,DocuShare,-Authoring and editing workflow.,Oracle,iFS,(Internet File Server,-similar features to,DocuShare,),-,WebCT,Vista built on this system.,-This will use the Oracle Workflow engine.,-Will control the flow of documents from students to,faculty.,And what about,CIS System on Platform-homegrown change management,system,DoITs Travel Approval System,Discretionary Compensation Adjustment(DCA),Not to mention,all of the people running around Campus getting,forms signed by Deans,Chairs,etc,Current Capabilities,DoIT has several workflow solutions in place at various levels of the organization.,Enterprise Workflow might take advantage of these systems.,Peer Institutions,A questionnaire about Enterprise Workflow was sent out to CIC mailing list and the CSG mailing list.We also talked with individuals at various meetings around the country.,We received the following replies,Peers-Those who have,Indiana University,Building their own,XML based routing and approval engine.,Michigan State University,Building their own,Routing and approval engine.,University of Minnesota,Built their own,FormsNirvana,.,R&A engine.,Peers-Those who use,Oracle Workflow,NYU,Carnegie Mellon,(,Univ,of Penn&Yale also),PeopleSoft Workflow,Northwestern University,Georgetown University(future),Banner Workflow,University of Illinois,Peer Institutions,1 Institution(U,Minn,)has an Enterprise Workflow solution.,2 Others are building their own.,Most are like us:using the workflow capabilities within major applications.,Acronyms,Slide Number,AU/S Analysis,Acronyms Used/Slide,You are,Here,The Analysis of Enterprise Workflow(E.W.),1)Key Components,2)Sample Architecture,3)Critical Success Factors,Key Components for E.W.,Authoring,Process Design Assistance,Templates,Automatic Completeness Checking,GUI,Creating Transparency,Formalizing Processes,Making Rules Public,Assisting with Training,Run Time,Flow Control,Messaging,Queuing,Scheduling,Prioritizing,Object Management,Creation/Deletion,Access Control,Routing,Process Monitoring,Rules Enforcement,Reporting,Status Checking,Auditing,Process Optimization,Business Rules,Structure of Workflow,Staffing,Process Reporting,Metrics,Status Checking,Audit Reports,Version Control,Controlling versions of workflows.,Workflow rules.Multiple active versions.,Version,Control,Creating,Transparency,Sample E.W.Architecture,Role Definition Granularity=Business Rule Granularity,Digital Signature System,Cross Application,AuthN,/Z System,Institutional Data distributed throughout the Enterprise.,Sample E.W.Architecture,(MOM),Critical Success Factor(CSF)Analysis,Start with the Mission Statement.,Look at the High Level Goals.,Break the High Level Goals into individual success factors.,CSF Highlights!,14/72 CSF have to do with Ch