Click to edit Master title style,Copyright 2004 South-Western,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,3,SUPPLY AND DEMAND II:MARKETS AND WELFARE,7,Consumers,Producers,and the Efficiency of Markets,REVISITING THE MARKET EQUILIBRIUM,Do the equilibrium price and quantity maximize the total welfare of buyers and sellers?,Market equilibrium reflects the way markets allocate scarce resources.,Whether the market allocation is desirable can be addressed by welfare economics.,Welfare Economics,Welfare economics,is the study of how the allocation of,resources affects economic well-being.,Buyers and sellers receive benefits from taking part in the market.,The equilibrium in a market maximizes the total welfare of buyers and sellers.,Welfare Economics,Equilibrium in the market results in maximum benefits,and therefore maximum total welfare for both the consumers and the producers of the product.,Welfare Economics,Consumer surplus measures economic welfare from the buyers side.,Producer surplus measures economic welfare from the sellers,side.,CONSUMER SURPLUS,Willingness to pay,is the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good.,It measures how much the buyer values the good or service.,CONSUMER SURPLUS,Consumer surplus,is the buyers willingness to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it.,Table 1 Four Possible Buyers Willingness to Pay,Copyright2004 South-Western,CONSUMER SURPLUS,The market demand curve depicts the various quantities that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at different prices.,The Demand Schedule and the Demand Curve,Figure 1 The Demand Schedule and the Demand Curve,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Price of,Album,0,Quantity of,Albums,Demand,1,2,3,4,$100,John,s willingness to pay,80,Paul,s willingness to pay,70,George,s willingness to pay,50,Ringo,s willingness to pay,Figure 2 Measuring Consumer Surplus with the Demand Curve,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,(a)Price=$80,Price of,Album,50,70,80,0,$100,Demand,1,2,3,4,Quantity of,Albums,John,s consumer surplus($20),Figure 2 Measuring Consumer Surplus with the Demand Curve,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,(b)Price=$70,Price of,Album,50,70,80,0,$100,Demand,1,2,3,4,Total,consumer,surplus($40),Quantity of,Albums,John,s consumer surplus($30),Paul,s consumer,surplus($10),Using the Demand Curve to Measure Consumer Surplus,The area below the demand curve and above the price measures the consumer surplus in the market.,Figure 3 How the Price Affects Consumer Surplus,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Consumer,surplus,Quantity,(a)Consumer Surplus at Price,P,Price,0,Demand,P,1,Q,1,B,A,C,Figure 3 How the Price Affects Consumer Surplus,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Initial,consumer,surplus,Quantity,(b)Consumer Surplus at Price,P,Price,0,Demand,A,B,C,D,E,F,P,1,Q,1,P,2,Q,2,Consumer surplus,to new consumers,Additional consumer,surplus to initial,consumers,What Does Consumer Surplus Measure?,Consumer surplus,the amount that buyers are willing to pay for a good minus the amount they actually pay for it,measures the benefit that buyers receive from a good,as the buyers themselves perceive it,.,PRODUCER SURPLUS,Producer surplus,is the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the sellers,cost,.,It measures the benefit to sellers participating in a market.,Table 2 The Costs of Four Possible Sellers,Copyright2004 South-Western,Using the Supply Curve to Measure Producer Surplus,Just as consumer surplus is related to the demand curve,producer surplus is closely related to the supply curve.,The Supply Schedule and the Supply Curve,Figure 4 The Supply Schedule and the Supply Curve,Using the Supply Curve to Measure Producer Surplus,The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market.,Figure 5 Measuring Producer Surplus with the Supply Curve,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Quantity of,Houses Painted,Price of,House,Painting,500,800,$900,0,600,1,2,3,4,(a)Price=$600,Supply,Grandma,s producer,surplus($100),Figure 5 Measuring Producer Surplus with the Supply Curve,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Quantity of,Houses Painted,Price of,House,Painting,500,800,$900,0,600,1,2,3,4,(b)Price=$800,Georgia,s producer,surplus($200),Total,producer,surplus($500),Grandma,s producer,surplus($300),Supply,Figure 6 How the Price Affects Producer Surplus,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Producer,surplus,Quantity,(a)Producer Surplus at Price,P,Price,0,Supply,B,A,C,Q,1,P,1,Figure 6 How the Price Affects Producer Surplus,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Quantity,(b)Producer Surplus at Price,P,Price,0,P,1,B,C,Supply,A,Initial,producer,surplus,Q,1,P,2,Q,2,Producer surplus,to new producers,Additional producer,surplus to initial,producers,D,E,F,MARKET EFFICIENCY,Consumer surplus and producer surplus may be used to address the following question:,Is the allocation of resources determined by free mark