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Unit 1 Dream homes to the unit Whats your dream home like? ObjectivesTo be able to express your personal preference (个人喜好) in EnglishTo be able to recognize (识别) the famous places in different countriesTo learn the capitals of some countries 单词回顾学生早读时已预习过本单元单词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。 palacenext totownCanadaFranceJapan n. 皇宫,宫殿prep. 紧邻,在近旁n. 镇,城镇n. 加拿大n. 法国n. 日本Words review RussiaUKLondoncountrycapital n. 俄罗斯abbr. (=United Kingdom) 英国n. 伦敦n. 国家n. 首都Words review Eddie Hobo e-dog (电子狗)master (主人) palace restaurant Eddie and Hobo are talking about dream homes. Listen to their conversation and then answer the following questions.1. Where does Eddie like to live? 2. Which is Eddies favourite restaurant? 3. Why does Eddie like the biggest one? Can you guess? Doing activities Please try to describe your dream homes in English. Use the following sentences as a model.Writing workId like to live My favourite I like best.I live in Simon wants to learn about foreign countries. What foreign countries in the world do you know? Canadathe USAthe UK RussiaFrance Japan Here are some beautiful pictures. They are some of the most famous places in the world. Do you know them? In which country are they? Mount Fuji富士山Japan 日本 the White House白宫the USA 美国 France 法国 the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 Canada加拿大 the CN TowerCN电视塔 Big Ben大本钟the UK 英国 Red Square 红场Russia俄罗斯 Canada France Japan Russia the UK the USA Read and remember Where are they? the USA Russia Canada Japanthe UK France France Japan Russia Canada the UK the USA 加拿大俄国英国美国日本法国Match them China Beijing capital 首都 Do you know the capitals of these countries? France Japan RussiaCanada the UK the USA Tokyo Ottawa Moscow Washington DCLondon Paris Match them A: Which country is this photo from, Simon? S: Oh, its from Japan. This is Mount Fuji.A: I see. Where is it?S: Its near Tokyo.A: Is Tokyo the capital of Japan?S: Yes. it is.Simons cousin, Annie (A), is asking Simon (S) questions about the places in Part A. Let s practise - Which country is this photo from? - Oh, its from _. This is _.- I see. Where is it?- Its near _.- Is _ the capital of _?- Yes. it is. Pair work Which country would you like to live in? Which city would you like to live in? Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie?“would like + 动词不定式” 意为 “想要做” ,相当于 “want + 动词不定式”。如:Id like to buy my friend a nice present. = I want to buy my friend a nice present. 我想给朋友买个漂亮的礼物。 “would like + 名词” 意为 “想要” 。如: Would you like a cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡好吗? Yes, please. / No, thanks. 好的。/ 不用,谢谢。 1. Would you like to 2. Id like to 3. Which is your favourite? 4. Its from / near 5. the capital of To preview the wordlist in this UnitTo preview Reading on Page 8 Homework 1. Find more countries and their capitals. 2. Make up more dialogues to talk about your favourite places to live in.


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