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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,优秀班主任和学校大队辅导员的述职工作汇报(17),我从1995年中师毕业后一直在利安小学工作。其中95-99年在利安点校、白河点校工作,教授语文学科,担任所教班的班主任和学校大队辅导员工作。99年因工作表现和工作需要调入中心校,担任自然课教学和科技辅导员工作至今,其中99年5月评为彭州市优秀青年教师、99年12月取得汉语言文学专科自考学历、99年12月取得小学一级教师资格、XX年5月加入中国成为中共党员、XX年9月成为自然中心组成员负责四区片自然教研工作、XX年8月评为彭州市骨干教师、XX年10月成为成都市教育学会小学科学分会会员。下面我将近年来我的工作情况作个汇报:作为一名工作在教育一线的中共党员,我深深感到思想政治建设的重要作用。多年来,我一直坚持政治理论学习,学习党史、党章和党的领导人的理论著作,加强党性修为。坚持四项基本原则、坚持党的教育方针,做到教书育人、依法执教、为人师表,忠于人民的教育事业。关心国际国内大事,密切关注时事和政策方针,做到与时俱进、与上级组织保持一致。严谨治学、爱岗敬业,兢兢业业干好本职工作,积极主动地配合同事和领导完成学校工作。关心热爱学生,团结尊重,The Shirt of a Happy Man,Unit11 SectionA 3a-3c,There is a story,优秀班主任和学校大队辅导员的述职工作汇报(17)The Sh,1,cleaner,happy smile,cleanerhappy smile,2,Children in mountain areas(,山区的孩子,),enjoy themselves(,过得愉快,),Children in mountain areas(山区,3,Africa,a poor and hot country,The people still have happy time,Africa,a poor and hot country,4,ex-president(,前总统,)/a king,America,a beautiful and rich country,ex-president(前总统)/a king Amer,5,Is he happy?Whats wrong with him?How can we help him?,Is he happy?Whats wrong with,6,Independent Reading,each group choose one task,(,每组选择一个任务,),1,2,3,4,5,6,Independent Reading,7,Requirements(,要求,),1.Read and discuss.,2.Cooperate,(,合作,).,4.Evaluate,(,评价,),.,(,Which group is the best?,),3.Report,(,汇报,).,Each group will have one judge(,裁判,)to vote(,投票,).,Each judge cant vote your own group.And you only have one ticket,.(,每个裁判手里只有一票,不能投自己小组。,),take notes,Requirements(要求)1.Read and dis,8,Task 1.,我画故事地图,-,I can draw a story map!,It will help me retell the story to a friend,!,The setting,故事背景,(when,where),The characters,故事的角色,The problem,问题,The solution,解决的方案,A long time ago,in a rich and happy country,The king,a doctor,the prime minister,the kings banker,the palace singer,the kings top general,The king was unhappy,To find the shirt of a happy man,Task 1.我画故事地图-The setting故事背景T,9,Task 2.,我给故事排序,I can sequence events in the story.,In order to find the shirt of a happy man,First:,Then:,Next:,Finally:,The prime minister was called to the palace.,The kings banker came to the palace.,The palace singer came to the kings room.,The kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days time.,Task 2.我给故事排序 Then:Next:Fina,10,Task3.Read the story and answer the questions.,1.Can Medicine help the king?Why or why not?,2.Why does,power,not make the prime minster happy?,3.Why does,money,not make the banker happy?,4.Why does,fame,not make the singer happy?,Because theres nothing wrong with his body.Its all in his mind.,Because hes always worried about losing his power.,Because hes always worried about losing his money.,Because hes always worried about being followed by others.He cant be free.,Task3.Read the story and answ,11,Task,4,Find words or phrases from the story,with meanings similar to these phrases.,1.did not want to eat _,2.was asked to come and help _,3.look carefully at _,4.becoming less important,_,5.get my job _,didnt feel,like,eating,was called in,examine,take my position,losing ones power,Task 4 Find words or phrases f,12,Task,5.,我的想法,-,The story and me,My favorite character,我最喜爱,的,角,色,Something I learned,我学到的道理,My favorite part of the story,我最喜欢的情节,Task 5.我的想法-Something I learne,13,Task 6.The language art and grammar,语言精华欣赏,Sentence:,His face was always pale as chalk.,Reason:,asas,E.g:,Math is as easy as ABC.,2.Sentence:_.,Reason:_.,E.g:_.,A:Whats your favorite sentence?Why?,B:My favorite sentence is“A”.Because there is“asas”.,A:Can you give another example?,B:Yes.”Math is as easy as ABC.”,Task 6.The language art and,14,Which group is the best,Evaluate,(,评一评,),1,2,3,4,5,6,Which group is the bestEvalua,15,Are you a happy man?,Do you find a shirt of a happy man?,Are you a happy man?Do you fi,16,Everybody has troubles or worries,but we still have a lot of happy things in our life.(,在生活中,每个人都有一些担忧和烦恼,但是我们仍然拥有许多快乐的事情。,),Everybody has a shirt of happiness.,(每个人都拥有一件快乐的衬衣。),Everybody has troubles or worr,17,See you!,Hope to see your happy faces next time!,See you!,18,


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